Skills Training Business

12 Tips For Starting A Successful Skills Training Business (2024)

Updated: January 19th, 2023

Want to start your own skills training business? Here are some tips you should know:

Learn more about starting a skills training business:

Where to start?

-> How much does it cost to start a skills training business?
-> Pros and cons of a skills training business

Need inspiration?

-> Other skills training business success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a skills training business
-> Skills training business slogans
-> Skills training business names

Other resources

-> Profitability of a skills training business

We've interviewed thousands of successful founders at Starter Story and asked what advice they would give to entrepreneurs who are just getting started.

Here's the best advice we discovered for starting a skills training business:

#1: Andrew Kamphey, founder of Better Sheets:

We chatted with with Andrew, founder of Better Sheets ($8.33K/month). In our interview, Andrew says:

Google is full of answers to your Google Sheet questions. YouTube is overflowing with explanations of functions. But I saw that there was a huge gaping void in creative uses of Google Sheets. Uses that businesses could use right now.


Read the full interview ➜

#2: Andrew Kamphey, founder of Better Sheets:

We chatted with with Andrew, founder of Better Sheets ($8.33K/month). In our interview, Andrew says:

Processing that many things are outside of my control means I can focus on exactly what is in my control.


I want my business to be both Autonomous and Asynchronous. Meaning I can work on anything with anyone (or noone) at any time. This came true, but my revenue wasn’t “Maximialized” or “Optimized.”


Read the full interview ➜

#3: Saakshi Choithani, founder of Mindynamics:

We chatted with with Saakshi, founder of Mindynamics ($1.5K/month). In our interview, Saakshi says:

The day you stop experimenting, you will find yourself in a trap where your business is stagnant and things are not just moving right.


Collaboration is the key today. The more you collaborate with people the better reach it would give to your brand.


Read the full interview ➜

#4: Sumit Bansal, founder of

We chatted with with Sumit, founder of ($10K/month). In our interview, Sumit says:

It was a huge learning curve for me and I made a lot of mistakes. I invested hours everyday learning. I didn’t make any money for 16 months, but I consistently pushed out content and videos. I was getting traffic and was also collecting email subscribers


Another mistake I made was to not learn about SEO in the initial days. I was lucky that my content worked and I started getting traffic, but I could have done better had I known SEO better.


Read the full interview ➜

#5: Andrew Kamphey, founder of Better Sheets:

We chatted with with Andrew, founder of Better Sheets ($8.33K/month). In our interview, Andrew says:

Try not to optimize too early. And try not to stick contractors on a problem that I mon’t even understand.


You can scale almost anything. Either through hiring, outsourcing, automation apps such as Zapier, or programming code.


Read the full interview ➜

#6: Stephen Somers, founder of Marketplace SuperHeroes:

We chatted with with Stephen, founder of Marketplace SuperHeroes ($350K/month). In our interview, Stephen says:

A strategic partnership could also bring your business access to new products, a new market and the opportunity to increase customer loyalty. It really is the true synergy of two plus two equals five!


We found that the success of a campaign or project depended a lot on our team. The team has to be strong - but it can only be strong if there’s an effective communication strategy.


Read the full interview ➜

#7: Andrew Kamphey, founder of Better Sheets:

We chatted with with Andrew, founder of Better Sheets ($8.33K/month). In our interview, Andrew says:

I learned the true meaning of Launch and Launch again. Keep going. Never quit.


Read the full interview ➜

#8: Andrew Kamphey, founder of Better Sheets:

We chatted with with Andrew, founder of Better Sheets ($8.33K/month). In our interview, Andrew says:

You can choose for it to be hard. You can choose for it to be easy. You can choose. So Choose.


Optimize for yourself. Creating a business can sometimes feel like we’re pushing a boulder up a hill. It can feel like a thing that others know the secret of, and others are doing easier. Choose the boulder. Choose the hill.


Read the full interview ➜