Makeup Academy

7 Tips For Starting A Successful Makeup Academy (2024)

Updated: January 19th, 2023

Want to start your own makeup academy? Here are some tips you should know:

Learn more about starting a makeup academy:

Where to start?

-> How much does it cost to start a makeup academy?
-> Pros and cons of a makeup academy

Need inspiration?

-> Other makeup academy success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a makeup academy

Other resources

We've interviewed thousands of successful founders at Starter Story and asked what advice they would give to entrepreneurs who are just getting started.

Here's the best advice we discovered for starting a makeup academy:

#1: Anastasia Andreani, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy:

We chatted with with Anastasia, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy ($235K/month). In our interview, Anastasia says:

Vizio Makeup Academy has enrolled over 3,300 students and generated $2.4M in revenue this year. We plan to invest it all back into our company to launch our newest venture of becoming the first makeup academy franchise in the world.


We started this business with $4,000. Working from the ground up, we utilized everything we had learned and put all our knowledge into this academy. We spent $500 on trademarking Vizio Makeup Academy and a few hundred dollars on legal fees.


Read the full interview ➜

#2: Anastasia Andreani, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy:

We chatted with with Anastasia, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy ($235K/month). In our interview, Anastasia says:

Everything is a learning experience. The key is to learn from the past and apply that knowledge to your life.


Read the full interview ➜

#3: Anastasia Andreani, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy:

We chatted with with Anastasia, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy ($235K/month). In our interview, Anastasia says:

Utilize your creativity by keeping an open mind and exploring different techniques; this will help shape you into a master of your craft.


Testing different marketing strategies and tactics are essential for success, allowing you to learn what works best for your business.


Read the full interview ➜

#4: Anastasia Andreani, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy:

We chatted with with Anastasia, founder of Vizio Makeup Academy ($235K/month). In our interview, Anastasia says:

Last year we learned to always think ahead. If you always plan ahead this will always give you an extra edge. Your business will never be caught by surprise.


The best way to offer a more personal customer experience is using the customer’s name when talking with them, in person, over the phone, or by email.


Read the full interview ➜