How Much Does It Cost To Start An E Bikes Business? (In 2024)
Looking to start an eBikes business?
But curious about:
- how much it costs to start an eBikes business?
- what are the typical eBikes business startup costs?
- or the actual cost of starting eBikes businesses?
Well, we have the data to prove it, supported by real eBikes businesses and how much they actually cost to start.
Let's go over it.
What is the average cost of starting an eBikes business?
Based on our data reported by actual eBikes business founders, the average cost of starting an eBikes business is between $200 and $50,000.
Additionally, our data shows that the the median startup costs for an eBikes business are around $15.5K.
Remember, though, not all eBikes businesses are the same - and neither are people's budgets. It's important to distinguish between different levels or types of eBikes businesses
Real World Examples: How much does it cost to start an eBikes business?
We asked real eBikes business founders and business owners how much it actually cost to get started?
Here is what they said:

Stephan Aarstol
Founder of Tower Electric Bikes ($300K/month)
"When I looked at the market, it was a fragmented mess of ill-conceived products and brands. Apparently, anyone could Frankenstein together an eBike, or piece together one with a conversion kit, and start an 'eBike company', and so that's what happened. Hundreds of competitors. Very few goods, a handful of bad, and a lot of ugly."
Stephan Aarstol is the co-founder of Tower Electric Bikes, a direct-to-consumer electric bike brand.

Borja Eraso
Founder of ($110K/month)
"Despite the big expenditure on renting the shop and purchasing our first range of products, initial funding was not a big issue. I had piled up some savings over my years working abroad and house-sharing and my dad had done quite well with his Solar PV company, so we went solo - no banks involved."
Borja is the founder of, a retail business that specializes in green tech products and electric mobility solutions, started in 2010.

Ali Kazemkhani
Founder of ENVO Drive ($1.2M/month)
"I could have initially invested 50k into a seamless website, but you need to test the waters first. My chance of failure was low because I didn't invest or raise any funds or commitment, so I could focus on what I needed to do without losing much."
Ali Kazemkhani is the founder of EBikeBC and ENVO Drive Systems, e-mobility product development and retail companies that have doubled growth year over year since their inception.

Kyle Chittock
Founder of Area 13 Ebikes ($350K/month)
"Everything didn’t start perfectly, there were many challenges along the way. I started with less than $200 out of pocket and learned as I went."
Kyle Chittock is the founder of Area 13 Ebikes, an electric bicycle and upgrade components business that has grown about 500% year over year without any paid advertising.

Ben Sarrazin
Founder of Yuba Cargo Bikes ($1M/month)
"However, to be in business one needs to finance a full container of bikes (between *200 and 350 units) for a cost of* ***$100K-$350K*."
Ben Sarrazin is the founder of Yuba Group, a company that designs and distributes load-carrying bicycles.

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