Shopify App Developer

4 Shopify App Developer Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

Have you thought about a career building Shopify apps?

Shopify is a Canadian e-commerce company that provides an online platform for entrepreneurs to set up their own online stores and sell products. Shopify is now valued at over $45B (as of 2022) with over 1.75M merchants using the platform worldwide.

To be able to build a plugin for Shopify, you need to know how to code. If not, then at least have some knowledge of HTML and CSS. You also need experience in the Shopify API and some basic knowledge about the Liquid template language for Shopify.

In this list, you'll find real-world shopify app developer success stories and very profitable examples of starting a shopify app developer that makes money.

1. ByteStand ($780K/year)

Todd, a serial entrepreneur, came up with the idea for ByteStand after experiencing the limitations of selling on Amazon and wanting to diversify his business. He saw a gap in the market for a tool to automate the process of moving inventory from Amazon to Shopify and decided to create one himself, despite having no software development experience. With the help of a team of independent developers, he built the app and launched it on Shopify, quickly attracting paying customers and generating revenue.

How much money it makes: $780K/year
How much did it cost to start: $50K
How many people on the team: 1


How I Taught Myself How To Code And Built My Own Business

ByteStand, a software development company run by ecommerce experts, created Shopify apps, including FreshCredit and FBA Shipping, which generate approximately $17,000 per month in revenue, with over 2,000 shops using their software.

Read by 17,772 founders

2. Bonify ($504K/year)

Dan Pepin and John Carbone came up with the idea for Bonify while working as programmers at a digital agency and being frustrated with how things were being done. They left the company and started Bonify with a focus on building SAAS products. Their first app, Custom Fields, was launched in April 2016 and initially made little money, but they continued to improve it based on customer feedback and have since built a successful Shopify app business, with their apps bringing in $15,000 per month and a goal to double that revenue by the end of the year.

How much money it makes: $504K/year
How many people on the team: 0


How We Are Building Profitable Shopify Apps From Our Consulting Experience

Bonify co-founders successfully transition from a small web development agency to a lifestyle SAAS company by building Shopify apps, reaching $15,000 monthly revenue and planning to double it by year end through improved marketing and new features.

Read by 7,643 founders

3. Envision ($360K/year)

Leighton Taylor, founder of eCommerce marketing agency Envision, came up with the idea for his business while freelancing in web design and development. He noticed the explosive growth of Shopify as the eCommerce platform of choice and decided to specialize in Shopify-related services. Through clear communication, punctuality, and early success with content marketing, Envision has attracted and retained clients, earning approximately $30k/month in revenue.

How much money it makes: $360K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 2


How I Started A $30K/Month Conversion-Focused Shopify Development Agency

Founder Leighton Taylor shares how his eCommerce marketing agency for Shopify has grown to approximately $30k/month, working with about 350 eCommerce brands and an ideal client with annual revenue from $1-10 million, while focusing on clear communication, punctuality and content marketing through a podcast.

Read by 7,479 founders

4. Mokool Apps ($1.8K/year)

Mukul Verma, the founder of Mokool Apps, came up with the idea for his Shopify app business after running a successful app development company. After realizing the potential in the Shopify App Store, Mukul saw an opportunity to help store owners create successful businesses by providing them with easy-to-use, problem-solving apps. Since launching his first app, Translate Pro, Mukul has focused on listening to customer feedback, making adjustments, and building a strong foundation for his business.

How much money it makes: $1.8K/year
How much did it cost to start: $3K
How many people on the team: 1


How I Started Developing And Launching Shopify Apps

Mokool Apps founder Mukul Verma shares his journey of expanding into the Shopify App Store, including how customer support is critical, and the importance of planning for the unexpected when launching a business.

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