87 Brilliant Business Ideas For Infopreneurs

Updated: July 24th, 2024

Are you looking to transform your knowledge into profit? As an infopreneur, the possibilities are endless. This article explores 10 unique business ideas tailored for you.

You could turn your expertise into a thriving online course. Alternatively, publishing an eBook might be the avenue to monetize your insights.

Each idea presented holds the potential for significant returns. Dive in to discover which opportunity aligns best with your skills and interests.

For each business idea, we'll show you real-world examples of other infopreneurs businesses to help you see what it takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Create an online course ($90.7K/month)

Starting an online course could be an excellent way for infopreneurs to supplement their income, make extra money, and eventually establish a full-fledged business. By creating digital classes that teach specialized skills or knowledge, you leverage your expertise to fill educational gaps and provide value to eager lifelong learners. With the flexibility of self-paced or cohort-based structures, you have the opportunity to build a student base that generates passive income over time.

For entrepreneurial minds who enjoy information-sharing, developing an online course platform offers a lucrative way to monetize your instructional talents with minimal startup costs. Whether it's video lessons or supplementary materials, this business model enables you to reach a global audience and make a significant impact. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, check out the profitability of online courses.

Why create an online course?

  • You could generate passive income as your course continues to attract new enrollments over time.
  • Sharing your expertise can turn your knowledge into a lucrative business, all while helping others succeed.
  • The startup costs are relatively low, making it easier to jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey.

How much you can make: $350 — $1,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 87 days (?)

How This 28-Year-Old Couple Quit Their Jobs And Make $20K/Month Running A Blog

Learn how one couple created a successful personal finance blog, The Savvy Couple, that now makes over $20,000 per month and has sold thousands of digital workbooks and courses, by focusing on purposeful content and optimizing their ROI with efficient time management.

Read by 28,171 founders

2. Start a newsletter ($266K/month)

Starting a newsletter as an infopreneur offers an excellent opportunity to supplement your income, make extra money, or even create an entirely new business. With the growing interest in newsletters—over a 50% increase in readership in the past five years—you have a unique chance to market yourself as a trusted expert in your field. A well-crafted newsletter not only educates your subscribers but also builds meaningful connections, allowing you to engage with customers and potential clients on a deeper level. For more insight, you can check out Starter Story's comprehensive guide on the profitability of newsletter publishing businesses.

Why start a newsletter?

  • Establish yourself as an expert by consistently providing valuable content to your audience.
  • Directly engage with your subscribers, fostering strong relationships and trust.
  • Generate income through sponsored content, advertisements, and premium subscriptions, turning your expertise into a revenue stream.

How much you can make: $100 — $4,100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $400 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How I Started A $36M/Year Stock Market Research Newsletter

Financial media company MarketBeat, founded by Matt Paulson, provides objective financial information and real-time market data to empower individual stock investors to make better trading decisions, generating approximately $8 million in revenue in 2019 and ending the year with over 1.3 million unique email subscribers due to a freemium model with 75% of revenue from advertising and 25% from subscriptions.

Read by 27,769 founders

3. Start a blog ($26.1K/month)

Starting a blog is an excellent way for infopreneurs to supplement their income, make extra money, or even transition into a full-time business. Blogging allows you to share your expertise and insights with a broad audience, who are likely among the 77% of internet users reading blogs. With a strategic content plan and consistent posting schedule, you can attract a dedicated readership and monetize your blog through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

Why start a blog?

  • Blogging is a location-independent business, allowing you to work from anywhere at any time.
  • You could tap into a highly sought-after and lucrative market, with 409 million people viewing over 20 billion pages monthly.
  • It offers a creative outlet to share your passion and knowledge, which could easily translate into multiple revenue streams.

For more tips, you might want to visit Starter Story's section on blogging success stories.

How much you can make: $100 — $293,220/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 44 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

How This 28-Year-Old Couple Quit Their Jobs And Make $20K/Month Running A Blog

Learn how one couple created a successful personal finance blog, The Savvy Couple, that now makes over $20,000 per month and has sold thousands of digital workbooks and courses, by focusing on purposeful content and optimizing their ROI with efficient time management.

Read by 28,171 founders

4. Start a niche blog ($31.5K/month)

Starting a niche blog presents an incredible opportunity for infopreneurs to supplement their income or even build a full-fledged business. By focusing on a specific topic such as fashion, video games, or cooking, you can create unique, high-value content that attracts a dedicated audience. Whether it's through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling digital products, a niche blog offers multiple revenue streams.

Why start a niche blog?

  • You can monetize your passion by creating high-value, specialized content that resonates with a targeted audience.
  • It requires relatively low startup costs, making it accessible for anyone with expertise and enthusiasm for a specific topic.
  • Engaging with a passionate community provides a satisfying way to make an impact while earning income.

For more tips and successful examples, check out the profitability of niche blogs. source

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $650 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Turned A Crappy Idea Into A $3M/Year Business

Starter Story grew to 1.4 million monthly visitors and millions in annual revenue by sharing the stories of entrepreneurs. Pat breaks down the early days and how he grew the business into something that changed his life.

Read by 69,816 founders

5. Start an email newsletter business ($189K/month)

Are you looking to make the most of your writing talents? Starting an email newsletter business could be your perfect outlet. An email newsletter business involves curating, creating, and distributing niche-specific content to a targeted audience through email, allowing you to become the go-to source for engaged readers eagerly awaiting your insights. By consistently producing high-quality content and effectively marketing your newsletter, you could build a loyal subscriber base and explore various monetization options like affiliates or paid subscriptions.

Commit to a unique perspective that resonates with your readers, and you could transform your writing skills and entrepreneurial spirit into a steady revenue stream. Your efforts could not only supplement your income but also potentially evolve into a full-time business.

Why start an email newsletter business?

  • A newsletter provides a direct and personal way to engage with your audience, fostering stronger relationships.
  • It offers multiple monetization opportunities, from advertising to subscription models, making revenue streams diverse.
  • You can leverage your writing skills and niche expertise to create valuable content, setting you apart from competitors.

For more practical tips and strategies, check out our resources on email newsletter business success stories here.

How much you can make: $100 — $3,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 14 days (?)

How I Started A $36M/Year Stock Market Research Newsletter

Financial media company MarketBeat, founded by Matt Paulson, provides objective financial information and real-time market data to empower individual stock investors to make better trading decisions, generating approximately $8 million in revenue in 2019 and ending the year with over 1.3 million unique email subscribers due to a freemium model with 75% of revenue from advertising and 25% from subscriptions.

Read by 27,769 founders

6. Start an entrepreneurship blog ($32.1K/month)

Ever considered sharing your entrepreneurial journey while helping others? Starting an entrepreneurship blog allows you to do just that by providing a platform where you can share insights, strategies, and challenges on the path to building a business. You'll offer valuable content like how-to guides, interviews with successful entrepreneurs, and tips on overcoming obstacles, meeting the growing demand for practical advice and real-life success stories.

Creating an entrepreneurship blog requires consistent content generation, SEO knowledge, and effective social media marketing to expand your audience. Over time, you could monetize your blog through advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing, turning your passion for business into a supplemental income or even a full-time endeavor. Read success stories of entrepreneurship blogs here.

Why start an entrepreneurship blog?

  • You could connect with aspiring entrepreneurs and build a community of like-minded individuals.
  • With quality content and effective marketing, your blog could become a lucrative income stream.
  • As an infopreneur, this is a rewarding way to share your knowledge while growing your personal brand.

How much you can make: $1,200 — $200,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How These Cousins Started A $200K/Month Consultant Training And Coaching Business

Consulting Success® is a 7-figure, highly profitable business that offers courses and coaching programs for consultants looking to start or grow their consulting business, built through iterative content creation and audience validation.

Read by 9,159 founders

7. Start a consulting business ($122K/month)

Starting a consulting business could be a lucrative venture for infopreneurs, considering the industry is experiencing significant year-over-year growth. With the global consulting industry valued at approximately $250 billion, there's substantial demand for expert advice across various sectors. Infopreneurs, with their knack for packaging and selling information, could easily translate their expertise into paid consulting services. This type of business allows flexibility in terms of time commitment, making it suitable as a full-time gig or a side hustle.

If you want to start your own consulting business with insights from industry experts, reading about their entrepreneurial journey can guide you on the best approach. Discover more practical tips and real-life success stories to propel your consulting business idea by visiting Starter Story's consulting business success stories.

Why start a consulting business?

  • Low startup costs make this business accessible with minimal financial risk.
  • You have the flexibility to set your own hours and choose your clients, providing a work-life balance.
  • Leveraging your existing knowledge allows you to dive into the market quickly and establish yourself as an expert.

How much you can make: $100 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $45K/Month Cybersecurity Consulting Firm For Startups

Cybersecurity consulting firm Eden Data, launched in March 2020, scaled to four team members and generated over $45k MRR without large startup costs through their unique Virtual CISO offering, which outsources cybersecurity and compliance needs for a flat monthly price, rather than charging by the hour or for long-term commitments.

Read by 35,438 founders

8. Start an online marketing business ($59.1K/month)

If you have a knack for promoting brands online, an online marketing business could be your ideal venture. By helping companies enhance their online presence through digital channels like social media, search engines, and email, you could supplement your income or even build a full-fledged business. Starting is straightforward: create a website showcasing your services, and start networking to find clients.

Imagine guiding a company to the top of search results or creating a viral social media campaign. The tangible results of your strategies will not only drive your clients’ success but boost your business’s growth as well. Check out these online marketing business success stories to see what's possible.

Why start an online marketing business?

  • You could offer sought-after expertise in SEO, content creation, and analytics to businesses.
  • This venture is highly scalable, allowing you to expand as your client base grows.
  • Flexibility to work from anywhere while making a significant impact on other brands.

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Created A $5M/Year LinkedIn Marketing Automation Tool

Dux-Soup is a LinkedIn automation tool that helps business owners and sales & marketing professionals generate more leads, increase efficiency, and save time; with over 70,000 users and revenue of nearly $5 million, it offers automated top-of-the-funnel LinkedIn outreach activities, targeted LinkedIn campaigns and multi-touch & personalized LinkedIn drip campaigns for lead generation.

Read by 8,702 founders

9. Become a solopreneur ($284K/month)

If you've ever dreamed of being your own boss, the solopreneur path might be the perfect fit for you, especially in the realm of infopreneurship. As a solopreneur, you'll handle everything from marketing to customer service, allowing you full control over your business operations and decisions. This level of autonomy not only fosters creativity but also enables you to adapt quickly to market changes and carve out a niche where you can shine.

The journey of a solopreneur does come with its challenges, but with the right technology and outsourcing tools, managing a one-person show becomes much more feasible. Over time, as your expertise and audience grow, so too will your business. If you're an infopreneur passionate about sharing knowledge and maintaining creative freedom, becoming a solopreneur could be an ideal entrepreneurial venture.

Why becoming a solopreneur?

  • You could maintain full control over your business decisions and creative direction.
  • With technology and outsourcing, the workload can become manageable and efficient.
  • The flexibility and potential for personal and business growth are immense, allowing you to scale at your own pace.

For more insights and real-life success stories, visit Starter Story.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $25,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Turned My Hobby For Painting Into A Successful Art Business

Innerglow Art is a successful custom abstract painting business that incorporates scripture and personable connection with buyers to produce beautiful and unique artwork.

Read by 52,958 founders

10. Start a content marketing business ($72.7K/month)

Starting a content marketing business makes sense for infopreneurs due to the high demand for effective content strategies that help businesses generate more leads. By leveraging your understanding of SEO and social media, you could offer valuable services that attract clients looking to improve their online presence. You could also collaborate with content creators to develop and distribute high-quality content, thereby adding another revenue stream to your infopreneurial endeavors.

Read more about successful content marketing businesses here

Why starting a content marketing business?

  • The demand is high. Businesses using content marketing strategies get 67% more leads than others.
  • It’s a scalable service. You can start small and gradually hire additional content creators as your business grows.
  • You already possess the skills. Use your knowledge of SEO and social media to provide valuable content services.

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started A $80K/Month Content Writing Business

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

Read by 24,486 founders

11. Start a leather planner business

Starting a leather planner business as an infopreneur allows you to leverage your knowledge and passion for organizational tools, while creating a functional and stylish product. You could design unique leather planners that cater to specific niches, offering insights and added value through customization options or productivity tips. This venture can be both a side hustle and a full-time business opportunity, helping you generate income while fulfilling a market need for premium, personalized planning tools.

Why start a leather planner business?

  • It enables you to capitalize on the growing trend of organization and productivity products.
  • You could differentiate your planners by sharing your expertise and adding value-driven content, making your product stand out.
  • Creating leather planners combines creativity with functionality, offering a satisfying blend of artistic and entrepreneurial pursuits.

For more information on launching this type of business, check out this detailed guide on "leather planner business startup costs".

12. Become a content strategist ($66.8K/month)

Starting a content strategist business as an infopreneur is a brilliant way to supplement your income or even create a full-time venture. As a content strategist, you would leverage your knowledge to help companies develop and implement effective content strategies that align with their business goals. This involves conducting market research, analyzing data, and working closely with other organizational teams to ensure a cohesive content plan. With the right skills and dedication, you could build a strong reputation and secure long-term contracts with clients.

Why become a content strategist?

  • You could provide much-needed expertise to businesses looking to enhance their content strategy and reach.
  • This role enables you to use your research and analytical skills to drive impactful content decisions.
  • Flexibility and demand in this field offer significant potential for growth and long-term client relationships.

For additional insights and tips, visit Starter Story's content strategist section.

How much you can make: $3,000 — $550,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $8,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Started An $8K/Month Technical Content Marketing Agency

Draft founder, Karl, built a productized service for technical content, generating $10k in (mostly) recurring revenue in just three months of running the business, showing the success of skill-stacking and the impact of word of mouth and maintaining a strong network in a service business.

Read by 9,943 founders

13. Start a copywriting business ($32.5K/month)

Starting a copywriting business is an excellent opportunity for infopreneurs looking to supplement their income, make extra money, or launch a side business that could potentially become a full-time venture. As a copywriter, you could create engaging and persuasive content that helps businesses sell their products and services or educates and captivates consumers. With a strong foundation in writing and marketing, you could develop your brand and offer high-quality services through email marketing, newsletters, and other digital channels.

Why start a copywriting business?

  • You could utilize your existing writing skills to create a profitable income stream with minimal upfront investment.
  • There's a growing demand for talented copywriters in the digital marketing world, providing ample opportunities for freelance or contract work.
  • Starting a copywriting business could offer you the flexibility to work from anywhere and set your own schedule, making it ideal for those with entrepreneurial goals. Read more success stories.

How much you can make: $700 — $160,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 54 days (?)

How I Started A $80K/Month Content Writing Business

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

Read by 24,486 founders

14. Start a tech blog ($83.3K/month)

Starting a tech blog is an excellent opportunity for infopreneurs to share their knowledge of the latest technology trends while supplementing their income or even creating a full-time business. With strong writing skills and a keen understanding of the tech industry, you could attract a dedicated readership eager to stay updated on the latest products, startups, and industry news. The potential for long-term, handsome profits, such as making $37,073 per year, makes this venture not only appealing but also lucrative.

Creating engaging, informative, and timely content will enable you to build a loyal audience, positioning yourself as a thought leader in the tech space. As you grow your blog, monetization avenues like advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing could provide substantial supplemental income.

Why start a tech blog?

  • The demand for tech news is ever growing. As technology continues to evolve, there’s always something new to write about.
  • You could monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing, turning your passion into profit.
  • Positioning yourself as a thought leader in the tech industry could open doors to speaking engagements, consulting opportunities, and more.

For more inspiration and specific start-up ideas, check out here.

How much you can make: $150 — $700,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $350 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

The $6K/Month Website That Teaches How To Launch Businesses And Build Apps With No-Code Tools

No Code MBA founder, Seth Kramer, has built a training platform for entrepreneurs who want to learn how to launch their very own businesses and build apps using no-code tools, recording over 150 real-world video lessons which have resulted in over 400 paid members in just 6-months and a focus on growing the No Code MBA community.

Read by 8,380 founders

15. Start a content writing company ($33.4K/month)

Starting a content writing company is an ideal venture for infopreneurs looking to supplement their income, make extra money, or even pursue a full-time business. With the increasing demand for digital content, this is a service that many businesses actively seek to attract and educate their audiences. By creating high-quality content such as blog posts, product descriptions, and eBooks, you could establish a steady stream of clients while working on your own schedule, ultimately turning your writing skills into a profitable business avenue.

Why start a content writing company?

  • You could address the high demand for digital content as businesses strive to capture and engage online audiences.
  • You could enjoy the flexibility of being your own boss, allowing you to choose your projects and work schedule.
  • You could develop versatile writing skills and expand your professional network, opening further opportunities.

For more information, you might find these insights on profitability and success stories helpful: Success Stories.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $550,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $550 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How Dani Mancini Transformed Her Freelance Gigs Into A SaaS Business

Scribly.io, a subscription-based copywriting service providing high quality content that helps businesses scale at roughly 50% of the cost of hiring in-house, created by Dani, a first-time entrepreneur who started with just a few hundred dollars worth of projects and with the help of three other writers; as of last month, Scribly.io topped $14K monthly revenue.

Read by 13,111 founders

16. Start a travel-planning app business

Starting a travel-planning app business makes perfect sense for Infopreneurs looking to supplement their income, make extra money, or even establish a full-time venture. With the decline of traditional travel agents and the rise of online travel platforms, there's a growing market for innovative travel-planning solutions. Leveraging technology to provide instant information, streamlined booking, and enhanced user experiences can position you at the forefront of this industry.

Given the predicted 9.0% compound annual growth rate in the online travel booking service sector, launching a travel-planning app business offers tremendous potential. As an Infopreneur, you have the unique advantage of intertwining your expertise with cutting-edge technology to meet the evolving demands of modern travelers.

Why start a travel-planning app business?

  • You'll tap into a growing market with less competition from traditional travel agents.
  • You could leverage your expertise to create specialized content, enriching your app and providing unique value.
  • A travel-planning app provides multiple revenue opportunities, from in-app purchases to partnerships and affiliate marketing.

How much you can make: $22,000 — $233,333/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Launched A $5K/Month Website About Tourist Visas And Got 150K Users In The First Month

Visa List is a successful micro start-up that provides one-stop visa information for travellers, earning $5000/month on average with 350K monthly active users and has helped over 2 million users with their visa requirements, all starting from a personal frustration with visa processes.

Read by 16,062 founders

17. Start an edible cutlary business

Starting an edible cutlery business could be a brilliant opportunity for infopreneurs looking to dive into an innovative and eco-friendly niche. This unique market not only addresses sustainability concerns but also offers a fun and novel dining experience that consumers are increasingly interested in. Given that companies in this space are already making millions, there is substantial potential for profit without needing a massive initial investment.

By leveraging digital platforms and marketing strategies, you could easily promote your edible cutlery business to environmentally conscious consumers and dining establishments. Consider exploring ways to create engaging content around the benefits and versatility of edible cutlery to attract your audience. For a deeper dive into the ins and outs of starting this business, check out the marketing ideas specific to edible cutlery businesses.

Why consider starting an edible cutlery business?

  • It's a sustainable solution that aligns with growing environmental concerns, attracting eco-conscious consumers.
  • The startup costs are relatively low, making it accessible for new entrepreneurs.
  • The unique and innovative nature of the product can easily draw media attention and create buzz, boosting visibility and sales.

18. Start an online courses business

Starting an online courses business is a compelling opportunity for Infopreneurs who have specialized knowledge and a passion for teaching. Whether you're a mechanical engineer well-versed in designing cars or understanding engines, you could create engaging online courses that cater to specific interests within your field. With the ease of creating videos, assignments, and supplementary materials, your knowledge can reach a global audience, allowing you to establish a steady stream of income.

When people find your course helpful and interesting, they'll spread the word, encouraging more enrollments and expanding your business. As you gain more experience, the scope for adding new courses or even venturing into different topics exists, broadening your horizon as an online educator. For more insights, you can explore the benefits and opportunities in this business idea here.

Why Starting an Online Courses Business?

  • Passive Income Potential: Your initial efforts can yield long-term returns as new students continuously enroll.
  • Expert Leverage: Focus on teaching what you already know well; this requires less effort to get started.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Beyond profit, there is immense satisfaction in helping others learn new skills.

How much you can make: $2,500 — $500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How Justin Welsh Built A $2M Solopreneur Empire

Solopreneur Justin Welsh built a knowledge business through social media with over $2M in annual revenue and no full-time employees, offering flagship digital courses with a monthly revenue of $80K and $45K respectively, through LinkedIn and Twitter growth as well as organic and affiliate marketing.

Read by 24,479 founders

19. Start a project management consulting business ($17.8K/month)

Starting a project management consulting business makes sense for infopreneurs because it allows you to leverage your expertise in organizational strategies to help companies improve their efficiency and productivity. By assessing current practices, identifying pain points, and implementing effective strategies, you can offer value that directly impacts a company's success. This business model is highly scalable and primarily requires your time and expertise, making it cost-effective to start.

With businesses increasingly recognizing the importance of meeting deadlines and staying within budget, the demand for skilled project management consultants is on the rise. If you thrive on problem-solving and enjoy making a tangible impact, this consulting business could be both fulfilling and lucrative. You'll help companies navigate complex projects without the overhead of hiring full-time employees, making your services essential and in-demand.

Why start a project management consulting business?

  • You could capitalize on growing demand from businesses needing efficiency.
  • It allows you to make a tangible impact with minimal startup costs.
  • Your expertise can help companies improve operations, making your role indispensable.

To start exploring this venture, check out some real-world project management consulting success stories.

How much you can make: $1,700 — $66,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 134 days (?)

I Started A $790K/Year Virtual Assistant Service Business In My Mid 50s

Learn how Mary Marsh founded virtual assistant services company, Aim2Assist, which has grown over 75% since its launch in 2014, with monthly revenue currently at $66k, offering premium services primarily to C-level executives.

Read by 4,744 founders

20. Start a business matching service

Starting a business matching service is an excellent opportunity for infopreneurs to leverage their expertise in data analysis, networking, and industry knowledge. By connecting companies with complementary needs and fostering beneficial partnerships, you could create a steady stream of income while helping businesses grow. Utilizing digital platforms and tools can enable you to scale your business matching service and reach a wider audience. For more details, visit here: /ideas/business-matching-services-business/startup-costs.

Why consider starting a business matching service?

  • Demand is high: Many companies actively seek partnerships and alliances, creating a robust market for business matchmaking services.
  • Low overhead costs: You could operate with minimal initial investment by leveraging digital tools and platforms.
  • Scalable model: As you grow your database and network, the potential for higher earnings and expanded services increases significantly.

21. Start a photo editing business

Starting a photo editing business as an infopreneur can be a highly lucrative and fulfilling endeavor. By offering services that range from cleaning up image blemishes to adjusting lighting issues, you could tap into a constantly growing market of individuals and businesses in need of high-quality photo retouching. This venture allows you to utilize your technical skills while offering a service that many find invaluable. With proper market research and competitive rates, you could build a steady stream of clients and generate consistent income.

Why start a photo editing business?

  • The demand for quality images is increasing in today’s digital age, offering a steady stream of potential clients.
  • You can set competitive rates and secure high profit margins, especially with a targeted marketing strategy.
  • This business allows you to merge creativity with technical skills, making it both a rewarding and profitable venture.

For more inspiration, check out this page on successful photo editing business stories.

How much you can make: $24,998 — $220,000/month

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

How I Started A $27K/Month Business Creating Custom Handcrafted Photo Albums

CandidShutters co-founder Pranjal started an online-only, profitable business in 2018 creating custom-designed handcrafted photo albums that currently averages over 100 albums per month, serving couples and families seeking to create memorable keepsakes.

Read by 4,636 founders

22. Start a kitchenware and home essentials shop

Starting a kitchenware and home essentials shop could be a lucrative venture for infopreneurs looking to leverage their expertise in niche markets. With the ongoing demand for high-quality kitchen tools and household goods, you could capture a loyal customer base by offering well-curated selections that meet the unique needs of your target demographic. Plus, the tangible nature of these products allows for both physical storefronts and eCommerce platforms, giving you multiple streams for generating revenue.

Why start a kitchenware and home essentials shop?

  • There's a steady demand: Kitchenware and home essentials are always in demand, making it a stable business idea.
  • Tangible products create local loyalty: People prefer purchasing these items in person, especially from conveniently located stores.
  • Flexible business model: Whether you purchase a struggling store or start from scratch, you can adapt the business model to fit high-traffic areas near residential locations, optimizing your chances for success.

For more detailed insights on starting a kitchenware and home essentials shop, visit Starter Story.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $78,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

How I Started A $60K/Month Media Company Focused On The Real Estate Market
Read by 6,032 founders

23. Start an indian restaurant

Starting an Indian restaurant could be a promising venture for infopreneurs, offering a chance to capitalize on a rich cultural culinary heritage while creating additional income streams. By leveraging your knowledge and passion for Indian cuisine, you could build a successful business that attracts food enthusiasts and provides a unique dining experience. Moreover, the growing popularity of Indian food worldwide opens up numerous opportunities for marketing and brand expansion.

Why starting an Indian restaurant?

  • Indian cuisine is globally loved, giving you a large potential customer base.
  • You could innovate by offering cooking classes, recipe e-books, or even spice kits, adding multiple revenue streams.
  • Restaurant businesses have the potential for strong community presence and customer loyalty, enhancing your brand visibility and recognition.

24. Start a nature-friendly funeral items business

Starting a nature-friendly funeral items business can be a meaningful and lucrative endeavor for infopreneurs. By offering eco-conscious products like biodegradable urns, shrouds, and caskets, you could tap into a growing market that values sustainability and ethical consumption, all while supplementing your income or building a whole new business. Additionally, your position as an infopreneur allows you to educate and inform your audience about the benefits of green funerals, creating a unique niche for yourself.

Why start a nature-friendly funeral items business?

  • You could cater to an eco-conscious market by providing sustainable alternatives to traditional funeral products.
  • By leveraging your expertise, you could create educational content that builds trust and establishes you as a thought leader in the green funeral space.
  • The business offers a series of income streams, from selling physical products to potentially offering consulting services on eco-friendly funeral planning.

For more detailed information on startup costs, check out this Starter Story guide.

25. Start a media company ($226K/month)

Starting a media company is an excellent way for infopreneurs to supplement their income or even launch a full-fledged business. By creating and distributing valuable content in various forms, such as video, audio, and written articles, you can attract and engage a wide audience. Determining your target audience and producing quality content that resonates with them will be essential in establishing a successful media business. Remember, your platform must be easily accessible to ensure maximum reach and engagement. For insights, success stories, and tips on starting a media company, check out resources like this page.

Why start a media company?

  • You can leverage your expertise to create compelling content that informs and entertains.
  • Media companies have multiple revenue streams, including ads, subscriptions, and sponsored content.
  • Establishing a strong online presence allows for extensive reach and engagement with your target audience.

How much you can make: $150 — $4,100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,100 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Turned A Crappy Idea Into A $3M/Year Business

Starter Story grew to 1.4 million monthly visitors and millions in annual revenue by sharing the stories of entrepreneurs. Pat breaks down the early days and how he grew the business into something that changed his life.

Read by 69,816 founders

26. Start a niche accessories brand ($288K/month)

Starting a niche accessories brand offers infopreneurs a perfect mix of creativity and profitability. With impressive profit margins due to product markups, you could start small with platforms like Etsy, Amazon, Facebook, or eBay and scale as you grow. The custom accessories market is vast, encompassing products like jewelry, handbags, and small leather goods, projected to continue its strong growth in the coming years.

Given the market's size and potential—estimated to be nearly $473.46B, it's a lucrative opportunity for those with a knack for creating unique products. If you’re ready to turn your passion into a profitable business, this could be the right path.

Why consider starting a niche accessories brand?

  • The market is growing, giving you ample opportunity to carve out your niche.
  • High profit margins can lead to substantial earnings even on small orders.
  • Selling on popular platforms like Etsy or Amazon can reduce the barrier to entry and help you reach a broad audience quickly.

For more tips and success stories, visit Starter Story.

How much you can make: $600 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $800 (?)

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

How We Turned $20 Into A $100K/Month Accessory Brand

Braxton Manley started Braxley Bands with only $20, creating an elastic Apple Watch band and scaling the business to an impressive $100K a month on Shopify, all without any other capital or investment.

Read by 16,167 founders

27. Start a framed prints ecommerce ($250K/month)

Starting a framed prints ecommerce business could be an excellent venture for infopreneurs, particularly if you have a passion for art and a desire to launch a low-capital business. You could create a variety of framed art pieces, catering to interior designers, homeowners, and commercial clients wanting to beautify their spaces. This business model allows you the flexibility to produce prints from home and sell them online, reaching a broad audience without a significant initial investment.

Explore the pros and cons of starting a framed prints ecommerce business for a deeper understanding of its potential success here.

Why start a framed prints ecommerce business?

  • You could tap into a niche market by offering unique, high-quality framed prints that appeal to art lovers and decorators.
  • This business has low startup costs, allowing you to begin producing prints at home and scaling as demand grows.
  • By selling online, you could reach a global customer base, maximizing your sales potential and brand recognition.

How much you can make: $200 — $500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $999 (?)

How long does it take to build: 140 days (?)

How I Stumbled Into A $300K Business Framing Tweets

Framed Tweets, an online store that offers customers the opportunity to frame tweets as art, started by grossing $20k in its first year and increasing to $110k in the second year, and now has monthly gross sales of $20k from Instagram ads, spending about $300 a day.

Read by 42,896 founders

28. Start a shopping cart software

Starting a shopping cart software business could be a lucrative avenue for Infopreneurs looking to supplement their income or even establish a full-fledged side business. This enterprise involves creating a platform facilitating efficient online transactions, which aligns perfectly with the growing trend of businesses shifting to ecommerce. By developing user-friendly shopping cart software, you could cater to a broad audience, ensuring seamless integration with various ecommerce systems and driving significant utility and profitability.

Intrigued by the possibilities? Shopping cart software is a pivotal element of online retail, making it an essential service in high demand. Your challenge will be to develop a product that stands out by providing reliable and user-friendly experiences for both businesses and customers alike.

To learn more about startup costs and the market landscape for this venture, check out the relevant section on Starter Story here.

Why starting a shopping cart software? - The ecommerce market is booming, creating a consistent demand for robust shopping cart solutions. - You could gain residual income through subscription-based models, ensuring a steady revenue stream. - As an Infopreneur, you could leverage your existing knowledge and skills in technology to create a high-value product that addresses real-world business needs.

How much you can make: $85,000/month

Bootstrapping To $1M ARR By Building Something I Needed

PayKickstart, a flagship product of a startup co-founded by Mark Thompson, reached $1 million in ARR and doubled in size year-over-year by solving the outdated, archaic solutions for selling various digital goods online and providing one that is focused on flexibility, minimal functionality, and profit boosts.

Read by 9,914 founders

29. Start a multivitamin brand

Launching a multivitamin brand presents an excellent opportunity for infopreneurs to blend their passion for health and wellness with their entrepreneurial spirit. By leveraging your informational expertise, you could create a brand that educates consumers about the benefits of proper nutrition while offering high-quality products. With the growing interest in self-care and health optimization, a well-branded and educational approach could set you apart in the dynamic supplement market.

To explore further details on starting a multivitamin brand, check out this guide on startup costs to get an overview of the financial investment involved.

Why start a multivitamin brand?

  • The health and wellness market is booming, providing substantial growth opportunities.
  • As an infopreneur, you could use your expertise to create valuable content that positions your brand as an authority in the industry.
  • Your educational content could build trust and organic reach, attracting a loyal customer base willing to invest in their health.
meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.