Financial Consulting Business

5 Financial Consulting Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

Financial consulting is a business that helps individuals and businesses manage their financial affairs. Managing financial affairs include creating financial plans, analyzing financial data, and advising investment and financial decision-making.

To start a financial consulting business, you will need a strong understanding of financial principles and practices and excellent communication and problem-solving skills. You may also need to obtain necessary licenses or certifications, such as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation.

To start the business, you must create a business plan, establish a business structure (such as a sole proprietorship or LLC), and identify your target market. You may also need to secure financing and create a marketing plan to attract clients. It is also important to network with other professionals in the financial industry and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field.

In this list, you'll find real-world financial consulting business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a financial consulting business that makes money.

1. The Good Life Companies ($24M/year)

Founder Conor Delaney came up with the idea for Good Life Companies after realizing the need for a comprehensive financial services organization that catered to independent financial advisors. The business started as a service-oriented entity offering client transition services, but quickly expanded to include real estate, marketing support, administrative services, and more. The company's unique approach and ability to adapt to advisors' needs have allowed it to attract and retain customers successfully.

How much money it makes: $24M/year
How much did it cost to start: $500K
How many people on the team: 60


How We Started A $2M/Month Independent Financial Advisor Network

How one financial services company, Good Life Companies, went from a multi-faceted service organization to a nationally recognized brand with $25 million in revenue, averaging 50-75% growth per year, by providing independent financial advisors with the support, infrastructure, and real estate necessary to operate their practices and meet all needs, along with investing in marketing strategies and expanding their offering to multiple broker-dealer channels.

Read by 6,232 founders

2. ConnectionPoint ($1.8M/year)

Daryl Hatton, the founder of ConnectionPoint, came up with the idea for his crowdfunding-as-a-service platform, FundRazr, while coaching his son's lacrosse team and struggling to get players to attend practice. He wondered if he could use Facebook to get them to pay their registration fees, which led to the core idea of using social media to facilitate funding for important projects. After investing a quarter of a million dollars and navigating some challenges with changes to Facebook's API, Hatton successfully launched FundRazr in 2009 and has since helped almost 200,000 projects raise over $200 million.

How much money it makes: $1.8M/year
How much did it cost to start: $600K
How many people on the team: 20


How I Started A Crowdfunding-As-A-Service Platform That Helped 200K Projects Raise Over $200M

ConnectionPoint's founder and CEO, Daryl Hatton, shares his experience of launching an enterprise-class crowdfunding-as-a-service platform that has helped almost 200,000 projects in 40+ countries raise over $200 million, and offers valuable insights on taking a focused approach to growth and pivoting the business to solve customer problems.

Read by 6,268 founders

3. Klooks ($720K/year)

Alexandre Abu-Jamra, the founder of K-Looks, came up with the idea for his business when he was working as an M&A advisor and struggled to find financial data for private companies. He realized that this was a common problem in the finance industry and saw an opportunity to solve it by organizing and standardizing unstructured financial data from messy pdf files. After overcoming technical challenges and securing a client with Capital IQ, the largest private financial data aggregator, K-Looks has experienced triple-digit annual growth and generated $600k in revenue in 2022.

How much money it makes: $720K/year
How much did it cost to start: $50K
How many people on the team: 35


Our Business Makes $60K/Month Turning Corporate Financial Statements Into Standardized Data

K-Looks is a Brazilian data firm serving some of the main financial institutions in Brazil with revenues in 2022 of $600k and triple-digit annual growth for the past three years, specializing in organizing unstructured financial data from messy pdf files, offering fully customized data solutions with a combination of engines that extracts and categorizes data automatically with human quality assurance in addition to financial data structuring process and financial spreading services, with a focus on good content, personalized service, and client retention.

Read by 1,790 founders

4. ProjectionHub ($516K/year)

Adam Hoeksema, Co-Founder and CEO of ProjectionHub, came up with the idea for his business while working as the Director of a small business microloan program. He realized the need for a TurboTax-like tool for creating financial projections and enlisted his 17-year-old brother, a software developer, to build a web app. Today, ProjectionHub generates over $20,000 per month in revenue and offers a library of 50+ financial projection spreadsheet templates used by startups in various industries.

How much money it makes: $516K/year
How much did it cost to start: $150K
How many people on the team: 4

I Grew My Spreadsheet Templates Side Hustle Into A $240K/Year Business

ProjectionHub helps entrepreneurs create financial projections using a library of 50+ CPA-developed financial projection spreadsheet templates, generating over $20,000 per month in revenue without the need for software subscription models.

Read by 9,815 founders

5. Net Net Hunter ($144K/year)

Evan Bleker, an investor and entrepreneur, started Net Net Hunter after struggling to find enough net-nets to fill his personal portfolio. He created a membership community focused on a niche value investment strategy, offering a list of roughly 1000 international net-nets and a community forum for sharing ideas. The business has become a stable cash cow and Evan is now working on another web startup.

How much money it makes: $144K/year
How much did it cost to start: $1K
How many people on the team: 5


How I Started A $12K/Month Investment Membership Community

This case study is about a successful entrepreneur who created Net Net Hunter, a membership community focused on a niche investment strategy that now earns $12k per month by providing a list of roughly 1000 international net-nets and filter through them by hand to identify the top 40 or 50 to focus research efforts on, and has since moved on to creating a new start-up project.

Read by 7,169 founders