20 Email Templates To Help Affiliate Marketers Boost Growth [2024]

Updated: January 19th, 2023

Affiliate marketing refers to a marketing approach where anyone can earn a commission by referring sales, leads, or traffic to a merchant's website. There are so many ways to make money online through affiliate schemes.

This post deals with the best free email templates for affiliates you can use to write the emails your potential clients and subscribers want to read. Find inspiration for your email to promote affiliate offers. Get ideas for the subject line, body, copy calls to action, and more.

Here are 20 free Affiliate Marketing templates to use in 2022 that will save you time and help you with your email marketing efforts.

Welcome Email Template

title=Welcome to [[your site]]! Hey there!

I am [[who you are and your role in the company]], I just wanted to send you a quick email to welcome you to our big family.

I am super excited to have you with us and from the bottom of my heart, I truly believe this is going to be life-changing for you if you are serious about [[the goal of your site]].

Now I know you probably get tons of emails every day and your time is extremely valuable, that is why you will only hear from us when we release new content.

We might also send you the occasional email when we release a new course, free resource, have a big announcement, or recommend a new product but only once we have thoroughly tested and approved them.

Sounds good? Great!

Additionally, we publish exclusive tips and share industry content on social media, and this is our primary way of communication outside of emails, so take 2 seconds and join us on your favorite networks to make sure you don’t miss anything:

Facebook: [[link to Facebook page]]

Twitter: [[link to twitter profile]]

Other networks: [[add as many of those as you want]]

I will talk to you soon,

[[Your Name]]

P.S: As a way to thank you for joining us, I will be sending you our absolute best content together with some subscriber-exclusive goodies.

All of it is super actionable and should help you move the needle when it comes to [[objective of your site]].

Because those emails are packed full of value, you want to make sure you don’t miss out on them, that’s why I have created a little whitelisting guide for our subscribers to ensure you get our messages. [[link to whitelisting instructions]]Check it out here[[/link to whitelisting instructions]].

Watch out for my email tomorrow where I will be talking about [[topic of the next day’s email]].“


Introducing The Product Email Template

title=Cooperation – [[Your company]] + [[Product you’re promoting]] Hello [[Contact Name]],

I’ve been recommended by [[name of the person, who sent you the contact info]] that you should be the right person to talk to.

I noticed on your website [[websiteurl]] that you don’t have [[type of software you’re promoting]]. [[What is the lead losing, by not having the software]]

I’d love to connect with you, does next [[pick a day]] sound alright? If you want to learn more about the product first, here’s a quick link: [[websiteurl + affiliate ID]]

Talk to you soon!



Learn more about starting an affiliate marketing business:

Where to start?

-> How to start an affiliate marketing business?
-> Affiliate marketing business plan
-> How to finance an affiliate marketing business?
-> How much does it cost to start an affiliate marketing business?
-> Pros and cons of an affiliate marketing business

Need inspiration?

-> Other affiliate marketing business success stories
-> Affiliate marketing business slogans
-> Affiliate marketing business names
-> Affiliate marketing business Instagram bios

Other resources

-> Profitability of an affiliate marketing business
-> Affiliate marketing business tips
-> Blog post ideas for an affiliate marketing business

Real-Life Demo Email Template

title=Behind the scenes of [[product name]] Hey there [[Contact Name]],

Yesterday I talked to you about [[product name]], the best solution out there when it comes to [[solving problem product solves]].

A lot of you guys already got your hands on it, and I have received emails from very excited customers all day today.

But for those of you who are still hesitating, I have decided to do my very own “unboxing video”.

In the video below I am going to show you exactly how [[product]] works in real life and exactly what you can expect if you decide to get it for yourself.

[[thumbnail image of the video linking to video landing page]]

Click Here To Watch The “Unboxing” Video [[put the link]]


[[Your Name]]


The Beta Test Email Template

title=Launching a major feature best for bloggers Hey [[Contact Name]],

I'm [[Name]] from [[Company Name]].

Later this fall, we're going to be launching a major new feature called [[feature name]] which enables bloggers like yourself to better monetize your traffic on static evergreen pages. I noticed you cover new products on your blog [[plus your blog might be a great fit for this new service]], so I wanted to see if you'd be interested in joining our beta testing team.

As a beta tester, you'll get an early peek at [[feature name]] and you'll be giving direct feedback to our development team. We'll offer you free access to this service for one year, plus your insights will help shape where we go with this exciting new product.

Just send me a reply if you're interested and I'll get you set up.




The Abandoned Cart Email Template

title=Don't Worry, We’ve Got You Covered Hi [[Recipient’s Name]]!

We know life can be crazy and it can be easy to forget about your shopping cart – even when it contains amazing items.

So we’ve saved your items, and they’re still waiting for you. Your cart contains:

[[Item Image, Title, and Price]]

Complete Your Purchase with [[Number]]% Off Today

[[Complete My Order direct link]]

Questions? Email us at [[Sales Email Address]].

We'd love to hear from you!



The Holiday Email Template

title=It’s [[Holiday]]! Get Excited With our Top Offers Hello [[Contact Name]]!

It’s [[Holiday]] and it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t celebrate in style. That is why we decided to give [[Offer]] to everyone today!

Don’t miss out on this exciting offer, visit our website today. We have added some great things to our range since you visited last.

[[Shop Now Affiliate Link]]



Opening Channels Again Email Template

title=Our Cooperation Hi [[Prospect Name]],

How have things been with you? Hope it’s going well on your end.

I remembered, last time we spoke, you were interested in [[Feature X]]. We have made significant progress regarding this and the new solution is greatly appreciated by many of our clients.

I would love to share these key updates with you at your nearest convenience. Please let me know if [[date and time]] fit into your calendar, if not, feel free to suggest a better time.

Please let me know if you have any questions prior so that I can have those answers lined up.




Personalized to Job/Industry Email Template

title=Help for [[Standardized Job Title]]s Hi [[Contact Name]],

[[Your Name]] from [[Company/Agency Name]] here - [[what is your company all about]]

I'm reaching out to you because, recently, I went through your Linkedin profile and noticed that you are [[Standardized Job Title]] at [[Company]]. While we have already helped companies in [[ Type of Industry]] industry automate communications with existing or potential clients and put email outreach on autopilot, you, as [[Standardized Job Title]], might be interested in the features which Reply has:

  1. [[Related feature N.1]]
  2. [[Related feature N.2]]
  3. [[Related feature N.3]]

I'm wondering if you'd find this kind of solution useful? If so, I'd be glad to explain how it works.


P.S. I just checked the weather in [[City]] and it will be [[Weather]] degrees and it's going to be [[Weather Condition]] tomorrow - [[Weather Comment]].


The Personalized Email Template

title=How may I help? Hi [[name]]

I just came across your [[blog post/comment/status]] on [[platform]] and thought the points you made were very insightful and I agree with a lot of your views.

It also made me want to reach out so I could talk to you about how [[their company]] could benefit from our software that totally takes care of the issue you raised about [[issue]].

I’m free on [[day and time]] if that suits for a quick 10-minute chat

Thanks a lot,

[[Your name]]


The Before-After-Bridge Email Template

title=Mobile Optimization Hi [[Contact Name]],

I noticed that your [[blog/site]] isn’t optimized for mobile. This might be causing you to lose many potential customers.

What if I told you there was a [[tool/service/plugin]] which could optimize the experience of your website on mobile devices?

That’s exactly what [[your product]] helps you do.

Would you be interested in learning more?


[[Your name]]


Smart Selling Bullet-Point Email Template

title=[[Reason of reaching out]] Hi [[Contact Name]],

I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out because [[explain how you got their contact information and how you relate to them]].

[[Name of your company]] has a new platform that will help [[Organization or company name]]. [[One sentence pitch of benefits]] We do this by:

  • [[Benefit or feature 1]]
  • [[Benefit or feature 2]]
  • [[Benefit or feature - optional]]

Let's explore how [[name of your software or app]] can especially help your business. Are you available for a quick call [[date and time]]?

Cheers! [[Name]]


Recommending a Tool Email Template

title=Have you tried using [[tool]] for [[goal]]? Hello [[First Name]],

I came across your tweet recently on [[problem they are facing]]. Have you tried using [[recommendation - affiliate link]]? I use that with my team and it has been incredibly successful. Happy to chat more about it or send over some templates and examples if you’re interested.




Offering Business Value Email Template

title=Increase your business value Hi [[Contact Name]],

In working with other [[Industry or position]], one of the key issues they're struggling with is [[insert key issues]].

This past year we helped numerous companies to [[insert business driver]], resulting in [[money saved, revenue added or productivity increase]].

If this is something you're challenged with too, let's set up a quick call. I have some ideas that might help.

All the best, [[Name]]


Last Chance Email Template Example

title=[LAST CHANCE] [Benefit of product] Hey [[Contact Name]],

For the last few days, I have been telling you all about [[product]], my #1 solution when it comes to [[solving problem]].

Sadly the offer is going away on [[date]] this is the last time I will be telling you about it.

So you have one last chance to get [[product]] today.

As a quick reminder, here is what is included inside:

  • USP 1
  • USP 2
  • USP 3

In case you missed it, here is my behind the scenes “unboxing” video of [[product]] as well:

[[link to unboxing landing page]]

It is now time to make a decision or be left out…

Click on the link below to get [[product]]

[[link to offer]]


[[Your Name]]


Brand Affiliate Email Template

title=Brand Affiliate Invitation Hi [[insert influencer name]],

My name is [[insert name here]] and I’m with [[insert company here]]. We have been following your profile on [[insert social media platform]] and love your posts on [[insert topic that relates to your brand’s niche]].

We would like to invite you to become a brand affiliate for our company! We believe your [[insert something once again that resonates with the type of content they post and your brand’s niche]] really aligns with our company’s values and mission [[insert info about what the affiliate program has to offer, benefits of the program, and your brand’s purpose]].

As a brand affiliate, you’d partner with us for [[insert how you plan to utilize your affiliates to reach out to your target audience and discuss collateral like coupon codes]].

If you’re interested, I’d love to discuss further what our brand affiliate program is all about!

Thank you! [[insert name here]]


Affiliate Welcome Email Template

title=Welcome to the best affiliate program on the planet Hey [[name]],

It’s really exciting to see that you’ve joined [[affiliate program name]]!

We’re sure that you’ll really enjoy promoting [[product/service that the affiliate will promote]].

To make the onboarding smooth and easy, we’ve gathered a few links that you may find useful:

  • First steps as an affiliate at [[company]]
  • Terms and conditions of [[affiliate program name]]
  • [[affiliate program name]] Knowledge Base

If you need anything else, remember that you can always reach out to us!

Best, The [[affiliate program name]] Team


Bait Reward Email Template

title=Get [[CUSTOMIZED REWARD]] For Every Person You Refer Hi [[Contact Name]],

You asked for a better incentive to invite friends to [[COMPANY]]. We heard you! So how about a [[CUSTOMIZED REWARD]]?

With our new program, you’ll get [[CUSTOMIZED REWARD]] for every friend you refer. It’s that easy!

Invite Your Friends Now

Thank you,

[[Affiliate Marketing Team Name]]



Affiliate Recruit Email Template

title=Join [[your company name]] Affiliate Program to Earn up to 75% Commission Dear Partner,

This is [[your name]] from Business Development Department of [[your company name]], [[a little introduction to your company]]

We sincerely expect to cooperate with you on our affiliate program and create interest together. To maximize your potential profit, we offer you up to 75% commission on each sale you refer. In addition, we will provide the best marketing support to reduce your workload and save your precious time and effort.

If needed, we can generate affiliate links, provide an exclusive coupon code, provide banners and landing pages for the campaign, also provide custom-build version, and help you monitor and optimize the campaign performance.

We sincerely invite you to join our Affiliate Program and we are looking forward to your positive reply.

Best Regards

[[your name]]

Business Development Department


Affiliate Retargeting Email Templates

title=Did you like learning about [[topic of the blog post]]? Hey [[Contact Name]],

I was browsing through our system today and saw that you checked our post on [[topic of the blog post]] yesterday.

Did you like it? I hope you did :).

[[for a lead magnet]]

I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that we have also produced a free cheat sheet/checklist/video/webinar on the topic.

I think you missed it when you checked the content yesterday, and I want to make sure you get the most out of our free guides/content/tutorials.

Inside this cheat sheet, you will find [[description of the lead magnet]]. I am sure you will love it!

Here is the direct download link for you

[[download page link]]


I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that if you are looking to [[thing people would be looking to achieve by reading the free post]] there is a way to do/get it faster/better/easier.

That way is [[name & link to product]]

Here are just a few reasons why I highly recommend [[product]] to our readers

  • [[reason 1]]
  • [[reason 2]]
  • [[reason 3]]

[[if you have one insert a personal story, case study, or testimonial here]]

If you are serious about [[thing people would be looking to achieve by reading the free post]] I suggest you learn more about [[product]] on this page:

[[link to sales page]]

[[if any scarcity applies, insert an argument for it here]]


P.S: [[4th reason to purchase the product + 1 more link to the offer]]

[[for a product]]

[[Your Name]]


Make Customer Feel Special

title=Thanks for Promoting Us Hi [[Contact Name]],

We noticed that you [[ACTIVITY DONE]]. Because of what you have done, we like to invite you to our referral program where you can get [[REWARD]] just for referring people to our website.

We have also improved our program to include other referral options.

Now, you can email, tweet, and share your thoughts on our brand on Facebook.

To do this, simply [[provide instructions]].

The best part?

Everything is tracked so that you can get your [[CUSTOMIZED REWARD]].

Invite Your Friends Now!

Thank you,

The Affiliate Marketing Team



25 Affiliate Marketing Email Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your Affiliate Marketing

  • Your life is waiting in your inbox.
  • It's not too late!
  • I have the perfect gift for your upcoming vacation
  • The man who made his first million at age 25 just released his best books
  • Hey [[Name]], here’s how to get my biggest affiliate offer
  • 6 million people paid this website $60. What's the website?
  • Hey [[First Name]], you need to check this out…
  • Did you know 6,024 people were arrested for fraud last month?
  • Introducing… the world's first 100% customized athletic apparel line
  • Hot off the Press: Just Launched
  • I just met you and this is crazy, but here’s my
  • Introducing the author you never knew existed!
  • Check out our new launch, Bullseye!
  • Do Not Be Fooled By This $16.97 Tool!
  • News alert: 8 out of 10 consumers prefer this product
  • A new product that puts more money in your pocket
  • We've got the perfect mix for your Cooking Light!
  • You’ve added $100 to your account...
  • Time to WOW them?
  • Remember when you asked me to send you a report about making money online...
  • This is going to blow your mind…
  • Surely you don't want to miss this
  • Your store is missing something...
  • Your Free Amazon Gift Card awaits you now!
  • We found you a birthday gift someone said you were looking for…


Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to Affiliate Marketing for email.

What are the best affiliate program for beginners?

  • Amazon Associates
  • ClickBank Affiliate
  • eBay Affiliate

What are the Qualities of Good Affiliate Marketing Program?

  • Easy to Use
  • Quality Affiliates
  • Profitability

What are the best strategies to create a successful affiliate marketing business?

  • Choose your niche wisely
  • Create quality content that provides value
  • Build connections with a community


Email marketing is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your audience. Email templates free you from having to create an entire email from scratch every time you need to communicate with your subscribers and affiliate partners.

We hope that this blog has provided you with enough information that will enable you to better identify the email templates that are most appropriate for your needs. By determining which email templates are best suited for your needs, you will have a competitive edge in promoting your affiliate products.

meet the author
Ankita Ghosh

I'm Ankita Ghosh and I am working with Starter Story as a content creator for more than a year. I write content around various business-related topics with the goal of helping small businesses launch and grow.