App For Music Producers

How Much Does It Cost To Start An App For Music Producers? (In 2024)

Updated: July 21st, 2024

Looking to start an app for music producers?

But curious about:

  • how much it costs to start an app for music producers?
  • what are the typical app for music producers startup costs?
  • or the actual cost of starting app for music producers?

Well, we have the data to prove it, supported by real app for music producers and how much they actually cost to start.

Let's go over it.

What is the average cost of starting an app for music producers?

Based on our data reported by actual app for music producers founders, the average cost of starting an app for music producers is between $500 and $400,000.

Additionally, our data shows that the the median startup costs for an app for music producers are around $5K.

Remember, though, not all app for music producers are the same - and neither are people's budgets. It's important to distinguish between different levels or types of app for music producers

Real World Examples: How much does it cost to start an app for music producers?

We asked real app for music producers founders and business owners how much it actually cost to get started?

Here is what they said:

Karan Beghi

Founder of Musicspace ($200/month)

"The MVP took just 2 weeks to build and cost only $400. I registered the domain and it cost $12.99. It really didn't cost much."

Karan Beghi is the founder of, a music catalog management platform for artists and producers that he launched in 2019.

Read by 6,877 founders

Ezra Sandzer-bell

Founder of AudioCipher Technologies ($1K/month)

"I partnered with a developer and bootstrapped AudioCipher with a budget of only $7000."

Ezra Sandzer-Bell is the founder of AudioCipher Technologies, a music software company that helps producers overcome songwriter's block by converting words into music notes.

Read by 3,101 founders

Oskar Eichler

Founder of Songstats ($69K/month)

"By the end of 2019, we had everything up and running smoothly and finally felt that the platform was ready to scale. At this point, we’d burnt through nearly $400,000 and only had about 200 customers."

Oskar Eichler is the founder of Songstats, a music data analytics business that aggregates insights across various music services for artists and record labels.

Read by 4,182 founders

Enjoyed reading these real world examples?

Our platform is full of case studies of successful app for music producers that you can learn from.

Starting an app for music producers - what you should know:

Developing an app for music producers involves various expenses that can significantly impact your budget.

Platform Choice

Choosing between iOS and Android can influence costs. Developing for a single platform might cost between $30,000 to $50,000. Opting for both platforms could raise this to a range of $50,000 to $80,000. Native apps are generally more expensive due to the need for separate codebases, whereas hybrid apps may reduce costs but might not offer the best user experience.

Features and Functionality

The functionalities integrated into your app can drastically alter your budget. Basic apps with minimal features might cost around $20,000 to $30,000. However, incorporating advanced features like real-time collaboration, cloud storage, and digital audio workstations (DAWs) can push the cost upwards to $100,000 or more. User authentication, in-app purchases, and push notifications also add to the complexity and expense.

Design and User Experience

A superior user experience with a well-thought-out UI/UX design is crucial for the app’s success. Investing in a top-tier design can cost between $5,000 to $15,000. Although it might be tempting to cut costs here, a poor design can repel users, resulting in lower engagement and higher drop-off rates.

Maintenance and Updates

Post-launch, continuous maintenance and updates are necessary to fix bugs, add new features, and ensure compatibility with new operating systems. Annual maintenance costs typically range from 15% to 20% of the initial development cost. Therefore, if your app costs $50,000 to develop, expect to spend around $7,500 to $10,000 yearly for upkeep.

Understanding these factors can help you manage your budget more effectively and make informed decisions when starting an app for music producers.

Potential Costs of Starting an App for Music Producers

Starting an app for music producers involves multiple costs, ranging from development tools and labor to hosting fees and marketing expenses. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of potential costs you might encounter:

Cost Category Description Estimated Cost (USD)
Development Tools
SaaS Subscription Cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud $100 - $500/month
Music Production APIs Integrating APIs like Spotify, SoundCloud $0 - $200/month
Development Software IDEs, UI/UX design tools (e.g., Figma, Sketch) $30 - $100/month per seat
Labor Costs
Frontend Developer UI/UX development $50 - $150/hour
Backend Developer Server, database, and API development $60 - $160/hour
Mobile Developer iOS and Android app development $50 - $150/hour
UI/UX Designer User interface and experience design $40 - $120/hour
Project Manager Coordination and management $50 - $100/hour
QA Tester Quality assurance and bug testing $30 - $70/hour
Hosting Fees
Web Hosting Server space for web app $20 - $200/month
Mobile App Hosting Google Play and Apple App Store fees $25 (Google Play one-time fee)
$99/year (Apple App Store)
Licensing and Legal
Music Licenses Rights to incorporate existing music $100 - $1000 per song
Legal Fees Trademark, copyright protections, and contracts $500 - $5000
Marketing Costs
Social Media Marketing Advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram $1000 - $5000/month
Influencer Collaboration Partnering with musicians/creators to promote the app $500 - $5000 per collaboration
SEO and Content Blog posts, keywords, and search engine optimization $1000 - $3000/month
Maintenance Costs
App Updates Regular updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements $1000 - $5000/month
Customer Support Helpdesk software, support agents $500 - $2000/month
Office Supplies Computers, software, and office space if needed $1000 - $5000 one-time setup
Unexpected Costs Contingencies for unexpected expenses 10-20% of total budget

Please note that these costs can vary widely based on the scope and complexity of your app, geographic location, and the experience level of your team. Planning carefully and accounting for these costs can help ensure a smoother development process.