How I Turned My Hobby For Oracle Cards Into A Business
This is a follow up story for Wandering Aunt . If you're interested in reading how they got started, published about 5 years ago, check it out here.
Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.
Hi! I’m Robin, also known as Wandering Aunt. I create safe and inspiring spaces for others to connect on a deeper level so that they can be seen, heard, and received with love through Oracle card readings and parties, Deep Clarity sessions, 1:1 coaching, writing, photoshoot experiences, retreats, and travel. I believe at the core of being human, we all want to be seen. I attract clients who want to know themselves on a deeper level and learn how to connect with their intuition or inner guidance system. We are all intuitive and receive information--a deep knowing through various forms like bodily sensation, messages, visions, signs, to name a few.
When a client comes to me they are often seeking clarity in an area of life important to them or have a decision they’re faced with that they’re uncertain of. They’re looking to be seen and heard and connect to themselves on a deeper level.
In 2020 when COVID hit, I was faced with having to restructure my business. Before COVID, I was traveling all over the world as a nomad, International model, and able to do my business from anywhere. My main focus at the time was in supporting others to create and plan memorable travel experiences. I was gearing up for my first international retreat in Spain for people who want to travel solo but aren’t ready to do it on their own. And then, COVID hit. I found myself back in Dallas, TX at my sister’s house not knowing what the future held. Being still offered me the opportunity to slow down and listen to my intuition. I had been using Oracle cards as a hobby prior and had no idea that I would turn that into a business. I had to start from scratch and build income slowly to make ends meet.
Tell us about what you’ve been up to! Has the business been growing?
When COVID hit and I found myself grounded in Dallas again, I was a bit lost. My travel design clients were canceling trips, and I quickly understood that travel likely wasn’t going to resume for some time. It was a time for me to slow down after 2 years of traveling all over the world nonstop and take some time to breathe. I enhanced my self-love and meditation practices and found much refuge in nature. A lot was happening in my personal life in addition to dealing with a global pandemic. I knew the time being offered to me was a gift for healing.
In the spring of 2020, I was finishing up my certification to become a Sourced(™) Retreat Leader. My group was set to be in California on retreat but quickly turned virtual when travel ceased. Our coach was leading us through a meditation to support us in creating a vision for our services. I remember walking down a path and coming to a well. I turned the handle on the well to bring up the bucket. And in the bucket, I found a wine cork. I had no idea why I was receiving this vision. The following week I was in a virtual meeting with my book club when the topic of Oracle cards came up. I casually mentioned that I was an Oracle card reader. One of the women suggested that we have a virtual Oracle party sometime. We could drink wine over Zoom and have it be casual. Suddenly the wine cork that I saw in my meditation started to make sense. I started thinking about the concept of hosting Wine & Oracle parties. I held the first one with my book club over Zoom and it was a hit! And through that, it evolved into what I now call Girl’s Night Inward.
I began leading 1-2 Girl’s Night Inward Oracle parties per month. I charged $35/person with a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 12. I typically average around 5-7 people. I quickly began to see how meaningful and needed these events were. The women who attended allowed themselves to be seen and heard by sharing vulnerably with the group. I really became present with how these events and the messages they receive through Oracle cards allow each person to be seen by others and receive answers to their questions.
I also began to offer more 1-on-1 Deep Clarity sessions to support others in finding clarity through my intuition and Oracle card spreads. In the Fall of 2020, I enrolled in a course by Natalie Sisson called Launch Your Damn Course Accelerator. This course supported me in developing an online course teaching others how to use Oracle Cards as a tool in their everyday lives. The course made such a difference for me and helped me to truly own myself and an Oracle and recognize that I have so much to teach others. I kicked off the first round of my course, Intro to Oracle Cards at the end of 2020 with 5 students. I charged $47 per person at the time for a 3-week course. I wanted to offer something at a lower price point so that I could get comfortable leading this course. I recently launched the course again, this time upping the price to $97 and extending the length to 4 weeks. I am quickly seeing how I can charge even more for this course in the future. The transformation that my students are experiencing is so valuable.
What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?
I’ve learned so many lessons in the past year. From money to mindset to inner child healing, it’s been quite a year of unlearning, healing, and gaining confidence in myself. I had to get comfortable with calling myself an Oracle. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to Tarot and Oracle cards and work that is in the spiritual realm. I found myself battling Imposter Syndrome and perceived judgment from family and friends. I finally got that it doesn’t matter what those who don’t approve of my work think; it matters what the people I am supporting think. I shifted the fear and attention from myself and began to focus my awareness and intention on my clients.
I’ve learned many lessons when it comes to finances and building a business without steady income coming in. Bottom line, it’s not easy. It can be defeating and discouraging to not have consistent income nor know when the next client is going to book, or where they’re going to come from. I’ve had many rough months and times when I wanted to give up and go back to getting a steady corporate job. Yet, I know that I am here for a reason and am capable of building a steady income. I’ve also learned that there is no shame in asking for support or getting a job. I got a part-time job at REI towards the end of 2020. I knew I needed a break from technology a couple of days a week and to be around people again. Being at home and not having normal human interaction during a pandemic has been tough. Getting a part-time job has supported me in gaining confidence in myself, shifting my mindset, and having a much-needed change of scenery. As a result, I have gained new energy and seen some great shifts in my business within the past month. I am starting to earn more income and feel a sense of empowerment knowing that I can do this.
When you can accept your circumstances, your path, and where you are things will begin to shift. Taking ownership of your choices and taking inspired action to move forward will support you in shifting. I feel like I’ve crossed into a whole new phase simply by learning to accept where I am, take responsibility for my circumstances, and show up for my clients and followers no matter what is going on behind the scenes. It goes back to my Why of creating safe and inspiring spaces for others to be seen. When I’m allowing myself to be seen through the good and the hard, I am showing others that I am human and someone who can better relate to where they are.
What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?
I am in the middle of writing my first book. I have been dreaming of writing a book ever since I was 9 years old. I am starting with my blog and taking my best posts and combining them into a book that will serve as a beautiful inspiration and nugget of wisdom for others.
Reach out to people who have been here before and don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it.
I also plan to resume my mission of modeling in photoshoots in countries all over the world as a way to support local photographers, designers, and hair & makeup stylists. I look forward to traveling resuming so I can take others on epic retreats and design photoshoot experiences that allow others to be fully seen as their beautiful, authentic selves.
In the next 5 years, I hope to be an NYT best-selling author, paid international speaker, and have my photoshoot mission expand all over the world. I want to inspire other women to journey with me and allow their essence to be captured in their own uniquely curated photoshoot experiences.
Have you read any good books in the last year?
Heartminded by Sarah Blondin really supported me in healing my inner child wounds and leading my business from my heart space.
The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer inspired me to launch a 30-day blog challenge where I wrote 30 blogs in 30 days in 2020. This experience gave me the idea to turn my book into a blog. It also opened the doorway to becoming a published author through an anthology called Transformation 2020 where I had the honor of sharing my story of leaving my corporate job to follow my dream of traveling the world.
Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?
Don’t be afraid to ASK for support and guidance. It can be lonely running your own business and challenging when you’re starting. Especially when you come from a steady paycheck, it can be challenging to keep your mindset positive when income is sporadic. Reach out to people who have been here before and don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it. Asking can look like anything from asking for sales, referrals, money, guidance, learning, and more. Don’t be afraid to ask. Even if you receive a bunch of No’s, keep going.
Find groups of like-minded individuals and entrepreneurs who understand where you are and how to support you. Friends and family are great, but they’re not always the best ones to consult about business challenges or fears. I have been so grateful for my community of business owners. I’m part of many groups, and the one that has made such a difference for me is Ladies Power Lunch. We all support and cheer each other through the good and the hard times.
I also recommend joining a container of support like a coaching group or mastermind. I am also in a group called The $10k Club run by Natalie Sisson (whose course I mentioned earlier) which helps women entrepreneurs and business owners to earn at least $10k per month and give back at least 1% of their earnings to a cause that’s meaningful to each person. I am slowly making my way along. I am confident that I will make that kind of money and more.
Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?
Soon I hope. I am not at the place of hiring someone yet, however, I hope to hire a VA by summer to support with some of my more tedious tasks.
Where can we go to learn more?
If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!
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