325+ Creative Podcast Name Ideas
Naming your podcast is one of the most important steps in creating a successful show.
A great name can capture your audience's attention, communicate your brand, and help you stand out from the competition. It's the first thing potential listeners will see and hear, and it sets the tone for what they can expect from your content.
We've put together a list of the best podcast name ideas, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to name your business and give real-world examples of how other founders came up with the name of their business.
Additionally, we provide you with a free business name generator with an instant domain availability check to help you find a custom name for your podcast.
Podcast Name Generator
Want to come up with your own unique company or brand name?
You can generate thousands of podcast name ideas for free using our business name generator and instantly check domain availability.
Creative podcast name ideas
- True Story Bro
- The Chill Podcast
- Podcast Pros
- Clever Cast
- Buypodcast
- Who’s My Daddy
- Studio Scoop
- Studio Speakers
- Downloaded Discussions
- Kid Whispers Podcast
- Podcastheroes
- Podchest
- Mod Pod
- One-Hour Podcast
- Loud Podcast
- Rhythm Nation
- Bodcast
- D’Artagnan
- Cast Of Characters
- Verbal Dissertations
- The Writer’S Corner
- Prolific Podcast
- Podcastsafe
- Renderpodcast
- Freepodcast
- Unravelpodcasts
- Deep Dive Podcast
- Bait N Switch
- Unleashpodcast
- Real Nonsense
- Prestigepodcast
- Podbrand
- Let’S Talk Numbers
- Podcaststation
- Syndicated Speakers
- Catty Kate
- A To Digital
- News Podcast
- Back in Blue
- Syndicated Systems
- Crowd Speech
- BlogShow
- Pillow Talk
- Podlite
- Straight Talk Podcast
- Gossip Bird
- Bar Talk Podcast
- What A Dream
- Sirepodcast
- Vinyl Podcast
- Podcloud
- Penis Monologues
- The Boys Talk Too
- Jaw Jacking Podcast
- The Real Talk
- Bad News Podcast
- Mixpodcasts
- City Spirit
- Openpodcast
- Begetpodcast
- Sister Circles Podcast
- NergPodcast
- Swipe Right Podcast
- The [NAME] Idea
- DJ Hour
- Digital Dish
- Podbox
- Joke-N-Story
- White Walker
- Young Billionaire
- Fun Times Podcast
- The Kid Chatroom
- Bombast Podcast
- Nameyourpodcast
- Podvision
- Podcastsource
- Hot Topics
- Through The Grapevine Podcast
- Crowd Podcast
- Podcastteam
- The Groupchat
- Drop Hints Sis!
- Podcastmine
- Cheers! The Podcast
- The Gossip Report Card
- Dark Channel
- Politicing Podcast
- Brave Political Commentary
- Polite Banter
- Futurist Story
- Podcastlab
- Back to Basics
- Femalester
- Femallaza
- Fecaster
- RoundupGirl
- Audio Frequency Spot
- Demo Spot
- Positional Audio Frequency
- Weekly Youtube Group
- Music Trading Co
- Explode Audio
- Structured
- The Standard Cassette
- The Successful
- Audiotape Pro
- DigitalAudio
- Successful Vlog
- Minute Blog Place
- The Single Vlog
- Actual Auditory
- Portable Wireless Trading Co
- PrivateRadio
- Sophisticated
- The Local
- Professional Navigation Trading Co
- The Bit
- Positional
- Audible Place
- Short Broadcasting
- Latest Forecast
- Telescope Audio
- The Daily
- Sound Cassette Trading Co
- ParticularPodcast
- Tiny
- Audio Spot
- The Public Television
- Language Broadcasts
- Available Audiotape
- Mixed
- Cassette Spot
- Installment Co
- Actual Sound
- The Splendid
- Blogging Spot
- Single Audio Group
- Podcasting Place
- The Musical
- Audiotape Trading Co
- Raw Navigation Group
- Juxtapose Audio
- The Available
- Mixed Audiotape
- Mpeg Navigation Trading Co
- Regular Blog
- Available Audiovisual
Cool podcast name ideas
- Regular Podcasting
- The Recorded Audible
- UncompressedAudio
- The External Recording
- DvdAudio
- Corresponding Tape Trading Co
- Professional Navigation Trading Co
- The Synthetic
- Awoke Audio
- The Quality Newsletter
- NonspeechAudio
- Spatial
- Fine Present Group
- UndergroundRadio
- Dvd
- Music Spot
- The Unabridged Audiotape
- Raw Audiotape Trading Co
- Cassette Co
- Corporate Audio
- DuplexAudio
- AvailableAudio
- Compact Sound Trading Co
- Television Pro
- Popular Audio Collective
- The Positional Audio Frequency
- The Minute
- Specific Audio
- Podcasting Spot
- The Prerecorded
- Audiotape Collective
- Grandiose Radio
- Positional Audio Frequency
- LevelAudio
- Latest Webcast Place
- Available Audiophile
- The Encoded
- SpecificPodcast
- The Multiple Navigation
- The Duplex
- Forecast Place
- Latest Podcasting
- Prove Pro
- The Recorded
- Pleasant Instalment
- The Prerecorded Music
- Range Radius
- Range Broadcasts Group
- Reveal Trading Co
- The Specific Playlist
- The Specific
- EndAudio
- The Separate
- Playlist Place
- Mixed
- Saga Trading Co
- Monthly
- The Minute Webinar
- Explode Audio
- Actual Sound
- The Available Sound
- Audio
- Entire Forecast Pro
- Audio Frequency Group
- Audiovisual Spot
- The Visual Navigation
- Based Music
- The Next Playlist
- Jerome Audio
- Blog Trading Co
- Actual Auditory
- Standard Graphics Group
- WayAudio
- Continuous Sound Group
- Particular Photoset
- The Spatial Audiotape
- The Slightest
- Professional Audio Frequency
- Specific Playlist
- Corporate Vlog
- Wireless Radio Receiver Group
- Blog Collective
- Synchronous Cassette
- Mixed Music
- Regular Webcast Collective
- Successful
- Unfold Episode
- The Positional
- Clandestine Receiving Set
- Mixed Audiotape Place
- Mere Show Pro
- LinearAudio
- The Monthly
- Actual Audiotape
- End Tape Group
- Linear Audiotape Collective
- The Sound
- Tv remote Radio
- Audio Frequency Co
- Multiple Audiotape Pro
- Blogging Pro
- Multiple Navigation Place
- The Multichannel Music
- Regular Youtube
- Incoming
- LiveAudio
- The Positional Tape
- Minute Podcasting Co
- The Video
- Linear Audio Frequency
- Enhanced Youtube
- Raton Radio
- Tiptoe Episode
- Italian Broadcasting
- Compact Tape
- Weekly Blog Trading Co
- The Professional Recording
- The Digital Audiovisual
- End Music Place
- Night
- Audio Group
- Actual Audiovisual
- New Webcast
- The External
- Online Music Pro
- Actual Aural
- Terrestrial Broadcaster
- Monthly Youtube
- Recorded Navigation Collective
- Download Audio
- SeparateAudio
- Monthly Podcasting
- Minute Blog Place
- Single Webinar Collective
- Based Audible Collective
- Unhappy
- Specific Youtube Pro
- Uncompressed Audiotape Pro
- Particular Preview
- SimultaneousAudio
- Own
- Minute Forecast Trading Co
- Webinar Place
- StandardAudio
- Daily Webcast Collective
- The Sophisticated
- Mixed Sound
Unique podcast name ideas
- The Standard
- Comic Sequence Collective
- Regular
- The Favorite
- Free Newsletter Group
- The Single Audio
- Original Graphics
- Newsletter Spot
- Simultaneous Audio Frequency Pro
- Appearance Place
- Payroll Audio
- Tiny
- Duplex Recording Trading Co
- Digital Audiotape Group
- The Video Music
- Raw Navigation Group
- Based
- Music Trading Co
- Webcast Collective
- OwnPodcast
- The Professional
- The Secret
- Audiotape Place
- The Satellite
- Language Broadcasts
- The Favorite Vlog
- Mobile Tuner
- DigitalAudio
- Successful Showmanship
- The Electronic Sound
- Embedded Tape
- The Full
- Favorite Blogging
- Youtube Trading Co
- Audio Blog
- Popular Phoner
- The Separate Recording
- Popular Webinar Pro
- The Mixed
- The Corporate Youtube
- Particular
- The Big Radio Set
- Webcast Spot
- Honor roll Audio
- TimeShow
- Newsletter Group
- Regular Blog
- Milestone Episode
- Better Evince
- Electronic
- The Next Youtube
- ParticularPodcast
- The Own Podcasting
- Own Forecast Trading Co
- MinutePodcast
- Synchronous Cassette Collective
- IncomingAudio
- NextPodcast
- The Next Blogging
- Dvd Recording Spot
- Time Music Trading Co
- Sampled Recording
- Audible Trading Co
- Tape Pro
- Own Audio
- Available
- Clear Audiovisual Place
- Operated Radio Receiver Co
- The Memorable
- Specific Blog
- Entire
- Playlist Spot
- The Entire
- Single Vlog Trading Co
- Audio Audio Collective
- The Latest
- Digital Audio Frequency Place
- Weekly
- The High Audio Frequency
- Impose Episode
- The Integrated Audible
- Local Radiocommunication Co
- Level
- The Linear Recording
- Sound Audio Frequency Trading Co
- Linear
- Corresponding Recording Spot
- The Weekly
- The Portable Sound
- Successful Youtube Group
- The Based Audio Frequency
- The Integrated Audio Frequency
- Stereo Navigation
- Single Audio Group
- Music Pro
- High
- Corporate Podcasting Co
- Entire Ender
- Enhanced
- RecordedAudio
- Positional Navigation
- Sound Cassette Trading Co
- LanguageRadio
- Domestic
- Next Audio Spot
- HeldRadio
- The Range
- Extraordinary Exciting
- The Single Vlog
- Broadcast Pro
- External Audiovisual Place
- Single Vlog Collective
- The Audio
- Megaphone Audio
- National Radio Receiver Group
- Regular Forecast
- Simultaneous
- Audio Trading Co
- SchizophrenicEpisode
- SoundAudio
- Linear Sound Pro
- Stereos Audio
- Blogging Place
- Crystal
- Mono
- Mpeg
- Cassette Spot
- Actual Audio
- VideoAudio
- Full Sound Co
- Audiovisual Place
- The New
- Audible Pro
- Centerfold Episode
- Prerecorded Sound Group
- Linear Navigation Spot
- QualityPodcast
- MonthlyPodcast
- Mixed Audiotape
- The Synchronous Tape
- Youtube Spot
- The Successful Podcasting
- Mexico Episode
- Integrated
- Visual Cassette Pro
- Prerecorded
- Secret Broadcast Spot
Cute podcast name ideas
- The Linear Tape
- ShortwaveRadio
- Weekly Youtube Group
- Particular Prelector
- Graphics Place
- Portable Wireless Trading Co
- Simultaneous Cassette
- Tape Co
- Poor Reveal Place
- Corporate Audio Trading Co
- Multiple Tape Trading Co
- New Playlist Spot
- Audiotape Trading Co
- Installment Co
- SevereEpisode
- High Recording Spot
- VisualAudio
- The Spatial
- Vlog Group
- Standard Audiovisual Spot
- Minute Forecast Collective
- Latest Playlist Co
- Demo Spot
- Embedded Graphics Trading Co
- The Minute Webcast
- The New Blog
- Regular Webinar
- Adios Audio
- Newsletter Pro
- Level Sound Spot
- SpatialAudio
- Blog Place
- The Loud
- AgriculturalShow
- PopularPodcast
- Synthetic Cassette Group
- Evince Place
- Digital Graphics
- Church roll Audio
- Specific Playlist Co
- The Level Cassette
- The Linear Navigation
- MonoAudio
- Sophisticated Recording Group
- GrandShow
- Popular Preview
- Full Audio Frequency
- The Clear
- Audiovisual Group
- Blogging Trading Co
- Series Co
- Continuous
- The Integrated
- Loud Radio Set
- The Sampled Audible
- Corresponding Audiovisual Pro
- Podcasting Collective
- Annual Demo
- Clear
- Blogging Spot
- The Operated
- RawAudio
- Single Blogging Group
- The Quality Forecast
- Raw
- The Uncompressed
- The Full Audiovisual
- The Weekly Audio
- Enhanced Youtube Group
- Successful Vlog
- The Dvd
- Favorite
- Daily Indicate Group
- The Multiple
- Sound Co
- The Weekly Webcast
- Cassette Pro
- CommercialRadio
- Based Recording
- Video Graphics Trading Co
- NewPodcast
- Burlesque Present Group
- Newsletter Trading Co
- Playlist Collective
- The Shorthand Sound
- Actual Audio Visual
- First
- Time Tape
- Particular Podcasting
- Range Radar
- Full Cassette
- LatestPodcast
- The Compact
- Vlog Pro
- The Professional Tape
- The Standard Cassette
- First Podcasting Co
- The Daily Audio
- The Daily
- New
- Range Broadcast Place
- Osteo Audio
- Webinar Trading Co
- Duplex
- Spectacular Showmanship
- EmbeddedAudio
- Podcasting Pro
- Compact
- The Regular
- PrerecordedAudio
- Tape Place
- ClearAudio
- ClimacticEpisode
- Own Podcasting Spot
- WomanShow
- The Biggest
- Stereo Tape Trading Co
- The Corresponding Graphics
- Sound Spot
- Exciting Event
- The Raw
- Podcasting Group
- MultimediaAudio
- Favorite Blogging Co
- FullAudio
- Playlist Trading Co
- EncodedAudio
- Best
- Show Place
- The Minute Podcasting
- Forecast Co
- Sound Radio Set
- The Single
- The Based
- The Encoded Graphics
- Range Rover
- Separate Audiotape
- Vlog Trading Co
- Unabridged Navigation Co
- The Linear
- Educational
- Quality Webcast
- Interactive
- External Audio Frequency Trading Co
- Radio Receiver Co
- Mpeg Audiovisual Place
- Mere Demo Co
Clever podcast name ideas
- Incoming Audio Frequency Collective
- The Incoming
- Better Display
- The Next
- New Blog
- Available Audio Frequency
- Free Audio Collective
- First Webcast
- Extraordinary Experience
- PrivateRadio
- Standard Audible Group
- Monthly Blog Place
- The Sad
- Free Vlog
- Slightest Depict Place
- Tuner Pro
- Available Aural
- The Way
- Daily Audio
- Audio Co
- Free
- The Digital
- Minute Forecast Pro
- The Own Webcast
- Cassette Collective
- Portable
- Historical Incident Co
- Daily Playlist
- Exciting Experience
- The Mere
- Uncompressed Audible
- Popular Audio Spot
- The Enhanced Blog
- The High Navigation
- Cheap
- Available Audio
- Installment Group
- The Mpeg
- Successful Blogging Place
- Corporate
- Popular Prelector
- Mpeg Graphics
- Dispose Audio
- CorporatePodcast
- Next Youtube Place
- Record Audio Frequency Co
- The Musical
- Patrol Radio
- Successful Playlist
- Quality
- UnabridgedAudio
- The First Blog
- The Mono
- Next Newsletter Place
- Single
- The Available Recording
- Stereo
- Single Podcasting Group
- British Radio Set
- EntirePodcast
- Broadcaster Trading Co
- StereoAudio
- Ratio Episode
- Shore Tuner
- Enhanced Youtube Collective
- The Earlier
- Multimedia Music
- Regular Webinar Group
- The Synchronous
- Agricultural Prove
- The Weekly Blogging
- Structured Sound Pro
- Available Audiovisual
- Separate Audible Trading Co
- The Psychotic
- Multiple
- Navigation Trading Co
- Actual Audio Frequency
- Good Present
- Original Audible
- Audible Place
- The Free
- Multichannel
- Sampled Music
- Corporate Forecast
- The High
- The Nonspeech Cassette
- First Blog Place
- Way Audiotape Trading Co
- Portable Tape
- Spectacular
- First Webinar Co
- Better Audiotape
- New Forecast Spot
- The Isolated
- The Corresponding Audiotape
- Sound Place
- The High Sound
- Separate
- Embedded
- Magic Exhibit Trading Co
- The Corresponding
- The Simultaneous
- The Original
- EnhancedPodcast
- Youtube Place
- The Weekly Podcasting
- Nonspeech Audible
- The Extraordinary
- Audiotape Pro
- ElectronicAudio
- Bit Audible Pro
- The Nonspeech
- Daily Podcasting
- The Based Graphics
- Corporate Webinar
- The Quality
- New Blog Group
- The Electronic
- New Blogging
- BasedAudio
- Popular Presentation
- MultipleAudio
- AudioPodcast
- Record
- Daily Audio Trading Co
- Free Webcast Place
- The Initial
- Shortwave Radio Receiver Trading Co
- Interactive Tape Collective
- Webcast Pro
- End Audio Frequency Collective
- RecordAudio
- Sampled Tape
- ProfessionalAudio
- The Embarrassing
- Full Music Trading Co
- Live Receiving Set
- Blogging Group
- The Febrile Installment
- Sound Graphics Collective
- The Synchronous Music
- Popular Youtube Group
- Multiple Recording Pro
- Telephone Episode
- Artichoke Audio
- The Free Webcast
Best podcast name ideas
- InitialEpisode
- Actual Audiological
- Audio Frequency Spot
- Daily Blog
- Daily Youtube Group
- The Shore Radio Receiver
- The Splendid
- Secret
- The Bit
- Digital Audiovisual Collective
- Sophisticated
- Slightest Show Up
- Audio Pro
- Corporate Playlist
- Radio Receiver Spot
- Cellular
- Earlier Experience
- SampledAudio
- Clear Audiotape
- Weekly Prove Place
- FirstPodcast
- Seminole Radio
- The Continuous Cassette
- Live Graphics Pro
- Podcasting Trading Co
- The Final
- Own Youtube Place
- Audio tone Audio
- The Actual
- The Live Audiotape
- Audible Co
- Recent
- Demo Collective
- The Visual Audiovisual
- Own Newsletter Collective
- The Regular Vlog
- WirelessRadio
- Specific
- Severe Sequence Pro
- Uncompressed Tape
- The Local
- MixedAudio
- Mpeg Audible Trading Co
- Tuner Collective
- TimeAudio
- Enhanced Blogging Place
- Minute Newsletter Group
- Nonspeech Sound Spot
- The Standard Music
- Online Audible
- Radio Set Collective
- Own Audio Group
- Next Youtube Spot
- Free Webinar
- Structured
- Enhanced Vlog Collective
- The Specific Webinar
- The External Audiotape
- Webcast Trading Co
- Side Say
- Recording Group
- Music Group
- Regular Youtube Pro
- Particular Presentation
- Actual Acoustic
- Youtube Collective
- The Public Television
- Own Youtube Co
- HighAudio
- Telescope Audio
- The Curious
- Standard
- The Side
- Audiotape Group
- Time
- Enhanced Vlog
- The Stereo
- Auto dope Audio
- Online Tape Pro
- Sound
- First Audio Place
- Multimedia Navigation Pro
- CompactAudio
- Visual Tape Trading Co
- Brave
- EmbarrassingEpisode
- The Portable
- Studios Audio
- The End
- Clear Audio Frequency Group
- The Record
- Sound Trading Co
- The Spatial Music
- Next
- The First Podcasting
- Audiotape Co
- End Cassette Group
- Regular Newsletter Trading Co
- Audiovisual Co
- Available Audible
- Professional Graphics
- Sophisticated Graphics Trading Co
- The Bloody
- Newsletter Place
- Popular Webcast
- Second
- RegularPodcast
- Live Audiovisual Collective
- Forecast Trading Co
- Linear Graphics Co
- Microscope Audio
- Envelope Radio
- Next Webcast
- Popular Presenter
- Popular Blog Group
- The High Tape
- Microphone Audio
- Corleone Audio
- Successful Playlist Group
- The Audio Forecast
- Particular Audio Group
- The Particular
- Recorded Audio Frequency Spot
- Daily
- Latest Blog Trading Co
- The Romantic
- Cassette Trading Co
- Ramone Radio
- Recording Collective
- Swedish
- Control Audio
- Available Audiotape Pro
- Visual
- Audiotape Spot
- Garden hose Audio
- Audible Collective
- The Entire Blog
- Enhanced Blogging
- Mixed Music Co
- Mpeg Navigation Trading Co
- Audio Spot
- Recorded Audible
- Dominos Audio
- The Professional Sound
- The Level
- Range Radiofrequency
- FreePodcast
Learn more about starting a podcast:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a podcast?
-> Pros and cons of a podcast
Need inspiration?
-> Other podcast success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a podcast
-> Podcast slogans
-> Podcast Instagram bios
Other resources
-> Profitability of a podcast
-> Podcast tips
-> Blog post ideas for a podcast
-> Podcast quotes
Funny Podcast Names
- Clear Audiotape
- The Next Playlist
- Monthly Blog Place
- Successful Youtube Group
- Sound Place
- ShortwaveRadio
- The Based
- Portable Tape
- DigitalRadio
- The Visual Audiovisual
- The Multimedia
- The Operated
- Secret Broadcast Spot
- Exciting Event
- Free Newsletter Spot
- StereoAudio
- Single Audio Group
- Multichannel Sound Spot
- Own Newsletter Collective
- UnfortunateEpisode
- Available Audiovisual
- Sophisticated
- Broadcasting Pro
- Separate
- Webcast Trading Co
- Quality Webcast
- Corresponding Audiovisual Pro
- Regular Youtube
- The Next Youtube
- Music Group
- Newsletter Place
- Pleasant Instalment
- Based Recording
- Time Music Trading Co
- The Encoded
- Microscope Audio
- RecordAudio
- The Corresponding Graphics
- Church roll Audio
- Based Music
- Audiovisual Group
- Popular Phoner
- Live Audiovisual Collective
- Digital Graphics
- Audiotape Pro
- Full Tape Trading Co
- Webinar Trading Co
- Raw
- Poor Reveal Place
- Tv remote Radio
- The Raw
- Photos Audio
- Telescope Audio
- Artichoke Audio
- Prove Pro
- Audiovisual Place
- Payroll Audio
- New Blogging
- The Weekly Podcasting
- Entire Webcast
- Audio Forecast Spot
- The Minute Webcast
- Own Forecast
- Historical Incident Co
- Corporate Audio Trading Co
- Mixed Sound
- Incoming
- Minute Forecast Pro
- The Minor
- The First
- BetterAudio
- End Music Place
- Audiotape Trading Co
- Youtube Spot
- The Sampled Audible
- The High
- Audible Co
- Full Audio Frequency
- Demo Collective
- Linear Graphics Co
- Blogging Place
- Single Blogging Group
- The Professional Tape
- Micro Episode
- Ratio Episode
- Embedded
- Forecast Place
- Audio Audio Collective
- The Video Music
- Online Tape Pro
- The External
- Osteo Audio
- Way Broadcast Collective
- The Corresponding Audiotape
- Webcast Collective
- Corporate
- The Synchronous
- The Actual
- Linear Audiotape Collective
- Prerecorded Sound Group
- The Unabridged Audiotape
- Music Trading Co
- Sound Spot
- NewPodcast
- Playlist Place
- Vlog Spot
- Good Present
- Synchronous Cassette
- Particular Audio
- EncodedAudio
- The Successful
- Level
- Radio Receiver Co
- Podcasting Group
- Sampled Music
- Famous Appearance Pro
- Latest Forecast
- Actual Audiotape
- The Romantic
- Minute Podcasting
- The Turkish Radiocommunication
- The Linear
- The Uncompressed
- UnabridgedAudio
- Based
- Next Newsletter Place
- Enhanced Youtube Collective
- The Record
- Sound Graphics Collective
- The Full
- Sound Radio Set
- Mexico Episode
- The Original
- The High Navigation
- Professional Graphics
- The Entire
- Severe Chapter Place
- MinutePodcast
- The Free Vlog
- The Weekly Webcast
- Audiotape Group
- Mpeg Graphics
- Tiptoe Episode
- Audio Frequency Spot
- Free Audio Collective
- SpecificPodcast
- Light Depict Spot
Catchy podcast name ideas
- The Perfect Pod
- Content Podcast
- Podcast Live
- Podcastbanks
- Your Daily [NAME]
- Cherry Channel
- Learn How
- Competent Content
- Spirit Podcast
- The Question Podcast
- The World Today
- Dedicated Dish
- Like Content
- Podcastfactory
- Daily Story
- Babbling Brooke
- Better Broadcast
- Podcastlife
- Podcastpros
- WowPodcast
- Realpodcast
- Podcast Of Characters
- Be My Star
- Gossip Podcast
- Excellent Episodes
- On The Issues
- Defiant Princess
- Spoken Words
- Morning Muse
- Chitchat Chatroom
- Listen Content
- Come Clean Podcast
- Night Talk
- Geek Best
- On The Air
- KnowShare
- Eager Episodes
- Podgen
- TaleChannel
- Wholesome Hosts
- Createpodcast
- Nice Content
- Push The Podcast
- The Interview
- Podcastfountain
- Knowledge Share
- Morning Shine Podcast
- Berry Blue Beauty
- Newpodcast
- Rumor Report Podcast
- Pods In Practice
- Real Conversations
- Don’t Touch My [NAME]
- Digital 411
- Podoom
- The 411
- Bailey N Cream
- Creative Cast
- Podcastkings
- Deceptive Miss
- Mixtape Channel
- Vintage Inspiration
- The [NAME] View
- Energy Podcast
- Principle Podcast
- Gossip Boys
- Podcastjunkies
- Stream Podcast
- Downloaded Scoop
- Pod Behavior
- Baby Brain
- Data Delivery
- Your Daily [TOPIC]
- Bachelor Pad
- FreshMan Podcast
- Make Podcast
- Podcastpool
- Happy Hosts
- Globapodcast
- Uniquepodcasts
- Curated Cast
- Band of Blue
- Quiz Podcast
- Kinopodcast
- Honey Buzz Podcast
- Favorite Hits Rewind
- Practiced Pod
- Power Music
- Podnisance
- Art Heaux Rejoice
- Nothing but the T
- Comedian Podcast
- Discussion Delivered
- Podcast Property
- Broadcast Bros
- Prank Podcast
- Time Podcast
- Let’S Talk Shop
- Professional Pod
- Skill Podcast
- Podcastmaker
- Skill Connect
- Daring Download
- Entertaining Episodes
- Trash Talk
- Podcastkreators
- Pod Squad
- Artsy Fartsy Podcast
- Podcast Now
- Daily Dish
- Your Friend Group
- Dear Download
- Catch Me Mr
- Practical Pod
- Sweet Lips Podcast
- Autopod
- Blogger Source
- Podcastcreate
- The Classics
- NewWay Podcast
- The Girl’S Room Podcast
- Candid
- Speaker Studio
- Over The Waves
- Oovoo Podcasts
- The Download
- The Downlow Download
- KeyPodcast
- The Live Jive
- Pocastgiants
- Hello Hosts!
- Online Cafe
- Makemorepodcast
- Talk Live Podcast
- Link Podcast
- Same Feeling Podcast
- We Heard Her Say
- We Talk Too
- Genuinepodcasts
- Lip Noise Podcast
- Blowing Hot Air Podcast
- Brandnewpodcast
- Learn Podcast
- The Sofa Podcast
- Downlow Delivery
- Hot Rubbish Podcast
- Deluxe Dream
Guide: How To Name Your Business
Why Is Your Business Name Important?
Your business name is one of the single most important pieces to starting a business.
Because your business name has power.
It reflects your reputation, your mission, values, and represents what people (and customers) are searching for.
It impacts the way in which people remember, refer you, and perceive your business
When choosing your business name, there's a lot to think about in order to get it right - so it's important not to rush this process.
Let's take a look at everything you need to consider before deciding on a business name:
Tips To Consider When Naming Your Podcast:
Simple is always better
This means a few different things. Your podcast name should always be:
- Easy to spell
- Easy to pronounce
- Easy to remember
Consider avoiding long names as much as possible, as this will only lead your customers forgetting your name and feeling frustrated.
To test this point, try to think of any well-known reputable brand off the top of your head.
The first that come to mind for me are Alexa, Google, Nike, Apple - each unique in their own way (hence, easy to remember) , less than six characters and easy to spell.
Your Business Name Should Define What You Do
The name of your business should reflect a defining characteristic of what you do.
Before your customer goes to your website or speaks to you, the name of your business should spark some initial thoughts in their brain as to what you're all about.
For example, marketingexamples.com describes exactly what their company is about: providing great examples of marketing tactics.
Consider SEO When Naming Your Business
Bottom line: If you don't show up in google, you're going to make it that much more challenging for customers to find you.
There are several different aspects to think about when it comes to SEO & naming your podcast:
- Try not to pick a business name that's crowded with other businesses
- Consider naming your business based on highly searched keywords
- Make sure the name of your business matches search intent and what people are looking for
Think about the emotions you want to evoke
Your business name has the power to evoke certain emotions and thoughts from your customer.
It has the ability to evoke a positive or a negative feeling. An inclusive or an exclusive feeling. A fearful or a loving feeling.
It's not to say that any of these feelings are wrong, but it's important to ensure that they are in line with your values and mission.
For example, the brand Death's Door makes me feel a bit risky and uncertain - but that's the point. They're selling Gin.
Try Not To Pick Something Too Limiting
Your business name should be fitting for the future and growth of your business, that way you don't have to confront a re-brand down the road.
If you choose something too narrow, it may be challenging to diversify your product and revenue streams down the road.
Here are some tips to avoid making this mistake:
- Try not to name the business after a particular geographical area (this makes it hard to grow in other areas)
- Try not to name the business after only one product you sell
- Try not to name something based on a current trend
Brainstorming Names For Your Business
If you're in the brainstorming phase and trying to come up with a business name, there are a few key things to think about in order to get the juices flowing:
- Write out a list of words that reflect your brand, personality, team etc. These should be the first things that come to your mind and you shouldn't have to think too hard about it.
- Look at competition in the space and see if there's a common theme. Write down some key words or phrases that resonate with you and add them to the list.
- Think about the emotion you want to evoke with your business name
- Ask yourself: If I had to describe my business in one word, what would it be?
From there, you can create a shortlist based on the words that resonate best with you and follow the naming guidelines above.
Tips on naming your business
In addition to the requirements from the State, there are some general naming guidelines that may help you down the road as well.
We've put together a full guide here for naming your business here but will also cover the most critical pieces below:
Is your URL available? Social media handles?
You can check for domain availability here:
Find a domain starting at $0.88
powered by Namecheap
As soon as you resonate with a name (or names), secure the domain and social media handles as soon as possible to ensure they don't get taken.
Other general naming tips
- Consider SEO when naming your business
- Consider naming your business something that reflects what you do and/or who you are
- Keep it simple! Easy to spell, easy to pronounce and easy to remember
- Try not to pick something too limiting that could impact your businesses growth in the future!
Check out our full naming guide here.
Here is a video covering all factors to consider when naming your LLC:
Examples of Great Business Names
When choosing a business name, it's critical that you look at other examples of businesses not only in your space, but business names in other industries that have done particularly well.
Here are a few examples of great business names (+ how some of these businesses came up with their name):
Competitor Analysis Example
One great way to name your business is by looking at the competition and getting inspiration.
Gia Paddock, founder of Boutique Rye analyzed other businesses in the space and added her own personal spin to her business name:
A popular national brick & mortar women’s boutique that many may have heard of is called Francesca’s… How original, right? So we came up with Boutique Rye named after our son, Riley. We put "boutique" in front to be a little different.
The name "Boutique Rye" checks the boxes for naming a business:
- Short and simple
- Easy to spell and easy to remember
- Clearly defines what the company does
- Optimized for SEO (people searching for boutiques)
- Unique and personal touch - tells a story.
Ask Other People
Sometimes, coming up with a name is as easy as asking other people, whether that be friends, family, people at a coffee shop, or in Spyq Sklar case, his own customer!
How we came up with the name Cat Sushi:
So, we put together a quick business plan and set aside some money that we were willing to risk. One of our loyal customers actually came up with the name. We still give them free cat food.
Read the full story ➡️ here
The name "Cat Sushi" checks all the boxes for naming a business:
- Memorable and funny
- Short and simple
- Obvious that they sell treats for cats
- Fun & unique story - their customer literally came up with the name of their business!
The Amazon Example
Formerly called "Cadabra", Jeff Bezos decided that the name was too obscure, hard to spell, and easy to misinterpret.
The name Amazon came from a simple dictionary search .
Jeff Bezos wanted something that started with an A, looked through a dictionary and came up with the word Amazon.
When he told his team, he didn't care for anyone else's input. He was set on it.
Here's how the word "Amazon" checks all the boxes (aside from being worth a trillion dollars):
- Represents the largest river in the world, making it very memorable
- The story and meaning of the word matches the vision of the company: To be the larger and better than any other business!
- The name allows for future growth opportunity - they didn't name something specific to just "books," even though at the time, that's what it was.
- Easy to spell, pronounce and recommend!

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