Life Consultant

Life Consultant Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

A life consultant or a life coach is a professional who aids clients in clarifying their goals, identifying different obstacles, and coming up with strategies to overcome such obstacles.

As a life consultant, you have exceptional opportunities to work with clients, helping them become a better version of themselves. Besides, you interact with different personalities, and get an opportunity to learn from them.

In this list, you'll find real-world life consultant success stories and very profitable examples of starting a life consultant that makes money.

1. EMDR Consulting ($1.8M/year)

EMDR Consulting training, I included the consultation fees in the overall cost, making it a more comprehensive and valuable offering. Marketing: I utilized online platforms such as websites, social media, and email marketing to promote my training events. I also leveraged my reputation and network within the EMDR community to spread the word about my new training organization. Word-of-mouth: As attendees experienced the effectiveness and quality of my training, they shared their positive experiences with their colleagues, which generated further interest and traction for my events. Through these strategies, I was able to establish credibility, attract attendees, and build momentum for EMDR Consulting's training events.

How much money it makes: $1.8M/year
How much did it cost to start: $500
How many people on the team: 8


I Built A Business Around Mental Health & Grew It To $1.8M/Year

How one founder grew their business, EMDR Consulting, from a one-person operation to one of the largest EMDR training organisations in the US, annually conducting over 150 EMDR basic training courses a year teaching over 1500 mental health professionals how to integrate EMDR into their clinical practice.

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