10 Business Ideas Best Suited For Capricorns In 2024

Updated: July 24th, 2024

As a Capricorn, you possess a unique blend of ambition, discipline, and practicality, making you well-suited for entrepreneurial ventures. In 2024, you could explore business ideas that align with your strengths and offer potential for solid growth. Whether you're looking to start a side hustle or embark on a full-fledged enterprise, there are opportunities that could match your skill set and goals.

This article will guide you through ten business ideas that tap into your natural leadership and organizational skills. With a focus on ventures that require strategic planning and steady effort, you might find the perfect fit to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Dive in to discover where your Capricorn attributes could lead you next year.

For each business idea, we'll show you real-world examples of other capricorn businesses to help you see what it takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Become a solopreneur ($284K/month)

Capricorns are known for their practicality, discipline, and ambitious nature, which perfectly align with the solopreneur lifestyle. As a solopreneur, you could take full control of your business operations, making crucial decisions independently and leveraging your versatile skill set to manage different aspects of your venture. This path might be challenging, but the independence, flexibility, and growth potential make it incredibly rewarding for a Capricorn driven by success.

Why becoming a solopreneur?

  • You could enjoy complete control over your business decisions, aligning perfectly with your independent nature.
  • Your disciplined approach and versatile skills are ideal for managing various business tasks efficiently.
  • The flexibility and potential for personal and professional growth align with your ambitious aspirations.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $25,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Turned My Hobby For Painting Into A Successful Art Business

Innerglow Art is a successful custom abstract painting business that incorporates scripture and personable connection with buyers to produce beautiful and unique artwork.

Read by 52,952 founders

2. Start a consulting business ($122K/month)

Starting a consulting business aligns perfectly with the practical and ambitious nature of Capricorns. Leveraging your meticulous planning and disciplined approach, you could thrive in the booming consulting industry, which is valued at around $250 billion globally. By offering your expertise and strategic insights, you can build a lucrative side business or even a full-time venture that caters to various professional sectors.

For valuable insights from industry experts, consider exploring this guide on how to start a consulting business.

Why start a consulting business?

  • You could capitalize on industry growth and high demand, maximizing your chances of financial success.
  • Your disciplined nature and attention to detail make you naturally suited for providing high-quality consulting services.
  • Consulting offers flexibility, allowing you to balance it with other professional or personal commitments.

How much you can make: $100 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $45K/Month Cybersecurity Consulting Firm For Startups

Cybersecurity consulting firm Eden Data, launched in March 2020, scaled to four team members and generated over $45k MRR without large startup costs through their unique Virtual CISO offering, which outsources cybersecurity and compliance needs for a flat monthly price, rather than charging by the hour or for long-term commitments.

Read by 35,434 founders

3. Become a business coach ($43.9K/month)

Are you thinking of starting a career as a business coach? As a Capricorn, your practical, disciplined nature and strong work ethic make this a natural fit. Business coaching allows you to leverage your skills in specialized fields such as marketing, e-commerce, stress management, or leadership to help aspiring entrepreneurs succeed while building a lucrative income stream. By bringing your methodical and strategic mindset to the table, you could guide small-business owners through the complexities of starting and growing their ventures.

With many small-business owners struggling to find their footing, your expertise could be invaluable in identifying new opportunities and maximizing existing ones. This blend of personal fulfillment and professional satisfaction makes becoming a business coach an excellent choice for Capricorns looking to make a meaningful impact.

Why should you become a business coach?

  • You could turn your extensive business knowledge into a profitable and fulfilling career.
  • Your disciplined and goal-oriented nature aligns perfectly with the requirements of business coaching.
  • You would have the satisfaction of helping entrepreneurs realize their dreams, which resonates with your innate desire for achievement and success.

For more insights, tips, and success stories about becoming a business coach, visit Starter Story here.

How much you can make: $3,500 — $293,220/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,749 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $100K/Month Business Mentoring Dropshipping Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur Kamil Sattar has developed multiple six-figure drop shipping businesses, and his company, e-commerce mentoring, specializes in helping others create their own successful companies, with favorite platforms including using Shopify and apps such as Loox reviews and SMSBump.

Read by 25,100 founders

4. Start a web development business ($93.5K/month)

As a Capricorn, your natural discipline, focus, and attention to detail can make a web development business an excellent venture for you in 2024. This business leverages your strengths by requiring meticulous coding and design skills to create functional and aesthetically pleasing websites that meet the needs of your clients. With the growing demand for a robust online presence, you could not only offer a vital service but also establish a steady source of income.

Why consider starting a web development business?

  • Your methodical nature ensures high-quality, reliable work, attracting steady client relationships.
  • Your disciplined approach will help you master coding and design quickly, enabling you to deliver exceptional web solutions.
  • Demand for web development is increasing, providing continuous opportunities for growth and expansion.

For more information, check out some success stories in this field: web development business success stories.

How much you can make: $3,000 — $700,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $4,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

I Built A $300K/Year Vue.js Component Library

Vuetify is a popular open-source user interface library, built with the Vue.js framework, that generates revenue through digital content and services such as paid digital content in the Vuetify store, direct support through consulting, ad revenue from Carbon ads on the documentation pages, and donations/sponsorships via GitHub and Patreon, generating an average income of $6,500 per month.

Read by 46,007 founders

5. Start a marketing consulting business

As a Capricorn, your innate pragmatism, discipline, and strategic thinking make starting a marketing consulting business an excellent choice. Your ability to analyze data, develop strategic plans, and offer actionable insights can provide immense value to businesses looking to improve their marketing efforts. By leveraging your strong communication skills and problem-solving abilities, you could build a robust client base and elevate businesses’ marketing strategies, ultimately leading to your own financial success.

Why consider a marketing consulting business?

  • You could utilize your natural strategic mindset. Capricorns excel at planning and executing detailed marketing strategies.
  • Your dedication and hard work pay off. Effective marketing consultants demand high fees for their expertise, aligning with the Capricorns' desire for financial stability.
  • You thrive in structured environments. Marketing consultancy offers the structured, goal-oriented setting that Capricorns find rewarding.

For more detailed insights, see the success stories on how to start your own marketing consulting business at Starter Story.

How much you can make: $100 — $1,250,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How I Started A Successful Podcast Production Company

A successful podcast production company that grew from one client making $15/hour to a team of 10 contractors producing over 30 shows per week with revenue of over $10k/mo, primarily through referrals and with a focus on providing high personal touch and being picky about working only with clients who are a good fit.

Read by 18,503 founders

6. Start a SEO agency ($112K/month)

Starting an SEO agency could be a lucrative business idea for Capricorns in 2024. Capricorns are known for their disciplined, strategic, and goal-oriented nature, making them well-suited for the meticulous and data-driven world of SEO. With the SEO industry expecting significant growth, entering this field now presents an excellent opportunity to capitalize on your work ethic and drive for success.

Why start an SEO agency?

  • Your natural organizational skills and attention to detail make you perfect for managing multiple clients and SEO campaigns efficiently.
  • This industry allows you to leverage your strategic thinking and long-term planning abilities to help businesses achieve sustainable growth.
  • With the right approach, you could quickly establish yourself in a less saturated market, setting the stage for substantial income and career advancement.

For more detailed insights, you might want to explore how successful entrepreneurs built their SEO agencies.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $1,800,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started An SEO Agency For Lawyers Generating $3.6M/Year

Rankings.io is a hyper-focused SEO agency that helps elite personal injury law firms dominate first page rankings and was ranked #858 in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for 2018, with a current revenue just under $300,000 per month, with plans for a record-breaking year.

Read by 38,060 founders

7. Start a saas product ($156K/month)

Capricorns, known for their ambition, discipline, and practical mindset, are well-suited for the SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. Creating a SaaS product plays into your strengths of strategic planning and methodical execution, offering a well-defined path to generate recurring revenue. The meticulous nature that Capricorns bring to projects ensures high-quality software solutions that can solve specific pain points for businesses or consumers.

If you're considering this entrepreneurial path, exploring successful SaaS stories can provide you with insights and inspiration. Check out how profitable SaaS products can be for other entrepreneurs.

What makes a SaaS product ideal for Capricorns?

  • You could generate steady, recurring income through subscription fees, perfect for your need for financial stability.
  • Your attention to detail and knack for seeing long-term potential helps ensure successful software development and continuous improvement.
  • The structured environment of SaaS business operations aligns with your natural inclination towards organization and precision.

How much you can make: $20 — $4,160,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

I Turned My Side Project into A $26K/Month SaaS Tool

AI-powered web application, Excelformulabot.com, generates Excel formulas within seconds for a subscription fee of $6.99/month or free for five formula requests per month, resulting in $14k/month in recurring revenue since its launch in September 2022, accruing millions of visitors through word of mouth, influencer marketing, SEO, and PPC, implemented through no-code web application Bubble.io, while preparing to penetrate a B2B market and focus on B2B outreach in the future.

Read by 20,981 founders

8. Start a saas business ($198K/month)

Starting a SaaS business can be particularly appealing for Capricorn entrepreneurs, known for their strategic thinking and determination. Building a SaaS venture allows you to leverage your meticulous planning skills and disciplined approach to develop a software that solves specific industry problems. Additionally, the inherent scalability of SaaS aligns perfectly with a Capricorn’s long-term vision and commitment to sustainable growth. Discover more about how to start a SaaS business on Starter Story.

Why start a SaaS business?

  • You could capitalize on your problem-solving abilities to create valuable software solutions for businesses.
  • SaaS offers a scalable business model with low incremental costs, which suits Capricorn's efficiency-driven mindset.
  • The continuous development and updates required in SaaS will satisfy your ambition and desire for ongoing improvement.

How much you can make: $40 — $2,083,333/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

I Built A Website Blocker That Generates $100K Per Year @ 95% Profit

Learn how a designer and developer from Indonesia created Session, an app that helps people stay focused by blocking distractions, which currently makes $5.8K per month in revenue through its freemium business model.

Read by 16,413 founders

9. Start a saas company ($255K/month)

Starting a SaaS company aligns well with your Capricorn traits of ambition, discipline, and financial prudence. The SaaS business model offers great potential for high margins and recurring revenue, which can provide a stable and lucrative income stream. Moreover, it allows you to combine your technical skills with business acumen to create a high-quality product that solves real-world problems for users.

Why consider launching a SaaS company?

  • You could achieve financial stability with recurring revenue through subscription-based models.
  • Your knack for discipline and organization is well-suited for the meticulous planning and execution required in SaaS development.
  • The tech industry is booming, providing ample opportunities for growth and innovation in SaaS.

For more information about how to finance a SaaS company, feel free to read our guide here.

How much you can make: $40 — $3,000,000/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

I Turned My Side Project into A $26K/Month SaaS Tool

AI-powered web application, Excelformulabot.com, generates Excel formulas within seconds for a subscription fee of $6.99/month or free for five formula requests per month, resulting in $14k/month in recurring revenue since its launch in September 2022, accruing millions of visitors through word of mouth, influencer marketing, SEO, and PPC, implemented through no-code web application Bubble.io, while preparing to penetrate a B2B market and focus on B2B outreach in the future.

Read by 20,981 founders

10. Start a digital agency ($186K/month)

Starting a digital agency could be a perfect venture for Capricorns, who are known for their pragmatic approach, hard work, and organizational skills. The task of helping businesses achieve their advertising, marketing, or technology-related goals aligns well with a Capricorn’s natural inclinations for planning and strategic thinking. With the digital agency market projected to continue its high growth due to the increasing population of people consuming and creating content through digital channels, your disciplined and result-oriented nature can drive this business to great success.

Why start a digital agency?

  • As a Capricorn, your methodical approach and attention to detail are ideal for managing digital marketing campaigns that deliver measurable results.
  • Your strong work ethic and perseverance can help build a reputable brand within the competitive digital marketing industry.
  • The growing demand for digital marketing services offers significant revenue potential, allowing you to channel your entrepreneurial spirit into a profitable venture. (source: Starter Story)

How much you can make: $100 — $3,699,632/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Started A $100K/Month Company That Provides Transcription Services

How this founder started a $100K/month guaranteed transcription service for medical, legal, law enforcement, financial, academic and general business industries, winning the NASPO ValuePoint transcription services contract over 26 other companies and learning valuable lessons about getting a coach and getting as much PR as possible.

Read by 13,029 founders

11. Start a digital marketing business ($114K/month)

Starting a digital marketing business aligns well with your pragmatic and ambitious Capricorn nature. Digital marketing is a dynamic industry that allows you to utilize your natural organizational skills and strategic mindset to help businesses grow their online presence. By continuously learning and adapting to new trends, you could establish a lucrative side business or even transition into a full-time venture, leveraging your determination and patience to achieve long-term success.

Why start a digital marketing business? - As a Capricorn, you thrive on structure and planning, making you well-suited to develop comprehensive marketing strategies. - The digital marketing field is continually evolving, providing numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. - Your natural affinity for disciplined hard work will help you build a strong client base and establish a reputable business.

For more insights, check out these digital marketing business success stories.

How much you can make: $100 — $1,250,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

I Built A SEO Tool That's Completely Free For Users [From Lebanon]

H-supertools founder Hasan developed a set of free SEO and digital marketing tools generating $2k per month in profit using Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, selling ad spaces, and email, plans to launch a membership option, and has attained over 80k registered users and 300k monthly visits in less than two years.

Read by 13,553 founders

12. Start a SEO & lead generation service

Starting a SEO & lead generation service aligns perfectly with the ambitious and disciplined nature of a Capricorn. You could use your strong analytical skills to help businesses attract and convert potential customers, thus significantly boosting their sales. Given your dedication to excellence, mastering digital marketing strategies and nurturing leads will allow you to deliver exceptional value and results to your clients.

Why start a SEO & lead generation service?

  • Capricorns excel at strategic planning, making them adept at creating effective lead generation strategies.
  • Your meticulous attention to detail ensures that you can optimize SEO campaigns for maximum performance.
  • The demand for digital marketing expertise is growing, providing a stable and lucrative income opportunity.

How much you can make: $8,000 — $200,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How I Started A $35K/Month Agency Specialized On Link Building

A link building company co-founded by Justas Markus has grown to make an average of $35k per month in recurring revenue with a focus on delivering high-quality services through manual processes and focusing on fewer markets.

Read by 13,901 founders

13. Start a content marketing agency ($52.9K/month)

Starting a content marketing agency is an excellent fit for a Capricorn’s entrepreneurial ambitions, especially considering Capricorns' innate ability to strategize and their disciplined work ethic. As businesses increasingly understand the value of digital presence, the demand for skilled content marketers is projected to grow significantly. This industry not only aligns with Capricorns' knack for organization and strategic planning but also offers substantial financial opportunities, given the sector's projected revenue growth.

Why start a content marketing agency?

  • You could leverage your strategic mindset to help businesses thrive in the digital age.
  • The growing demand for content marketing services translates to steady and increasing income potential.
  • This business allows you to exercise your disciplined and organized nature while creating tangible results for clients.

For inspiration and insights, you could explore success stories of others who have started their own content marketing agencies.

How much you can make: $500 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 75 days (?)

How I Started A $80K/Month Content Writing Business

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

Read by 24,485 founders

14. Start a SEO services ($84K/month)

Starting an SEO services business aligns perfectly with the ambitious and disciplined nature of a Capricorn. This venture involves optimizing website content, building quality backlinks, and conducting keyword research to improve a business's visibility on search engines like Google. Given a Capricorn's pragmatic approach and strong organizational skills, managing the various elements of SEO becomes a structured and methodical task, leading to higher efficiency and success. Additionally, this business can start with relatively low upfront costs, requiring just a computer, internet connection, and basic SEO knowledge.

Why consider starting an SEO services business?

  • Capricorns thrive on structure and precision, essential traits for effective SEO strategies.
  • A low-cost entry makes it feasible to start without significant financial risk.
  • Your ability to improve online visibility for businesses could translate into long-term client relationships and steady income.

For more information on SEO services startup costs and profitability, check out this link: SEO Services.

How much you can make: $3,000 — $800,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $550 (?)

How long does it take to build: 55 days (?)

How I Started A $28K/Month Boutique SEO Company

This case study describes the journey of Russell Michelson who, after leaving his corporate job, turned his WordPress skills into a thriving boutique SEO agency earning $20k/month, thanks to client referrals and Upwork.

Read by 9,398 founders

15. Start a content marketing business ($72.7K/month)

Starting a content marketing business would make sense as a Capricorn because Capricorns excel in strategic planning and a disciplined approach, both of which are crucial for successful content marketing. Businesses with a robust content marketing strategy generate 67% more leads, highlighting a lucrative opportunity for a Capricorn’s methodical nature to thrive. Understanding SEO and social media, combined with hiring the right content creators, could position you as a go-to expert in this high-demand industry. For more insights, you might want to explore these content marketing business success stories.

Why start a content marketing business?

  • Capricorns' strategic mindset and discipline align perfectly with the needs of content marketing.
  • High demand in the market ensures that your efforts could yield substantial returns.
  • Leveraging SEO and social media skills opens up limitless possibilities for growth and client acquisition.

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $80K/Month Content Writing Business

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

Read by 24,485 founders

16. Start a data analytics blog ($377K/month)

Starting a data analytics blog could be a smart move for ambitious Capricorns who thrive on structure, expertise, and consistency. Driven by an innate desire for success and a keen eye for detail, you could tap into the growing demand for data-driven decision-making and establish yourself as an expert in the field. This venture offers a steady income stream and the potential to build valuable connections within the data analytics community.

Why starting a data analytics blog?

  • A structured platform to share your expertise could build your reputation as a leader in the field.
  • You could create a consistent and growing revenue stream by monetizing your blog through ads or sponsored content.
  • Producing high-quality, insightful content could allow you to stay current with the latest trends, providing value to both you and your audience.

For more insights on starting a data analytics blog, check out the success stories here.

How much you can make: $20 — $1,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How We Built A $1.5M/Month Survey And Research Solution

TapResearch generates roughly $1.5M in revenue per month through their Sample and Insights platforms, which allow market researchers to access survey respondents they need and make fast and easy decisions through a highly scalable respondent network that delivers surveys to hundreds of millions of people.

Read by 9,676 founders

17. Start a micro saas ($82.3K/month)

Starting a micro-SaaS business could be an excellent fit for a Capricorn thanks to their natural inclination toward practicality and meticulousness. This type of business allows you to cater to niche markets by developing targeted software solutions, leveraging your ability to get to the core of customers' unique problems and delivering highly customized answers. It not only ensures precision in your offerings but also fosters closer relationships with your clientele, aligning with your keen eye for long-term success and stability.

Why consider a micro-SaaS?

  • Your problem-solving skills would lead to highly effective and appreciated solutions.
  • You could build a stable, recurring income model with loyal customers.
  • Your meticulousness ensures continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

How much you can make: $117 — $1,766,666/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Developed A $29K/Month WhatsApp Plugin For Shopify

SuperLemon, a WhatsApp plugin for Shopify eCommerce stores, crossed $29,000 in MRR as of July 2020, with 20,000 users from 50+ countries and 1700+ paying customers, all acquired through organic marketing strategies and a relentless focus on customer service and satisfaction.

Read by 22,992 founders

18. Start a management reporting system business

As a Capricorn, starting a management reporting system business aligns well with your natural penchant for organization, discipline, and analytical thinking. This venture enables you to leverage your methodical approach and strategic insights to help other businesses make informed decisions based on accurate and comprehensive data reports. The demand for effective management reporting systems is on the rise, making it a lucrative opportunity for someone with your drive and attention to detail.

Moreover, in today's data-driven world, businesses are increasingly seeking ways to streamline their operations and pinpoint areas for improvement. By offering tailored reporting solutions, you could build a sustainable and scalable side business that perfectly complements your skill set and ambition.

Why starting a management reporting system business?

  • Your strong organizational skills can streamline complex data into understandable reports.
  • The growing need for data-driven decision making makes this a profitable niche.
  • You could provide valuable insights that drive strategic business improvements, showcasing your analytical prowess.

For more information on the startup costs and marketing ideas for a management reporting system business, check out this resource.

19. Start a recruitment business ($333K/month)

Starting a recruitment business can be an excellent venture, especially for Capricorns who are known for their disciplined work ethic, attention to detail, and strategic thinking. As a Capricorn, you could thrive in this field by leveraging your inherent organizational skills and ability to focus on long-term goals, ensuring that both employers and job seekers find the perfect match. Recruitment businesses also provide an opportunity to connect with a diverse range of professionals, enhancing your networking capabilities and business acumen.

Why start a recruitment business?

  • You could utilize your natural talent for organization and strategy to effectively match candidates with employers, ensuring high satisfaction on both sides.
  • Recruitment businesses are essential in today's competitive job market, offering an opportunity to showcase your negotiation skills and meticulous attention to detail.
  • Helping people find their dream jobs is inherently rewarding and aligns well with Capricorns' desire for purpose-driven work.

For more details, check out our recruitment business success stories.

How much you can make: $5,138 — $1,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 135 days (?)

How I Started A $4.2M/Year Latino Virtual Assistant Platform [Over 2,000 VA's]

Virtual Latinos is a win-win-win situation platform connecting entrepreneurs and business owners with top pre-vetted talent from Latin America while helping fellow Latinos find jobs with an average salary two to four times higher than in their home countries.

Read by 5,677 founders

20. Start a freelancer platform ($397K/month)

Starting a freelancer platform could be a highly lucrative business for Capricorns, given your inherent organizational prowess and strategic thinking. With the global freelance market projected to hit $6.7B by 2025, there's ample opportunity to create a marketplace where freelancers and clients meet for mutually beneficial transactions. This kind of structured environment aligns perfectly with a Capricorn's knack for bringing order and efficiency to complex systems. For more details on profitability and success stories, check out this page on freelancer platform profitability.

Why consider launching a freelancer platform?

  • You possess the discipline and strategic mindset to build a successful, structured business.
  • The growing freelance industry offers substantial income potential and market demand.
  • Creating a platform allows you to capitalize on your organizational skills and connect people efficiently.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $5,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $6,100 (?)

How long does it take to build: 100 days (?)

We Bootstrapped A Tech Talent Platform To $1.2M Sales In Our First Year

CloudDevs, a tech talent platform that sources and vets freelance tech talent and matches them with companies, has achieved $1 million in GMV in its first year, plans to achieve 100% growth year on year, and focuses on customer loyalty through its Net Promoter Score metric.

Read by 16,850 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.