20 Machine Learning App Business Ideas You Can Start Today [2024]

Updated: July 15th, 2024

Interested in starting a machine learning app business in 2024?

We put together 20 of the best machine learning app businesses you can start in today.

For each business idea, we’ll show you real-world examples of other machine learning app businesses to help you see what it really takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Start a personalized retail app business

2. Start an online recruiting automation business

Imagine a world where recruiting is as easy as clicking a button. An Online recruiting automation business can make this dream a reality.

This innovative business idea revolves around developing software that automates the hiring process, eliminating repetitive tasks and improving the efficiency of talent acquisition. By leveraging advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, the software can dramatically expedite candidate sourcing, screening, and communication processes.

The easy-to-understand nature of this business idea lends itself to an array of industries, from tech to healthcare and beyond. But convenience is not the only selling factor; with the rise of remote work and digital nomadism, an online recruiting automation business also caters to the flexibility needs of modern companies.

As the digital world continues to evolve, automation is no longer a luxury, but a critical business need. Starting an online recruiting automation business not only offers potential for financial success but also provides a practical service that can revolutionize industries.

How much you can make: $5,138 — $20,000/month

How long does it take to build: 257 days (?)

On Launching A Job Platform For The African Market

A 24-year-old entrepreneur from Botswana founded iBranch Recruiters, which has already recorded over 90,000 users and has helped 1,600 users get employed since launching in 2020, using technology and artificial intelligence to connect graduates across Africa to employers globally.

Read by 3,685 founders

3. Start a customer sentiment analysis tool business

Harnessing the power of customer opinions can revolutionize business strategies. A customer sentiment analysis tool business focuses on delivering insights derived from analyzing customer feedback, reviews, and social media interactions.

By utilizing advanced algorithms and natural language processing, these tools decode emotions and opinions behind customer words, offering actionable data for businesses. It’s not just about understanding what the customer says but interpreting how they feel, thus enabling companies to fine-tune their offerings and enhance customer satisfaction.

The market’s increasing reliance on data-driven decisions makes this an opportune venture. As more companies aim to better understand their customer base without dedicating extensive internal resources, they’ll look for reliable sentiment analysis services.

Starting this business requires a solid grasp of data analysis, access to robust software, and strategic marketing to showcase the value of transforming raw customer feedback into strategic insights.

How much you can make: $10,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

How These Former Resellers Built A $120K/Year Tool To Combat Bots

Yofi co-founders Jordan Shamir and Alex helped some of the largest brands in the world fight against resale bots, leading to the development of their customer identity platform that has stopped 51 million bot checkouts and acquired hundreds of new customers per month.

Read by 2,296 founders

4. Start a faq chatbot business

FAQ chatbots are transforming customer service by automating routine inquiries. Building a business around these smart, AI-driven tools involves creating chatbots that can instantly answer common questions for businesses. These chatbots free up human staff for more complex tasks, making them an attractive proposition for any company looking to boost efficiency.

Starting this venture requires a good grasp of chatbot-building platforms and a keen understanding of various industries' FAQs. Engaging clients means not just offering a standard solution but tailoring bots to meet unique business needs.

The demand for on-demand, 24/7 customer service is growing, and businesses are increasingly looking to automation to meet this need. If you're tech-savvy and can craft intelligent, conversational agents, an FAQ chatbot business could be a lucrative and fulfilling path to pursue.

How much you can make: $15,000 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 15 days (?)

How My AI Side Project Grew To $15K MRR In Just A Few Months

This case study article is about the founder of SiteGPT, an AI chatbot platform, who started the company as a side project and achieved $15k MRR in just 6 months, overcoming challenges such as building the first version of the product and finding product-market fit.

Read by 7,156 founders

5. Start an intelligent travel assistant app business

6. Start a personalized eLearning portal business

Struggling to navigate traditional education paths? Consider starting a personalized eLearning portal business. In essence, you'll create an online platform offering tailored educational experiences for users based on their specific learning styles, goals, and needs.

This venture involves developing or partnering with experts to create diverse content—videos, quizzes, interactive modules—that adapt to individual learners. You'll also need to invest in learning management systems, user experience design, and potentially AI for customization.

The appeal lies in addressing a growing demand for flexible, personalized education solutions. Plus, you can target niche markets—corporate training, K-12, adult education. Your success could mean empowering countless individuals to learn more effectively on their own terms.

This isn’t just about filling educational gaps, it’s about redefining how people learn. If you have a passion for education and a knack for technology, diving into this business could be a rewarding opportunity.

7. Develop a potential disease outbreak alerting app

8. Start an energy & cost saving app business

9. Start a healthcare tools business

How long does it take to build: 2192 days (?)

10. Start a fee calculator business

11. Start a fast learning app business

In a fast-paced world, who has time to learn slowly? Enter the fast learning app business. This idea centers around creating a mobile app designed to accelerate the learning process for users in various subjects, from languages to professional skills.

By leveraging scientifically-proven methods such as spaced repetition and microlearning, you can offer users a highly effective and engaging way to learn. With personalized paths and interactive features, the app becomes a go-to tool for anyone looking to upskill efficiently.

Building this business involves more than just app development. Market research, securing subject matter experts, and continuous updates to the content library are crucial. Effective marketing strategies will also be necessary to gain traction in a competitive landscape.

The demand for quick, digestible learning tools is skyrocketing, making this not just a viable venture, but one with significant growth potential. If you’re passionate about education and technology, this is a compelling project to undertake.

How much you can make: $100,000/month

How I Started A $150K/Month App Agency That Works With The Fortune 500

Imaginovation, a technology and app development company in Raleigh, NC, was recently named one of the Top Technology Companies in North Carolina by Clutch and has grown an average of over 40% in revenue every year since it was founded in 2011 by co-founders Michael Georgiou and Pete Peranzo.

Read by 5,400 founders

12. Develop an intelligent project development quote app

Thinking about streamlining the process of getting project development quotes? An intelligent project development quote app could be your solution. This app automates the complex and often time-consuming task of generating accurate project quotations.

The concept is straightforward: users input specific project details, and the app leverages advanced algorithms and historical data to produce a tailored quote instantly. No more back-and-forth emails or vague ballpark figures.

This tool can capture the interest of freelancers, agencies, and enterprises by saving time and improving the consistency and reliability of quotes. With the potential to integrate payment gateways and CRM tools, it can become an indispensable asset for project managers and sales teams.

Starting this business involves developing a robust app, sourcing accurate data, ensuring security measures, and marketing to the right audience. While it’s not a walk in the park, the efficiency and value it offers make it a compelling venture to consider.

How long does it take to build: 205 days (?)

13. Build a cyber attacks & data hacks analyzer app

14. Start a group touring app business

Tired of the hassle of organizing group tours? There's a solution for that. A group touring app business makes planning trips with friends, family, or even strangers a breeze.

Imagine an app where users can create, join, and manage tours effortlessly. The app integrates the best of trip planning: travel itineraries, accommodations, and group activities, all in one place. Users can also communicate and share updates through the app, making coordination straightforward and efficient.

Group tours are often plagued by miscommunication and logistical nightmares, but this app streamlines the entire process. Think of it as a digital travel concierge, reducing the stress and increasing the fun for everyone involved.

Building this app involves technical skills and market research. However, the growing demand for flexible and convenient travel solutions sets the stage for a business with significant potential. If you’re organized and tech-savvy, a group touring app might be the venture for you.

15. Build a personalized treatment recommendation app

Are you interested in enhancing healthcare with technology? A personalized treatment recommendation app could be the way forward. This app leverages data and AI to provide users with individualized treatment plans based on their medical history, current conditions, and lifestyle preferences.

By collaborating with healthcare professionals and using real-world evidence, the app can suggest treatments that are more effective and convenient for users. The platform can also offer ongoing monitoring and follow-up, ensuring that the treatment plans remain relevant over time.

Starting this business involves building robust software, securing partnerships with medical experts, and ensuring strict compliance with healthcare regulations. If you're passionate about innovative solutions in healthcare, developing a personalized treatment recommendation app is an opportunity to create real impact. The stakes are high, but so are the rewards when you're helping people achieve better health outcomes.

How much you can make: $200,000/month

How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)

I Created A $2.7M/Year Software That Extends People's Lives By Analyzing Their DNA

Founder and CEO of SelfDecode, Joe Cohen, explains how his company helps people discover personalized diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations based on DNA and lab tests; generating about $2.7 million in revenue over the past year and raising $8 million in a crowdfunding campaign, SelfDecode provides personalized health recommendations prioritized on unique genetic variants, marking the future of healthcare.

Read by 5,966 founders

16. Start a vulnerability prediction app business

Picture this, a digital shield programmed to guard you through the thrashing waves of cyber attacks, in real time. Morphing such imagination into reality is the business idea of a vulnerability prediction app development.

In simpler terms, it's all about creating an intuitive software, a mobile or desktop application, that predicts potential system vulnerabilities before a threat manifests itself. This app will provide crucial insights, alerts, and resolutions to help companies keep their digital walls fortified.

As our dependency on digital platforms deepens, so does the frequency, sophistication, and impact of cyber attacks. Do you see the exigency here? By launching a vulnerability prediction app, you step into the frontline, providing essential security services to households, enterprises, and governments.

Indeed, venturing forth might seem daunting as it includes robust coding, consistent testing, and periodic updates. However, the pay-off in this growing digital security market, from both a financial and societal perspective, is immense.

17. Start a finance & accounting app business

Imagine having an app that simplifies complex finance and accounting tasks—welcome to your next business idea. Creating a finance & accounting app involves developing a platform that helps individuals and small businesses manage their financial transactions, track expenses, and generate reports with ease.

This business idea stands out because financial management is a universal need. Your app could include features like budget tracking, invoicing, tax preparation, and real-time financial analytics. With the increasing reliance on digital solutions, there’s a significant market for a well-designed finance app that saves time and reduces errors.

Developing this app requires a combination of coding skills, financial knowledge, and an understanding of user experience design. Although it demands effort and technical expertise, the potential rewards are substantial. If you’re looking for a tech-driven venture with lasting demand, building a finance & accounting app could be the ideal opportunity.

How much you can make: $50,000/month

How long does it take to build: 45 days (?)

I Left My Job At Facebook To Go Full-Time On My Budgeting App [$600K/Year]

Bootstrapped budgeting app Buxfer, founded by Shashank Pandit, has grown organically to profitability with a 15-person team and $0 spent on marketing, targeting niche "finance power users" with strong connections to banks all over the world.

Read by 4,334 founders

18. Start a market prediction app business

19. Start a storytelling app business

Have you ever imagined turning the age-old art of storytelling into a thriving digital business? A storytelling app could be your ticket. It’s a platform where users can craft, share, and discover stories, merging creativity with technology.

By developing a storytelling app, you’re providing a space for writers to showcase their talent and readers to explore diverse narratives—all from the convenience of their devices. Think of it as a community where stories are told, exchanged, and celebrated.

This venture does require dedication—developing the app, collaborating with writers, and marketing to avid readers. But the potential to create a vibrant storytelling ecosystem makes it all worthwhile. If you’re passionate about literature and tech, starting a storytelling app could be the perfect blend of both worlds.

How much you can make: $7,800,000/month

How MasterClass Makes $90M+ ARR Selling Courses Online

MasterClass founder, David Rogier, built a platform offering online courses taught by world-class experts, experiencing rapid growth with top-tier SEO strategies and a revenue of $93.6M/year since starting in 2015.

Read by 480 founders

20. Start a financial goal tracker business

Imagine a tool that aids individuals in reaching their financial aspirations with precision and ease—welcome to the financial goal tracker business. In simple terms, this venture involves developing and offering software that helps users set, monitor, and achieve their financial goals.

While the concept is straightforward, executing it requires careful planning and continuous improvement. You'll create an intuitive platform where users can input their financial objectives, track their progress, and receive actionable insights.

The demand for smart financial management tools is growing, driven by an increasing awareness of personal finance. By addressing this need, you can capture a burgeoning market of goal-oriented individuals looking for reliable ways to secure their financial futures.

Starting this business empowers you to make a genuine impact on people's lives while tapping into a profitable niche. The work may be demanding, but the rewards—both financial and personal—could be substantial.

How much you can make: $16,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $15 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

I Launched A $16.5K/Month Budgeting App [With Just $15]

ClearCheckbook is a profitable financial management and budgeting tool, attracting customers who want to manage their finances effectively, and has achieved continued growth year over year, bringing in about $18,000USD per month.

Read by 2,854 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.