Create A Co-marketing Email Campaign: A Guide

Updated: July 26th, 2024


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What Is A Co-Marketing Email Campaign?

Co-marketing is when two or more non competing brands partner together, whether that be an event, task, or other promotion.

These partnership emails allow brands to leverage the audience of another company to increase their overall reach. The possibility of promoting your business to another brand's email list could be amazing exposure for you.

In this post, we look at how co-marketing emails work and provide examples of geat co-marketing emails.

Co-Marketing Email Key Takeaways

  • Co-marketing Emails provide a cost-effective and valuable marketing success
  • Brands that practice co-marketing attain a better SEO impact
  • Partnering with like-minded companies leads to better results

Understanding How Co-marketing Emails Work

Today, email marketing campaigns feature a combination of thought leadership, measurable SEO, analytics, and other strategies.

As competition becomes fiercer, brands need to come up with unique strategies geared towards reaching a wider audience.

A good approach is co-marketing email campaigns.

However, for co-marketing email campaigns to benefit the organization, startups need to choose their marketing partners carefully.

As the name suggests, similar but non-competing brands come together and agree to send similar marketing emails to their list of subscribers.

The email message seeks to promote the products or services of the two companies.

Benefits of Co-Marketing Email Campaigns

Some of the main benefits of co-marketing emails include:

1. Its Cost-Effective

When you co-market with another brand, you tend to share the costs involved in that particular campaign.

Therefore, involved brands save significantly, and attain an impressive return on investment.

2. Can Broaden Your Audience

Co-marketing Email campaigns offer you a wide exposure to an audience that is similar to your own.

Essentially, you are sending an email to another business emailing list

Consider that the email lists of another brand could have taken interest in your offerings before, but were hesitant to convert

3. Results To wider Conversions

Partnering with another brand that complements your present products and services enables you to target audiences at the right time.

Overall, you stand a chance to increase conversions.

4. Builds Brand Loyal Audience

Trying to acquire new customers from scratch can be difficult. In fact, it costs more money and takes more time.

However, when you partner with a brand that compliments yours, you stand an opportunity for acquiring new customers.

Therefore, co-marketing email campaigns could be the way to go for any brand seeking to expand its online presence.

Real World Examples: Create A Co-marketing Email Campaign

Here are some examples of co-marketing email campaigns for your inspiration

1. Etsy Sends Co-Marketing Emails To Reach Wider Audience

Each year, Etsy hosts a Global Craft Party campaign for networking and inspiration.

In 2016, General Assembly (a well-known coding Bootcamp) decided to host these events at 15 different campuses around the world.

The launch email was sent to both email lists - and is a great example of a co-marketing campaign:


2. How Flipboard Grew Through Co-Marketing With Airbnb

Flipboard is a social network aggregator that allows users to follow all their passion in one place. Similarly, Airbnb loves to share curated stories from passionate travelers.

Flipboard was a lesser-known player until they run a joint marketing campaign with Airbnb.

The social network aggregator saw increased website clicks with millions of page views following the joint marketing campaigns.

The win-win campaigns resulted in Airbnb reaching a wider audience and creating awareness around experiences.


The campaigns featured targeted emails and push notifications to social platforms.

How To Planning a Co-Marketing email Campaign

Here are some important steps to follow when it working on a co-marketing plan

1. Set Mutual Goals

Before setting up any campaign, make sure you have determined the goals.

Let your marketing partner know your goals, and listen to their goals. If the goals complement each other, you are good to go!

2. Create Co-Branded Marketing content

Content is central to any marketing campaign.

You and your marketing partner need to come up with excellent content that promotes the two brands.

Note that the campaign won’t work well if the content does not support your goals.

3. Define the Timeline

Set a specific timeframe for your marketing campaign.

This will help the involved parties to be on the same page so that the tasks are completed on time.

The involved parties need to agree on the release dates, and how they will capture the attention of both audiences.

4. Determine Each Parties Strengths and Weaknesses

Each party might have aspects they are good at and others they are not doing good at.

Discuss these things and determine which things each party brings to the table.

Once you know the strengths and weaknesses, you can create content that supports the involved parties and works towards the common goals

5. Prepare a Co-Marketing Agreement

The co-marketing agreement will not work unless the involved parties stick to an agreement.

Therefore, it is important you create an agreement from the very beginning.

When you have a co-marketing agreement, you have the chance to handle any miscommunications that take place.


Co-marketing Email campaigns offer startups a wide array of advantages. On the flip side, such marketing campaigns come with a fair set of challenges.

Consider that where there is no agreement in place, partners may be reluctant to spend time and money collaborating in marketing campaigns.

To handle such challenges, make sure you come up with a solid plan.

Each year, Etsy hosts a Global Craft Party campaign for networking and inspiration. In 2016, General Assembly (a well known coding bootcamp) decided to host these events at 15 different campuses around the world.

The launch email was sent to both email lists - and is a great example of a co marketing campaign:


meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.