Health And Wellness Podcast

Health And Wellness Podcast Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

Do you have knowledge and passion for health that you'd love to share with others? Or perhaps you are a health blogger or content creator looking for ways to expand your revenue streams? If you match these criteria, starting a health and wellness podcast host could be the perfect opportunity.

In today's world, podcasts are the new radio. Podcasting is one of the fastest-growing mediums for online audio, and it's not expected to slow down any time soon. But unlike traditional radio, podcasts are driven by content creators passionate about sharing stories with their listeners.

One of the main benefits of starting a podcast is the minimal investment needed. All you need is a computer or phone with a microphone and a way to host it online. You can even create one on your website if you want.

In this list, you'll find real-world health and wellness podcast success stories and very profitable examples of starting a health and wellness podcast that makes money.

1. Ruby Health and Wellness ($43.2K/year)

Lynae Smith, a body positive nutritionist and registered dietitian, started her business in 2014 after working for several years in the field. With the help of a business mentor from SCORE, she took the leap and transitioned to full-time private practice, eventually making $56k/year in her first year. Through networking and referrals, she was able to attract and retain clients in her specialized field of nutrition consulting for eating disorders.

How much money it makes: $43.2K/year
How much did it cost to start: $500
How many people on the team: 1


How To Make A Living As A Body Positive Nutritionist And Dietitian

Learn how a body positive nutritionist and registered dietitian grew her full-time private practice, earning $56k in her first year, through networking and getting mentorship from SCORE.

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