30 Best Pinterest Related Business Ideas

Updated: July 24th, 2023

If you are looking for Pinterest related business ideas to begin your path to entrepreneurship, you are in the right place.

With starting a Pinterest related business, there are plenty of opportunities that can help you follow your dreams and build a successful career. 

In this post, you will discover profitable business ideas, perfect for those who want to have a flexible job, capable of multiplying the average income, while becoming your own boss.

Check out the full list below to help you find your next idea!

Here they are:

1. Start a Pinterest strategy teaching business

Pinterest strategy teaching is an untapped niche that's ripe for exploration. This business revolves around helping individuals and small businesses master Pinterest to drive traffic, generate leads, and boost sales.

You'll guide clients on optimizing their Pinterest profiles, crafting compelling pins, and leveraging Pinterest analytics to refine their strategies. By offering one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and perhaps even online courses, you provide actionable steps to help clients achieve tangible results.

This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme; it demands a thorough understanding of Pinterest algorithms, content creation, and continual learning to stay updated with platform changes. However, the effort is worth it for those seeking a specialized and largely underutilized marketing skill that has the potential to transform online presence. Start a Pinterest strategy teaching business and become a pivotal player in your clients’ digital marketing success.

How much you can make: $6,500 — $55,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,350 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How I Started A $650K Business Teaching People How To Start A Side Hustle Managing Pinterest Accounts

Learn how Kristin Larsen's flagship program, Become a Pinterest VA TODAY!, has grown from generating $10,000 in its initial launch week to making over $650,000 in 2020 with a projected seven-figure year in 2021, teaching people how to start a side hustle managing Pinterest accounts.

Read by 8,242 founders

2. Start a brand promotion business

Brand promotion is a business that involves promoting and building the image of a particular brand. This can be done through various marketing strategies such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, and events.

The brand promotion aims to increase brand awareness and generate positive associations with the brand in the minds of consumers. This can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty for the brand.

To run a successful brand promotion business, it is essential to have a strong understanding of the target audience and what they value in a brand. It is also essential to develop a clear brand message and consistently communicate it through all marketing efforts.

It is also crucial to stay up-to-date on industry trends and constantly adapt marketing strategies to remain relevant. Building strong relationships with clients and maintaining open communication is also key to success in this business.

In summary, brand promotion is a business that involves promoting and building the image of a brand through various marketing strategies. Success in this business requires a strong understanding of the target audience, a clear brand message, and the ability to adapt to industry trends. Strong client relationships and open communication are also essential for success.

How much you can make: $3,000 — $20,000/month

How long does it take to build: 135 days (?)

How I Started A $20K/Month Branding And Advertising Agency

Agent C Advertising is a full-service ad agency, emphasizing content creation for print ads, social media, and video productions, that started with just two clients in 2018 and now has more than 35 clients who are active at least quarterly and generates over $20k per month, all through word of mouth referrals, thanks to the agency's focus on building and maintaining strong relationships with its clients.

Read by 6,452 founders

3. Start a podcasting business

Podcasting businesses often start as a hobby. You publish a few episodes and posts, and soon you will start getting engagements from interested parties.

However, to earn money from your podcasting business, you need to put a lot of effort and time into producing quality shows that address your audience's concerns.

To grow your podcast business, ensure regular publishing, which brings better growth, more listeners to your channel, and a higher income.

Here is a list of steps to help you transition the podcast from a hobby to a full-time podcast business:

  • Ensure a focused effort and adjust the tone of each podcast episode
  • Make podcasting your priority
  • Focus on building
  • Grow a mailing list
  • Aim at building a trusted brand
  • Develop a long-term growth and marketing plan

How much you can make: $5,000 — $349,983/month

How much does it cost to start: $200 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

Empire Flippers: $20M/Year Helping People Buy And Sell Websites

Empire Flippers is a thought leader in brokering online business deals, having brokered over $50 million worth of deals and grown their pool of potential buyers by hundreds every month through a focus on content marketing and middle-of-funnel content.

Read by 10,224 founders

4. Start a mobile photography business

Want to start your own photography business? You're not alone. With the rise of social media and photo-sharing, blogging, and online retailing, it's never been easier to start making money behind your camera.

There are photographers shooting weddings, creating images for ad campaigns, freelancing for magazines, touring the world, taking photographs of destinations — the list is endless!

To start mobile photography , research the target audience and determine which specialization area is more lucrative. Invest in high-quality, professional cameras, lenses, and a computer with professional software photo-editing software.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 190 days (?)

Embracing the Experience Economy with a $300K/mo Photo Booth Startup

Photobooth Supply Co. offers a profitable business opportunity through their sleek and portable photo booths, with up to 97% satisfaction rate and a focus on customer experience, in a fast-growing event industry where photo booths are exploding.

Read by 16,001 founders

5. Start a contest marketing business

6. Become a virtual assistant

Virtual assistants support businesses, teams, or individuals by performing administrative tasks remotely. As businesses these days tend to outsource their tasks, the demand for virtual assistants is growing rapidly.

Becoming a virtual assistant is flexible, as you can choose a work schedule and location at your convenience. Many virtual assistants have a dedicated home office where they work in a quiet and distraction-free environment.

To become a virtual assistant, identify a niche you like and undertake any training. Then, figure out how much to charge your customers and create an online presence where you can apply for jobs. As a virtual assistant, you can define your work schedule depending on your availability.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $1,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

On Starting A Business Training Virtual Assistants

Filipino Virtual Assistance by FVA Business Consultancy, founded by Julmar Grace Locsin, offers online and offline training to empower marketers, enable businesses, and equip freelancers which has trained 25,000 students from their 31 courses, has 16 coaches assigned from different territories, and fifteen in the FVA team for global digital leadership that will impact the world through digitalization, one life at a time.

Read by 8,083 founders

7. Start a pinterest ads promotion business

Pinterest ads promotion business

Looking to tap into a creative and engaged audience with a highly visual platform? Consider starting a Pinterest ads promotion business. This venture involves managing and optimizing Pinterest ad campaigns for businesses seeking to increase their visibility and drive traffic to their websites.

You'll be in charge of creating compelling Pins, targeting the right audience, and analyzing performance metrics to maximize ROI. It's a service in demand, especially as visual marketing continues to grow. With Pinterest's unique user base primarily composed of planners and decision-makers, the potential for businesses to reach highly targeted demographics is significant.

By offering expertise in Pinterest's ad system, you can help brands expand their reach and enhance their online presence. If you're intrigued by social media marketing and enjoy analytical creativity, this business idea is worth exploring.

How much you can make: $500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

Starting A $500K/Month Social Media Agency Before Most Social Media Platforms Existed

Learn how the founder of Ignite Social Media launched the first-ever social media agency in the US, attracting big-name clients like Microsoft and Intel through organic leads and referrals, and stay on top of the constantly changing industry by focusing on one area of marketing.

Read by 5,383 founders

8. Start a shop your look business

9. Start an email list creation business

Building and maintaining a high-quality email list is an essential component of digital marketing, yet many businesses struggle with it. Enter the email list creation business. At its core, this business involves crafting targeted email lists tailored to the needs of different companies.

You'll gather data through various means like web forms, social media campaigns, and specialized software, ensuring compliance with data protection laws. Clients are willing to pay a premium for accurate, up-to-date lists because they significantly enhance marketing efforts and customer outreach.

This business can scale with experience and expertise, allowing you to serve a range of industries. If you have a knack for digital marketing and data management, starting an email list creation business can be a rewarding and lucrative opportunity.

How much you can make: $8,500 — $450,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $100 (?)

How long does it take to build: 97 days (?)

How I Launched A $200K/Month Gmail Mail Merge Tool

GMass, an email marketing platform that allows users to send cold emails and email marketing campaigns with Gmail, has attracted over 500,000 user signups, including major tech companies like Uber, LinkedIn, and Google, and now generates over $200K in monthly recurring revenue through a successful content marketing strategy and focused ad spend.

Read by 12,357 founders

10. Start an affiliate marketing business

Are you looking for a side hustle to pay you a passive income? Affiliate marketing is one of those side hustles that will pay you well over the long term. It is a way to earn money online by promoting other companies' products and services. You will be paid a commission for each sale you make as an affiliate marketer.

To get started, learn how to find the right product and brand to partner with. For example, you may prefer becoming an affiliate marketer for an eCommerce store, partnering with a manufacturer, and marketing their products for a commission.

How much you can make: $500 — $773,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

My Affiliate Marketing Business Earns $500K/Year Profit [No Employees]

This case study explores how Spencer Mecham founded Buildapreneur, an affiliate marketing business, and has made over half a million dollars in profit with no employees, relying solely on content marketing through platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

Read by 23,904 founders

11. Start a pinners business

12. Start a pinterest templates, graphics and art selling business

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 87 days (?)

13. Start a blog

In recent years, blogging has become a highly sought-after & lucrative Business. This location-independent business is a creative outlet to reach a broader audience and even work at any time. According to Optinmonster’s list of blogging statistics and facts:

  • Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trustworthy source of gathering online information.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs.
  • Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages.

Originally blogging started as an online journal, but today it is a highly profitable career option. Many people are choosing blogging as their full-time career and are earning their bread and butter from this profession.

If you want to start blogging as a side hustle or as a full-time profession, choose a niche you will enjoy writing about and have a content strategy ready. Then, create a mailing list, and decide on a good blog posting routine to keep your audience engaged.

How much you can make: $100 — $293,220/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 44 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

How This 28-Year-Old Couple Quit Their Jobs And Make $20K/Month Running A Blog

Learn how one couple created a successful personal finance blog, The Savvy Couple, that now makes over $20,000 per month and has sold thousands of digital workbooks and courses, by focusing on purposeful content and optimizing their ROI with efficient time management.

Read by 28,169 founders

14. Become a social media influencer

Social media has become integral to people's lives and daily routines. Given the importance of social media, brands are flocking to different social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok in the hope of connecting with their target audience.

A popular approach taken by these brands is engaging social media influencers. A social media influencer has established credibility in a specific industry and has access to a vast audience they can persuade to act based on recommendations.

Anyone can become a social influencer so long as they have the right strategy. Choose a popular niche based on your interests and start creating relevant content.

How much you can make: $2,500 — $166,666/month

How much does it cost to start: $800 (?)

How long does it take to build: 155 days (?)

How I Started A $2.5K/Month Blog About Motherhood, Life And Travel

How one mother built a profitable frugal motherhood, life, and travel blog from scratch, using Instagram, Pinterest, and paid sponsorships to grow from 0 to 18.5K followers and generate $1,500-$3,000 per month in less than two years.

Read by 7,344 founders

15. Start an own products selling business

16. Start a consulting business

Consulting businesses are booming, more so than ever before, and seeing year-over-year growth. With an accumulated value of about $250B, the global consulting industry is one of the biggest markets within the professional services sector.

If you want to start your own consulting business with valuable insights from industry experts, reading about their entrepreneurial journey will help you decide how you should go about it.

How much you can make: $100 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $45K/Month Cybersecurity Consulting Firm For Startups

Cybersecurity consulting firm Eden Data, launched in March 2020, scaled to four team members and generated over $45k MRR without large startup costs through their unique Virtual CISO offering, which outsources cybersecurity and compliance needs for a flat monthly price, rather than charging by the hour or for long-term commitments.

Read by 35,436 founders

17. Start an ecommerce marketing agency

Ecommerce agencies help online sellers achieve their eCommerce business goals through creative, technology, and marketing skills.

Hiring an eCommerce agency enables online sellers to start an eCommerce business or grow an existing one without employing full-time staff.

The eCommerce industry is often changing, and online sellers must match the current trends or risk being paced out by the competition. Balancing between production, launching creative services, and working on growing their eCommerce brands can be extremely difficult. Thus, the brands have no other option than hire eCommerce agencies.

Starting an eCommerce agency can be a profitable and fulfilling business opportunity. If you plan to state your eCommerce agency, educate yourself on the current trends and focus on building digital skills. You may focus on a particular niche or offer end-to-end services to your customers.

How much you can make: $7,500 — $8,300,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $3,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $120K/Month Online Course For Social Media Marketing Agencies

Iman Gadzhi made over $1.2M in profit within two years with his social media marketing agency and education company, where he teaches entrepreneurs how to start and scale a profitable SMMA, with over 45 of his students making over six figures with their SMMA, and over 300 students having quit their regular jobs.

Read by 15,338 founders

18. Start a joint promotion business

19. Start a calligraphy business

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

20. Start a freelance writing business

Freelance writing can be a good career choice if you are looking for a flexible online job.

Working as a freelancer gives you the flexibility to define your work schedule. You can work from home at any time. Freelance writers work across various niches, writing about various topics assigned by the client,

To earn good money as a freelance writer, you need the following personal qualities:

  • Strong writing skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Stay on the cutting edge
  • Be a self-starter
  • Be up-to-date with the current writing tools & writing trends
  • Proper communication skills

How much you can make: $700 — $500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 56 days (?)

How I Started A $80K/Month Content Writing Business

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

Read by 24,485 founders

21. Start a brand shared board business

22. Start a content marketing business

Content marketing is developing and distributing relevant, helpful content to convert the target customer to take the necessary steps. Businesses with a content marketing strategy get 67% more leads than other companies.

Therefore, the demand for content marketing services is high than ever before. Starting a content marketing service can be a significant business venture.

To start a content marketing business, you need a good understanding of SEO and social media. You can hire content creators to help you develop relevant and valuable content.

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $80K/Month Content Writing Business

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

Read by 24,485 founders

23. Start an affiliate program consulting business

Think businesses are making the most of their affiliate programs? Many aren't, and that’s where you come in.

An affiliate program consulting business involves advising companies on optimizing and managing their affiliate marketing efforts. As a consultant, you'll help businesses maximize their returns via strategic partnerships with affiliates, providing invaluable insights into recruitment, performance tracking, and incentive structures.

Affiliate marketing is a rapidly growing industry, making your expertise highly sought after. With a solid understanding of both digital marketing and relationship management, you can guide your clients through the complexities of building effective affiliate programs.

This business demands a blend of analytical skills and strategic thinking, ensuring you're always tackling new and engaging challenges. If you’re looking to leverage your marketing know-how and enjoy working closely with clients to achieve measurable success, affiliate program consulting could be a greatly fulfilling venture.

How much you can make: $1,200 — $80,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $4,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

My Affiliate Marketing Business Earns $500K/Year Profit [No Employees]

This case study explores how Spencer Mecham founded Buildapreneur, an affiliate marketing business, and has made over half a million dollars in profit with no employees, relying solely on content marketing through platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

Read by 23,904 founders

24. Start a product review blog

A product review blog typically includes a description of the product, as well as a rating and review. This can be anything from reviewing gadgets to books to software.

To start a product review blog, you need to have strong writing skills and be familiar with the available products. You should also have a good understanding of how to market your blog and generate traffic.

The recent trend that is making this business more popular is the growth of social media. With more people using social media, businesses are looking for ways to connect with their customers. Product review blogs provide businesses with a way to connect with their customers and generate positive reviews.

Starting a product review blog is a great way to share your opinion on different products. This type of blog can be very profitable, as you can generate revenue through advertising and affiliate marketing.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $110,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $425 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How My Blog With Body-Safe Sex Toys Reviews Turned Into A $2K/Month Side Hustle

Sex blogger turns a free WordPress blog into a $2,000 a month part-time digital business by investing in education, self-hosting, and building relationships within the NSFW community.

Read by 18,031 founders

25. Start a keyword research business

Want to help businesses rank higher on search engines? Start a keyword research business. This service involves analyzing the terms and phrases people use in online searches to find the information they need. By identifying popular and relevant keywords, you help companies optimize their content and boost their online visibility.

The nature of keyword research requires you to stay updated with search engine algorithms and trends, which can be intellectually stimulating. You'll need to familiarize yourself with tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Learning how to interpret search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty will be essential.

Starting a keyword research business requires an analytical mind and good communication skills, as you'll need to present your findings to clients clearly. It’s an opportunity to build a business that greatly impacts a company’s online success.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $12,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $750 (?)

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

I Built A SEO Tool That's Completely Free For Users [From Lebanon]

H-supertools founder Hasan developed a set of free SEO and digital marketing tools generating $2k per month in profit using Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, selling ad spaces, and email, plans to launch a membership option, and has attained over 80k registered users and 300k monthly visits in less than two years.

Read by 13,554 founders

26. Start a video production company

A video production company (VPC) also known as a video production agency or film production company, creates videos for clients to use in their marketing strategies. These videos can be commercials, online ads, product showcases, corporate videos, and employee training videos.

How much you can make: $10,000 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 72 days (?)

How I Started A $500K/Month Video Production Company From My Bedroom in LA

Lemonlight CEO, Hope Horner, co-founded an on-demand video production company that has produced over 7,000 videos for more than 3,000 brands, generating over $6 million in sales and growing to a 45-person team, all without taking any outside capital and being recognized in Inc 5000 and Entrepreneur 360 for three years in a row.

Read by 17,937 founders

27. Become a social media marketer

Social media marketing is gaining website visitors or customers by promoting your company on social media. To succeed in social media marketing, you must regularly post tasty, entertaining, and engaging share material on your social media channels.

Everybody knows that social media is a tool that has become extremely important to businesses of all sizes. It allows them to connect with people worldwide and provides a platform for customer service. Social networks are changing the way we do marketing. They offer an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and organizations to reach millions instantly.

Nowadays, it is easy to earn money through social media marketing. You just need to invest some time and effort to make a profit. Social media has been an essential part of many businesses marketing campaigns, and it is expected to be a significant part of any company’s future.

How much you can make: $100 — $250,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 57 days (?)

How I Left My Job To Start A $50K/Month Digital Advertising Agency Specialized In Facebook Ads

This case study is about how the founder of AdvertiseMint, a Facebook advertising agency, started the company with just one employee and has since grown it to 25 employees, managing close to $100 million in digital media buys for clients such as Coca-Cola and Viacom.

Read by 11,748 founders

28. Start a seo consultant business

An SEO Consultant provides professional advice to businesses helping them optimize their websites so they rank high in search results. Demand for SEO services and consultants is rising rapidly across industries as companies need search optimization to compete effectively.

If you are an SEO expert, you can start an SEO consulting business and earn decent profits by offering your services.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $1,800,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $22K/Month One-Stop Shop Marketing Company For E-commerce Businesses

Power Move Marketing is an innovative digital marketing company founded by Hailey Brooke McFadden, which has achieved an impressive monthly income of $22,075 and is projected to make almost $300,000 in its first year, by offering a one-stop-shop for e-commerce businesses looking for a marketing powerhouse with a female positive culture.

Read by 11,433 founders

29. Start a stock photography business

Stock photography is typically sold on an exclusive basis to one buyer for a single usage fee. Stock photos are often available in different sizes, resolutions, and file formats. Businesses most commonly use stock photos for marketing purposes.

Stock photography is the supply of photographs often licensed for specific uses. Stock photos are the perfect marketing and advertising resource for website owners and bloggers.

You can build an impressive portfolio and earn a passive income by uploading high-quality stock photos.

To start a stock photography business , invest in some good photography gear and learn how to take stock photos. An excellent online presence can help you sell your stock photos faster and at profitable margins.

How much you can make: $1,200 — $45,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $3,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A Commercial Product Photography Business

Pro Photo Studio founder Tsour Lee Adato shares how she turned a $5k investment into a business that services over 500 clients annually and makes approximately $350k per year with plans to expand and become a 7-figure business while offering advice to fellow entrepreneurs to always be innovating, learning and growing, and not to undervalue themselves.

Read by 15,027 founders

30. Become a social media tutor

Starting a social media tutoring business is a great opportunity for anyone with a passion for social media and a desire to help others learn how to effectively use it for their personal or business endeavors. As a social media tutor, you would teach individuals or groups how to effectively use various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

To start a successful social media tutor business, you must thoroughly understand social media marketing and effectively communicate your knowledge to others. You should also be familiar with the various social media platforms and be able to demonstrate how to use them to your clients. In addition, you should have excellent interpersonal skills and build strong relationships with your clients.

To start your social media tutoring business, you must create a business plan, establish a website, and market your services to potential clients. You may also consider offering group classes or one-on-one coaching sessions. It’s important to continuously educate yourself on the latest trends and updates in the social media industry to provide the best possible service to your clients.

Running a social media tutor business can be a rewarding and fulfilling career for those who love social media and want to help others succeed. You can turn your passion for social media into a successful business with a little hard work and dedication.

How much you can make: $100/month

How long does it take to build: 700 days (?)

On Launching A Marketplace Of Knowledge And Ideas

Neuwly Live is a marketplace of knowledge and ideas that allows people to learn and advance together using live video, which has gained over 300 downloads in just one month.

Read by 3,617 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.