Test Prep Coach

Test Prep Coach Success Stories [2024]

Updated: July 23rd, 2024

Test prep coach businesses focus on helping students prepare for standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, or GRE. These businesses often offer one-on-one or small group tutoring sessions, mock exams, and other resources to help students succeed.

To run a successful test prep coach business, it is essential to have a strong understanding of the test material and a proven track record of helping students improve their scores. It is also essential to have a flexible schedule to accommodate the needs of students and their busy schedules.

Marketing efforts should focus on targeting high school and college students and their parents through social media and local outreach efforts. It is also helpful to establish relationships with guidance counselors and educators in the community to reach potential clients.

In addition to tutoring services, consider offering additional resources such as test-taking strategies and study guides to provide added value to clients. Consistently updating and improving the materials and methods used can also help to differentiate the business from competitors and attract new clients.

A test prep coach business can be rewarding and lucrative for those passionate about helping students succeed. Test prep coaches can build a successful and long-lasting business in this field by staying up-to-date on test material and offering high-quality resources and services.

In this list, you'll find real-world test prep coach success stories and very profitable examples of starting a test prep coach that makes money.

1. Granite Education ($360K/year)

Grantly Neely, the founder of GRANITE, came up with the idea for his education technology and learning center business after realizing the potential of mindfulness in improving academic performance. His curiosity in mindfulness and its impact on academic stress led him to create a mindfulness-based methodology for standardized test preparation, empowering students to navigate test-taking anxiety and other challenges. Through his bootstrap funding approach, he has been able to retain 100% equity in the business, which now generates an average revenue of $30K/month.

How much money it makes: $360K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 4


How I Created A $30K/Month Mindfulness-Based Test Prep Software

This case study is about a founder who built a profitable education technology and learning center called GRANITE, which offers mindfulness-based test prep software to individuals and schools, with an average revenue of $30k/month and 100% equity retained through a bootstrap funding approach.

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