25 Inspirational Vitalik Buterin Quotes [2024] Co-Founder Of Ethereum

Updated: January 20th, 2022

Vitalik Buterin is a young Russian-Canadian programmer and writer.

Buterin is known as one of the co-founders of Ethereum, a technology for digital money, global payments, and applications.

Vitalik Buterin became involved with cryptocurrency early in its inception, co-founding Bitcoin Magazine in 2011 and founded Ethereum in 2014.

We've put together an incredible collection of Vitalik Buterin quotes to read.

Here they are:

25 Inspirational Vitalik Buterin  Quotes [2024] Co-Founder Of Ethereum

List of Inspiring Vitalik Buterin Quotes

“ETH 2.0 is finalized except for security audits.”

“You can think of Ethereum 1.0 as a prototype. We had to release something that we knew wouldn’t be scalable to prove that you could build decentralized applications.”

“Spiritually, I really love DAOs. Creating new and better ways for people to coordinate and cooperate around projects is definitely close to my heart.”

“I criticize DAO’s because I love them. On-chain algorithms open to vote probing…Plutocracy gives me heartburn”

“The price of not having another DAO hack is eternal vigilance.”

“Trust is our product. We’re okay being the tortoise in the race.”

“There’s so much going on in the crypto space that it’s hard to zoom out and see the progress. Adoption is happening.”

“I’ve long said there’s too much competition in crypto projects, while the real competition is with traditional finance.”

“The goal of Proof of Stake is the be the most efficient way to keep a public blockchain validated, not to maximize rewards for a specific use case.”

“We’re taking data privacy very seriously. Social data and financial data will be separate.”

“I’m very excited about the potential that DeFi offers in principal. The idea that anyone anywhere in the world can have access and choose their financial exposure is a very powerful thing.”

“The pace of development with DeFi is astonishing”

“Ether is a triple point asset: It’s a store of value, a capital asset, and a consumable asset.”

“If World of Warcraft moves onto Ethereum, I’ll consider playing again.”

“We’re having a constructive, intense dialogue with regulators and policymakers…I think we will land in a good place. We have formidable aspirations.”

“We really truly believe that your access to finance and like financial stability shouldn’t depend on your current location, origin, religion, or race.”

“New layer one platforms are at a massive disadvantage”

“ICO’s removed the middleman between startups and the people. IEO’s added an extra layer of curation, diligence, and research.”

“The question is: when you IEO, are you prepared for what comes next? Raising money isn’t enough. You need to build stuff.”

“Anything that increases adoption is a good thing. Libra may not revolutionize digital assets like some may think, but it will have a positive effect on the market and has ignited a debate.”

“The next killer app is not the notes, it’s the links — Uniswap, Decentralized finance, etc. Every application is a component the future ecosystem can gain from.”

“It will be unbelievably difficult to establish a layer one protocol. Any protocol launched after 2015 will have to face the distribution quadrilemma”

“Layer Two chains that are storing data off-chain are going to have a hard time generalizing.”

“If you can build a token, if you can build a culture, then you can rebuild the world”

“For a currency to be successful, it cannot be controlled by a single entity. We are standing on the shoulders of giants, of Ethereum, Bitcoin, of others.”

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.