
How Brandon Foo Built Paragon To $3M ARR

Brandon Foo
Founder, Paragon
from Los Angeles, CA, USA
started January 2019
market size
avg revenue (monthly)
starting costs
gross margin
time to build
210 days
growth channels
Word of mouth
business model
best tools
Google Suite, LinkedIn, Google Analytics
time investment
Full time
pros & cons
39 Pros & Cons
10 Tips
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Paragon is an embedded integration platform for SaaS applications that helps software companies integrate their products with third-party applications.

Monthly Revenue
93 🔥
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

Paragon Revenue

Paragon Growth Timeline
  1. Brandon Foo starts the business [source]
  2. Paragon hits $516K in revenue [source]
  3. Paragon hits $1M in revenue [source]
  4. Paragon hits $3M in revenue [source]

About The Paragon Founders

Who is Brandon Foo?

Brandon Foo is the co-founder and CEO of Paragon, a developer platform for integrations. Prior to this role, he co-founded and served as CEO of Polymail. Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, Brandon worked as an Organizing and Technology Director at LA Hacks.

He is an alumnus of UCLA, where he studied for a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics.


About The Business

What problem is Paragon solving?

Creating and maintaining integrations for various software applications can be time-consuming and complex.


How did Brandon Foo get the idea for Paragon?

Brandon and his co-founder Ishmael came up with the idea for Paragon through their extensive experience as software developers.

During their previous ventures, including building Polymail, they repeatedly encountered the challenge of creating and maintaining integrations for various software applications, which was time-consuming and complex.

This recurring pain point highlighted a significant inefficiency in the software development process. Recognizing that every software company faces similar integration issues, they envisioned a solution to simplify and standardize this process.

Their goal was to democratize software development by creating a productized solution for SaaS integrations, ultimately leading to the creation of Paragon.


How did Brandon Foo build the initial version of Paragon?

The co-founders started by talking to potential customers showing them mock-ups, doing, a fake demo or a real demo, whatever it might be, to validate that, this is actually something that customers buy would wanna buy.


Landing page in November 2019


What is the growth strategy for Paragon?

Paragon started with social media marketing targeting Facebook, some Instagram, and LinkedIn. LinkedIn stood out as the most consistent customer acquisition channel.

...And still to this day we rely or are able to utilize LinkedIn for a large amount of our marketing and lead acquisition. I think that for any B2B software company or B2B company in general, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools and channels out there for lead acquisition. — Brandon Foo (Source)

A Screenshot of Paragon's LinkedIn page


How does Paragon price their products?

Paragon offers custom plans that scale with the user's needs. All plans include unlimited integrations and Connected Users based pricing.


Pricing as of May 2024

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More about Paragon

Who is the owner of Paragon?

Brandon Foo is the founder of Paragon.

When did Brandon Foo start Paragon?


What is Brandon Foo's net worth?

Brandon Foo's business makes an average of $250K/month.

How much money has Brandon Foo made from Paragon?

Brandon Foo started the business in 2019, and currently makes an average of $3M/year.

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