Freelance Writing Business

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Freelance Writing Business? (In 2024)

Updated: July 21st, 2024

Looking to start a freelance writing business?

But curious about:

  • how much it costs to start a freelance writing business?
  • what are the typical freelance writing business startup costs?
  • or the actual cost of starting freelance writing businesses?

Well, we have the data to prove it, supported by real freelance writing businesses and how much they actually cost to start.

Let's go over it.

What is the average cost of starting a freelance writing business?

Based on our data reported by actual freelance writing business founders, the average cost of starting a freelance writing business is between $35 and $1,500,000.

Additionally, our data shows that the the median startup costs for a freelance writing business are around $500.

Remember, though, not all freelance writing businesses are the same - and neither are people's budgets. It's important to distinguish between different levels or types of freelance writing businesses

Real World Examples: How much does it cost to start a freelance writing business?

We asked real freelance writing business founders and business owners how much it actually cost to get started?

Here is what they said:

Matt Rudntsky

Founder of Platypus Publishing ($320K/month)

"I built my online course on Teachable, because it’s the lowest-friction creation experience, without sacrificing quality. That’s my ethos: Minimize friction to create, maximize the quality of the content (while still looking “professional,” which is especially important when self-publishing). I’ve made one huge mistake over the past five years: Thinking that business is a competition, not a collaboration. I always looked at fellow entrepreneurs and thought we couldn’t help each other."

Matt Rudnitsky is the founder of Platypus Publishing, a book publishing business that also offers ghostwriting and online courses for aspiring authors.

Read by 7,820 founders

David Tile

Founder of Article-Writing Co ($125K/month)

"I had my own specific mechanics that I thought would make the game a lot more fair for the average consumer. But alas, 6-8 months later, after burning through thousands of dollars trying to get the technology right, I was absolutely nowhere."

David Tile is the founder of, a Content Writing Service that operates under the banner of providing high-quality writing and project management services to various marketing agencies.

Read by 24,486 founders

Arlie Peyton

Founder of Writing Income Accelerator ($10K/month)

"In the beginning, I wasn’t worried about making money because I was just figuring things out. I had to build a solid track record too. And since there were zero start-up fees, I was profitable from day one."

Arlie Peyton is the founder of [Writing Income Accelerator], a freelance writing program that teaches intermediate-level writers how to command high fees for their articles.

Read by 10,266 founders

Deja Tyla Hansen

Founder of Tyla's Writing Services ($700/month)

"With my initial startup costs, I bit the bullet and paid for those myself. Luckily, within a couple of weeks, I was able to make up all of my money back."

Tyla is the founder of Tyla’s Writing Services, a professional writing service that offers resumes, cover letters, transcription, and more.

Read by 7,219 founders

Jorden Makelle

Founder of Writing Revolt ($25K/month)

"Being an online course, the production costs were very minimal. My biggest 'cost' was the time and effort I spent creating the course and building up my blog beforehand, which was several months."

Jorden Makelle is the founder of Writing Revolt, a blog and YouTube channel that helps freelance writers learn how to make money online.

Read by 19,496 founders

Harshala Chavan

Founder of Merrative ($2K/month)

"The total cost of operating Merrative comes around USD 1,000/- per year + variable costs of hiring freelancers or interns."

Harshala Chavan is the founder of Merrative, a community-led marketplace for the publishing industry that connects brands, creators, and publishers with top publishing talent.

Read by 3,708 founders

Laura Mikkelsen

Founder of Publishing Services ($72K/month)

“Everything I did at that stage was very low-budget. I was using Rasmus’ site, and I simply asked customers to send their manuscripts to my email address for me to write their descriptions. I would work at home or out on the beach – I certainly wasn’t your classic power-suited entrepreneur. *I already had a captive audience – Rasmus and Christian’s students were looking for exactly the product I was selling.”

Laura Mikkelsen is the founder of Publishing Services, a publishing support business that started in 2019 and now averages $72,000 per month.

Read by 3,793 founders

Julmar Grace Locsin

Founder of FVA Business Consultancy ($1K/month)

"Because my husband and I have been freelancers for over ten years, we have saved for the capital of FVA."

Julmar Grace Locsin is the founder of Filipino Virtual Assistance, a business that offers training, coaching, and consulting services aimed at empowering freelancers and businesses globally.

Read by 8,083 founders

Vaibhav Kishnani

Founder of Content-Whale Private Limited ($62.5K/month)

"I started this content agency with a mere sum of Rs. 2,500."

Vaibhav Kishnani is the founder of Content-Whale, a content curation business that started in 2017 and has since reached significant milestones.

Read by 5,825 founders

Enjoyed reading these real world examples?

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Starting a freelance writing business - what you should know:

Understanding the financial landscape of starting a freelance writing business can help you minimize costs and plan effectively.

Equipment Costs

At a minimum, you will need a reliable computer and internet connection. A decent laptop costs around $500-$1,000, while a high-speed internet plan can range from $50 to $100 per month. If you already own a computer, you can bypass this initial expense, making your starting costs cheaper.

Software and Tools

You may need writing software such as Microsoft Word or a subscription to tools like Grammarly. Microsoft Office 365 costs approximately $69.99 per year, while Grammarly Premium costs $139.95 annually. These tools are essential for producing high-quality content and ensuring it’s free of errors. If you're looking to save, Google Docs is a free alternative to Microsoft Word.

Marketing and Networking

Building your brand might involve creating a website, which can cost anywhere from $100 to $500 annually for domain registration and hosting. Additionally, investing in business cards or promotional materials could cost another $50-$100. Social media platforms are usually free but consider budgeting for paid promotions, which might range from $20 to $100 per month, depending on your target audience.

Ongoing Education

Staying updated with industry trends is crucial. Online courses and webinars range from free to $200 per course. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare offer free courses or subscription models costing roughly $20-$30 per month. Investing in continuous learning can enhance your skills and potentially raise your earning capacity.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Don't forget about potential legal costs, such as registering your business or obtaining a business license, which can range from $50 to $500 depending on your location. Accounting software like QuickBooks may cost around $25 per month, but can save you time and money on managing your finances.

By being mindful of these costs and planning accordingly, you can set yourself up for a successful and financially manageable freelance writing business.

Potential Costs of Starting a Freelance Writing Business

Starting a freelance writing business involves various upfront and ongoing expenses, ranging from essential tools to additional services that can enhance productivity and professionalism. Below is a detailed breakdown of the potential costs:

Expense Category Item Estimated Cost (USD) Notes
Technology Computer/Laptop $500 - $2,000 A reliable computer is crucial for writing, research, and managing tasks.
High-Speed Internet $50 - $100/month Fast and reliable internet connection to handle research and communication.
Software (Word Processor, etc.) $0 - $150/year Options range from free tools like Google Docs to Microsoft Office Suite.
Backup Storage (External HDD/Cloud) $50 - $100/year Essential for data security and storage.
Antivirus Software $30 - $100/year Protects against malware and viruses.
Web Presence Domain Name $10 - $20/year Your professional website's address.
Web Hosting $50 - $150/year Charges for hosting your professional website.
Website Design (initial setup) $500 - $1,500 (one-time) Cost for custom website design; can be lower with DIY website builders.
Ongoing Website Maintenance $50 - $200/month Regular updates and backups.
Marketing & Branding Logo Design $50 - $300 (one-time) Professional logo for branding.
Business Cards $20 - $100 Physical cards for networking.
Online Marketing Tools $10 - $100/month Email marketing, social media scheduling tools, etc.
Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads) $50 - $500/month Online advertising to attract clients.
Professional Services Accounting Software $100 - $300/year Software like QuickBooks for managing finances.
Legal Fees $200 - $1,000 (one-time) For setting up business contracts, LLC formation, etc.
Professional Memberships $50 - $200/year Membership in writing or freelancer organizations.
Work Environment Office Supplies $20 - $100 Basic supplies like notebooks, pens, etc.
Ergonomic Chair/Desk $150 - $500 Comfortable and healthy working setup.
Professional Development Courses/Workshops/Books $50 - $500/year Investing in continuous skill improvement.
Conference & Networking Events $100 - $1,000/year Costs associated with attending industry events.

Make sure to carefully plan your budget to cover these initial and ongoing expenses to set a strong foundation for your freelance writing business.