30 Hackathon Business Business Ideas You Can Start Today [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2023

Interested in starting a hackathon business business in 2024?

We put together 30 of the best hackathon business businesses you can start in today.

For each business idea, we’ll show you real-world examples of other hackathon business businesses to help you see what it really takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Start an automated web browser business

Browser automation is performing web browser operations automatically to achieve speed and efficiency levels that would not be possible through human intervention. With websites getting more complex, developers are turning to web automation tools to speed up operations.

As demand for web automation continues growing, starting a web automation tool can be a profitable venture.

How much you can make: $50,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How I Built An Automation Tool For Developers And Grew It To $28K/Month

One-person SaaS business browserless allows users to automate tasks with a web browser, generating about $28,000 in sales for the month of September, and gained traction through blogging and supporting customers one-on-one.

Read by 8,169 founders

2. Start a career coaching business

A career coaching business involves providing personalized guidance, support, and strategy services to help clients navigate professional transitions and growth opportunities.

As a career coach, you design custom sessions to assist with resume building, interview prep, and workplace advancement goals tailored to each client’s aspirations.

With flexibility for in-person or virtual meetings, building a client base lets you empower breakthroughs through specialized advice and accountability.

Launching a coaching practice can be a great opportunity for those with speaking talents and human resources expertise to monetize their natural motivational abilities while setting their own schedule.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $235,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

From Getting Fired At 24 To Growing A $140K/Month Online Community

Wall Street Oasis, the largest online community focused on careers in finance, has over 100 million visitors during its 14-year history and is currently receiving over 2 million visits per month, offering interview courses and mentorship services, in addition to building and investing in a thriving online community.

Read by 22,039 founders

3. Start a learning experience app business

Imagine creating a platform where users can access tailored educational content at their fingertips. This is the essence of a learning experience app business.

In simple terms, you'll develop an app that offers a variety of courses, ranging from academic subjects to personal development, all curated to meet the specific needs of your users. By integrating features like progress tracking, interactive lessons, and quizzes, you provide an enriched learning environment that can adapt to any learning style.

The demand for flexible, accessible education continues to grow, making this an appealing venture. With dedicated work on app design, content acquisition, and marketing, you can create a tool that both educates and engages.

It's a business idea that promises both purpose and profit, tapping into the ever-evolving landscape of online education.

How much you can make: $40,000/month

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

How We Developed A $40K/Month Game-Based Learning Platform

Games for Business created a game-based learning platform for multinational organizations that doubled its revenue in the first three years and was recently acquired after landing deals on three continents.

Read by 4,215 founders

4. Start a truly predictive keyboard business

5. Start an assignment organizing app business

6. Start a vehicle maintenance business

7. Start a medical & emergency communication system business

8. Start a health technology system business in rural areas

Examples of a successful health technology system business in rural areas:

Here are some great videos on how to get started with a health technology system business in rural areas:

For further info, check out these books and products:

Learn more about starting a health technology system business in rural areas ➜


Check also our other tech startup business ideas.

9. Start a digital shopping performance business

Navigating the intersection of e-commerce and data analytics, consider starting a digital shopping performance business. This venture focuses on optimizing the online shopping experience for retailers through data-driven insights.

As a digital shopping performance expert, you’ll analyze user behavior, track metrics like conversion rates, and identify pain points in the purchasing process. Your role will be to implement strategies that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of online stores.

The appeal lies in the growing reliance on e-commerce, where every fraction of a percentage in improved performance can significantly boost a retailer's revenue. With a balanced blend of technical analytics and creative problem-solving, this business idea provides a compelling opportunity to impact the digital marketplace.

If you’re analytical with a knack for optimizing systems, diving into the digital shopping performance realm could be a highly rewarding venture.

How much you can make: $3,000,000/month

How I Started A $3M/Month Custom Printed Apparel Company

National custom printing apparel and promotional products provider, Underground Printing, shares their start-up success story which has led them to be ranked amongst Inc. Magazine’s 5000 fastest-growing companies for three years running, with a customer-centric business model driving strong word-of-mouth promotion.

Read by 9,171 founders

10. Start a pedestrian safety prototype business

11. Start a credit score calculation business

12. Start a remote patient examination business

Think remote healthcare is too futuristic? Think again. Launching a remote patient examination business positions you at the forefront of a rapidly evolving medical field.

This venture involves utilizing telemedicine technology to conduct medical exams, assessments, and follow-ups from a distance. Your main tasks include setting up secure video systems, partnering with healthcare providers, and ensuring compliance with medical regulations.

Remote patient examinations are increasingly needed as they offer convenience for both patients and healthcare providers, reducing the need for physical visits. With an aging population and a global shift toward digital solutions, demand is only set to rise.

Starting this business requires investment in quality tech infrastructure and strong healthcare partnerships. If you're passionate about healthcare innovation, and have a knack for technology, remote patient examinations offer a practical, impactful business opportunity.

13. Start a GPS monitoring business

Imagine having the power to provide real-time tracking and peace of mind to businesses and individuals. Starting a GPS monitoring business could be your avenue to make this a reality. In essence, this business involves creating a system that tracks vehicles, assets, or even people using GPS technology.

Your initial tasks would involve sourcing or developing reliable GPS hardware and software solutions, followed by building a robust platform for monitoring and reporting. This field offers immense value to fleet managers, logistics companies, and even parents or pet owners.

As you grow, you'll need to market your services effectively, emphasizing safety, efficiency, and accountability. This will require an initial investment in technology and ongoing customer support, but the potential for steady, recurring revenue is significant. If you're interested in combining technology with security, a GPS monitoring business could be a way to achieve both while filling a crucial need in today’s fast-paced world.

How much you can make: $25,000 — $500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 290 days (?)

How We Grew Our Time Tracking App To 10,000 Paying Customers

Hubstaff grew its time tracking app to 10,000 paying customers and $6 million in annual recurring revenue by solving a real problem in the market without any big incumbents, using SEO tactics and a differentiated product with proof of work features that answered the need for owners and managers to know how long development tasks should take, manage back-office tasks, and track remote team or freelancers' work.

Read by 6,888 founders

14. Start an university finder app business

Considering the rapid evolution of technology and the constant thirst for the latest gadget news, a smartphone-related information business offers a compelling opportunity.

At its core, this business idea involves establishing a platform that provides valuable insights, reviews, comparisons, and updates about the latest smartphones. Think of it as a one-stop resource where tech enthusiasts and casual users alike can stay informed about new releases, innovative features, and the best buys in the market.

Creating this business will require strong content creation skills and a keen interest in technology. You'll need to conduct thorough research, produce engaging written and video content, and possibly even collaborate with tech influencers.

If you have a passion for smartphones and a knack for delivering high-quality information, starting a smartphone-related info platform could become a lucrative endeavor. It's a chance to turn your tech fascination into a thriving business that keeps consumers informed and excited about the latest in smartphone innovation.

How much you can make: $7,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $200 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

I Created A SaaS To Help You Ban Unwanted Content from your Tech ($7.5K MRR)

Case study details the journey of how Tech Lockdown founder, Ben Bozzay, leveraged his programming skills to create a platform that helps adults be intentional with their internet use, generating an MRR of around $7,500 and attracting 50,000 monthly website visitors, all while balancing a full-time job and personal commitments.

Read by 1,743 founders

16. Start a drone mapping and industrial business

A drone mapping and industrial business involve using drones to gather data and create maps for various industrial purposes. This can include surveying construction sites, inspecting pipelines, mapping the land for development, and more.

To run a successful business in this field, it is essential to understand the latest drone technology and software thoroughly. Being well-versed in the relevant regulations and laws related to drone usage in your area is also crucial.

Additionally, it is important to build a strong network of clients and partners in the industrial sector. This could include construction companies, oil and gas firms, and government agencies. Marketing your services and building a strong online presence can also help attract new clients.

Finally, it is essential to prioritize safety and professionalism in all of your operations. This includes having proper insurance and ensuring that your drones are well-maintained and operated by trained professionals.

Overall, drone mapping and industrial business can be lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs using cutting-edge technology to solve real-world problems. With a focus on staying up-to-date with the latest technology, building strong relationships with clients, and prioritizing safety and professionalism, this can be a rewarding and successful business to pursue.

How much does it cost to start: $200 (?)

How long does it take to build: 59 days (?)

17. Start a real estate AR/VR app business

18. Start a vr hardware repairs business

19. Start a themed content business

Looking to bring creativity and engagement to content creation? Consider launching a themed content business. This venture involves crafting and curating multimedia content around specific themes, catering to audiences looking for niche, quality material.

The essence of the business is straightforward. You select captivating themes—be it fantasy, science, mindfulness, or seasonal trends—and tailor content such as articles, videos, social media posts, and newsletters around them. This niche focus attracts a dedicated audience and builds a strong, loyal following.

The beauty of a themed content business lies in its versatility. You can work solo or build a team, collaborate with content creators, and leverage platforms like Patreon or Substack for monetization. It’s a brilliant way to turn passion into profit by consistently delivering targeted, high-quality content.

If you have a knack for storytelling and a flair for niche topics, this could be an ideal path to explore.

How much you can make: $40,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $4,050 (?)

How long does it take to build: 22 days (?)

How I Started A $30K/Month Personal Branding Content Service For B2B CEOs

Influence Podium CEO Marti Sanchez started his content service for B2B CEOs three years ago, which now helps get CEOs of companies on podcasts and repurposes those episodes. They have crossed $30k MRR and their next goal is to hit seven figures by the end of the year, while completely self-funded.

Read by 4,873 founders

20. Start a subscription management business

How long does it take to build: 70 days (?)

21. Start a data processing business

Data is the new gold. Starting a data processing business involves organizing, analyzing, and making sense of large amounts of information for other companies. This business idea is simple yet potent: you take raw data and transform it into valuable insights that can drive decisions.

In an era where data is omnipresent but often underutilized, your service will help businesses maximize their operational efficiency, market understanding, and overall strategy. By using specialized software and analytical tools, you can offer solutions that are both actionable and indispensable. This is not a side hustle; it requires a commitment to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest in data analytics.

For those intrigued by the prospect of diving deep into datasets and generating real-world impact, a data processing business offers a fulfilling challenge. It’s a path that combines technical acumen with tangible benefits for clients, making it a meaningful and profitable endeavor.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $80,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)

How I Turned My Teenage Hobby Into A 6-Figure Full-Time Business

Contact Any Celebrity founder Jordan McAuley shares how he turned his teenage hobby into a six-figure full-time business with a membership site and print directory of over 59,000 celebrity contacts, and his marketing strategies including an affiliate program, Google AdWords, and free trials.

Read by 11,074 founders

22. Start a home automation devices business

As digital technology continues to evolve, we are entering an era of "smart homes." What if you could offer innovative solutions to transform ordinary homes into automated systems? Introducing a business engrained in the home automation devices industry.

The concept is straightforward. This business involves selling and installing devices that can control various aspects of a home remotely or through AI. This could include anything from smart lighting and security systems to automated heating and cooling devices.

With constant advancements in technology, the prospect for growth in this sector is high. Not only does this business idea benefit from current market trends, but it also offers immense scalability and diversification potential. Imagine a future where you broaden your horizons to provide personalized, integrated systems for transforming ordinary homes into smart homes.

Delving into a home automation devices business positions you as more than a proprietor - you become a facilitator of ensuring comfort, convenience, and security, one smart home at a time.

23. Start a cash flow management business

24. Sell luxury smartphones and tablets

Luxury smartphones and tablets feature a highly unique array of capabilities and services. The luxurious brands are beyond the distinctive features and futuristic technology, with some running on kinetic energy and made from expensive metals.

25. Start an advertising insights app business

Looking to make sense of the swirling world of digital marketing? Consider launching an advertising insights app business.

This venture revolves around developing an app that provides businesses with actionable insights into their advertising campaigns. By analyzing data across various channels such as social media, search engines, and more, your app will help companies optimize ad spend and improve ROI.

As businesses navigate ever-complex digital landscapes, having real-time, sophisticated analytics at their fingertips becomes invaluable. This isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about delivering meaningful metrics that drive smarter decisions.

Starting this business requires understanding both tech and marketing landscapes. You’ll need to collaborate with data scientists and software developers while marketing your app to businesses hungry for clear, impactful insights. If you're drawn to the intersection of technology and marketing, this idea offers a robust, future-proof business opportunity.

How much you can make: $10,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

How These Former Resellers Built A $120K/Year Tool To Combat Bots

Yofi co-founders Jordan Shamir and Alex helped some of the largest brands in the world fight against resale bots, leading to the development of their customer identity platform that has stopped 51 million bot checkouts and acquired hundreds of new customers per month.

Read by 2,296 founders

26. Start a smart tutoring app business

27. Start a referral app business

Starting a referral app business taps into the power of word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age.

Essentially, you'll be creating an app that enables users to easily refer products or services to others while earning rewards for successful recommendations. The concept is straightforward: businesses gain new customers and users earn incentives for their referrals.

This business can be quite appealing due to its scalability—you can work with multiple brands and industries while growing user engagement organically. As the app developer, solidifying partnerships with various companies and consistently updating the app to enhance user experience will be key aspects of your role.

If you have an interest in marketing and technology, starting a referral app could be a rewarding venture. It’s an opportunity to facilitate connections, drive sales for businesses, and create a dynamic platform that benefits all parties involved.

How much you can make: $100,000 — $250,000/month

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Developed A $25K/Month Referral Software For Tech Startups

Co-founders of B2B SaaS startup GrowSurf, Derek and Kevin, developed a referral software for tech startups that has brought in around $25k MRR with a 6% monthly growth rate, overcoming generic messaging and a compromised product that wasn't a good fit for anyone.

Read by 7,602 founders

28. Start a parking space finder app business

Struggling to find parking can drive anyone nuts. Enter the parking space finder app.

This business idea revolves around creating a mobile application that helps users locate available parking spaces in real-time. By leveraging data from parking meters, garages, and even user feedback, the app dramatically reduces the time spent circling for a spot.

Imagine the relief of your users when they can navigate directly to open parking slots, thanks to your app. Start with a minimal viable product (MVP), refine the user experience, and build partnerships with parking facilities for comprehensive data coverage.

This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; it’s an opportunity to solve a common problem while potentially earning through subscriptions and partnerships. If you're keen on addressing everyday hassles with tech solutions, this venture could be right up your alley.

How much you can make: $100,000/month

How I Started A $1.2M/Year Business With Tools Like Typeform & Zapier

Learn how the Co-Founder and CEO of NOSON grew their business to $1.2M in revenue in 27 markets using tools like Typeform, Zapier and Google for only $300 a month, and their advice for entrepreneurs just starting out.

Read by 6,499 founders

29. Start a qr code business

Looking to connect the physical world with the digital seamlessly? Consider starting a QR code business. QR codes, those scannable squares, link users directly to online content without manual input.

A QR code business involves generating these codes for various applications—marketing campaigns, menu displays, event tickets, and more. You can offer custom designs, analytics, and even integration services for clients, making their user interaction smooth and memorable.

As businesses increasingly seek innovative ways to engage their audience, the demand for QR codes continues to rise. The beauty here is scalability—begin as a solo operation and expand to a full-service agency as you grow.

If you’re tech-savvy and have an eye for design, this could be a intriguing venture. The investment is minimal, but the opportunities are vast. Make technology accessible and practical for businesses, while building a sustainable enterprise for yourself.

How much you can make: $110 — $300,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,050 (?)

How long does it take to build: 121 days (?)

How I Built A $300K/Month QR Code Management Platform As A Former Architect

QR TIGER, a QR code management platform that provides static and dynamic QR codes, has developed a strong position in the market, with a profitable business model and consistent growth through customer-centric and organic marketing strategies.

Read by 6,717 founders

30. Start a course finder app business

Looking for a practical business that helps both students and professionals alike? Consider creating a course finder app. This app simplifies the search for educational courses by aggregating data from various educational platforms, allowing users to find the best courses based on their interests and needs.

By developing a course finder app, you can resolve the cumbersome task of sifting through countless online courses to find the right one. Whether it's a coding bootcamp or a creative writing workshop, users will appreciate a streamlined process to guide their educational journey.

Embark on designing an intuitive user interface, gather comprehensive course data, and implement filter options that make searching seamless. This business not only fills a market need but also offers the potential for growth and diversification, such as premium features or partnerships with educational institutions.

How much you can make: $7,800,000/month

How MasterClass Makes $90M+ ARR Selling Courses Online

MasterClass founder, David Rogier, built a platform offering online courses taught by world-class experts, experiencing rapid growth with top-tier SEO strategies and a revenue of $93.6M/year since starting in 2015.

Read by 479 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.