1,000+ Unique Men's Underwear Brand Names

Updated: January 19th, 2023

So, you've come up with the perfect men's underwear brand idea, but in order to launch, you need a good business name.

And not just a name, but a creative and descriptive name that will make your men's underwear brand stand out.

The name of your business will forever play a role in:

  • Your customers first impression
  • Your businesses identity
  • The power behind the type of customer your brand attracts
  • If you're memorable or not

We've put together a list of the best men's underwear brand ideas, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to name your business and give real-world examples of how other founders came up with the name of their business.

Additionally, we provide you with a free business name generator with an instant domain availability check to help you find a custom name for your men's underwear brand.

Need to start an LLC? Create an LLC in minutes with ZenBusiness.

Men's Underwear Brand Name Generator

Want to come up with your own unique company or brand name?

You can generate thousands of men's underwear brand name ideas for free using our business name generator and instantly check domain availability.

Want to generate your own business name?
Use our custom business name generator to find an amazing name for your business.
Generate Business Name


Catchy men's underwear brand name ideas

  • Underwear is Art check availability
  • I'm Good for Something check availability
  • Busty Men check availability
  • Under the Loonies check availability
  • Fancy Undies check availability
  • The Underwear King check availability
  • Femme & Co check availability
  • Pant-A-Lant check availability
  • Nordic underwear check availability
  • Roxy by Adam check availability
  • The Big Ballerz check availability
  • Superb Men Underwear check availability
  • Underwear Guide check availability
  • Mintz & Brooks check availability
  • Undies Guide check availability
  • Mr. Handsome check availability
  • Menswear for men check availability
  • The Naked Guy check availability
  • The Men Underwear check availability
  • Jocky Locker check availability
  • Undies and More check availability
  • Pleasures of the Male check availability
  • Undies of Australia check availability
  • Suit Up Men check availability
  • Men's Underwear & Lifestyle check availability
  • Underweave check availability
  • Dads Wear check availability
  • Men Underwear Enchantment check availability
  • Co Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Village check availability
  • The Men Secret check availability
  • Men Underwear Explored check availability
  • My Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Dress check availability
  • Men Underwear Up check availability
  • Snazzy Men Underwear check availability
  • Go Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Deluxe check availability
  • Men Underwear Group check availability
  • Trendy Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Co check availability
  • Posh Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Io check availability
  • Refined Men Underwear check availability
  • Pro Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Stream check availability
  • Men Underwear Line check availability
  • Men Underwear Hot Spot check availability
  • Men Underwear Ice check availability
  • Men Underwear Drag check availability
  • Men Underwear Hop check availability
  • Chosen Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Shop check availability
  • Sophisticated Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Age check availability
  • Polished Men Underwear check availability
  • Men Underwear Art check availability
  • Unique Men Underwear check availability
  • On Men Underwear check availability
  • Trek Underwear check availability
  • Lookout Underwear check availability
  • Dwell Underwear check availability
  • Terra Underwear check availability
  • Aqua Underwear check availability
  • Champion Underwear check availability
  • Doll Men check availability
  • Spaces Underwear check availability
  • British Shorts Pro check availability
  • Used Underneath Group check availability
  • The Married check availability
  • BritishBoxers check availability
  • The Skilful Shorts check availability
  • Players Collective check availability
  • PrimitiveMan check availability
  • Jocks Group check availability
  • Known Pugilist check availability
  • The Outstanding check availability
  • Boxes Boxers check availability
  • Remarkable Human Beings Co check availability
  • Pants Trading Co check availability
  • The Rich check availability
  • The Strong check availability
  • BadMan check availability
  • WetUnderwear check availability
  • Pink check availability
  • Piece Co check availability
  • The Thick Clothing check availability
  • Male check availability
  • Worthy Military Personnel check availability
  • ExpensiveUnderwear check availability
  • The Heavy check availability
  • GrownMan check availability
  • Underclothing Group check availability
  • Bad check availability
  • Cuban check availability
  • Blue Boys check availability
  • Able Gentleman Trading Co check availability
  • Comfortable check availability
  • Blue check availability
  • Baggy Bouts check availability
  • Strong Piece Group check availability
  • HolyMan check availability
  • Borders Boxers check availability
  • The Innocent check availability
  • AgedMan check availability
  • Forget Underwear check availability
  • Ordinary Valet check availability
  • The Rich Human Being check availability
  • Proctor Boxers check availability
  • Few check availability
  • SeveralBoxers check availability
  • The Handsome Human Beings check availability
  • Nice Military Personnel check availability
  • Honest Human check availability
  • SkilfulBoxers check availability
  • RaggedUnderwear check availability
  • Baggy Bagger check availability
  • Coarse check availability
  • Golfers Boxers check availability
  • The Civilized Valet check availability
  • Stalker Boxers check availability
  • GrayBoxers check availability
  • Yellow Thong check availability
  • Humankind Trading Co check availability
  • OrdinaryMan check availability

Creative men's underwear brand name ideas

  • The Male Boys check availability
  • The Baggy check availability
  • The Reasonable check availability
  • Apparel Place check availability
  • LocalBoxers check availability
  • The Skilful check availability
  • Few Boys check availability
  • The Light check availability
  • Under there Underwear check availability
  • Golfers Spot check availability
  • SoakedUnderwear check availability
  • Greatest Bagger Trading Co check availability
  • Thong Group check availability
  • Human Group check availability
  • Players Co check availability
  • The Pink Apparel check availability
  • Bvds Group check availability
  • Married Serviceman check availability
  • Tall Valet Place check availability
  • Synthetic Thong Co check availability
  • Strange Mankind Co check availability
  • Apparel Trading Co check availability
  • Wear check availability
  • Blockers Boxers check availability
  • TrainedBoxers check availability
  • New check availability
  • The Tall Piece check availability
  • White Linen Pro check availability
  • The Fitting Underneath check availability
  • GoodMan check availability
  • Laundry Co check availability
  • Used Undies check availability
  • Piece Collective check availability
  • WhiteBoxers check availability
  • Boys Trading Co check availability
  • Professional Players Place check availability
  • Intelligent check availability
  • Frilly Thong check availability
  • Blue Brawlers check availability
  • Valet Spot check availability
  • Piece Spot check availability
  • Mortal Mankind check availability
  • Faced check availability
  • Married Mate check availability
  • The Pink Players check availability
  • Athletic Underclothing Collective check availability
  • Underclothing Spot check availability
  • Mankind Collective check availability
  • Faced Valet Spot check availability
  • The Married Serviceman check availability
  • Potters Boxers check availability
  • The Skimpy check availability
  • The Righteous Human Being check availability
  • Used Underpants check availability
  • Thermal Underclothes Co check availability
  • Professional check availability
  • Mocker Boxers check availability
  • Class check availability
  • White Shorts Co check availability
  • FittingUnderwear check availability
  • The Older Boys check availability
  • Striped Clothing Co check availability
  • Underclothes Pro check availability
  • Yellow Laundry Group check availability
  • Clean Underneath check availability
  • Southerner Underwear check availability
  • Top Jocks Collective check availability
  • The Irish Packer check availability
  • Loose check availability
  • Rockers Boxers check availability
  • Human Being Pro check availability
  • Linen Co check availability
  • The Coarse Clothing check availability
  • PinkBoxers check availability
  • FormerBoxers check availability
  • The Long Clothing check availability
  • Striped Fighters Trading Co check availability
  • The Educated check availability
  • The Good Human Beings check availability
  • ElderlyMan check availability
  • Human Spot check availability
  • The Professional Undies check availability
  • Pants Collective check availability
  • Long check availability
  • Mortal Madman check availability
  • The Long check availability
  • The Ordinary Gentleman check availability
  • Used Undershorts check availability
  • The Unhappy check availability
  • Dockers Boxers check availability
  • Married Males check availability
  • White Packer Trading Co check availability
  • The Fanatical check availability
  • Red check availability
  • Military Personnel Place check availability
  • Good Human Beings Collective check availability
  • The Thermal check availability
  • Handled Clothing Trading Co check availability
  • SilkenUnderwear check availability
  • Prominent check availability
  • The Flimsy check availability
  • FreshUnderwear check availability
  • Married Mens check availability
  • Blue Bullfighters check availability
  • Piece check availability
  • Edible Bvds Trading Co check availability
  • Thick Clothing check availability
  • Fighters Spot check availability
  • Packer Place check availability
  • Former check availability
  • Rich Military Personnel check availability
  • BlueBoxers check availability
  • Pro Boys Co check availability
  • Holy Valet Spot check availability
  • The Class Fighters check availability
  • Local Pugilist Pro check availability
  • Pink Laundry Group check availability
  • The Piece Underclothing check availability
  • Bagger Pro check availability
  • Jocks Collective check availability
  • The Skillful Jocks check availability
  • Married Monk check availability
  • Few Boys Pro check availability
  • Irish Undies Spot check availability
  • Grown check availability

Learn more about starting a men's underwear brand:

Where to start?

-> How to start a men's underwear brand?
-> Men's underwear brand plan
-> How to finance a men's underwear brand?
-> How much does it cost to start a men's underwear brand?
-> Pros and cons of a men's underwear brand

Need inspiration?

-> Other men's underwear brand success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a men's underwear brand
-> Men's underwear brand slogans

Other resources

-> Profitability of a men's underwear brand
-> Men's underwear brand tips

Funny Men's Underwear Brand Names

  • Undress Underwear check availability
  • Shorts Collective check availability
  • Called check availability
  • Intelligent Military Personnel check availability
  • Blue Bagger check availability
  • Married Male check availability
  • Saucers Boxers check availability
  • The Style check availability
  • Human Beings Collective check availability
  • The Male check availability
  • Serviceman Pro check availability
  • The Civilized check availability
  • Baggy Boxing Gloves check availability
  • Valet Trading Co check availability
  • The Notable Players check availability
  • HandsomeMan check availability
  • Married Madman check availability
  • Good check availability
  • Nice check availability
  • The Mortal Human Beings check availability
  • The Tall Military Personnel check availability
  • The Baggy Underneath check availability
  • NiceMan check availability
  • The Comfortable check availability
  • Best Boxing Gloves check availability
  • The Haired check availability
  • Pugilist Spot check availability
  • The Famous check availability
  • Knit Linen Trading Co check availability
  • The Spare Apparel check availability
  • Wonderful Piece Trading Co check availability
  • Prospers Boxers check availability
  • TallMan check availability
  • LacyUnderwear check availability
  • Several check availability
  • Players Pro check availability
  • Unfortunate Human Beings Spot check availability
  • Pugilist Co check availability
  • Wealthy check availability
  • Married Mensch check availability
  • Wet jet Underwear check availability
  • Military Personnel Collective check availability
  • Lined check availability
  • CubanBoxers check availability
  • The Long Linen check availability
  • Better Briefs check availability
  • The Used check availability
  • The Younger check availability
  • Younger check availability
  • The Tattered check availability
  • Boys Spot check availability
  • Human Being Trading Co check availability
  • Talkers Boxers check availability
  • The Remarkable check availability
  • The Unfortunate Gentleman check availability
  • The Cleverest check availability
  • Military Personnel Trading Co check availability
  • UnfortunateMan check availability
  • Gentleman Collective check availability
  • Soiled check availability
  • The Folded check availability
  • Synthetic Laundry check availability
  • FavoriteBoxers check availability
  • PinkUnderwear check availability
  • The Holy Valet check availability
  • The Remarkable Human Being check availability
  • Green check availability
  • South Fighters check availability
  • Underclothes Trading Co check availability
  • Striped Bvds check availability
  • The Loose check availability
  • Fighters Group check availability
  • The Successful Pugilist check availability
  • Lightweight Boys Co check availability
  • Mortal Male check availability
  • Human Beings Trading Co check availability
  • Bvds Co check availability
  • Piece Trading Co check availability
  • Doctors Boxers check availability
  • Gray check availability
  • Better Bagger check availability
  • The Brave Serviceman check availability
  • Favorite Players Spot check availability
  • The Rate check availability
  • The Bright check availability
  • The Nice check availability
  • Long Apparel check availability
  • Thin Human Being check availability
  • British Jocks check availability
  • Silken Underclothing check availability
  • The Warm check availability
  • Trained check availability
  • Outstanding Undies Collective check availability
  • The Big check availability
  • Educated check availability
  • Athletic Underclothes check availability
  • Human Pro check availability
  • Strange Human Beings check availability
  • FemaleBoxers check availability
  • Silken check availability
  • Blue Briefs check availability
  • Shorts Group check availability
  • Underneath Place check availability
  • Disposable check availability
  • Learned Humankind Trading Co check availability
  • Several Players check availability
  • OldMan check availability
  • The Lightweight check availability
  • The Silky check availability
  • Blue Underclothing Co check availability
  • Synthetic Underclothing Group check availability
  • Favorite check availability
  • The English Pugilist check availability
  • Human Co check availability
  • Underclothes Collective check availability
  • British Brawlers check availability
  • Under their Underwear check availability
  • Serviceman Collective check availability
  • Wealthy Humankind Co check availability
  • Filthy check availability
  • Serviceman Group check availability
  • Strong Valet Place check availability
  • GreekBoxers check availability
  • Wicked Humankind Collective check availability
  • Golfers Co check availability

Cool men's underwear brand name ideas

  • Female check availability
  • ThickUnderwear check availability
  • Human Beings Place check availability
  • Coarse Apparel Collective check availability
  • The Proud check availability
  • Underclothing Pro check availability
  • Feminine Laundry Collective check availability
  • Unfortunate check availability
  • The Unfortunate Serviceman check availability
  • Sleeved Clothing Co check availability
  • StainedUnderwear check availability
  • WiseMan check availability
  • Thermal check availability
  • Recess Underwear check availability
  • Jocks Spot check availability
  • The Tight check availability
  • The Trained Bagger check availability
  • Thermal Bvds check availability
  • The Dainty check availability
  • Better Boxing Gloves check availability
  • The Worthy Gentleman check availability
  • The Several check availability
  • Awkward Boxers check availability
  • Skimpy Underneath Group check availability
  • Rate Boys Place check availability
  • The Soiled check availability
  • Sleeved Bvds Pro check availability
  • Underneath Collective check availability
  • The Rich Military Personnel check availability
  • Poor Humankind Collective check availability
  • StripedBoxers check availability
  • The Spare Underclothes check availability
  • OlderBoxers check availability
  • The Cuban check availability
  • The Greek Undies check availability
  • Known check availability
  • Wealthy Human Beings Place check availability
  • Big check availability
  • Good Human Beings Spot check availability
  • Awarder Underwear check availability
  • ActiveBoxers check availability
  • Retired check availability
  • British check availability
  • FacedMan check availability
  • Class Pants check availability
  • Flimsy Underclothes check availability
  • NotableBoxers check availability
  • LightUnderwear check availability
  • Bvds Spot check availability
  • Haired Human Being Pro check availability
  • Wet Underclothes check availability
  • Worthy check availability
  • British Boys check availability
  • Famous check availability
  • YoungerMan check availability
  • The Fine Underclothes check availability
  • The Synthetic Underclothing check availability
  • South Players Co check availability
  • BestBoxers check availability
  • Silky check availability
  • The Disposable Apparel check availability
  • The Wonderful Human Beings check availability
  • Happy Gentleman check availability
  • Bonser Boxers check availability
  • Better Brawlers check availability
  • Red Pugilist Spot check availability
  • The Female Apparel check availability
  • The Pretty Thong check availability
  • YoungMan check availability
  • Humankind Spot check availability
  • Lobsters Boxers check availability
  • BaggyBoxers check availability
  • To them Underwear check availability
  • Famous Boys check availability
  • AthleticUnderwear check availability
  • Instead Underwear check availability
  • Older Valet check availability
  • The Lacy Bvds check availability
  • Shorts Pro check availability
  • Serviceman Co check availability
  • Soaked Underclothing check availability
  • FemaleUnderwear check availability
  • The White Mankind check availability
  • Sleeved check availability
  • The Brave Gentleman check availability
  • The Pro check availability
  • The Olympic check availability
  • Dainty Underclothing Collective check availability
  • English Packer Collective check availability
  • Big Piece check availability
  • Uncared-for Underwear check availability
  • Underclothing Collective check availability
  • Wet Packer check availability
  • Used Undergarment check availability
  • Promising Shorts Pro check availability
  • Cleverest Golfers Trading Co check availability
  • The Stained Linen check availability
  • Blue Boxing check availability
  • The Bad Human Beings check availability
  • Rich check availability
  • BraveMan check availability
  • QuietMan check availability
  • Shorts Co check availability
  • White check availability
  • Strange Military Personnel check availability
  • The Worthy check availability
  • The Modern check availability
  • Younger Piece Trading Co check availability
  • Thermal Apparel check availability
  • Valet Co check availability
  • MortalMan check availability
  • The Former check availability
  • Able check availability
  • Apparel Group check availability
  • The Extra check availability
  • Synthetic Linen check availability
  • Female Pugilist check availability
  • British Bodybuilders check availability
  • Old Mankind Pro check availability
  • Gentleman Trading Co check availability
  • Happy check availability
  • The Thin Human Being check availability
  • Better check availability
  • Expensive Underclothing Group check availability
  • Fine check availability

Unique men's underwear brand name ideas

  • Underclothing Trading Co check availability
  • BaggyUnderwear check availability
  • DisposableUnderwear check availability
  • Olympic Pugilist Trading Co check availability
  • Ordinary Military Personnel check availability
  • SoiledUnderwear check availability
  • Skilled check availability
  • SensibleMan check availability
  • Heavy Underneath check availability
  • The Happy Mankind check availability
  • Edible check availability
  • The Gray check availability
  • Fitting check availability
  • Clever Human check availability
  • The Elderly Piece check availability
  • Folded Apparel check availability
  • The Most check availability
  • Experienced Golfers Co check availability
  • Striped Underclothing Spot check availability
  • Mankind Pro check availability
  • Sleeved Linen Trading Co check availability
  • RateBoxers check availability
  • The Older check availability
  • Cheap check availability
  • Older Players Place check availability
  • The Grown check availability
  • Boxer Boxers check availability
  • Feminine Bvds Co check availability
  • Nags head Underwear check availability
  • Handed check availability
  • Boys Group check availability
  • ExpertBoxers check availability
  • Professional Players check availability
  • Thong Pro check availability
  • Handsome check availability
  • Woolly check availability
  • Greatest check availability
  • Plain Thong check availability
  • LinedUnderwear check availability
  • The Average Humankind check availability
  • The Aged check availability
  • Trained Shorts check availability
  • Stoppers Boxers check availability
  • Plain Thong Collective check availability
  • Warm Underneath Trading Co check availability
  • ThinUnderwear check availability
  • Upset Underwear check availability
  • HeavyUnderwear check availability
  • Best Bullfighters check availability
  • Piece Group check availability
  • The Clean check availability
  • ArmedBoxers check availability
  • RedUnderwear check availability
  • Fighters Place check availability
  • Poor Serviceman Co check availability
  • The Wet check availability
  • The Elderly check availability
  • Frilly Bvds Trading Co check availability
  • Sensible check availability
  • Proud check availability
  • Better Packer check availability
  • RedBoxers check availability
  • Extra Clothing Group check availability
  • Finest check availability
  • Aged Humankind Co check availability
  • White Thong Place check availability
  • RighteousMan check availability
  • BlueUnderwear check availability
  • Extra Underclothing check availability
  • Clever Pugilist Spot check availability
  • Authors Boxers check availability
  • Civilized check availability
  • Cheap Thong Spot check availability
  • The Bearded Valet check availability
  • The Female check availability
  • One check availability
  • Mortal Military Personnel Pro check availability
  • New Apparel check availability
  • The Old check availability
  • Boys Co check availability
  • The Insulated check availability
  • Rich Human Beings Spot check availability
  • The Younger Human Being check availability
  • The Loose Underclothes check availability
  • Clean Pugilist Pro check availability
  • HonestMan check availability
  • Mortal Human Beings check availability
  • Wise check availability
  • Military Personnel Spot check availability
  • Thick Bvds check availability
  • Soft Apparel check availability
  • Pink Bvds check availability
  • Again Underwear check availability
  • The Worthy Mankind check availability
  • Tattered check availability
  • Quiet check availability
  • The Pink check availability
  • Ragged Underneath Trading Co check availability
  • Handled Thong Pro check availability
  • Skillful Jocks Trading Co check availability
  • Armed check availability
  • Shocker Boxers check availability
  • Affirmer Underwear check availability
  • Few Fighters Place check availability
  • The Older Human check availability
  • Extra check availability
  • The Athletic check availability
  • The Sensible Human check availability
  • GreatestBoxers check availability
  • Righteous check availability
  • ModernBoxers check availability
  • Bad Valet Group check availability
  • Poppers Boxers check availability
  • Thong Trading Co check availability
  • Grown Human Place check availability
  • Comforter Underwear check availability
  • Valet Group check availability
  • The Promising check availability
  • InnocentMan check availability
  • The Green Undies check availability
  • Thin Piece Spot check availability
  • Righteous Military Personnel Pro check availability
  • Best Bantamweight check availability
  • Human Being Spot check availability
  • Blue Bouts check availability

Cute men's underwear brand name ideas

  • Worthy Human Beings check availability
  • Military Personnel Group check availability
  • Baggy Brawlers check availability
  • The Called check availability
  • The Clever check availability
  • Learned Human Beings Place check availability
  • Active check availability
  • Clothing Trading Co check availability
  • Robbers Boxers check availability
  • Baggy check availability
  • Lightweight Bagger check availability
  • Experienced check availability
  • FamousBoxers check availability
  • Better Bodybuilders check availability
  • The Wise Gentleman check availability
  • BigMan check availability
  • Human Trading Co check availability
  • Underneath Spot check availability
  • WealthyMan check availability
  • Time Boys Place check availability
  • Several Undies check availability
  • Saucer Boxers check availability
  • Mortal Mens check availability
  • The English check availability
  • Primitive check availability
  • Handed Bagger Collective check availability
  • The Nice Human check availability
  • WoollyUnderwear check availability
  • Oxford Boxers check availability
  • CleanUnderwear check availability
  • The Fanatical Bagger check availability
  • Thong Collective check availability
  • Called Boys Spot check availability
  • Light Apparel Spot check availability
  • One Packer Collective check availability
  • ManyBoxers check availability
  • Skimpy Thong Collective check availability
  • Dead men Underwear check availability
  • EdibleUnderwear check availability
  • Better Bantamweight check availability
  • Knit check availability
  • Shockers Boxers check availability
  • The British check availability
  • The Armed check availability
  • Length Bvds check availability
  • The Plain check availability
  • Holy Mankind check availability
  • GrayUnderwear check availability
  • Human Beings Pro check availability
  • Light check availability
  • Expensive check availability
  • Cleverest Pugilist Co check availability
  • The Young check availability
  • The Extra Underclothes check availability
  • Uncared for Underwear check availability
  • Purple check availability
  • Skillful Players Pro check availability
  • The Ragged Underneath check availability
  • The Handed check availability
  • Enough Underclothes Spot check availability
  • Prominent Fighters check availability
  • Prepared Underwear check availability
  • The Active check availability
  • Brave check availability
  • Heavy Bvds Trading Co check availability
  • Oxfords Boxers check availability
  • Skimpy Clothing Co check availability
  • The Able check availability
  • Married Military Personnel check availability
  • The Wear check availability
  • Modern check availability
  • The White check availability
  • SkimpyUnderwear check availability
  • Good Piece Spot check availability
  • Stained Thong Place check availability
  • Mortal Mensch check availability
  • The Promising Packer check availability
  • ProBoxers check availability
  • Clever check availability
  • Panties s Underwear check availability
  • Mortal Monk check availability
  • The Strange Humankind check availability
  • PieceUnderwear check availability
  • Primitive Piece Pro check availability
  • Handed Golfers Trading Co check availability
  • Rocker Boxers check availability
  • Wise Humankind Spot check availability
  • Known Pugilist Co check availability
  • The Innocent Humankind check availability
  • The Synthetic Linen check availability
  • Young check availability
  • Mankind Trading Co check availability
  • Best Brawlers check availability
  • Younger Serviceman Collective check availability
  • The Top check availability
  • Many check availability
  • Baggy Briefs check availability
  • The Class Packer check availability
  • ProminentBoxers check availability
  • The British Jocks check availability
  • Undies Co check availability
  • StyleUnderwear check availability
  • The Local check availability
  • Former Fighters Pro check availability
  • Synthetic check availability
  • Thin check availability
  • Greatest Jocks check availability
  • Underclothing Co check availability
  • LearnedMan check availability
  • Soft Clothing Place check availability
  • Married check availability
  • Blotters Boxers check availability
  • Mortal Mate check availability
  • Bad Human Being Place check availability
  • The Better check availability
  • The Red check availability
  • FeminineUnderwear check availability
  • Expert Shorts check availability
  • The Learned check availability
  • Top check availability
  • Monsters Boxers check availability
  • The New check availability
  • SuccessfulBoxers check availability
  • Wet check availability
  • The Prominent check availability

Clever men's underwear brand name ideas

  • Rodgers Boxers check availability
  • Baggy Bodybuilders check availability
  • Upstairs Underwear check availability
  • Primitive Human Being Spot check availability
  • NewUnderwear check availability
  • The Best check availability
  • Success Underwear check availability
  • The Successful check availability
  • Tattered Thong Spot check availability
  • Locker Boxers check availability
  • Better Boys check availability
  • The Good check availability
  • Bright check availability
  • Wicked check availability
  • Pants Co check availability
  • Soiled Underclothes Trading Co check availability
  • SkilledBoxers check availability
  • PromisingBoxers check availability
  • The Lacy check availability
  • Successful Fighters Group check availability
  • The Sleeved Linen check availability
  • Greek check availability
  • Favorite Pugilist check availability
  • Dainty check availability
  • The Dainty Apparel check availability
  • The Wise check availability
  • OutstandingBoxers check availability
  • Boys Pro check availability
  • Ordinary check availability
  • BeardedMan check availability
  • Favorite Jocks Group check availability
  • Boys Place check availability
  • Clutter clear Underwear check availability
  • Tall check availability
  • The Average check availability
  • Time Packer check availability
  • Known Shorts Group check availability
  • The Handsome check availability
  • Jocks Trading Co check availability
  • The Finest check availability
  • The Style Underclothes check availability
  • Choppers Boxers check availability
  • Thong Co check availability
  • Bernadette Underwear check availability
  • Used Underthings check availability
  • Golfers Collective check availability
  • Used Underside check availability
  • Jocks Place check availability
  • CleverestBoxers check availability
  • Fresh check availability
  • Baggy Boys check availability
  • The Skilled check availability
  • Red Pants check availability
  • Elderly check availability
  • Cleverest Jocks Group check availability
  • Ordinary Serviceman check availability
  • Plain Bvds Co check availability
  • Fighters Pro check availability
  • Lieutenant governor Underwear check availability
  • The Former Pugilist check availability
  • The Wonderful check availability
  • Handsome Valet Place check availability
  • CivilizedMan check availability
  • Pugilist Pro check availability
  • Silky Linen check availability
  • Tight Bvds check availability
  • Notable check availability
  • Comfortable Underneath Collective check availability
  • Laundry Trading Co check availability
  • Mortal Military Personnel check availability
  • Wise Human Beings check availability
  • Wet Golfers Spot check availability
  • Successful Pants Spot check availability
  • Fitting Linen Trading Co check availability
  • The Handsome Human check availability
  • Used Underclothing check availability
  • Grown Military Personnel Co check availability
  • Human Being Group check availability
  • The Famous Pugilist check availability
  • Best Bagger check availability
  • Strange Human Beings Group check availability
  • Underclothes Place check availability
  • Underclothes Spot check availability
  • Mortal Military Man check availability
  • Baggy Bullfighters check availability
  • Oscars Boxers check availability
  • New Underclothing check availability
  • Expert Undies Pro check availability
  • The Clever Human Beings check availability
  • The Clean Underneath check availability
  • The Green check availability
  • Underneath Trading Co check availability
  • British Bouts check availability
  • The Tattered Laundry check availability
  • The Faced Human check availability
  • The Skillful Shorts check availability
  • Warm check availability
  • RichMan check availability
  • Mankind Group check availability
  • The Mortal check availability
  • The Greek check availability
  • Humankind Pro check availability
  • The Tight Underneath check availability
  • The Retired check availability
  • Fancy Thong Trading Co check availability
  • Pugilist Collective check availability
  • English check availability
  • Righteous Mankind Co check availability
  • GoodBoxers check availability
  • Used Underclothes check availability
  • Laundry Group check availability
  • The Class check availability
  • Righteous Piece Co check availability
  • The Happy check availability
  • British Bantamweight check availability
  • The Married Military Personnel check availability
  • Tight check availability
  • Heavy check availability
  • Bagger Collective check availability
  • Clean check availability
  • Pro check availability
  • UsedUnderwear check availability
  • DryUnderwear check availability
  • Laundry Pro check availability
  • Lockers Boxers check availability

Best men's underwear brand name ideas

  • Fitting Laundry check availability
  • Old Piece Trading Co check availability
  • Cheap Underclothes Pro check availability
  • Bearded check availability
  • Gentleman Spot check availability
  • Linen Collective check availability
  • The Intelligent check availability
  • AverageMan check availability
  • Wonderful check availability
  • Human Beings Group check availability
  • Bearded Serviceman Trading Co check availability
  • Baggy Boxing check availability
  • Time check availability
  • Retired Packer Place check availability
  • LightweightBoxers check availability
  • Blue Bantamweight check availability
  • Bearded Mankind Group check availability
  • British Shorts Group check availability
  • Unfortunate Serviceman check availability
  • The Soft check availability
  • Average check availability
  • Notable Boys check availability
  • The Stained Laundry check availability
  • Learned check availability
  • The Younger Gentleman check availability
  • The Blue check availability
  • Known Pugilist Place check availability
  • HandedBoxers check availability
  • Clothing Spot check availability
  • The Ordinary Human Beings check availability
  • Humankind Collective check availability
  • Apparel Co check availability
  • The Elderly Mankind check availability
  • Packer Pro check availability
  • The Lined Underclothing check availability
  • Married Mankind check availability
  • Used Undergarments check availability
  • Fighters Collective check availability
  • Married Military Man check availability
  • Packer Collective check availability
  • Laundry Collective check availability
  • RetiredBoxers check availability
  • The Righteous check availability
  • Plain check availability
  • Linen Spot check availability
  • Pro Shorts check availability
  • Aged Gentleman Spot check availability
  • OlderMan check availability
  • Time Fighters Group check availability
  • Bright Underclothes Co check availability
  • Woolly Underneath Group check availability
  • Of order Underwear check availability
  • Looking check availability
  • Thong Place check availability
  • Best Boys check availability
  • The Thin check availability
  • Strange Valet Pro check availability
  • Ragged check availability
  • Aged check availability
  • The Few check availability
  • Wise Mankind check availability
  • Athletic check availability
  • White Boys Spot check availability
  • Underfur Underwear check availability
  • Pugilist Group check availability
  • The Favorite Pants check availability
  • MarriedMan check availability
  • NiceUnderwear check availability
  • SouthBoxers check availability
  • Wet Underclothing Spot check availability
  • Feminine Linen Place check availability
  • Undies Trading Co check availability
  • ExperiencedBoxers check availability
  • Bad Human Being Spot check availability
  • Good Piece Pro check availability
  • Used Union Suit check availability
  • British Boxing Gloves check availability
  • LightweightUnderwear check availability
  • ThinMan check availability
  • The Fresh check availability
  • TwoBoxers check availability
  • Grown Gentleman Place check availability
  • Foxes Boxers check availability
  • Poor check availability
  • ThermalUnderwear check availability
  • Used Underclothes Collective check availability
  • Long Bvds check availability
  • Human Place check availability
  • Fancy check availability
  • Edible Clothing Pro check availability
  • The Handled Thong check availability
  • Haired check availability
  • DaintyUnderwear check availability
  • Dainty Underclothes check availability
  • Known Players Place check availability
  • Wise Human Beings Group check availability
  • Used Underneath check availability
  • The South Players check availability
  • Striped Bagger check availability
  • Professional Jocks Co check availability
  • Shorts Spot check availability
  • Linen Trading Co check availability
  • Blue Boxing Gloves check availability
  • Soaked check availability
  • Thermal Apparel Spot check availability
  • Able Human Being Place check availability
  • Fosters Boxers check availability
  • Green Shorts Pro check availability
  • Striped check availability
  • Expert check availability
  • Mortal check availability
  • Two check availability
  • OlympicBoxers check availability
  • Better Boxing check availability
  • Best Bouts check availability
  • Soiled Underclothes Co check availability
  • Holy check availability
  • The Lightweight Pugilist check availability
  • Jocks Co check availability
  • Undies Group check availability
  • Righteous Human Being Group check availability
  • Clean Shorts Spot check availability
  • Extra Apparel check availability
  • Serviceman Trading Co check availability
  • Strange Serviceman Spot check availability

Guide: How To Name Your Business

Why Is Your Business Name Important?

Your business name is one of the single most important pieces to starting a business.


Because your business name has power.

It reflects your reputation, your mission, values, and represents what people (and customers) are searching for.

It impacts the way in which people remember, refer you, and perceive your business

When choosing your business name, there's a lot to think about in order to get it right - so it's important not to rush this process.

Let's take a look at everything you need to consider before deciding on a business name:

Tips To Consider When Naming Your Men's Underwear Brand:

Simple is always better

This means a few different things. Your men's underwear brand name should always be:

  • Easy to spell
  • Easy to pronounce
  • Easy to remember

Consider avoiding long names as much as possible, as this will only lead your customers forgetting your name and feeling frustrated.

To test this point, try to think of any well-known reputable brand off the top of your head.

The first that come to mind for me are Alexa, Google, Nike, Apple - each unique in their own way (hence, easy to remember) , less than six characters and easy to spell.

Your Business Name Should Define What You Do

The name of your business should reflect a defining characteristic of what you do.

Before your customer goes to your website or speaks to you, the name of your business should spark some initial thoughts in their brain as to what you're all about.

For example, marketingexamples.com describes exactly what their company is about: providing great examples of marketing tactics.

Consider SEO When Naming Your Business

Bottom line: If you don't show up in google, you're going to make it that much more challenging for customers to find you.

There are several different aspects to think about when it comes to SEO & naming your men's underwear brand:

  • Try not to pick a business name that's crowded with other businesses
  • Consider naming your business based on highly searched keywords
  • Make sure the name of your business matches search intent and what people are looking for

Think about the emotions you want to evoke

Your business name has the power to evoke certain emotions and thoughts from your customer.

It has the ability to evoke a positive or a negative feeling. An inclusive or an exclusive feeling. A fearful or a loving feeling.

It's not to say that any of these feelings are wrong, but it's important to ensure that they are in line with your values and mission.

For example, the brand Death's Door makes me feel a bit risky and uncertain - but that's the point. They're selling Gin.

Try Not To Pick Something Too Limiting

Your business name should be fitting for the future and growth of your business, that way you don't have to confront a re-brand down the road.

If you choose something too narrow, it may be challenging to diversify your product and revenue streams down the road.

Here are some tips to avoid making this mistake:

  • Try not to name the business after a particular geographical area (this makes it hard to grow in other areas)
  • Try not to name the business after only one product you sell
  • Try not to name something based on a current trend

Brainstorming Names For Your Business

If you're in the brainstorming phase and trying to come up with a business name, there are a few key things to think about in order to get the juices flowing:

  • Write out a list of words that reflect your brand, personality, team etc. These should be the first things that come to your mind and you shouldn't have to think too hard about it.
  • Look at competition in the space and see if there's a common theme. Write down some key words or phrases that resonate with you and add them to the list.
  • Think about the emotion you want to evoke with your business name
  • Ask yourself: If I had to describe my business in one word, what would it be?

From there, you can create a shortlist based on the words that resonate best with you and follow the naming guidelines above.

Tips on naming your business

In addition to the requirements from the State, there are some general naming guidelines that may help you down the road as well.

We've put together a full guide here for naming your business here but will also cover the most critical pieces below:

Is your URL available? Social media handles?

You can check for domain availability here:

Find a domain starting at $0.88

powered by Namecheap

As soon as you resonate with a name (or names), secure the domain and social media handles as soon as possible to ensure they don't get taken.

Other general naming tips

  • Consider SEO when naming your business
  • Consider naming your business something that reflects what you do and/or who you are
  • Keep it simple! Easy to spell, easy to pronounce and easy to remember
  • Try not to pick something too limiting that could impact your businesses growth in the future!

Check out our full naming guide here.

Here is a video covering all factors to consider when naming your LLC:

Examples of Great Business Names

When choosing a business name, it's critical that you look at other examples of businesses not only in your space, but business names in other industries that have done particularly well.

Here are a few examples of great business names (+ how some of these businesses came up with their name):

Competitor Analysis Example

One great way to name your business is by looking at the competition and getting inspiration.

Gia Paddock, founder of Boutique Rye analyzed other businesses in the space and added her own personal spin to her business name:

A popular national brick & mortar women’s boutique that many may have heard of is called Francesca’s… How original, right? So we came up with Boutique Rye named after our son, Riley. We put "boutique" in front to be a little different.

The name "Boutique Rye" checks the boxes for naming a business:

  • Short and simple
  • Easy to spell and easy to remember
  • Clearly defines what the company does
  • Optimized for SEO (people searching for boutiques)
  • Unique and personal touch - tells a story.

Ask Other People

Sometimes, coming up with a name is as easy as asking other people, whether that be friends, family, people at a coffee shop, or in Spyq Sklar case, his own customer!

How we came up with the name Cat Sushi:

So, we put together a quick business plan and set aside some money that we were willing to risk. One of our loyal customers actually came up with the name. We still give them free cat food.

Read the full story ➡️ here

The name "Cat Sushi" checks all the boxes for naming a business:

  • Memorable and funny
  • Short and simple
  • Obvious that they sell treats for cats
  • Fun & unique story - their customer literally came up with the name of their business!

The Amazon Example

Formerly called "Cadabra", Jeff Bezos decided that the name was too obscure, hard to spell, and easy to misinterpret.

The name Amazon came from a simple dictionary search .

Jeff Bezos wanted something that started with an A, looked through a dictionary and came up with the word Amazon.

When he told his team, he didn't care for anyone else's input. He was set on it.

Here's how the word "Amazon" checks all the boxes (aside from being worth a trillion dollars):

  • Represents the largest river in the world, making it very memorable
  • The story and meaning of the word matches the vision of the company: To be the larger and better than any other business!
  • The name allows for future growth opportunity - they didn't name something specific to just "books," even though at the time, that's what it was.
  • Easy to spell, pronounce and recommend!

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.