400 Best Cryptocurrency Instagram Captions
Jaw-dropping pictures aren't the only way to generate social media engagement.
Instagram captions, while frequently overlooked, are a powerful tool that may make or break your post.
Some businesses continue to put much too much emphasis on Instagram photos rather than captions.
Great Instagram captions have the power to offer even more insight to the post, potentially boosting engagement, bio visits, and click-throughs.
In this article, we've provided you with 4 Cryptocurrency Instagram caption ideas. Additionally, we walk you through the 5 easy-to-follow tips on how to create a great Instagram caption.
Here they are:
Cute Cryptocurrency Instagram Captions

- “The goal of a successful trader is to make the best trades. Money is secondary.” - Alexander Elder
- “Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.” - Steve Clark
- “Never, ever argue with your trading system” - Michael Covel
- “In this business, if you’re good, you’re right six times out of ten. You’re never going to be right nine times out of ten.” - Peter Lynch
- “All the math you need in the stock market you get in the fourth grade.” - Peter Lynch
- “Novice Traders trade 5 to 10 times too big. They are taking 5 to 10 percent risk, on a trade they should be taking 1 to 2 percent risk on.” - Bruce Kovner
- “In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.” - Robert Arnott
- “There is no single market secret to discover, no single correct way to trade the markets. Those seeking the one true answer to the markets haven’t even gotten as far as asking the right question, let alone getting the right answer.” - Jack Schwagger
- “If most traders would learn to sit on their hands 50 percent of the time, they would make a lot more money.” - Bill Lipschutz
- “In trading/investing, it’s not about how much you make but rather how much you don’t lose.” - Bernard Baruch
- “Every trader has strengths and weaknesses. Some are good holders of winners but may hold their losers a little too long. Others may cut their winners a little short but are quick to take their losses. As long as you stick to your own style, you get the good and bad in your own approach.” - Michael Marcus
- “Time is your friend; impulse is your enemy.” - John Bogle
- “There is a time to go long, a time to go short, and a time to go fishing.” - Jesse Livermore
- “Do not anticipate and move without market confirmation - being a little late in your trade is your insurance that you are right or wrong.” - Jesse Livermore
- “The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses in Wall Street even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money every day, as though they were working for regular wages.” - Jesse Livermore
- “Money is made by sitting, not trading.” - Jesse Livermore
- “I learned early that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again. I’ve never forgotten that.” - Jesse Livermore
- “Why do you think unsuccessful traders are obsessed with market analysis? They crave the sense of certainty that analysis appears to give them. Although few would admit it, the truth is that the typical trader wants to be right on every single trade. He is desperately trying to create certainty where it just doesn’t exist.” - Mark Douglas
- “If you can learn to create a state of mind that is not affected by the market’s behavior, the struggle will cease to exist.” - Mark Douglas
- “Dangers of watching every tick are twofold: overtrading and increased chances of prematurely liquidating good positions.” - Jack Schwagger
- “We want to perceive ourselves as winners, but successful traders are always focusing on their losses.” - Peter Borish
- “Throughout my financial career, I have continually witnessed examples of other people that I have known being ruined by a failure to respect risk. If you don’t take a hard look at risk, it will take you.” - Larry Hite
- “Frankly, I don’t see markets; I see risks, rewards, and money.” - Larry Hite
- “I don’t think you can get to be a really good investor over a broad range without doing a massive amount of reading. I don’t think any one book will do it for you.” - Charlie Munger
- “In the short run, a market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine.” - Benjamin Graham
- “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” - Tony Robbins
- “Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.” - Unknown
- “Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” - Paul Samuelson
- “The fundamental law of investing is the uncertainty of the future.” - Peter Bernstein
- “You can be free. You can live and work anywhere in the world. You can be independent of routine and not answer to anybody.” - Alexander Elder
- “You have to identify your weaknesses and work to change. Keep a trading diary – write down your reasons for entering and exiting every trade. Look for repetitive patterns of success and failure.” - Alexander Elder
- “Sheer will and determination is no substitute for something that actually works.” - Jason Klatt
- “Short-term volatility is greatest at turning points and diminishes as a trend becomes established.” - George Soros
- “Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux, and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.” - George Soros
- “It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, it’s how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong.” - George Soros
- “In trading, the impossible happens about twice a year.” - Henri M Simoes
- “The core problem, however, is the need to fit markets into a style of trading rather than finding ways to trade that fit with market behaviour.” - Brett Steenbarger
- “Never invest in any idea you can’t illustrate with a crayon.” - Peter Lynch
- “I get real, real concerned when I see trading strategies with too many rules (you should too).” - Larry Connors
- “I just wait until there is money lying in the corner, and all I have to do is go over there and pick it up. I do nothing in the meantime.” - Jim Rogers
- “I believe in analysis and not forecasting.” - Nicolas Darvas
- “Trading doesn't just reveal your character, it also builds it if you stay in the game long enough.” - Yvan Byeajee
- “Focus, patience, wise discernment, non-attachment - the skills you acquire in meditation and the skills you need to thrive in trading are one and the same.” - Yvan Byeajee
- “Confidence is not ‘I will profit on this trade.’ Confidence is ‘I will be fine if I don’t profit from this trade.” - Yvan Byeajee
- “You will never find fulfillment trading the markets if you don’t learn to appreciate and be satisfied with what you already have.” - Yvan Byeajee
- “Beware of trading quotes.” - Andreas Clenow
- “Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand.” - Martin Schwartz
- “A lot of people get so enmeshed in the markets that they lose their perspective. Working longer does not necessarily equate with working smarter. In fact, sometimes is the other way around.” - Martin Schwartz
- “When I became a winner, I said, ‘I figured it out, but if I’m wrong, I’m getting the hell out, because I want to save my money and go on to the next trade.” - Martin Schwartz
- “I have learned through the years that after a good run of profits in the markets, it’s very important to take a few days off as a reward. The natural tendency is to keep pushing until the streak ends. But experience has taught me that a rest in the middle of the streak can often extend it.” - Martin Schwartz
- “I always laugh at people who say, ‘I’ve never met a rich technician.’ I love that! It’s such an arrogant, nonsensical response. I used fundamentals for nine years and got rich as a technician.” - Martin Schwartz
- “When I get hurt in the market, I get the hell out. It doesn’t matter at all where the market is trading. I just get out, because I believe that once you’re hurt in the market, your decisions are going to be far less objective than they are when you’re doing well… If you stick around when the market is severely against you, sooner or later they are going to carry you out.” - Randy McKay
- “I’ll keep reducing my trading size as long as I’m losing… My money management techniques are extremely conservative. I never risk anything approaching the total amount of money in my account, let alone my total funds.” - Randy McKay
- “The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” - Phillip Fisher
- “How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.” - Robert G. Allen
- “Losses are necessary, as long as they are associated with a technique to help you learn from them” - David Sikhosana
- “Everyday I assume every position I have is wrong.” - Paul Tudor Jones
- “The secret to being successful from a trading perspective is to have an indefatigable and an undying and unquenchable thirst for information and knowledge.” - Paul Tudor Jones
- “Trading is very competitive and you have to be able to handle getting your butt kicked.” - Paul Tudor Jones
- “That cotton trade was almost the deal breaker for me. It was at that point that I said, ‘Mr. Stupid, why risk everything on one trade? Why not make your life a pursuit of happiness rather than pain?” - Paul Tudor Jones
- “I’m always thinking about losing money as opposed to making money. Don’t focus on making money, focus on protecting what you have” - Paul Tudor Jones
- “Win or lose, everybody gets what they want out of the market. Some people seem to like to lose, so they win by losing money.” - Ed Seykota
- “The elements of good trading are (1) cutting losses, (2) cutting losses, and (3) cutting losses. If you can follow these three rules, you may have a chance.” - Ed Seykota
- “The trend is your friend until the end when it bends.” - Ed Seykota
- “Are you willing to lose money on a trade? If not, then don't take it. You can only win if you're not afraid to lose. And you can only do that if you truly accept the risks in front of you.” - Sami Abusaad
- “If you personalize losses, you can't trade.” - Bruce Kovner
- “I know where I’m getting out before I get in.” - Bruce Kovner
- “Cryptocurrency Protocols Are Like Onions… One common design philosophy among many cryptocurrency 2.0 protocols is the idea that, just like the internet, cryptocurrency design would work best if protocols split off into different layers. Under this strain of thought, Bitcoin is to be thought of as a sort of TCP/IP of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, and other next-generation protocols can be built on top of Bitcoin much like we have SMTP for email, HTTP for webpages and XMPP for chat all on top of TCP as a common underlying data layer.”
- “The bitcoin world is this new ecosystem where it doesn’t cost that much to start a new bitcoin company, it doesn’t cost much to start owning bitcoin either, and it is a much more efficient way of moving money around the world.”
- “I think investment psychology is by far the more important element, followed by risk control, with the least important consideration being the question of where you buy and sell.” - Tom Basso
- “Stocks are bought not in fear but in hope. They are typically sold out of fear.” - Justin Mamis
- “What seems too high and risky to the majority generally goes higher and what seems low and cheap generally goes lower.” - William O'Neil
- “Letting losses run is the most serious mistake made by most investors.” - William O'Neil
- “The market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” - Warren Buffet
- “You don't need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.” - Warren Buffet
- “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” - Warren Buffet
- “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” - Warren Buffet
- “Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy.” - Warren Buffet
- “Profit from folly, rather than participate in it.” - Warren Buffet
- “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” - John Maynard Keynes
- “Accepting losses is the most important single investment device to ensure the safety of capital.” - Gerald M. Loeb
- “The hard part is discipline, patience and judgment.” - Seth Klarman
- “In reality, no one knows what the market will do; trying to predict it is a waste of time, and investing based upon that prediction is a speculative undertaking.” - Seth Klarman
- “I always define my risk, and I don’t have to worry about it.” - Tony Saliba
- “Hope is [a] bogus emotion that only costs you money.” - Jim Cramer
- “The key to trading success is emotional discipline. If intelligence were the key, there would be a lot more people making money trading… I know this will sound like a cliche, but the single most important reason that people lose money in the financial markets is that they don’t cut their losses short.” - Victor Sperandeo
- “All you need is one pattern to make a living.” - Linda Raschke
- “Sometimes the best trade is no trade.” - Unknown
- “Patterns don't work 100% of the time. But they are still critical because they help you define your risk. If you ignore patterns and focus on hunches, feelings, and hot tips, just forget about achieving consistency.” - Ifan Wei
- “It’s ok to be wrong; it’s unforgivable to stay wrong.” - Martin Zweig
- “As the value goes up, heads start to swivel and skeptics begin to soften. Starting a new currency is easy, anyone can do it. The trick is getting people to accept it, because it is their use that gives the “money” value.”
- “At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things”
- “Buy things that are going up. Sell things that are going down. And when they stop, get out!” - Rob Smith
- “Don’t blindly follow someone, follow [the] market and try to hear what it is telling you.” - Jaymin Shah
- “You never know what kind of setup [the] market will present to you, your objective should be to find [an] opportunity where risk-reward ratio is best.” - Jaymin Shah
- “What's the difference between a pro and an amateur? Professionals look for what's wrong with a setup. Amateurs only look for what's right.” - Mark Harila
- “A peak performance trader is totally committed to being the best and doing whatever it takes to be the best. He feels totally responsible for whatever happens and thus can learn from his mistakes. These people typically have a working business plan for trading because they treat trading as a business.” - Van K. Tharp
- “As much as possible you don’t want to be well paid merely for taking big risks. Anyone can manage that. You want to be well-paid because you did your homework.” - Joel Greenblatt
- “Traders need a daily routine that they love. If you don't love it, you're not gonna do it.” - Scott Redler
Short Cryptocurrency Instagram Captions

- “The swarm is headed towards us”
- “Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker. It is a very modern notion that exploits the power of the long tail.”
- “Bitcoin enables certain uses that are very unique. I think it offers possibilities that no other currency allows. For example the ability to spend a coin that only occurs when two separate parties agree to spend the coin; with a third party that couldn’t run away with the coin itself.”
- “Hey, obviously this is a very interesting time to be in Bitcoin right now, but if you guys want to argue over whether this is reality or not, one Bitcoin will feed over 40 homeless people in Pensacola right now. If you guys want proof Bitcoin is real, send them to me, I’ll cash them out and feed homeless people.”
- “Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.”
- “When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your bitcoins? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant”
- “The four most dangerous words in investing are: This time it's different.” - Sir John Templeton
- “There is a huge difference between a good trade and good trading.” - Steve Burns
- “Bitcoin is the currency of resistance.”
- “If Satoshi had released Bitcoin 10 yrs. earlier, 9/11 would never have happened”
- “Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, currency will be better for it.”
- “There is so much potential, … I am just waiting for it to be a billion dollar industry.”
- “Wow, Silk Road actually works”
- “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” - Benjamin Franklin
- “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” - Richard Branson
- “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot be victorious.” - Sun Tzu
- “I love seeing new services constantly starting to accept Bitcoin. Bitcoin is really becoming “the currency of the Internet.” I’m most concerned by possible government reactions to Bitcoin. They can’t destroy Bitcoin, but they could really slow things down by making exchange much more difficult.”
- “Cryptocurrency is such a powerful concept that it can almost overturn governments”
- “Spend some time with Bitcoin. Learn it, challenge it, and use it. You can assume no government wants you adopting this system in any capacity, and for that reason alone it’s worth consideration by honest, moral, and industrious people”
- “Economists and journalists often get caught up in this question: Why does Bitcoin have value? And the answer is very easy. Because it is useful and scarce.”
- “Will people be buying yachts with their Dogecoin riches some day? Probably not. But are we having a lot of fun, helping great causes and spreading the digital currency word in the process? Yes we are. And perhaps if we pool our Dogecoin together we can build a Dogeyacht and sail the world, just saying…!”
- “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry”
- “I think the fact that within the bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] … is actually pretty cool. I am a big fan of Bitcoin”
- “I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential to do something like change the world.”
- “So bitcoin is cyber snob currency…”4
- “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value”
- “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.”
- Money is a collective agreement. If enough people come to the same agreement, what they agree upon becomes secondary, whether it be farm animals, gold, diamonds, paper, or simply a code. History proves all these cases to be true. Who knows what the future is going suggest to us as money, once we see digital currencies as ordinary?”
- I understand the political ramifications of [bitcoin] and I think that government should stay out of them and they should be perfectly legal.”
- “Cryptology represents the future of privacy [and] by implication [it] also represents the future of money, and the future of banking and finance.”
- “Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I’m not surprised to see that happening.”
- “It’s gold for nerds.”
- “What can’t kill Bitcoin, makes it (us) stronger.”
- “Bitcoin is a technological tour de force.”
- “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.”
- “The relative success of the bitcoin proves that money first and foremost depends on trust. Neither gold nor bonds are needed to back up a currency.”
- “The governments of the world have spent hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars bailing out a decaying, dickensian, outmoded system called banking, when the solution to the future of finance is peer-to-peer. It’s going to be alternative currencies like bitcoin and it’s not actually going to be a banking system as we had before 2008.”
- “Instant transactions, no waiting for checks to clear, no chargebacks (merchants will like this), no account freezes (look out Paypal), no international wire transfer fee, no fees of any kind, no minimum balance, no maximum balance, worldwide access, always open, no waiting for business hours to make transactions, no waiting for an account to be approved before transacting, open an account in a few seconds, as easy as email, no bank account needed, extremely poor people can use it, extremely wealthy people can use it, no printing press, no hyper-inflation, no debt limit votes, no bank bailouts, completely voluntary. This sounds like the best payment system in the world!”
- “You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust”
- If you like gold, there are many reasons You should like the Gold.
- Bitcoin is the biggest opportunity set we can think of over the next decades.
- Bitcoin is the bubble that never pops.
- You can't stop thing's like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will be readjust. World government will have to readjust.
- Any time a country transitioned to a fiat currency, they collapsed. That’s just world history; you don’t have to know about cryptocurrency to know that
- If the cryptocurrency market overall or a digital asset is solving a problem, it's going to drive some value.
- People have made fortunes off Bitcoin, some have lost money. It is volatile, but people make money off of volatility too.
- What can’t kill Bitcoin, makes it stronger.
- The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value… Lot’s of people will build businesses on top of that.
- Whenever the price of cryptocurrency is rallying, people start spending a lot more.
- Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.
- Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry
- Bitcoin is a technological tour de force.
- “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.” Rick Falkvinge
- The internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. One thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash.
- Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.”
- Those who believe in Bitcoin also believe in cleverness.
- Right now Bitcoin feels like the Internet before the browser.
- It’s gold for nerds.
- Bitcoin is Cash with Wings
- Bitcoin is the currency of resistance.
- At the end of the day, Bitcoin is programmable money.
- Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.
- Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.
- Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the internet. Roger Ver
- Blockchain is moving beyond cryptocurrency, and it's worth paying attention - especially since successful prototypes show that blockchain, also known as distributed ledger technology, will be transformative.
- Blockchain technology could change our world more than people imagine.
- Cryptocurrency won't make you rich today but it might tomorrow.
- In cryptocurrency investment, long-term thinkers are less stressed.
- Everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve.
- Buy small units/bits of Bitcoin a day to keep poverty away.
- “Bitcoin woke us all up to a new way to pay, and culturally, I think a much larger percentage of us have become accustomed to the idea that money no longer comes with the friction it once had.” John Battelle
- “I describe Bitcoin as a digital version of gold, eGold.” Arif Naseem
- “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.” Roger Ver
- ” I love this stuff – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain technology – and what the future holds.” Abigail Johnson
- “To make our world a better place, we need to build products that the corrupt cannot abuse – Bitcoin is the best example of that.” Olawale Daniel
- To-make-our-world-a-better-place-we-need-to-build-products-that-the-corrupt-cannot-abuse-bitcoin-is-the-best-example-of-that.-awakenthegreatnesswithin
- “Like the Internet, Bitcoin will change the way people interact and do business around the world.” Erik Voorhees
- “Bitcoin is amazingly transformative because it’s the first time in the entire history of the world in which anybody can now send or receive any amount of money, with anyone else, anywhere on the planet, without having to ask permission from any bank or government.” Roger Ver
- “Bitcoin is really a fascinating example of how human beings create value, and is not always rational, it is not a rational currency in that case.” Alan Greenspan
- “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value.” Eric Schmidt
- “Just as it got easier to use email, it will be easier to use Bitcoin as people invest in it and become more familiar with it.” Gavin Andresen
- “When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your Bitcoin? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant.” Jeff Garzik
- “Bitcoin is a very exciting development, it might lead to a world currency. I think over the next decade it will grow to become one of the most important ways to pay for things and transfer assets.” Kim Dotcom
- “Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.” Marc Kenigsberg
- “If you like gold, there are many reasons you should like Bitcoin.” Cameron Winklevoss
- If you like gold, there are many reasons you should like Bitcoin.
- “Bitcoin is one of the most viral concepts I’ve ever encountered.” Barry Silbert
- “Bitcoin is absolutely the Wild West of finance, and thank goodness. It represents a whole legion of adventurers and entrepreneurs, of risk takers, inventors, and problem solvers. It is the frontier. Huge amounts of wealth will be created and destroyed as this new landscape is mapped out.” Erik Voorhees
- “Think of Bitcoin as a bank account in the cloud, and it’s completely decentralized: not the Swiss government, not the American government. It’s all the participants in the network enforcing.” Naval Ravikant
- “Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off.” Julian Assange
- “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.” Leon Luow
- “I want to help create the world’s first global currency built on the Internet and built on open platforms and standards such as Bitcoin, and I want to build a financial services institution on top of that. That’s what I’m doing with Circle.” Jeremy Allaire
- “Bitcoin, in the short or even long term, may turn out be a good investment in the same way that anything that is rare can be considered valuable. Like baseball cards. Or a Picasso.” Andrew Ross Sorkin
- “There may be other currencies like it that may be even better. But in the meantime, there’s a big industry around Bitcoin.” Richard Branson
- “Bitcoin is not a currency for a government, it is a global currency for the people.” Wences Casares
- “Bitcoin is going to change the world from a money transactional standpoint, not just for Africa, but for everywhere.” Akon
- Throughout my financial career, I have continually witnessed examples of other people that I have known being ruined by a failure to respect risk. If you don't take a hard look at risk, it will take you. – Larry Hite.
- “Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disruptor to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, currency will be better for it.” Edmund C. Moy
- “At its core, Bitcoin is smart currency designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions, all good things.” Peter Diamandis
- “If we remember, fifteen years ago if you were doing anything on the internet you were going to make millions. I think it could be the same with Bitcoin.” Jared Kenna
- “You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust.” John McAfee
- “Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent. A free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.” Amir Takki
Cool Cryptocurrency Instagram Captions

- “Trade the market in front of you, not the one you want!” - Scott Redler
- In investing what is comfortable is rarely profitable. - Robert Arnott.
- Never, ever argue with your trading system. - Michael Covel.
- Amateurs think about how much money they can make. Professionals think about how much money they could lose. – Jack Schwager.
- The price of a commodity will never go to zero. When you invest in commodities futures, you are not buying a piece of paper that says you own an intangible of the company that can go bankrupt. – Jim Rogers.
- It's not always easy to do what's not popular, but that's where you make your money. Buy stocks that look bad to less careful investors and hang on until their real value is recognized. - John Neff.
- 99%+ of traders don't care about Ferraris and yachts. They just want to pay their bills, save a little extra money, and sleep well at night. The only way to do that is to bat 70% or more. Anything less, and these goals are nothing more than fantasy. - Mark Melnick.
- Are you willing to lose money on a trade? If not, then don't take it. You can only win if you're not afraid to lose. And you can only do that if you truly accept the risks in front of you. - Sami Abusad.
- We don't care about 'why'. Real traders only have the time and interest to care about 'what' and 'when' and 'if' and 'then'. 'Why' is for pretenders. - JC Parets.
- Trading is not for the dabblers, the dreamers, or the desperate. It requires, above all, one steadfast trait of dedication. So if you are going to trade, trade like you mean it - Rod Casilli.
- In trading, you have to be defensive and aggressive at the same time. If you are not aggressive, you are not going to make money, and if you are not defensive, you are not going to keep the money. - Ray Dalio.
- I'm only rich because I know when I'm wrong. I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes. - George Soros.
- It was clear to me that other people could trade for a living, and if it was possible for other people to do it, then I could persevere long enough to figure it out. - Rob Booker.
- The biggest risk is not taking a risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." – Mark Zuckerberg.
- I have two basic rules about winning in trading as well as in life: 1. If you don't bet, you can't win. 2. If you lose all your chips, you can't bet. - Larry Hite.
- I just wait until there is money lying in the corner, and all I have to do is go over there and pick it up. I do nothing in the meantime. - Jim Rogers.
- I believe in analysis and not forecasting.
- The purpose of trading is not being right, the purpose is to make money, and I think that's my number-one rule. Don't get hung up on your current positions. - Dana Allen.
- Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand. - Marty Schwartz.
- Whatever method you use to enter trades, the most critical thing is that if there is a major trend, your approach should assure that you get in that trend. - Richard Dennis.
- The fundamental law of investing is the uncertainty of the future. - Peter Bernstein.
- Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.
- In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield. - Warren Buffett.
- Today, people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. They shouldn't. They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value. - Warren Buffett.
- If you're in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%. - Warren Buffett.
- Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years. - Warren Buffett.
- You only have to do very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong. - Warren Buffett.
- Whether we're talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.
- The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything. - Warren Buffett.
- It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. - Warren Buffett.
- You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. - Warren Buffett.
- Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people in trouble investing.
- The goal of a successful trader is to make the best trades. Money is secondary. - Alexander Elder.
- Time is your friend; impulse is your money.- John Bogle.
- There is a time to go long, a time to go short, and a time to go fishing. - Jesse Livermore.
- Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.
- Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it. He who doesn't pay it. – Albert Einstein.
- The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money. - Warren Buffet.
- If most traders would learn to sit on their hands 50 percent of the time, they would make a lot more money. – Bill Lipschutz.
- Do not anticipate and move without market confirmation—being a little late in your trade is your insurance that you are right or wrong.
- Remember that stocks are never too high for you to begin buying or too low to begin selling. - Jesse Livermore.
- It is the job of the market to turn the base material of our emotions into gold. - Andrei Codrescu.
- You never know what kind of setup the market will present to you; your objective should be to find an opportunity where risk-reward ratio is best. – Jaymin Shah.
- You get a recession; you have stock market declines. If you don't understand that's going to happen, then you're not ready, you won't do well in the markets. – Peter Lynch.
- Commodities tend to zig when the equity markets zag.
- I have found that when the market's going down, and you buy funds wisely, at some point in the future, you will be happy. You won't get there by reading. Now is the time to buy. – Peter Lynch.
- There were two sets of rules when it comes to money: One set of rules for the people who work for money and another set of rules for the rich who print money. – Robert Kiyosaki.
- The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. - John Maynard Keynes.
- In a bull market, one can only be long or on the sidelines. Remember, not having a position is a position. - Richard Rhodes.
- Invest for the long haul. Don't get too greedy and don't get too scared. - Shelby M.C. Davis.
- People in markets find a way of getting down to the essentials of I have, you want; you have, I want. - Audre Lorde.
- Trading doesn't just reveal your character, it also builds it if you stay in the game long enough. - Yvan Byeajee.
- Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die of euphoria. – John Templeton.
- One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute. – William Feather.
- Stock market bubbles don't grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality, but the reality is distorted by a misconception. – George Soros.
- Trading effectively is about assessing probabilities, not certainties. - Yvan Byeajee.
- Value stocks are about as exciting as watching grass grow, but have you ever noticed just how much your grass grows in a week? – Christopher Browne.
- When purchasing depressed stock in troubled companies, seek out the ones with superior financial positions, and avoid the ones with loads of bank debt. – Peter Lynch.
- Only the game, can teach you the game. – Jesse Livermore.
- Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas. – Paul Samuelson.
- You don't stop a train with a brick wall; even there's a wall of selling, the train is going through that brick wall and taking out a lot of bears. - Paul Tudor Jones.
- A handful of men have become very rich by paying attention to details that most others ignored. - Henry Ford.
- One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute. - William Feather.
- An investor without investment objectives is like a traveler without a destination. - Ralph Seger.
- If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stocks, not selling advice. - Norman R. Augustine.
- The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient. – Warren Buffett.
- In many ways, the stock market is like the weather in that if you don't like the current conditions, all you have to do is wait a while. – Low Simpson.
- In many ways, the stock market is like the weather in that if you don't like the current conditions, all you have to do is wait a while.
- The markets generally are unpredictable, so that one has to have different scenarios. The idea that you can actually predict what's going to happen contradicts my way of looking at the market.
- The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists.
- -Benjamin Graham, 'The Intelligent Investor ', 1949.
- The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible.
- All the math you need in the stock market you get in the fourth grade.
- If you are shopping for common stocks, choose them the way you would buy groceries, not the way you would buy perfume.
- Stocks are bought not in fear but in hope. They are typically sold out of fear.
- The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.
- Losses are a part of trading, but some losses drain away all the motivation and fire to drive you closer to your dream. So here are some quotes to stop your losses and help you recover from them at the earliest.
- The problem is not whether a business will survive in competition with business, but whether any business will survive at all in the face of social change.
- A company has only so much money and managerial time. Winning leaders invest where the payback is the highest. They cut their losses everywhere else.
- A good leader must have the wisdom to know when a pursuit is no longer worthy of being pursued - a time when the losses of the present must be accepted - and cut - to preserve the gains and providence of the future.
- We are in the business of making mistakes. Winners make small mistakes; losers make big mistakes.
- Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance.
- We want to perceive ourselves as winners, but successful traders are always focusing on their losses.
- In the short run, a market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.
- There's no shame in losing money on a stock. Everybody does it. What is shameful is to hold on to a stock, or worse, to buy more of it when the fundamentals are deteriorating.
- Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W's you control in your life: what you do, when you do it, where you do it, and with whom you do it.
- My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
- The feelings we accept and enjoy rarely interfere with trading.
- The big money is not in the buying or the selling, but in the waiting.
- A psychology trading quote is considered to be the best trading advice or motivation. Luckily, this part of the article includes a variety of different trading quotes that imbibe the philosophy of trading psychology.
- Seek advice on risk from the wealthy who still take risks, not friends who dare nothing more than a football bet.
- Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!
- Know what you own, and know why you own it.
- You make most of your money in a bear market; you just don't realize it at the time.
- Investing is the intersection of economics and psychology.
- You need to know very well when to move away, or give up the loss, and not allow the anxiety to trick you into trying again.
- Trade what's happening… Not what you think is gonna happen.
- The hard, cold reality of trading is that every trade has an uncertain outcome.
- The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor.
- The consistency you seek is in your mind, not in the markets.
- The question should not be how much I will profit on this trade! The true question is; will I be fine if I don't profit from this trade.
- If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.
- Always start at the end before you begin. Professional investors always have an exit strategy before they invest. Knowing your exit strategy is an important investment fundamental.
- To avoid whipsaw losses, stop trading.
- The consistency you seek is in your mind, not in the markets."The question should not be how much I will profit on this trade! The true question is; will I be fine if I don't profit from this trade.
Funny Cryptocurrency Instagram Captions

- “We see Bitcoin as potentially the greatest social network of all.” Tyler Winklevoss
- “Bitcoin never sleeps. We need to move quickly and grow quickly and do everything sooner rather than later.” Roger Ver
- “People have made fortunes off Bitcoin, some have lost money. It is volatile, but people make money off of volatility too.” Richard Branson
- “With great ideas come great changes. Bitcoin’s that.” Cameron Winklevoss
- “Nothing will create more millionaires than bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.” Anonymous
- “I have invested in Bitcoin because I believe in its potential, the capacity it has to transform global payments is very exciting.” Richard Branson
- “I think that the future of currency is digital, and Bitcoin has a good shot at being the currency of the future.” Adam Draper
- “Bitcoin is here to stay.” Roger Ver
- “Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It’s driving a revolution and Bitcoin is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency.” Richard Branson
- “I think the fact that within the Bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the function of the government, is actually pretty cool.” Al Gore
- “Bitcoin will hit thousands of dollars per coin, because it’s worth at least that much, or it’s worth zero.” Erik Voorhees
- “The divine line ‘Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency is for criminals’ is a cunning defensive strategy created by the so-called traditional financial services sector.” Mohith Agadi
- “The main event isn’t Bitcoin. It’s using the blockchain to disrupt other industries and Wall Street.” Patrick M. Byrne
- “I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential to do something like changing the world.” Peter Thiel
- “People wanted Bitcoin to live so much, they basically willed it back into existence. That showed me how passionate this community was about it.” Adam Draper
- “People have been scared off Bitcoin by the fact that you needed to put your money in an unregulated overseas platform that has been cut off by banks and scrutinized by the Fed. We are looking to remove the pain points and create a way to invest that is faster and more secure.” Barry Silbert
- “The ability to easily buy and sell Bitcoin has been a really key factor in accelerating Bitcoin adoption.” Fred Ehrsam
- “You really want some natural way for people to get Bitcoins, as part of their paycheck or some other activity so they can turn around and spend them. It’s much better if the Bitcoin economy is a self-contained thing.” Gavin Andresen
- “Bitcoin is cash with wings.” Charlie Shrem
- “It’s gold for nerds.” —Stephen Colbert, Comedian
- “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.” —Rick Falkvinge, Founder of the Swedish pirate party
- “Bitcoin is a technological tour de force.” —Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, investor, and philanthropist
- “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.” —Leon Luow, Nobel Peace Prize nominee
- “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.”—Roger Ver, Bitcoin angel investor, and evangelist
- “Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, the currency will be better for it.”—Edmund Moy, 38th Director of the United States Mint
- “Stay away from it. It’s a mirage, basically. In terms of cryptocurrencies, generally, I can say almost with certainty that they will come to a bad ending.”—Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
- “Still thinking about #Bitcoin. No conclusion – not endorsing/rejecting. Know that folks also were skeptical when paper money displaced gold.” —Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs
- “[Bitcoin] is a very exciting development, it might lead to a world currency. I think over the next decade it will grow to become one of the most important ways to pay for things and transfer assets.” —Kim Dotcom, CEO of MegaUpload
- “It’s money 2.0, a huge huge huge deal.”—Chamath Palihapitiya, the previous head of AOL instant messenger
- “[Virtual currencies] may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”—Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve
- “There are 3 eras of currency: Commodity based, politically based, and now, math based.”—Chris Dixon, Co-founder of Hunch now owned by eBay, Co-founder of SiteAdvisor now owned by McAfee
- “I am very intrigued by Bitcoin. It has all the signs. Paradigm shift, hackers love it, yet it’s derided as a toy. Just like microcomputers.” —Paul Graham, Creator of Yahoo Store
- “I really like Bitcoin. I own Bitcoins. It’s a store of value, a distributed ledger. It’s also a good investment vehicle if you have an appetite for risk. But it won’t be a currency until volatility slows down.” —David Marcus, CEO of Paypal
- “Bitcoin is a classic network effect, a positive feedback loop. The more people who use Bitcoin, the more valuable Bitcoin is for everyone who uses it, and the higher the incentive for the next user to start using the technology. Bitcoin shares this network effect property with the telephone system, the web, and popular Internet services like eBay and Facebook.” —Marc Andreessen, entrepreneur & investor
- “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement, and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value” —Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google
- “You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere, and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust” —John McAfee, Founder of McAfee
- “Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It’s driving a revolution. And bitcoin is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency.” —Richard Branson, entrepreneur, business owner for Virgin empire
- “Ten percent of my net worth is in this space.”—Mike Novogratz, hedge fund manager, Galaxy Digital Assets
- “Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.”—Marc Kenigsberg, founder of Bitcoin Chaser
- “Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the centre. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly.” —Vitalik Buterin, co-founder Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine
- “Maybe I’m just too old, but I’m going to let this mania go on without me.” —Jeffrey Gundlach, DoubleLine Capital CEO and Chief Investment Officer
- “But fate loves irony. The most entertaining outcome and the most ironic outcome would be that Dogecoin becomes the currency of Earth in the future.” ― Elon Musk
- (Dogecoin is) “on the verge of getting broad acceptance,” (in finance). ― Elon Musk
- (Dogecoin is) “the people’s crypto.” ― Elon Musk
- “SpaceX is going to put a literal Dogecoin on the literal moon.” ― Elon Musk
- “Dogecoin might be my fav cryptocurrency. It’s pretty cool.” ― Elon Musk
- “FYI, the Mavs sales in @dogecoin have increased 550pct over the past month. We have now sold more than 122k Doge in merchandise! We will never sell 1 single Doge ever. So keep buying.” ― Mark Cuban
- “If I had to choose between buying a lottery ticket and #Dogecoin ….. I would buy #Dogecoin. But please don’t ask me to choose between it and anything else.” ― Mark Cuban
- “Dogecoin is worth less than a dime. You can buy $1 worth or $10 worth and have fun watching it all day. I bought a few dollars worth for my son and we watch it and discuss all its price movements and why they occur. It’s fun, it’s exciting and educational for him.” ― Mark Cuban
- “Rollin’ out to the MOON #Dogecoin.” ― Guy Fieri
- “What goes down…. must go up #Doge.” ― Ben Phillips
- “HODLing my $Doge since 2014.” ― Angela White
- “I’m not recommending, nor am I not recommending, but yes, I bought a big position in Dogecoin. And yes, I’m a Hodler. FUM.” ― Gene Simmons
- “Okay, I caved and bought the dog stocks lmaoooooo.” ― Mia Khalifa
- “All I’m saying… $doge.” ― Kevin Jonas
- “When I was 16 I invested my entire first Vine brand deal into #Bitcoin when it was worth $100. After 8 years of holding, it’s now worth $46,000. #Doge is Bitcoin’s younger brother… they have the same potential… it’s still early.” ― Jake Paul
- “The sentiment seems to be: Bitcoin is for the wealthy, Ethereum for the middle class, and Dogecoin is for the people.” ― Eric Berman, senior legal editor of US finance at Thomson Reuters Practical Law
- “Dogecoin is a lighthearted and authentic community built upon a serious cryptocurrency infrastructure. It fills a niche that BTC and ETH do not. Its lightheartedness also makes it perfect for sending a message to the current financial establishment, which is anything but lighthearted. The more that the financial establishment is dismayed, the better.” ― Richard Smith, investing and risk expert
- “The overarching narrative behind the coin’s 30x run this year is a protest against systemic inequities in the traditional financial industry – Dogecoin is, after all, the original ‘meme asset.’ This is an extension of the value that cryptocurrencies derive from vibrant and growing communities that give rise to network effects.” ― Thomas Perfumo, head of business operations and strategy at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange
- “Many people view Doge as the ‘people’s cryptocurrency’ because it was created as a joke. Major players and corporations are unlikely to buy in and manipulate the market or understand that it could be a viable currency. Elon has echoed this sentiment. These factors have created a perfect storm for Doge, pumping the price to where it is today.” ― Ben Weiss, CEO at the bitcoin ATM operator CoinFlip
- “While the Coinbase listing brought attention to crypto as a whole, for DOGE, it was a combination of Elon Musk’s tweets, as well as WallStreetBets’ recent interest in crypto that really kicked off this rally.” ― Jason Lau, the chief operating officer at OKCoin, an exchange based in San Francisco
- “Dogecoin is gaining traction because it is still relatively cheap and people who may feel like they missed out on the upside of Bitcoin are thinking that perhaps this is their shot.” ― Eric Berman, senior legal editor of US finance at Thomson Reuters Practical Law
- “I am quite confident that there is no real background to the current phase of Dogecoin’s growth. The rate is currently related to the general mood of investors on the crypto market and is a kind of indicator of the emotional state of market participants, reflecting their expectations.” ― Maria Stankevich, the chief business development officer at the crypto exchange EXMO UK
- “It’s a testament to how far narratives, memetic themes, and flows drive markets rather than fundamentals. In the old paradigm, the fundamental value would provide a magnet for prices to gravitate towards. In the new paradigm, it is all about flows – the order book, the buyers and the sellers.” ― Roshun Patel, a vice president at the digital-currency prime broker Genesis
- “The latest uptick in Dogecoin’s price isn’t indicative of any meaningful value the cryptocurrency offers, it’s just a surge in interest from people looking to get rich quick. That can make for a fun bet, but it’s not good investing. And if you’re the one left holding on to the coins when the market tanks, you may regret taking a punt in the first place.” ― David Kimberley, an analyst at the UK investing app Freetrade
- “It’s moved by headlines, tweets, celebrity, or corporate endorsements and while that’s likely belittled by ‘traditional’ investors, it’s what brings the masses to cryptocurrencies. The masses understand headlines, tweets, and endorsements and the masses will likely mature as crypto enthusiasts and begin to appreciate the movement for its more technical nuances.” ― Michael Kamerman, CEO of the Scandinavian-owned brokerage Skilling
- “Dogecoin has been an interesting development for traders. It’s funny when you think about the fact that Dogecoin was initially created as a joke based off a meme.” ― Julian Hosp, CEO, and co-founder of Cake DeFi
- “It really goes to show the power and influence of social media and the ‘meme community’ as a legitimate driving force behind the currency’s adoption and enduring popularity.” ― Julian Hosp, CEO, and co-founder of Cake DeFi
- “Doge was really started to poke fun at Bitcoin.” ― Pat White, CEO of Bitwave
- “It’s somewhat disconcerting to see Elon Musk so enthusiastic about it.” ― Nic Carter, venture capitalist
- “Unfortunately, a lot of retail punters are going to lose money on Dogecoin in the long term because there’s really not much there in terms of interesting technology.” ― Nic Carter, venture capitalist
- “The only thing it can really do is be zombified and stick around and be an empty shell for people’s expectations and for their entertainment.” ― Nic Carter, venture capitalist
- “I look at Dogecoin as more of a speculative play that when this bubble bursts, it will probably cease to exist.” ― Eddie Ghabour, managing partner at Key Advisors Group
- “Without a proper team, technological development, and road map, Dogecoin will likely not be a reliable investment in 2021.” ― George Chrysochou, investor and global marketing manager for Financer.com
- “As much as we like the attention and growth that these moments bring, we also need to be careful to educate new users on assets’ risks with little to no value or utility. There are over 15,000 projects in crypto.” ― Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius Network
- “First, I will not be investing in Dogecoin, but it’s not because Dogecoin was originally a joke, nor because its sudden rise was bizarre, nor because electronic currencies are an illusion, and certainly not because Dogecoin’s astonishing spike in value was the result of an eccentric billionaire’s tweet. I’m not investing because, despite their apparent newness, cryptocurrencies have too much in common with primitive money.” ― Frederick Kaufman, financial expert
- “There are a lot of really fabulous things that get done with digital assets and blockchain technologies to reduce friction, to reduce costs, and enable things that weren’t possible before.” ~Brad Garlinghouse
- “The blockchain is a distributed network that solves all the problems that we have of finance, but more broadly, it’s like a philosophy. It’s a way of life.” ~Mike Cernovich
- “Blockchain technology isn’t just a more efficient way to settle securities. It will fundamentally change market structures, and maybe even the architecture of the Internet itself.” ~Abigail Johnson
- “Blockchain technology could change our world more than people imagine. Bitcoin, however, could be a bubble.” ~Jack Ma
- “The blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It is a tsunami-like phenomenon, slowly advancing and gradually enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression.” ~William Mougayar
- “You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.” ~Albert Einstein
- “Blockchain provides supply chain capabilities that were not possible in the recent past.” ~Dave Waters
- “You could imagine something like a completely automated system for renting bikes that’s just done completely over blockchain crypto-payments. And theoretically just sort of start it up, and it works completely autonomously.” ~Vitalik Buterin
- “You’re going to start seeing open-source, self-executing contracts gradually improve over time. What the Internet did to publishing, blockchain will do to about 160 different industries. It’s crazy.” ~Patrick M. Byrne
- “The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective.” ~Warren Buffett
- “There’s a way to do it better – find it.” ~Thomas A. Edison
- “You could imagine something like a completely automated system for renting bikes that’s just done completely over blockchain crypto-payments. And theoretically just sort of start it up, and it works completely autonomously.” ~Vitalik Buterin.
- “Has the Internet changed our lives? Have mobile phones changed our lives? The blockchain is something that is that transformative.” ~Brock Pierce
- “It’s money 2.0, a huge, huge, huge deal.” ~Chamath Palihapitiya
- “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” ~Peter F. Drucker
- “We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.” ~Tyler Winklevoss
- “The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” ~Bill Gates.
- “Online identity and reputation will be decentralized. We will own the data that belongs to us.” ~William Mougayar
- “The following technologies provide supply chain capabilities that were not possible in the past: IoT, Big Data, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Augmented Reality.” ~EverythingSupplyChain.com
- “The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened.” ~Adam Draper
- “In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of Time Magazine as the best CEO. Machines will do what human beings are incapable of doing. Machines will partner and cooperate with humans, rather than become mankind’s biggest enemy.” ~Jack Ma
Learn more about starting a cryptocurrency business:
Where to start?
-> Cryptocurrency business plan
-> How to finance a cryptocurrency business?
-> How much does it cost to start a cryptocurrency business?
-> Pros and cons of a cryptocurrency business
Need inspiration?
-> Other cryptocurrency business success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a cryptocurrency business
-> Cryptocurrency business slogans
-> Cryptocurrency business names
-> Cryptocurrency business Instagram bios
Other resources
-> Profitability of a cryptocurrency business
-> Cryptocurrency business tips
-> Blog post ideas for a cryptocurrency business
5 Tips For Creating A Great Instagram Caption
1. Write several drafts first
Make at least three different Instagram caption drafts.
This will allow you to edit, proofread, and compare your captions side by side to see which one has the most effect.
Your first draft will almost never be selected as the best option, which is why you should set aside enough time to write several.
2. Front-load the most important information
The 2,200-characters limit for Instagram captions is mostly a formality. However, it's worth noting that ig captions are cut off in users’ feeds to around 140 characters.
This doesn't mean you must make your insta captions extremely short so people can see everything without clicking "more."
Instead, frontload your captions with the most important sentence or calls-to-action, and save any @mentions, hashtags, or other unimportant information for the end.

3. Include a strong call to action
The most effective way to maximize the possibility for your Instagram post to get shared and improve engagement is to include a call to action in the captions.
Instead of passively scrolling through, you should use action verbs to encourage people to take action.
Here are some exåmples:
- Visit the link in bio to learn more
- Share your experience in the comments
- Enter by liking this photo and signing up for our monthly newsletter

4. Limit yourself to 3-4 hashtags
A hashtag on Instagram works the same way it does on Twitter and Facebook: it unites the conversations of many users into a single stream.
Anyone who searches for that hashtag on Instagram may see your Insta post if your account is public.
However, you should use hashtags sparingly. As a means to get more followers, some Instagram users add a string of searchable hashtags.
Too many hashtags can come off spammy to your existing followers. Limit yourself to three or four hashtags at most.

5. Use emojis and have fun with them.
Add some emojis to spice up your insta captions and make them more appealing.
Emojis added at the end of sentences or paragraphs may act as "bookends," visually breaking up long strings of text.
You can also use emojis to encourage readers to take action, such as clicking the link in the bio.
If you're going to use emojis, make sure they match your tone of voice and identity. You don't want to use too many emojis at once, particularly in the same caption.

Final Thoughts
Good Instagram captions take your content to new heights.
Remember not to rush your copywriting and to evaluate the success of your efforts so that you can use objective benchmarks to figure out what works.
Your content will go far if you combine a beautiful photo with a great Instagram caption.
-> Instagram bios for a cryptocurrency business
-> Cryptocurrency business Instagram name ideas
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