Email Marketing Business

19 Email Marketing Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

Email marketing is a popular and effective way for businesses to reach their target audience and promote their products or services.

With the rise of the internet and the increasing use of email as a communication tool, starting an email marketing business can be a lucrative and rewarding venture.

An email marketing business involves creating and sending marketing emails to a list of subscribers. The emails can be newsletters, promotional messages, or other types of content designed to engage and convert the recipient into a customer. The business owner is responsible for building and maintaining the email list, creating the content, and sending the emails using specialized software.

To start an email marketing business, you must have a strong understanding of marketing principles and a good grasp of best practices. This includes creating compelling subject lines, segmenting your email list, and analyzing your campaigns’ results. You will also need to be proficient in email marketing software like Mailchimp or Constant Contact.

To run a successful email marketing business, you must clearly understand your target audience and what they are interested in. This will help you create relevant and engaging content that resonates with your subscribers and encourages them to take action. A solid call to action in your emails is crucial, whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. Starting an email marketing business requires marketing skills, expertise, and a willingness to learn and improve continuously. The right strategies and tools can be a rewarding and successful way to reach your target audience and grow your business.

In this list, you'll find real-world email marketing business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a email marketing business that makes money.

1. Boundless Labs ($99.6M/year)

Chase Dimond, the co-founder of Boundless Labs, came up with the idea for his email marketing agency after realizing the potential of email marketing for eCommerce brands. With impressive figures, such as driving over $25 million in email attributable revenue and working with clients who generate ~30% of their total revenue from email, Boundless Labs quickly became a successful and sought-after agency in just 18 months.

How much money it makes: $99.6M/year
How many people on the team: 2


How I Started A $55K/Month Email Marketing Agency Specialized in Ecommerce

Boundless Labs is an email marketing agency for eCommerce brands that has generated over $25 million in email attributable revenue for their clients since launching 18 months ago and currently makes around $90K per month, with plans to reach $100K per month by the end of January 2020 through client referrals, strong relationships, and hard work.

Read by 12,429 founders

2. ConvertKit ($25M/year)

In 2013, Nathan set a challenge for himself: build a $5K/mo SaaS in 6 months with just $5,000. He got the idea after reading people's complaints about Mailchimp online, and decided to build a product that addressed those.

How much money it makes: $25M/year
How much did it cost to start: $5K
How many people on the team: 82


Profile: Nathan Barry Built A $25M/Year Newsletter Platform (Started As Solopreneur)

Discover how Nathan Barry bootstrapped ConvertKit from a $5,000 investment to a $25 million/year email marketing powerhouse by addressing the main objections of online creators and scaling through a lucrative affiliate program with an impressive $2.08 million/month average revenue.

Read by 1,080 founders

3. GMass, Inc. ($5.4M/year)

During his previous business venture, Wordzen, the founder recognized the necessity of sending personalized emails to small groups. After researching available options, he was not satisfied with the solutions offered. Therefore, he developed GMass as an internal tool to aid in managing his business. Although Wordzen failed to gain much traction, GMass proved to be successful and was featured on Product Hunt, giving him the validation that he needed to make the decision to pursue this as a business.

How much money it makes: $5.4M/year
How many people on the team: 1


How I Launched A $200K/Month Gmail Mail Merge Tool

GMass, an email marketing platform that allows users to send cold emails and email marketing campaigns with Gmail, has attracted over 500,000 user signups, including major tech companies like Uber, LinkedIn, and Google, and now generates over $200K in monthly recurring revenue through a successful content marketing strategy and focused ad spend.

Read by 12,359 founders

4. Email Paramedic ($3.12M/year)

Troy Ericson, founder of and, came up with the idea for his business when one of his clients wanted to fire him. He discovered that their emails were going to spam, which was preventing them from monetizing their leads. Troy offered to solve the problem for free and ended up increasing their email revenue from $13k/month to $51k/month. This led him to realize the potential of managing email lists, and he has since grown his business to generate around $230K/mo and train freelancers in email marketing.

How much money it makes: $3.12M/year
How much did it cost to start: $500
How many people on the team: 10

How We Make $230K/Month Helping Businesses Revive Their Email Lists

Learn how Troy Ericson grew his email marketing business from scratch to generating around $230K/mo by reviving dead or stagnant email lists, maximizing opens, clicks, and sales, and writing world-class emails guaranteed to deliver to the primary inbox, and how he is expanding his services through coaching, consulting, and one-off email deliverability projects.

Read by 7,624 founders

5. Tetra ($2.4M/year)

Phil Rivers, an email marketer, started Tetra in 2019 as a one-man shop with $5k/month in revenue. He focused on email marketing for e-commerce businesses and grew Tetra to a team of 15 with $200k MRR and over $200,000,000 in sales generated for clients.

How much money it makes: $2.4M/year
How much did it cost to start: $500
How many people on the team: 11

Growing An Email Agency To A Team Of 15 And $200K MRR [Sold]
Read by 1,195 founders

6. Hustler Marketing ($2.4M/year)

After trying various jobs and experiencing financial struggles, Bostjan decided to go all-in and start the "Hustle House" in Barcelona with three other entrepreneurs. While working on his craft as a copywriter, Bostjan started offering email marketing services and quickly learned the technical aspects. Through hard work and dedication, his agency, Hustler Marketing, grew rapidly and now manages retention marketing for 70 eCommerce stores worldwide, generating impressive revenue figures.

How much money it makes: $2.4M/year
How much did it cost to start: $1K
How many people on the team: 68


From A "Hustle House" Of 3 In Barcelona To An International $2.5million Agency In 3 Years

Hustler Marketing, a remote email and SMS marketing agency, manages retention marketing for about 70 eCommerce stores worldwide, closed its 4th year at about $2.2M, and will aim to do $3-4M in 2022, with a net profit of around 30%.

Read by 6,793 founders

7. GreenRope ($1.92M/year)

metrics for our business are our customer satisfaction and retention rates, which remain consistently high. We currently have over 1,000 customers in over 20 countries, ranging from startups to universities and municipalities. Moving forward, we plan to continue evolving and improving our platform to meet the changing needs of businesses and provide even greater value to our customers.

How much money it makes: $1.92M/year
How many people on the team: 15


On Starting A $160K/Month CRM & Automations Company After A US Air Force Career

GreenRope, a self-funded CRM and marketing automation platform with over 1,000 customers in 20 countries, was built organically and focused on creating a positive, customer-centric culture without outside investment, with an all-in-one interface solving challenges in managing sales, marketing, customer service, and operations.

Read by 11,712 founders

8. Taximail ($1.44M/year)

Phaiboon Trikanjananun, a computer engineer and serial entrepreneur, came up with the idea for Taximail while sitting in his garden in 2012. Drawing on his experience in the digital business, he saw a need for a locally homegrown email marketing platform that could cater to all types of businesses. Today, Taximail serves over 5,000 reputable organizations in Thailand and continues to grow.

How much money it makes: $1.44M/year
How much did it cost to start: $10K
How many people on the team: 60


I Built A $1.4M/Year Email Marketing Platform [Based In Thailand]

How a Thailand-based email marketing platform, Taximail, grew to serve over 5,000 organizations in Thailand and generate $3.6 million per year through tailored features, close customer collaboration, and utilizing AWS services.

Read by 4,233 founders

9. Data Driven Marketing ($712K/year)

John Ainsworth, the founder and CEO of Data Driven Marketing, came up with the idea for his business after realizing that many online course creators had a large audience but struggled to convert them into paying customers. With his expertise in funnel building, Ainsworth saw an opportunity to help these course creators boost their revenue through email marketing and funnels. Since its launch in 2018, Data Driven Marketing has experienced impressive growth, with sales increasing from $60,000 in 2018 to over $600,000 in 2022, and on track to hit over a million in 2023.

How much money it makes: $712K/year
How much did it cost to start: $25K
How many people on the team: 7


Building A $60K/Month Marketing Company With A Small Team Of 7 People

Data Driven Marketing is a company that helps online course creators maximize revenue via KPI analysis, building funnels, and email marketing, with a revenue of $60k in 2018 and a projected revenue of over $1M in 2023 based on a 70% client retention rate.

Read by 1,970 founders

10. Add Value | Growth Marketing Agency ($600K/year)

24-year-old Joachim Brouckaert founded Add Value, a growth marketing agency, after noticing that many marketing agencies prioritized money over delivering value to their customers. With a background in digital marketing and experience freelancing as a digital marketer, Joachim decided to start his own agency focused on full-funnel marketing services. After a year in business, Add Value generates an average monthly turnover of 30k and works with 18 active clients.

How much money it makes: $600K/year
How much did it cost to start: $1K
How many people on the team: 5


My Growth Marketing Agency Generated $360K In Its First Year [Belgium]

A 24-year-old founder shares how his growth marketing agency generated €360,000 in its first year, with a team of 5 people working for 18 active clients per month, using SEO, Facebook and Google ads, organic content on LinkedIn, and a hybrid agency model with a focus on client retention.

Read by 4,019 founders

11. Restoration Digital Marketing ($300K/year)

Jeff Carrier came up with the idea for Restoration Digital Marketing after speaking to restoration owners who lacked focus on internet marketing. With their industry-specific knowledge and experience as a restoration company, RDM was able to educate the industry and generate $25,000/month in leads.

How much money it makes: $300K/year
How many people on the team: 2


How I Started A $25K/Month Digital Marketing Agency Dedicated To The Disaster Restoration Industry

Restoration Digital Marketing generates over $25,000 per month helping restoration companies achieve positive ROI through its specialized digital marketing services, and its success has been fuelled through word-of-mouth marketing tactics and developing client relationships.

Read by 5,687 founders

12. Power Move Marketing ($264K/year)

Hailey Brooke McFadden, a former college volleyball player and sideline reporter, started Power Move Marketing after realizing the lack of professional marketing services offered to e-commerce businesses. With a focus on empowering women and providing excellent customer service, PMM has quickly grown, making $22,075 per month and projected to make nearly $300,000 in its first year. By prioritizing employee satisfaction and creating a positive company culture, McFadden has found success and aims to grow PMM into a marketing powerhouse with over 100 employees.

How much money it makes: $264K/year
How much did it cost to start: $400
How many people on the team: 2


How I Started A $22K/Month One-Stop Shop Marketing Company For E-commerce Businesses

Power Move Marketing is an innovative digital marketing company founded by Hailey Brooke McFadden, which has achieved an impressive monthly income of $22,075 and is projected to make almost $300,000 in its first year, by offering a one-stop-shop for e-commerce businesses looking for a marketing powerhouse with a female positive culture.

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13. Maildroppa ($240K/year)

Feeling stifled in corporate life, Marcus Biel leveraged his Java development skills to create Maildroppa, an affordable email marketing tool for solo founders. The platform's unique free plan and bootstrapper ethos helped it achieve $20,000 in monthly revenue, transforming the email marketing landscape.

How much money it makes: $240K/year
How much did it cost to start: $5K
How many people on the team: 0


I Built An Email Marketing Tool For Solopreneurs That Makes $20K/Mo

Bootstrapper turned entrepreneur created an affordable yet powerful email marketing solution, offering a free plan for 100 subscribers forever, leading to $20,000 in monthly revenue, catering to solo founders and bootstrappers building their businesses.

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14. Aun Digital ($240K/year)

When a friend's cleaning business couldn't afford a website, Aun Ali discovered that many UAE startups faced similar challenges, inspiring him to launch Aun Digital. The firm offers affordable, comprehensive digital services and now generates annual revenue between $200,000 and $300,000, serving 20 regular clients.

How much money it makes: $240K/year
How much did it cost to start: $60K
How many people on the team: 50


How I Scaled My Web Design Agency To $250K/Year

Aun Digital, a UAE-based web design company, generated $200,000 to $300,000 annually by offering affordable and reliable digital services to small businesses, startups, and medium-sized enterprises, with 20 regular clients per year and an average project cost ranging from $10,000 to $15,000.

Read by 504 founders

15. Mailmodo ($102K/year)

Aquibur Rahman, the founder and CEO of Mailmodo, came up with the idea for his business while working as a marketer at a fintech company. He realized the importance of email for business growth and saw the potential of AMP emails when Google announced them for the Gmail app. Seeing the gap in the market for a no-code platform that supports AMP emails, Rahman decided to create Mailmodo to help marketers improve email conversions and engagement.

How much money it makes: $102K/year
How many people on the team: 25


How We Created A $8.5K/Month No-Code AMP Email Marketing Tool

Mailmodo, an email marketing software that enables marketers to send app-like interactive emails, accelerated to 100k+ ARR in just five months after launching the public version in January 2021, with a focus on attracting and retaining customers through organic growth and product-led solutions.

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16. SupplyDrop ($96K/year)

Danavir Sarria, an eCommerce marketing consultant, came up with the idea for SupplyDrop after his own luxury sportswear brand failed to be profitable. He realized that his skills in email marketing could be valuable to other eCommerce businesses and pivoted his focus to offering full-service email marketing services. Today, SupplyDrop is his flagship business, making an average of $8,000 per month and attracting clients such as Kettle & Fire and Lensabl.

How much money it makes: $96K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 0


I Make $8K/Month Handling Email Marketing For 6-Figure Ecommerce Brands

Danavir Sarria shares how he built SupplyDrop, an eCommerce email marketing agency that helps scale 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses, and currently makes $8,000/month on average, through trial and error and thoughtful pivots, while utilizing content marketing and focusing on building trust with potential clients.

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17. Anachak Design ($84K/year)

Vathana Nguon stumbled into starting his web design agency in 2015 with low expectations, but through face-to-face marketing and old-fashioned methods, he was able to grow his business and generate $5,000 per month. He built his expertise in WordPress development through self-teaching and extensive research, eventually launching his agency that focuses on WordPress design and development. By targeting the tourism industry and offering specialized services, he was able to stand out and become the go-to web designer for tourism businesses in Cambodia. Additionally, he utilized SEO and blogging to attract customers and achieve long-term success.

How much money it makes: $84K/year
How much did it cost to start: $1.5K
How many people on the team: 3


This Self-Taught WordPress Developer Started An $84K/Year Web Design Agency

Learn how Vathana Nguon started a freelance web design agency in Cambodia through self-taught WordPress design, attracting clients through search engine optimization and unique selling techniques, and utilizing tools like Themeforest and MailChimp to grow a steady stream of new and returning clients.

Read by 3,452 founders

18. ($42K/year)

Mike Taber came up with the idea for after experiencing the frustration of sending follow-up emails and tracking responses manually. He validated the idea by conducting customer interviews and collecting prepayments, and then hired a team of developers to build the product. After improving the website and launching, he focused on email marketing to attract and retain customers.

How much money it makes: $42K/year
How many people on the team: 0


How I Achieved $1K MRR Without Writing A Single Line of Code is a self-funded SaaS app that helps salespeople, customer success reps and busy founders close the loop with their customers using sequences of automated email follow ups, achieving $1,000 MRR without writing a single line of code through customer validation and prepayments.

Read by 6,702 founders

19. weMail ($1.44K/year)

Tareq Hasan and his partner Nizam Uddin founded weDevs in 2008, a company focused on building successful WordPress products. After experiencing the need for an affordable and WordPress-based email marketing platform, they developed weMail to save money and offer quality features. Their strategy of targeting the WordPress community and utilizing content marketing has helped attract and retain customers.

How much money it makes: $1.44K/year
How much did it cost to start: $500
How many people on the team: 4


On Launching An Email Marketing Solution For WordPress

weMail is a WordPress-based email marketing tool that boasts affordable email automation and boasts features such as third-party sending APIs and the ability to integrate for free, with over 12K downloads and 500 active installs.

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