Laundry Pick Up Station

Business Idea: Start A Laundry Pick Up Station in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Monthly Revenue
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Tired of the hassle of laundry day? Consider opening a laundry pick-up station. This business concept is straightforward: offer a convenient location where customers can drop off their dirty clothes, which are then collected, cleaned by a third-party service, and returned to the pick-up station.

The essential appeal lies in its convenience. Busy professionals, families, and anyone pressed for time will appreciate the simplicity of dropping off laundry without worrying about washing, folding, or ironing. By positioning your pick-up station in high-traffic areas like apartment complexes or busy commercial zones, you can attract a steady stream of clients.

This business requires minimal upfront investment—a secure space, marketing materials, and a reliable laundry service partner are your primary needs. As the demand for time-saving solutions grows, a laundry pick-up station could be a timely and profitable venture to explore.

Examples Of Successful Laundry Pick Up Stations

Successful laundry pick-up station businesses and case studies

"Washmart, one of India's fastest-growing laundry franchise chains, shares their case study on how they generated INR 20 lakhs in revenue from two stores in 2021, expanded to 25 stores within six months, and now operate 85+ stores in 21 states and 45 cities across India, with monthly income streams of approximately 60 lakhs from royalties and an additional 35 lakhs from laundry-related essentials."

$120K Monthly Revenue
$30K Startup Costs
Read by 1,509 founders

See full list of successful laundry pick-up stations.