is an Indian online excel training company. The company was founded in 2013 by Sumit Bansal and is based in Noida, UP.

Join this FREE Online Excel Training for beginners. It's a 7-part video series where you'll learn about Functions, Pivot Tables, Charting, Dashboard etc.

Company History

Sumit Bansal details the beginnings of their company in their Starter Story interview: (source)

Q: How did you get started on

I was working with a tech company in 2013 and my day-to-day work included crunching a lot of data in spreadsheets and creating reports and dashboards from it. I was learning a lot about spreadsheets through other Excel blogs and Youtube videos.

One day, my co-worker mentioned a book called The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau, which is about the stories of people who were making money through their expertise. It also included two stories of people who were making money through their Excel blog and freelance practice. I immediately ordered the book and read it.

It was then I thought of starting a blog about Excel spreadsheets, and if possible, make some money on the side. Since I had no idea about blogging and all the technical aspects involved in it, I created a free Blogspot account and started writing tutorials. After about 10 tutorials, I decided to shift it to a self-hosted website.

It was a huge learning curve for me and I made a lot of mistakes (some even led to downtime of my site for days). I invested hours every day learning about blogging, WordPress, and everything else that comes with it. I didn’t make any money for 16 months, but I consistently pushed out content and videos. I was getting traffic and was also collecting email subscribers. At that time, I was getting ~15K pageviews a month and had collected 2K+ email subscribers

After about 18 months, I decided to create and launch my own Excel course. I asked my email subscribers what they wanted me to cover and started creating the videos. I launched it in Nov 2014 and it did alright. It wasn’t a huge hit but it did sell enough to give me the confidence that this can be a business (or at least a side-hustle).

So, I decided to create another course. I had been able to grow and monetize my blog by working on whatever free time I had after job, but to take it to the next level of growth, I needed to put in more hours into it, which was not possible while I was still employed. I quit my full-time job in 2015, just before launching the new course. At that time, I was making half of what I was making in my full-time job. I didn’t have any savings. Since I was already making money, it gave me some cushion to work with.

It was then I starting working full-time on this website.

Also, I just came to know a few days ago that my blog would be covered in the next book by Chris Guillebeau - 100 Side Hustles (available for pre-order)

Source (source)


They use Google Suite, Dropbox, Microsoft Office 365, Trello, and Dynalist for their productivity. Canva for their design. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest for their social media.
