Keyword Research Business

2 Keyword Research Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

Want to help businesses rank higher on search engines? Start a keyword research business. This service involves analyzing the terms and phrases people use in online searches to find the information they need. By identifying popular and relevant keywords, you help companies optimize their content and boost their online visibility.

The nature of keyword research requires you to stay updated with search engine algorithms and trends, which can be intellectually stimulating. You'll need to familiarize yourself with tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Learning how to interpret search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty will be essential.

Starting a keyword research business requires an analytical mind and good communication skills, as you'll need to present your findings to clients clearly. It’s an opportunity to build a business that greatly impacts a company’s online success.

In this list, you'll find real-world keyword research business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a keyword research business that makes money.

1. TopicRanker ($144K/year)

Dmitry has helped dozens of clients improve their SERP ranking and understood that the majority of them targeted incorrect keywords and underestimated the ongoing efforts required to rank high in Google.

As a result, he created TopicRanker to help creators find keywords and easily outperform the competition.

How much money it makes: $144K/year


How Dmitry Dragilev Built TopicRanker to $12K MRR

Case study of TopicRanker, an SEO tool created by Dmitry Dragilev, a founder with three successful startups acquired by major companies, helping creators find easy-to-rank keywords to improve their SERP ranking and outperform competitors, priced at $9-$129/month with a growth strategy focused on organic acquisition.

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2. H-supertools ($24K/year)

Hasan, the founder of H-supertools, came up with the idea while developing tools for his own online business. He realized that these tools could be valuable for others as well, so he decided to offer them for free on a website. Through content creation and word-of-mouth, he attracted a large user base and was able to monetize the platform through various revenue streams.

How much money it makes: $24K/year
How many people on the team: 4

I Built A SEO Tool That's Completely Free For Users [From Lebanon]

H-supertools founder Hasan developed a set of free SEO and digital marketing tools generating $2k per month in profit using Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, selling ad spaces, and email, plans to launch a membership option, and has attained over 80k registered users and 300k monthly visits in less than two years.

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