30 Chatbot Business Ideas You Can Start Today [2024]

Updated: July 15th, 2024

Interested in starting a chatbot business in 2024?

We put together 30 of the best chatbot businesses you can start in today.

For each business idea, we’ll show you real-world examples of other chatbot businesses to help you see what it really takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Start an ecommerce store

An eCommerce business is a company that sells products or services online. Ecommerce businesses have many advantages over brick-and-mortar businesses, including lower overhead costs, increased flexibility and reach, and the ability to reach a wider audience.

eCommerce is booming right now because of the convenience and efficiency it offers consumers. Consumers can buy products from their favorite brands on a platform that makes the whole process easier than ever. They don't have to leave their homes or go out in public, they can just sit down at their computer, tablet or smartphone and browse through all of the options available to them.

To start an ecommerce business, you'll need to set up a website where customers can browse your inventory and purchase items, as well as payment processing software that allows you to accept credit card payments. You'll also need to choose a shopping cart software and manage inventory tracking software.

How much you can make: $350 — $13,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

How I Started A $20K/Month Southern Inspired Candle Business

Southern Elegance Candle Company, founded by D'Shawn Russell, started as a side hustle making around $200 per weekend at a local Farmers Market, but now averages approximately $20,000 per month in sales across their retail site, wholesale site, and Faire.

Read by 71,572 founders

2. Start a chatbot lead generation business

Looking to streamline lead generation for businesses using technology? Consider starting a chatbot lead generation business.

A chatbot lead generation business involves creating and managing conversational AI systems designed to interact with potential customers on behalf of businesses. These chatbots answer inquiries, collect user data, and guide prospects through various stages of the sales funnel, all in real-time.

By implementing chatbots, businesses can engage with more leads around the clock without the need for constant human intervention. As companies continuously seek more efficient ways to connect with potential clients, your chatbot solution can become an essential tool.

Getting started will require an understanding of chatbot development platforms and a knack for creating engaging, user-friendly conversations. With ongoing advancements in AI technology, this business not only addresses a current need but also positions you in an evolving market with long-term growth potential.

How much you can make: $9,000/month

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

I Grew My Business To $100K/Year Through Referrals

Prime Marketing Experts is a successful digital marketing agency that offers a wide variety of digital marketing solutions and has grown their business to $100k per year through referrals, building customer relationships, and expanding their focus with sales consulting services.

Read by 3,600 founders

3. Start a chatbot conducting surveys business

4. Start a chatbot advertising business

Chatbot advertising is a technique that employs computer programs to automate interactions with prospects. Customers can use chatbots on either a website or in a mobile app to generate sales. The advertising chatbot help marketers engage customers through personalized one-on-one interactions on platforms and apps where they already spend most of their time.

As chatbots become more efficient and relevant in offering brands a new channel to reach customers, starting a chatbot advertising business can be a lucrative opportunity.

5. Start a chatbot conversions landing page business

6. Start a faq chatbot business

FAQ chatbots are transforming customer service by automating routine inquiries. Building a business around these smart, AI-driven tools involves creating chatbots that can instantly answer common questions for businesses. These chatbots free up human staff for more complex tasks, making them an attractive proposition for any company looking to boost efficiency.

Starting this venture requires a good grasp of chatbot-building platforms and a keen understanding of various industries' FAQs. Engaging clients means not just offering a standard solution but tailoring bots to meet unique business needs.

The demand for on-demand, 24/7 customer service is growing, and businesses are increasingly looking to automation to meet this need. If you're tech-savvy and can craft intelligent, conversational agents, an FAQ chatbot business could be a lucrative and fulfilling path to pursue.

How much you can make: $15,000 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 15 days (?)

How My AI Side Project Grew To $15K MRR In Just A Few Months

This case study article is about the founder of SiteGPT, an AI chatbot platform, who started the company as a side project and achieved $15k MRR in just 6 months, overcoming challenges such as building the first version of the product and finding product-market fit.

Read by 7,153 founders

7. Start a chatbot software

A chatbot stimulates human-like conversations with users via text messages on chat. There are different types of chatbots, including:

  • Menu/Button-based
  • Linguistic based
  • Keyword recognition-based chatbots
  • Machine Learning Chatbots
  • Hybrid models

Businesses love using chatbots because of the efficiency of these apps in handling customer engagement. The chatbots use conversational language to deliver consistent answers and to help organizations achieve a consistent message to their customers.

How much you can make: $2,535 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $300 (?)

How long does it take to build: 41 days (?)

How My AI Side Project Grew To $15K MRR In Just A Few Months

This case study article is about the founder of SiteGPT, an AI chatbot platform, who started the company as a side project and achieved $15k MRR in just 6 months, overcoming challenges such as building the first version of the product and finding product-market fit.

Read by 7,153 founders

8. Start a chatbot affiliate marketing business

Want to earn from the growing AI trend? Consider a chatbot affiliate marketing business.

This involves using chatbot technology to promote affiliate products. You create and manage chatbots that engage users, recommend relevant products, and drive sales through affiliate links.

Chatbots can interact with customers 24/7, providing personalized recommendations and nudging them towards purchases. Automation means you can generate income even while you sleep.

Starting out requires choosing a niche, building chatbots using services like ManyChat, and partnering with affiliate programs. You will need to invest time in learning about chatbot platforms and affiliate marketing strategies, but the scalability and passive income potential make it worthwhile.

A chatbot affiliate marketing business leverages both the AI and ecommerce trends. If you're looking for a tech-driven online business, this could be your next venture.

How much you can make: $7,000/month

How I Built And Grew A Telegram Bot With 1M Users

AirTrack, a Telegram chatbot that tracks flight prices, has over 900,000 subscribers, generates $7,000 per month and grew from 0 to 10,000 users in its first week by strategically using chatbot catalogs, press coverage and product launch platforms like Product Hunt, Reddit, Betalist, Indie Hackers, and Hacker News.

Read by 5,703 founders

9. Start a customer service bots business

Are you intrigued by technology and customer service? Enter the customer service bots business.

This venture involves developing AI-powered bots that handle customer queries, complaints, and tasks, providing companies with a reliable, efficient customer service solution.

Companies are always seeking ways to improve customer interactions and reduce turnaround time. By offering businesses a toolkit of customizable, intelligent bots, you can help them streamline their customer support, saving them time and resources.

The demand for automated customer service will only increase as more companies go digital. By mastering this technology and understanding client needs, you position yourself at the forefront of a burgeoning market.

How much you can make: $25,000/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

We Lost 99% Of Our Customers. Then We Pivoted & Hit $300K ARR In 12 Months

NHANCE NOW, a Conversational Automation Platform, pivoted during the Covid pandemic and transitioned from an aspirational product to a messaging-based digital contact center, helping D2C ventures and insurance companies shift towards a digital-first mode, resulting in monthly revenues growing from $0 MRR in July 2020 to $25,000 MRR in mid-2021.

Read by 3,393 founders

10. Start a chatbot development business

Businesses use conversational AI chatbots to take customer engagement to the next level. Typically, chatbots deliver consistent responses to customers, which helps the business avoid issuing irrelevant or misguiding details to the customers.

As more people focus on using the internet in shopping, education, and research, businesses are deploying chatbots to provide 24/7/365 support to their customers.

For example, online shoppers interact with businesses through chatbots, while students can use chatbots to help with their studies and research.

Therefore, starting a chatbot development business can be a lucrative venture.

How much you can make: $7,500 — $180,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

How My AI Side Project Grew To $15K MRR In Just A Few Months

This case study article is about the founder of SiteGPT, an AI chatbot platform, who started the company as a side project and achieved $15k MRR in just 6 months, overcoming challenges such as building the first version of the product and finding product-market fit.

Read by 7,153 founders

11. Start a bots as a service business

Think about revolutionizing customer interactions and repetitive tasks with Bots as a Service (BaaS). The essence of this business idea is to offer sophisticated chatbots and automation tools to businesses—elevating their customer support, sales, and operational efficiency.

Set up a platform where businesses can customize and deploy bots for various functions without any deep technical knowledge. Provide monthly subscription plans, ensuring ongoing revenue while consistently updating and maintaining the bots for optimum performance.

As more companies seek ways to streamline operations and cut costs, the appeal of BaaS is both timely and promising. The need for such automated solutions is only growing in our increasingly digital world, making this a compelling business to start.

By offering a scalable, reliable service, you'd be helping other businesses thrive, making your BaaS platform indispensable in their tech arsenal.

How much you can make: $25,000 — $180,000/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

We Lost 99% Of Our Customers. Then We Pivoted & Hit $300K ARR In 12 Months

NHANCE NOW, a Conversational Automation Platform, pivoted during the Covid pandemic and transitioned from an aspirational product to a messaging-based digital contact center, helping D2C ventures and insurance companies shift towards a digital-first mode, resulting in monthly revenues growing from $0 MRR in July 2020 to $25,000 MRR in mid-2021.

Read by 3,393 founders

12. Start a bot testers creation business

13. Start a chatbot marketing strategy business

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

14. Start a chatbot content writing business

Looking for a business in the digital age? Consider starting a chatbot content writing business. This involves creating engaging and informative scripts for chatbots used in customer service, sales, and support.

Your primary task will be to develop tailored content that resonates with the target audience of various businesses, making their chatbot interactions seamless and more human-like. This isn't just about writing dialogue; it’s about understanding user intent and crafting a flow that guides customers effectively.

The growing reliance on automation means businesses are constantly searching for skilled writers who can enhance their chatbot interfaces. By offering specialized content writing services for chatbots, you can tap into a market that’s expanding rapidly.

If you enjoy nuanced writing and have a knack for problem-solving, this could be the ideal venture for you. It combines creativity with technology, offering a unique blend that’s both challenging and rewarding.

How much you can make: $62,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $4,617 (?)

How long does it take to build: 195 days (?)

How We Started A $514K/Year Content Curation Agency With Just $35 [From India]

Content-Whale, a content curation agency, has achieved a Rs. 4 crore ($514k/year) turnover 4-5 years after being started with just Rs. 2500 ($35), and has a pool of more than 500 writers, aiming to become a market leader in the global content market.

Read by 5,824 founders

15. Start a fact-check bot building business

16. Start an abandoned cart recovery chatbots creation business

17. Start a chatbots engagement business

Imagine a business where technology and customer service combine seamlessly to boost engagement—welcome to the world of chatbots engagement. This business idea involves creating and managing chatbots for companies to enhance their customer interactions.

In simple terms, chatbots are automated systems that can hold conversations with customers, answer queries, and provide support without human intervention. As the owner of a chatbots engagement business, you’d be responsible for developing customized bots tailored to the specific needs of each client.

The demand for efficient, round-the-clock customer service is growing, and chatbots offer a cost-effective solution. You’ll need to invest in understanding chatbot platforms and staying updated with AI advancements to ensure that your bots remain effective and relevant.

If you’re interested in technology and like solving customer problems, this business idea could be a fulfilling and lucrative opportunity.

How much you can make: $7,500 — $25,000/month

How long does it take to build: 150 days (?)

I Built A Live Chat Tool In My Spare Time And Now Make $90K/Year

Lithuanian developer turned open-source guru builds and grows Live Helper Chat, attracting thousands of clients, and generates $90k/year, all in his spare time, without any marketing or investors.

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18. Start a conversation chatbots creation business

Have you ever wished to bridge the gap between businesses and their customers seamlessly? Consider starting a conversation chatbots creation business. This venture revolves around developing AI-driven chatbots that interact with users in real-time, providing customer support, information, and services.

Creating chatbots involves understanding client requirements, programming, continuous testing, and refinement. The demand for efficient customer service solutions is ever-growing, making this a lucrative field for innovation and growth.

By entering this market, you position yourself at the forefront of technological advancements and customer engagement. It’s not just about building a bot; it’s about enhancing user experience and operational efficiency for businesses. If you're intrigued by AI technology and passionate about optimizing communication, this could be the ideal business idea to pursue.

How much you can make: $25,000/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

We Lost 99% Of Our Customers. Then We Pivoted & Hit $300K ARR In 12 Months

NHANCE NOW, a Conversational Automation Platform, pivoted during the Covid pandemic and transitioned from an aspirational product to a messaging-based digital contact center, helping D2C ventures and insurance companies shift towards a digital-first mode, resulting in monthly revenues growing from $0 MRR in July 2020 to $25,000 MRR in mid-2021.

Read by 3,393 founders

19. Start a facebook commerce business

Monetize your social media skills by starting a Facebook commerce business. This concept revolves around setting up a shop directly on Facebook, allowing users to browse, share, and purchase products seamlessly within the platform.

Unlike traditional ecommerce, Facebook commerce leverages the power of social interactions to drive sales. You can use Facebook Shops to create a full-fledged, customizable online store integrated within the social network. By engaging with customers through posts, stories, and ads, you not only sell products but also build a community around your brand.

Getting started requires creating a Facebook Business Page and setting up your shop through Facebook's tools. Promotion entails regular engagement, utilizing Facebook ads, and optimizing content to attract your target audience. With billions of daily active users, Facebook provides a massive market to tap into, making this a compelling venture for those looking to blend social media savvy with ecommerce.

20. Start a sponsored and native content chatbots business

21. Start a navigation bots business

22. Start a travel and hospitality bots business

23. Start an appointment bots business

Finding it tough to manage appointments? Consider starting an appointment bots business. Appointment bots are automated tools designed to streamline scheduling for businesses, reducing the back-and-forth communication that often consumes valuable time.

These bots can be integrated into websites or social media platforms, providing a seamless experience where clients can book, reschedule, or cancel appointments without human intervention. The demand for efficient scheduling solutions is always high, especially in healthcare, salons, and professional services.

Launching this business requires some technical know-how to develop or configure these bots, but the rewards could be substantial. Automating such a mundane but critical task can offer tremendous value to businesses, freeing up their time to focus more on their core operations. If you're into tech and business efficiency, developing appointment bots might be the ideal venture for you.

24. Start an educational bots business

26. Start an internal assist bots business

27. Start a medical bots business

28. Start a financial services bots business

29. Start a real estate bots business

A real estate chatbot business creates and implements automated virtual assistants tailored for the real estate industry.

These bots are designed to engage with potential clients, answer inquiries, and provide information about properties.

By utilizing artificial intelligence and natural language processing, real estate bots enhance customer interactions, saving time for real estate professionals and improving overall efficiency.

Real estate chatbots streamline communication, increase lead generation, and allow real estate agents to focus on high-value tasks, ultimately boosting productivity and potential sales.

30. Start a hr and recruiting bots business

Streamline human resources and recruitment processes with HR and recruiting bots. This business involves creating AI-driven software that automates tasks like resume screening, interview scheduling, and candidate communication.

The software uses advanced algorithms to analyze and shortlist candidates, reducing the administrative burden on HR departments. Additionally, these bots can provide a more consistent and unbiased review of applicants, ensuring a fair hiring process.

Start by developing a basic prototype with common features and then expand based on client feedback. Marketing your solution to small and mid-sized businesses that lack extensive HR resources could be particularly effective.

If you have a background in technology and an interest in human resources, this business idea offers a promising opportunity to innovate in a rapidly growing field.

How much you can make: $1,020,000/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

This Solo-Female Founder Makes $12M/Year Selling Workplace Resources & Tools

This case study follows the journey of Jessica Miller-Merrell, a top 50 social media influencer according to Forbes, who founded Workology, a workplace HR resource that reaches half a million HR and recruiting leaders each month with 8,000+ published articles and resources, generating $12M in annual revenue, offering on-demand courses for HR certification and career development, providing Ace the HR Exam, Upskill HR, and HRCI recertification courses, and developing a proprietary learning system with LEARN by Workology, which has trained nearly 15,000 HR leaders.

Read by 5,212 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.