35 Online WordPress Business Ideas You Can Start Today [2024]

Updated: July 24th, 2023

Interested in starting a wordpress business in 2024?

We put together 35 of the best wordpress businesses you can start in today.

For each business idea, we’ll show you real-world examples of other wordpress businesses to help you see what it really takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Start an online course sales business

Do you know you can make money selling what you are passionate about? People are making money creating courses and selling them online. Common online courses include music, cooking, coding, web design, dropshipping, etc.

Thus, you can turn it into a passive income by launching online classes if you have a skill. All you need is to choose a target audience, create the online course and choose an online learning platform where you can sell the course.

The e-learning market is expected to be worth over $645 Billion in the next few years.

How much you can make: $100 — $300,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

I Make $120K/Year With My Print On Demand T-Shirt Side Hustle

A multipreneur shares how she built a successful print on demand side hustle, generating $120,000 per year through multiple brands spread over various platforms.

Read by 11,636 founders

2. Start a wordpress resource business

For those with a knack for digital content and a deep familiarity with WordPress, starting a WordPress resource business can be a compelling venture. This business involves creating and providing valuable resources like themes, plugins, tutorials, and support services for WordPress users.

As WordPress continues to dominate a significant chunk of the website-building market, there's a perennial demand for high-quality, tailored resources. This business idea requires not just coding skills, but also an understanding of user experience, market trends, and community building.

The initial phase involves researching gaps in the market and developing unique offerings that stand out from existing resources. Marketing efforts through blogging, social media, and SEO strategies will be crucial in reaching and growing your customer base. If you're passionate about web development and ready to dive into the continuous evolution of WordPress, this is a business that can grow alongside your skills and the platform itself.

How much you can make: $800 — $12,200/month

How much does it cost to start: $600 (?)

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

How I Started A $1.4K/Month WordPress Support Service

Work Hero is a WordPress support and maintenance service that went from working with one website in December 2019 to 13 recurring customer sites today, earning ~$1470/month with most customers paying an unlimited fee of $149/month.

Read by 7,675 founders

3. Start a wordpress maintenance services

Ever found yourself bogged down by website technicalities? Enter WordPress maintenance services. Essentially, this involves managing, updating, and optimizing WordPress websites to ensure they run smoothly.

This business idea caters to the growing number of website owners who lack the time or expertise to handle the intricacies of WordPress management. You’ll tackle tasks like security updates, plugin and theme management, speed optimization, backups, and troubleshooting.

The appeal lies in its nature—combining technical savvy with recurring revenue. Businesses and bloggers often sign up for monthly service plans, providing steady income. Plus, it’s a scalable model. As you grow, hire a team of specialists or use automation tools to handle the workload.

Interested in tech and helping people? WordPress maintenance services could provide a satisfying and profitable endeavor. You don’t need to develop new platforms—just maintain and improve what’s already there, offering peace of mind to your clients.

How much you can make: $600 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $550 (?)

How long does it take to build: 22 days (?)

How I Started A $1.4K/Month WordPress Support Service

Work Hero is a WordPress support and maintenance service that went from working with one website in December 2019 to 13 recurring customer sites today, earning ~$1470/month with most customers paying an unlimited fee of $149/month.

Read by 7,675 founders

4. Start a career coaching business

A career coaching business involves providing personalized guidance, support, and strategy services to help clients navigate professional transitions and growth opportunities.

As a career coach, you design custom sessions to assist with resume building, interview prep, and workplace advancement goals tailored to each client’s aspirations.

With flexibility for in-person or virtual meetings, building a client base lets you empower breakthroughs through specialized advice and accountability.

Launching a coaching practice can be a great opportunity for those with speaking talents and human resources expertise to monetize their natural motivational abilities while setting their own schedule.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $235,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

From Getting Fired At 24 To Growing A $140K/Month Online Community

Wall Street Oasis, the largest online community focused on careers in finance, has over 100 million visitors during its 14-year history and is currently receiving over 2 million visits per month, offering interview courses and mentorship services, in addition to building and investing in a thriving online community.

Read by 22,039 founders

5. Start a niche blog

Starting a niche blog can be a great way to engage with a passionate online community by sharing your expertise on a specific topic.

The first step is to identify a profitable and underserved niche, such as fashion, video games, film reviews, cooking, and more.

Find your niche and create unique and informative content, such as articles, commentary, news, how-to guides, top product lists, convention coverage, video interviews, and spotlights.

To monetize your blog, gain visibility and followers, provide affiliate links, grow a YouTube channel, collaborate with relevant brands, and speak at events.

To succeed in niche blogging, you need to have a passion for your topic, create engaging content, and regularly engage with your followers.

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $650 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Turned A Crappy Idea Into A $3M/Year Business

Starter Story grew to 1.4 million monthly visitors and millions in annual revenue by sharing the stories of entrepreneurs. Pat breaks down the early days and how he grew the business into something that changed his life.

Read by 69,772 founders

6. Create an online course

An online course business involves creating and selling digital classes teaching specialized skills or knowledge to subscribed students.

As an entrepreneurial course creator, you identify educational gaps around topics you have expertise in and develop engaging video lessons and supplementary materials.

With flexibility around self-paced or cohort-based structures, building a student base provides passive income potential.

For founders who enjoy information-sharing, launching an online course platform presents a lucrative way to monetize your instructional talents with small startup costs by serving eager lifelong learners seeking convenient access to emerging subjects.

How much you can make: $350 — $1,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 87 days (?)

How This 28-Year-Old Couple Quit Their Jobs And Make $20K/Month Running A Blog

Learn how one couple created a successful personal finance blog, The Savvy Couple, that now makes over $20,000 per month and has sold thousands of digital workbooks and courses, by focusing on purposeful content and optimizing their ROI with efficient time management.

Read by 28,169 founders

7. Start an ecommerce store

An eCommerce business is a company that sells products or services online. Ecommerce businesses have many advantages over brick-and-mortar businesses, including lower overhead costs, increased flexibility and reach, and the ability to reach a wider audience.

eCommerce is booming right now because of the convenience and efficiency it offers consumers. Consumers can buy products from their favorite brands on a platform that makes the whole process easier than ever. They don't have to leave their homes or go out in public, they can just sit down at their computer, tablet or smartphone and browse through all of the options available to them.

To start an ecommerce business, you'll need to set up a website where customers can browse your inventory and purchase items, as well as payment processing software that allows you to accept credit card payments. You'll also need to choose a shopping cart software and manage inventory tracking software.

How much you can make: $350 — $13,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

How I Started A $20K/Month Southern Inspired Candle Business

Southern Elegance Candle Company, founded by D'Shawn Russell, started as a side hustle making around $200 per weekend at a local Farmers Market, but now averages approximately $20,000 per month in sales across their retail site, wholesale site, and Faire.

Read by 71,573 founders

8. Start a content writing company

Content writing involves writing, editing, and publishing content in a digital format. Examples of content include a blog post, product description, and podcast script—eBooks, press releases, or landing page content.

Becoming a content writer allows you to work as your boss. Therefore, you choose whatever working schedule suits you and take a manageable workload. Moreover, content writing helps you develop essential skills you may not obtain from regular writing.

Content writing is a highly-on-demand service, as companies compete for the online audience who often begin their shopping journey by searching for relevant and educative content online. Therefore, a content writing company is an excellent source of passive income.

To start a content writing company, research the market and choose a suitable niche. Sketch a proper business plan and create a website. Hire a pool of talented writers and leverage modern technology to streamline operations.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $550,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $550 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How Dani Mancini Transformed Her Freelance Gigs Into A SaaS Business

Scribly.io, a subscription-based copywriting service providing high quality content that helps businesses scale at roughly 50% of the cost of hiring in-house, created by Dani, a first-time entrepreneur who started with just a few hundred dollars worth of projects and with the help of three other writers; as of last month, Scribly.io topped $14K monthly revenue.

Read by 13,111 founders

9. Build a SEO tool

SEO tools provide data and alerts about the health and success of a website. Website owners and businesses are looking for tools to help them quickly identify and fix SEO issues. Thus, starting an SEO business that focuses on developing SEO tools can be a rewarding career.

How much you can make: $2,800 — $850,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 52 days (?)

How I Bootstrapped My SaaS Company To $2.5M/Year In 5 Years As A Solo Founder

Solo founder Todd Hooper bootstrapped Prerender.io from zero to $2.5 million in ARR over 5 years by releasing an open-source project on Github and turning it into an SEO-friendly version of React, Angular, and Javascript websites, and then offering it as a SaaS service for businesses.

Read by 16,468 founders

10. Start a web development business

A web development business is a company that builds and takes care of websites. They typically use coding and design skills to create online spaces that meet the needs of individuals or businesses.

These businesses help ensure websites work well and look good, playing a key role in the online presence of their clients.

How much you can make: $3,000 — $700,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $4,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

I Built A $300K/Year Vue.js Component Library

Vuetify is a popular open-source user interface library, built with the Vue.js framework, that generates revenue through digital content and services such as paid digital content in the Vuetify store, direct support through consulting, ad revenue from Carbon ads on the documentation pages, and donations/sponsorships via GitHub and Patreon, generating an average income of $6,500 per month.

Read by 46,008 founders

11. Start an ecommerce marketing agency

Ecommerce agencies help online sellers achieve their eCommerce business goals through creative, technology, and marketing skills.

Hiring an eCommerce agency enables online sellers to start an eCommerce business or grow an existing one without employing full-time staff.

The eCommerce industry is often changing, and online sellers must match the current trends or risk being paced out by the competition. Balancing between production, launching creative services, and working on growing their eCommerce brands can be extremely difficult. Thus, the brands have no other option than hire eCommerce agencies.

Starting an eCommerce agency can be a profitable and fulfilling business opportunity. If you plan to state your eCommerce agency, educate yourself on the current trends and focus on building digital skills. You may focus on a particular niche or offer end-to-end services to your customers.

How much you can make: $7,500 — $8,300,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $3,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $120K/Month Online Course For Social Media Marketing Agencies

Iman Gadzhi made over $1.2M in profit within two years with his social media marketing agency and education company, where he teaches entrepreneurs how to start and scale a profitable SMMA, with over 45 of his students making over six figures with their SMMA, and over 300 students having quit their regular jobs.

Read by 15,338 founders

12. Start a wordpress plugin business

If you have used WordPress, you must know you cannot run a successful website without using a few plugins. Ideally, WP plugins help run the website successfully.

Selling WordPress plugins is one of the basic ways you can make money online. Thus, if you have found a solution to an issue, you can develop a plugin for it and earn income from the plugin.

If you are considering starting a WordPress plugin development business, ensure you focus on offering a solution to a particular need.

You can sell WP plugins at online platforms such as CodeCanyon., sell them on your blog, or create a separate website for the plugin.

How much you can make: $120 — $120,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 135 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

How I Coded A Website Plugin Making $600 Per Month

Wheely Sales CEO Josh created a lucky wheel popup that has grown revenue from $0 to $600/month in just 4 months since getting started and has attracted over 1.1 million users to his customers’ websites, all while proving that when it comes to creating a product, competition is validation.

Read by 18,668 founders

13. Start a wordpress website as a service designing business

Need a digital presence but lack the technical know-how? Consider a WordPress website design business. This venture involves creating and maintaining WordPress websites for clients who either lack the time or expertise to do it themselves.

You'll be setting up, customizing, and managing websites on the WordPress platform, providing ongoing support, and ensuring that clients’ needs are met from start to finish. For many businesses, having an effective, professional website is crucial, yet they often don’t have the in-house ability to create one.

By offering these services, you solve a critical business problem, making you invaluable to these companies. Though it requires some technical knowledge and creativity, the demand makes it a worthwhile endeavor. Start small, build your portfolio, and grow through referrals and a strong online presence. It’s a practical business with real growth potential for someone willing to put in the work.

How much you can make: $7,000 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $875 (?)

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

Building A $500K/Year Software Development Business With A $500 Investment [Ukraine]

Ukrainian software development company TRIARE, with a current annual turnover of $500,000, shares how personal and collective responsibility, paired with patience and consistency, can help build a profitable business.

Read by 4,543 founders

14. Start a web design and development blogging business

Interested in web design and development? Consider starting a blogging business focused on this ever-evolving field.

This idea revolves around creating a blog that offers tutorials, insights, and reviews related to web design and development. Content could range from coding tips to website optimization strategies, catering to both beginners and seasoned professionals.

Starting this blog means you'll need a solid understanding of web design and development, along with consistent content creation to keep your readers engaged. The investment is low, but the work can be demanding, involving regular updates and marketing efforts to attract an audience.

If you're passionate about the web design world and enjoy sharing knowledge, this business can be a fulfilling way to connect with a community while building an income stream. It's a perfect blend of creativity and technical expertise, with the potential to grow into a monetized platform through ad revenue, sponsored posts, and premium tutorials.

How much you can make: $12,200/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How I Started A $1.4K/Month WordPress Support Service

Work Hero is a WordPress support and maintenance service that went from working with one website in December 2019 to 13 recurring customer sites today, earning ~$1470/month with most customers paying an unlimited fee of $149/month.

Read by 7,675 founders

15. Start a wordpress developer business

Want to use your web design skills to help businesses build their online presence? Consider starting a WordPress developer business.

In simple terms, a WordPress developer business involves designing and developing websites using the WordPress platform. WordPress powers over a third of all websites globally, making it a highly sought-after skill for businesses of all sizes.

Clients will rely on you to create user-friendly, responsive websites that cater to their specific needs. From e-commerce sites to company blogs, the opportunities are diverse. Your job isn't just about coding; it's about crafting a seamless online experience that drives business goals.

The appeal lies in the flexibility—this can be a side hustle or a full-time gig, and you can operate entirely online. With the right skills and a good marketing strategy, a WordPress developer business is both a rewarding and scalable venture.

How much you can make: $2,350 — $210,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $800 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $4.8K/Month WordPress Maintenance Service

ThriveWP, a WordPress Maintenance Service based in the UK, shares how they started a $3.5k a month business providing website management, maintenance, hosting, and support services to various customers, with a focus on customer-centric service and a non-jargon approach.

Read by 6,444 founders

16. Start a premium forums business

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

17. Start a web hosting service

White label web hosting or reseller hosting is the ability to re-sell another hosting company’s servers. The hosting service provider allows a white label reseller to take their platform and add their branding to offer the service to their customers.

A white label hosting reseller licenses existing technology, rebrands it to match the company’s logo and colors, and offers the service to their clients.

How much you can make: $15,000 — $30,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $750 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

I Went From Making Extra Income With Affiliate Websites To Building A $360K/Year Business

Case study on SEO consultancy and affiliate marketing business generating over $360k per year with over 700k monthly visitors, with insights on building valuable content, conducting extensive research, and working with a skilled and dedicated team.

Read by 6,855 founders

18. Create a wordpress theme

Creating WordPress themes puts you in the driver's seat of web design, without the need for coding skills. WordPress themes are pre-designed website templates that users can install and customize to fit their brand or personal style.

Imagine generating and selling attractive, functional themes that cater to various niches—from bloggers to small businesses. With millions of sites powered by WordPress, the demand for unique, easy-to-use themes is consistently high.

Starting this business involves understanding market trends, user needs, and aesthetic design principles. You'll need a bit of upfront work: researching popular features, creating appealing designs, and marketing your themes effectively. However, once established, it's a revenue stream that can grow through theme upgrades, add-ons, and customer support.

If you're keen on design and have an eye for functionality, building WordPress themes could be your gateway to tapping into the vast web development market.

How much you can make: $18,000 — $150,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $100 (?)

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

How A Tomato Led Me To Build A $1.8M/Year Agency & Product Studio

This case study follows the success story of Nick, founder of Qoders Family, who has generated over $3M in revenue through his various website building services including an award-winning development design agency, custom-designed WordPress theme templates, free WordPress plugins, and a Shopify app.

Read by 5,402 founders

19. Start a wordpress marketing business

Want to help businesses master their online presence? Consider a WordPress marketing business.

In simple terms, this involves creating, customizing, and optimizing WordPress websites for clients, while also offering comprehensive marketing strategies tailored to increase their online visibility.

By diving into this field, you'll combine web design, SEO, content marketing, and social media to drive traffic and conversions for your clients. From small startups to established enterprises, virtually every business needs a strong digital footprint.

Starting this business can be highly rewarding, especially if you have a knack for both creativity and technical skills. It requires dedication, but the ongoing demand for digital marketing makes it worth the effort. Pursue this path if you're looking to transform your web and marketing skills into a thriving, client-serving business.

How much you can make: $15,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

From Coding Games And Websites In Childhood To Starting A $15K/Month Digital Agency

Seasoned web designer Corey Hayes started Get X Media, a marketing agency that offers website design, customized apparel printing, and comprehensive digital marketing solutions that has experienced significant growth, with a remarkable increase in traffic 13 times higher than before and approximately doubling year-over-year, achieving a retention rate of 98%, and hoping to triple growth this year.

Read by 1,738 founders

20. Start a wordpress instructor business

Launching a business as a WordPress instructor taps into the ever-growing demand for web development skills. This venture involves teaching individuals or groups how to build, customize, and manage websites using the powerful WordPress platform.

Starting out, you'll design comprehensive courses tailored to beginners or advanced users, offering them step-by-step guidance through workshops, tutorials, or online classes. The flexibility of this business allows you to set your own pace and adapt content to meet varied learning needs, making it an appealing option for those with a passion for teaching and tech.

With the consistent need for online presence across industries, the potential client base is expansive, from small business owners to aspiring bloggers. By becoming a WordPress instructor, you're not just teaching technical skills, but also empowering others to create and control their digital spaces. This business idea is ideal for those who want to make a tangible impact while enjoying a rewarding teaching experience.

How much you can make: $2,350/month

How much does it cost to start: $600 (?)

How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)

How I Started A $2.3K/Month Learning Platform To Teach People How To Start A Web Design Business

Learn how one founder built and grew a web design business learning platform, with an average online revenue of $2,350/month, by providing step-by-step training systems and resources for beginners and using consistent publishing on YouTube, blog and email lists to retain customers.

Read by 5,132 founders

21. Start a wordpress job listing business

Looking to tap into the growing gig economy? Consider starting a WordPress job listing business. This venture involves creating a WordPress-powered website where employers can post job vacancies and job seekers can apply.

The process is straightforward but demands consistent effort. You'll need to set up a WordPress site, install job board plugins, and optimize for SEO to attract both employers and job hunters. Offering premium listing options can generate revenue, while regular updates and effective marketing will keep your platform relevant.

Imagine the impact of helping people find their dream jobs while you build a sustainable income stream. With dedication and a knack for online marketing, this business could become an indispensable resource in today’s competitive job market.

How much you can make: $120,000/month

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

We Now Sell Over $1.2M/Year Of Plugins

Barn2 Plugins, founded in 2009 by a husband-and-wife duo, sells innovative software products generating over $100,000 in monthly revenue aimed at website owners on the WordPress and WooCommerce platforms, with their first product, WooCommerce Password Protected Categories, launched to market after identifying a gap in the industry.

Read by 4,182 founders

22. Start a contributing writing business

Contributing writing might just be the flexible and rewarding career shift you’ve been searching for. This business involves providing written content for various clients, from blogs and websites to marketing campaigns and technical documentation.

By leveraging your writing skills, you can tap into diverse industries that need engaging and well-crafted content. It’s not just about writing; it's about becoming an invaluable storyteller, shaping the way brands communicate with their audience.

Starting requires more than just a flair for words; you'll need to market yourself, build a portfolio, and consistently meet deadlines. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr can help you find initial clients and projects.

If you take pleasure in crafting compelling narratives and have the discipline to manage your own workload, contributing writing can become both a career and a passion. Dive in, and let your words make an impact.

How much you can make: $2,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $100 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How I Bootstrapped A $2K/Month Online Community To Discuss Literature

Merrative, a community-driven marketplace for publishing talent, generates an average of $1,500 per month in marketplace transactions from their 5,000+ strong community of readers, writers, journalists, and scholars.

Read by 3,707 founders

23. Start a wordpress consulting business

A WordPress consulting business involves helping individuals or businesses with their WordPress websites.

This could include tasks like setting up a new website, customizing an existing one, troubleshooting technical issues, and providing advice on how to improve the site's performance.

To start this business, you'll need a good understanding of WordPress and its functionalities, as well as basic web design knowledge.

You can offer your services on platforms like freelancing websites or through your own website, and you can choose to charge clients per project or on an hourly basis.

With minimal upfront costs, such as a computer and internet connection, a WordPress consulting business is a low-cost venture that can be run from the comfort of your own home.

How much you can make: $200 — $10,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $7,550 (?)

How long does it take to build: 70 days (?)

How I Turned My WordPress Freelance Gigs Into A Productized Service

WP-OK offers unlimited WordPress support services designed for serious website owners, boasting a team of four WordPress experts who have provided support for over 2800 tickets and 200+ customers since their launch in 2015, attributing their growth to strategies such as podcasts, Google ads, chatbots, and content marketing.

Read by 7,708 founders

24. Start an e-book writing business

An eBook business is profitable and flexible, letting you start a business from anywhere, while it is a low-cost business that is easy to start. You can make a living self-publishing and selling eBooks online as long as you are ready to invest your time and money in it.

Anyone can start an eBooks business! Just choose a niche that interests the target audience, and ensure in-depth research.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $62,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $67 (?)

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

How We Started A $514K/Year Content Curation Agency With Just $35 [From India]

Content-Whale, a content curation agency, has achieved a Rs. 4 crore ($514k/year) turnover 4-5 years after being started with just Rs. 2500 ($35), and has a pool of more than 500 writers, aiming to become a market leader in the global content market.

Read by 5,824 founders

25. Start a wordpress memberships business

Looking to build a recurring revenue stream online? Consider a WordPress memberships business. This model involves creating a website where users pay for access to exclusive content, tools, or services.

Starting a WordPress memberships site is straightforward. You'll need a WordPress website, a membership plugin, and valuable content or services that people are willing to pay for. It could be anything from tutorial videos, downloadable resources, to a niche community forum.

The real appeal lies in the potential for predictable, ongoing income. Once set up, your primary task will be to keep your content engaging and valuable to retain members. Unlike one-off sales, this model fosters long-term relationships with your audience.

Take the plunge into the world of WordPress memberships if you’re ready for a business that promises sustainability and growth through ongoing value delivery.

How much you can make: $100,000/month

How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)

How We Developed A $100K/Month Paid Memberships Plugin For WordPress

Learn how two entrepreneurs developed a successful open-source membership plugin for WordPress that brought in an average of $100k per month in revenue and grew to over 100,000 sites while offering premium add-ons and support services.

Read by 10,034 founders

26. Start a dance tutorial blog

Ever wanted to share your love for dance and help others learn? Start a dance tutorial blog. This business idea involves creating a platform where you can post instructional content, ranging from basic steps to advanced routines.

You’ll be producing written guides, photos, and video tutorials that walk users through various dance techniques. The content can cover multiple styles—like ballet, hip-hop, salsa, and more—offering something for everyone, from beginners to seasoned dancers.

Monetize your blog through ads, sponsored posts, or premium content subscriptions. Integrate social media to reach a broader audience and engage with your followers. If you’re passionate about dance and enjoy teaching, a dance tutorial blog could be a fulfilling way to turn your passion into a business. It's a manageable, cost-effective startup idea that uses your existing skills.

How much you can make: $8,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $250 (?)

How We Started A Niche Business For Ballroom Dancers And Pivoted When Our Industry Shut Down

Learn how Dance Dress Couture launched The Ballroom Box, a quarterly subscription box targeted to the ballroom competitive industry, and grew it to double the number of subscribers with each box released, while also providing tips on attracting and retaining customers.

Read by 7,046 founders

27. Start a Premium plugin development business

Looking to tap into the flourishing digital economy? Consider starting a premium plugin development business. This venture involves creating specialized software add-ons for popular platforms like WordPress, Shopify, or Magento, enhancing their functionality.

Your task is to identify the gaps and pain points in existing platforms and develop plugins that solve these issues. You’ll need to code, test, and market your plugins effectively. There’s a growing demand for high-quality plugins that offer unique features, security enhancements, and seamless user experience.

Why should you consider this business? The rise of ecommerce and digital content has fueled the need for customizable solutions. If you have coding skills and a knack for problem-solving, premium plugin development can offer a lucrative, scalable business opportunity. With the right approach, you can secure a steady stream of passive income as customers purchase and subscribe to your plugins.

How much you can make: $30,000/month

How long does it take to build: 119 days (?)

We Started A $360K/Year Business Selling WordPress Themes And Plugins [From Brazil]

Visualmodo co-founders Claudio Pires and Jared Dias started a global WordPress theme development company which generates $360k per year, with the market growing rapidly.

Read by 3,674 founders

28. Start a wordpress security business

A WordPress security business focuses on protecting websites built on the popular WordPress platform from online threats and vulnerabilities.

This business involves offering services such as malware scanning, firewall setup, regular software updates, and overall website security audits.

By identifying and addressing potential risks, the aim is to ensure the safety of clients' WordPress sites, preventing unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats.

As a WordPress security business owner, your key tasks would include providing robust security solutions, educating clients on best practices, and offering ongoing support to keep their websites safe and secure.

WordPress security businesses play a crucial role in safeguarding the online presence of individuals and businesses using WordPress for their websites.

How much you can make: $600/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Acquired A WordPress Plugin And Grew Revenue 50%

Site Alert, a small business-focused monitoring tool for websites, saw revenue grow by 51% under new ownership by Southport Ventures, thanks to focused growth initiatives and organic growth through the WordPress plugin marketplace.

Read by 2,444 founders

29. Start a local reviewer business

Have you ever wished you could get reliable, insightful reviews of local businesses from someone you trust? Consider starting a local reviewer business. This business involves visiting and evaluating local restaurants, shops, and services, then sharing your honest opinions and experiences online.

You’ll build a following of loyal readers who rely on your insights to make their purchasing decisions. The work involves exploring your community, taking detailed notes, snapping photos, and crafting engaging content.

As your influence grows, local businesses might offer incentives for you to review their offerings, but maintaining unbiased and valuable feedback is key. If you love discovering new places and helping others make informed choices, a local reviewer business could be a rewarding venture.

How much you can make: $5,600 — $10,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

From Casino Player To Building A $10K/Month Online Casino Guide Thanks To SEO

Indian founder Arjun Patel created online platform onlinecasinoguide.in which provides honest reviews, guides and details about casino sites and promotions in India, gaining 30,000 monthly visitors through dedication and patience in building a solid SEO foundation.

Read by 4,177 founders

30. Start a wordpress UI & UX designing business

Interested in making the web more intuitive and user-friendly? Start a WordPress UI & UX designing business. This venture involves creating aesthetically pleasing and highly functional interfaces for WordPress websites.

At its core, this business is about understanding user behaviors and designing websites that offer seamless experiences. Your role would encompass designing intuitive layouts, choosing optimal color schemes, and ensuring that every element on the site enhances the user's journey.

What makes this idea appealing is the ongoing demand for well-designed websites. As more businesses and individuals turn to WordPress for their online presence, there's a steady stream of clients needing your expertise.

You don’t need a hefty investment to get started—just a solid grasp of design principles and familiarity with WordPress. With dedication and a knack for creativity, you can carve out a niche for yourself in this ever-growing market.

How much you can make: $25,000 — $62,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $35 (?)

How long does it take to build: 150 days (?)

How We Started A $514K/Year Content Curation Agency With Just $35 [From India]

Content-Whale, a content curation agency, has achieved a Rs. 4 crore ($514k/year) turnover 4-5 years after being started with just Rs. 2500 ($35), and has a pool of more than 500 writers, aiming to become a market leader in the global content market.

Read by 5,824 founders

31. Start a web flipping business

A web flipping business is where you purchase a website, improve its revenue and then sell it for a profit. To start a web-flipping business, find an undervalued site with high traffic but a poor monetization strategy. Alternatively, you can build your website, grow it and then sell at a profit.

To earn profits from web flipping, you must spend time churning out high-quality content and growing your following before you can start making money.

How much you can make: $175,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

I Bootstrapped A $1.5M/Year Business By Flipping And Investing In Websites

Mohit Tater, CEO and founder of BlackBook Investments, shares his company's offerings of buying and operating profitable internet businesses and helping others invest in these businesses, with a minimum investment of $100,000 for the one-to-one offering and $25,000 for the group buy offering, and has over $7.5m in AUM and growing at a very rapid pace.

Read by 6,288 founders

32. Start a wordpress interviewer business

33. Start a premium divi layout designing business

34. Start a wordpress news blogging business

Ever thought about turning your passion for news into a business? Consider starting a WordPress news blog. Setting up a WordPress site is straightforward and cost-effective, making it an appealing option for budding entrepreneurs.

In this business model, you'll curate, write, and publish news content, catering to your chosen niche. From politics to technology or entertainment, the possibilities are broad. By consistently delivering high-quality, relevant articles, you'll attract a dedicated readership. Advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts can then be pathways to monetization.

This isn't a passive venture; it involves daily content creation, SEO optimization, and engagement with your audience through comments and social media. Yet, it offers the chance to shape public discourse and become a trusted voice in your niche. If you're passionate about news and committed to regular updates, a WordPress news blog could be a fulfilling and profitable endeavor.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $30,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 119 days (?)

We Started A $360K/Year Business Selling WordPress Themes And Plugins [From Brazil]

Visualmodo co-founders Claudio Pires and Jared Dias started a global WordPress theme development company which generates $360k per year, with the market growing rapidly.

Read by 3,674 founders

35. Start a premium wordpress child theme designing business

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.