21 Shopify App Business Ideas You Can Start Today [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2023

Interested in starting a shopify app business in 2024?

We put together 21 of the best shopify app businesses you can start in today.

For each business idea, we’ll show you real-world examples of other shopify app businesses to help you see what it really takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Start an on-demand printing apps business

On-demand printing apps offer a lucrative business opportunity for the tech-savvy entrepreneur willing to bridge the gap between digital design and tangible products. This concept revolves around creating a platform where users can upload their designs, which are then sent to partnered printing services for production and shipment.

The rise of personalized merchandise means there's a substantial market for custom mugs, t-shirts, posters, and more. With an on-demand printing app, you facilitate the entire process, without ever touching a physical product yourself.

The appeal lies in the simplicity of the model and its potential for high scalability. Focus on building and refining the user experience of your app, as well as forming robust partnerships with reliable printing services. This business leverages technology and creativity—ideal for those looking to combine digital skills with practical solutions.

How much you can make: $15,000 — $700,000/month

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

Generating $15K/Month In Extra Income With A Graphic Design Library

Designious co-founder Alex Dumitru shares how the graphic design library generates $12-13k in monthly revenue by creating digital products that appeal to print-on-demand entrepreneurs and graphic designers, while also offering a flat-rate membership and useful resources that solve little problems.

Read by 4,629 founders

2. Start a marketing automation apps business

Looking to streamline how businesses market themselves? Consider a marketing automation apps business. This venture involves developing software solutions that automate repetitive marketing tasks like email campaigns, social media posting, and ad management.

Imagine providing tools that let companies focus more on strategy and creativity, and less on the mundane. By offering a well-designed app, you'll help businesses save time and increase efficiency, translating into better engagement and higher conversions.

The appeal lies in the growing demand for digital marketing solutions and the recurring revenue model through subscriptions. You don't need a massive team to start—you can gradually scale as demand grows.

If you're tech-savvy and have an eye for identifying marketing inefficiencies, this could be the ideal business. Developing an intuitive, user-friendly app can set you apart in a thriving market. Build something essential, and businesses will keep coming back.

How much you can make: $14,000 — $2,083,333/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

How I Started A $70K/Month Business Selling Software For MLMs

Epixel Solutions, LLC provides MLM software as a complete solution to manage and organize direct selling and MLM businesses, and has seen significant growth since launching, currently making a monthly revenue of around $70,000 and completing over 200+ projects in different sectors around the world.

Read by 7,521 founders

3. Create a wholesale hub with affordable pricing app

Struggling to find affordable wholesale products for your business? Consider establishing a wholesale hub with an accompanying affordable pricing app. This idea revolves around creating a centralized platform where numerous vendors can offer their products at wholesale prices, accessible to businesses of all sizes.

The app simplifies the purchasing process by allowing users to compare product prices, track orders, and benefit from bulk discounts—all in one place. This business requires initial setup of the platform, negotiation with suppliers, and continuous tech support to ensure smooth operations.

A wholesale hub with an app stands to solve a common problem faced by small and medium-sized businesses: finding reliable and cost-effective suppliers. With the right execution, this business can become indispensable for various enterprises looking to streamline their supply chain and reduce costs. The potential for building steady, long-term B2B relationships makes this a fantastic opportunity worth exploring.

4. Start a landing page builder apps business

Creating effective landing pages is a substantial need for businesses today. Launching a landing page builder app business addresses this demand by offering users customizable tools to design high-converting pages without technical skills.

The core of this business idea is developing an application that allows users to effortlessly build landing pages through drag-and-drop features and a variety of templates suited for different goals, be it lead generation or sales. The market interest in such tools is continually growing, as businesses shift more of their marketing online.

Running this business involves user interface design, customer support, and continuous improvement based on user feedback. By offering a solution that simplifies a critical aspect of digital marketing, there's significant potential to carve out a niche. The goal is to create a tool that's both intuitive and powerful, helping businesses of all sizes improve their online conversions.

How much you can make: $14,000 — $37,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How I Launched A $2.5K/Month Landing Page Builder

The founder of Unicorn Platform, Alexander Isora, created a landing page builder which generates over $2,200 in MRR and hosts 2,819 websites. Isora developed an MVP, created crowdfunding, and attributes the success of his product to a good MVP, reputation, and offering good support for customers.

Read by 8,561 founders

5. Start an all-in-one social media sharing app business

Tired of managing multiple social media accounts and apps? Consider creating an all-in-one social media sharing app. This business idea revolves around developing a centralized platform where users can manage, schedule, and post across all their social media profiles in one place.

Simplifying the chaotic landscape of social media management, this app would appeal to influencers, marketers, and everyday users who want to streamline their online presence. The core functionality would include consolidated feeds, cross-platform analytics, and seamless content scheduling.

Building this app entails understanding APIs of major social networks, user experience design, and robust backend development. Though technical and time-intensive, the potential market demand could be enormous. By addressing a common pain point, this business idea not only saves users time but also enhances their online engagement strategies.

How much you can make: $99,996 — $333,333/month

How much does it cost to start: $750 (?)

How long does it take to build: 525 days (?)

How I Bootstrapped A Social Media Automation Tool To $2MM/Year

MeetEdgar, a bootstrapped social media automation tool founded in 2014 by Laura Roeder, has grown to $4 million in annual recurring revenue and more than 5,000 customers, with a team size of two dozen, achieved through content marketing, social media marketing, and organic search.

Read by 14,803 founders

6. Start an image compression app business

How much you can make: $2,500 — $3,799/month

My App Had Paying Customers Without A Landing Page

Discover how CompressX, a video and image compression app, has helped over 2,770 customers reduce 7 terabytes of data, earn $5,000 in sales, and achieve $3,300 in revenue in the first month, all while growing to 2,600 visitors and 4,800 page views on its website.

Read by 5,680 founders

7. Start an upsell and cross sell apps business

Upselling and cross-selling are powerful strategies that can elevate any ecommerce business. Imagine an app that seamlessly integrates with online stores to enhance product recommendations and drive additional sales.

An upsell and cross-sell app focuses on suggesting complementary products or premium versions of items customers are already purchasing. This not only improves user experience but also boosts revenue without significant changes to your existing operations.

Setting up such a business involves designing user-friendly interfaces, ensuring smooth integration with popular ecommerce platforms, and constant testing to refine recommendations. The potential market is vast, spanning small businesses to larger enterprises looking to maximize their customer value.

For those with a knack for both tech and business strategy, developing upsell and cross-sell apps can be a fulfilling venture. With ecommerce continually growing, demand for these effective sales tools is on the rise, making it a business idea worth considering.

How much you can make: $96,000/month

How long does it take to build: 114 days (?)

I Made An Ecommerce App That Generated Over $50M Of Extra Revenue For My Clients

Exto.io's CEO and founder shares how they grew their flagship product, Recom.ai, into a full-fledged marketing tool with a $96K monthly turnover, attracting a diverse range of customers from small mom-and-pop shops to enterprise companies using a performance marketing approach and prioritizing customer feedback.

Read by 3,310 founders

8. Start a product page view count app business

Curious about the traffic your online store’s product pages are getting? A product page view count app might just be the business venture to consider.

In essence, this idea revolves around developing an application that integrates with ecommerce platforms to display real-time view counts on product pages. This transparency can build trust and urgency among potential buyers, boosting sales and engagement.

Building such an app involves software development skills and a solid understanding of ecommerce ecosystems like Shopify or WooCommerce. Once built, marketing your app to online store owners becomes key, leveraging channels like social media and ecommerce forums.

With the rising competition in online retail, store owners are continuously seeking tools to enhance their user experience and sales metrics. A product page view count app fills this need, presenting a compelling business opportunity with high demand potential.

9. Start a shopping cart apps business

10. Start a market research app business

Looking to tap into the world of data-driven decision making? Consider starting a market research app business.

A market research app collects vital consumer insights through surveys, polls, and data analytics, providing businesses with the information they need to make informed decisions. By developing an intuitive app, you can streamline the process for companies needing real-time data.

Your primary challenges will involve app development, user acquisition, and creating reliable data collection methodologies. However, the reward is a robust business that meets a growing demand in a data-driven market.

With the rise of digital transformation, businesses are constantly seeking ways to understand their customer base better. Offer them valuable, actionable insights and your app will quickly become indispensable.

How much you can make: $1,500,000/month

How We Built A $1.5M/Month Survey And Research Solution

TapResearch generates roughly $1.5M in revenue per month through their Sample and Insights platforms, which allow market researchers to access survey respondents they need and make fast and easy decisions through a highly scalable respondent network that delivers surveys to hundreds of millions of people.

Read by 9,676 founders

11. Start a marketplace integration apps business

Struggling to streamline sales across multiple online platforms? Consider starting a marketplace integration apps business.

Simply put, this business creates software that helps online sellers manage their products, orders, and customer data across various ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify from one unified platform.

With ecommerce continuously growing, there’s an increasing demand for tools that simplify these complex processes. You’ll be addressing a critical need for efficiency and automation in online retail.

Get started by understanding the unique integration needs of different marketplaces and developing an intuitive, reliable application. A background in software development and a keen eye for ecommerce trends will be valuable.

This venture requires hard work and technical expertise, but the potential for subscription-based revenue and extensive market reach can make it a rewarding endeavor.

How much you can make: $50,000/month

How long does it take to build: 1000 days (?)

How We Built A $600K/Year E-Commerce Platform

Launch Cart CEO and founder Greg Writer created a new and faster e-Commerce platform to compete with Shopify, with over 35,000 registrations to date, and a Source and Sell Marketplace that allows entrepreneurs to source drop-ship and affiliate marketing products, driving promising growth as their future looks bright as a viable alternative to Shopify, Amazon, and Etsy in the e-Commerce industry.

Read by 3,190 founders

12. Start a forum app business

13. Start a guest author apps business

Looking to leverage untapped talent and create engaging content? Consider starting a guest author app business. This platform enables businesses and bloggers to connect with guest authors who can provide fresh perspectives and high-quality content without the long-term commitment.

Create a space where aspiring writers can showcase their skills while helping businesses diversify their content effortlessly. You’ll manage the matchmaking process, ensuring compatibility and maintaining quality standards. By taking care of contracts, copyrights, and payments, your app provides a hassle-free experience for both parties.

Filling content calendars has never been easier. Guest author apps meet the growing demand for dynamic, varied content, offering a win-win for writers and businesses alike. It’s an appealing venture for those who enjoy organizing, curating talent, and fostering creative collaborations. Start your own guest author app and become the bridge between skilled writers and content-hungry businesses.

How much you can make: $4,998/month

How We Launched A $2,500/Month Visitor Management System

Vizitor, a smart visitor management solution, has experienced 40% month-on-month growth and expanded since launching its free plan for small organizations, with plans to integrate with access control hardware and become a million-dollar company by the end of the year.

Read by 6,297 founders

14. Start a cash on delivery with OTP app business

15. Start a double discount app business

16. Start a social media live chat app business

Want to capitalize on the powerful world of social media? Consider launching a social media live chat app business. This idea revolves around creating a platform that enables real-time communication among users, enhancing their social media experiences.

By developing an engaging and user-friendly app, you can offer dynamic features like live video chats, instant messaging, and group conversations. This will attract influencers, businesses, and average users looking to connect in a more immediate and intimate way.

Building this type of app requires solid technical expertise, a clear understanding of user needs, and effective marketing strategies. However, the payoff can be substantial as you tap into the ever-growing demand for instant communication.

If you're ready to combine social media’s widespread reach with real-time interaction, this business idea could open up a world of opportunities.

How much you can make: $2,535/month

How much does it cost to start: $100 (?)

How long does it take to build: 21 days (?)

I Built A Website Chat Tool & Grew It To $30K ARR

Boei is a chat widget that integrates with social channels like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, which has made a gross profit of over $20,000 in just ten months and has over 2,088 customers and growing.

Read by 2,909 founders

17. Start a visual countdown timer app business

Need a tool to better manage your time? Consider developing a visual countdown timer app. This isn't just any timer; it's an engaging, user-friendly app that offers a visual representation of time, helping users manage tasks more efficiently and stay focused.

The concept is straightforward: create an app that visually displays the passage of time through creative graphics, animations, or color changes. It can help users, particularly those who are visual learners, track their activities and improve productivity.

From students needing to keep track of study sessions to professionals managing work tasks, visual countdown timers can appeal to a wide audience. With mobile devices becoming integral to daily life, an easy-to-use, aesthetically pleasing app could carve out a niche in a crowded market.

If you appreciate blending technology with design and have a knack for software development, this could be a rewarding venture that fills a genuine need.

How much you can make: $850 — $8,333/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 91 days (?)

How We Built An $8K/Month Niche Online Tool [Business Idea Validated On Reddit]

Stagetimer generates $8,000 in monthly revenue by providing a simple online countdown timer for event producers to keep meetings and presentations on time, built based on a need in the market and validated through word of mouth and search engine optimization.

Read by 14,127 founders

18. Build a warehouse management app

Warehouse management apps automate processes involved in running a warehouse. These operations include but are not limited to receiving, organizing warehouse space, scheduling labor, inventory management, order fulfillment, and other operations.

Wholesalers and companies are looking for solutions to help them simplify these operations. As they open warehouses, the demand for an automation app is increasing tremendously. If you have basic app development skills and understand warehouse operations, you can use your skills to create an app that will help in the management of warehouse operations.

How much you can make: $500/month

This Couple Solved Their Own Problem & Built A Profitable Inventory SaaS

Inventora is a niche inventory management system designed for artisan businesses that tracks both products and supplies, and the relationship between the two, has gained 2,500 free users in just four months and has hit $500 in MRR after introducing premium features a month ago, with the founders expecting to hit $3k MRR target shortly.

Read by 3,373 founders

19. Start a refer a friend app business

Looking for a unique business opportunity that leverages social connections? Consider starting a refer-a-friend app business. This business model revolves around creating a platform where users can earn rewards for referring their friends to various services or products.

The setup involves developing a user-friendly app, forging partnerships with companies eager to gain new customers through word-of-mouth referrals, and integrating seamless reward systems. Once the framework is established, the key is to maintain engaging features and relevant partnerships to keep users invested.

What makes this idea appealing is its potential for organic growth. People are naturally inclined to share services they love with friends and family. This app capitalizes on that inherent behavior, making it a compelling venture for those interested in blending technology with social networks.

The work may seem daunting initially, but the payoffs can be significant as you create a platform that fuels continuous engagement and mutual benefits for businesses and consumers alike.

How much you can make: $100,000/month

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Developed A $25K/Month Referral Software For Tech Startups

Co-founders of B2B SaaS startup GrowSurf, Derek and Kevin, developed a referral software for tech startups that has brought in around $25k MRR with a 6% monthly growth rate, overcoming generic messaging and a compromised product that wasn't a good fit for anyone.

Read by 7,602 founders

20. Create an automatic one-click order fulfillment app

Streamline your ecommerce operations with an automatic one-click order fulfillment app. This innovative solution efficiently manages your order logistics from payment to delivery with just a single click.

Instead of grappling with the complexities of inventory management, packaging, and shipping, this app simplifies the entire process, enabling you to focus on growing your business. Whether you’re a small online retailer or an established ecommerce platform, an automatic one-click order fulfillment app can enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Imagine the ease of integrating this app into your existing ecommerce setup—saving time and reducing manual errors. With the rising demand for seamless shopping experiences, now is an opportune time to consider this smart, tech-forward approach to order fulfillment. Investing in this idea could significantly streamline your business operations and elevate your standing in the competitive ecommerce market.

How much you can make: $25,000,000/month

How This Immigrant Entrepreneur Built A $60M/Year Fulfillment Business

ShipMonk, a technology-driven fulfillment center, went from $130K in revenue in 2014 to nearly $30M in 2018 and was named America's Fastest Growing Fulfillment Center, with projected revenue of $60M for 2019.

Read by 17,427 founders

21. Start a product sharing app business

In a world increasingly driven by sustainability, a product-sharing app business makes a lot of sense. This concept allows users to share and borrow items, reducing the need for every individual to buy and store infrequently used products.

The business model is straightforward: create a user-friendly app where people can list items they are willing to share, and others can request to borrow them. You'd facilitate transactions, handle customer support, and manage the logistics of delivery and return.

By capitalizing on this idea, you not only tap into the growing sharing economy but also contribute to reducing consumer waste. Setting up requires a keen understanding of app development, user experience design, and community management.

If you're interested in combining tech with a sustainable business practice, this venture offers both financial promise and a feel-good factor.

How much you can make: $10,000/month

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

I Bootstrapped A $120K/Year Business Management SaaS From Pakistan

Agiled is a bootstrapped business management software company founded by Asad Ali that has generated $10k/month serving over 5,000 companies, with a goal of reaching $100k MRR by the end of next year.

Read by 5,498 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.