Update: Growing Our Digital Marketing Agency And Production Services To A $160K/Month Revenue

Published: April 24th, 2023
Aida Vopyan
Founder, Prodigi
from Yerevan, Armenia
started September 2017
Discover what tools Aida recommends to grow your business!
Discover what books Aida recommends to grow your business!

Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.

I am Aida, CEO, and Co-Founder of ProDigi, an international agency that provides digital marketing and production services to B2B businesses from all over the world. We also work with non-profit organizations in the field of education and entertainment. Our team is dedicated to offering custom ideas and creative solutions to meet our client's needs in marketing, sales, HR, education, project management, and customer support.

At ProDigi, we have experienced significant growth over the past year, with monthly revenue growth of over 30%. We attribute this success to our commitment to delivering exceptional results for our clients and our ability to stay ahead of the latest trends and technology in the industry.


Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?

Over the past year, ProDigi has been very focused on expanding our services, optimizing our website, and forming new strategic partnerships. Our efforts have resulted in significant growth in many areas of our business.

We're particularly proud of our 7.9% increase in the number of employees, which has allowed us to expand our capabilities and take on more projects. We've also made great strides in our partnerships, forming seven new strategic partnerships that have deepened our industry expertise and enabled us to collaborate with other top organizations.

In addition, we've been hard at work improving our website and user experience. We've added an exclusive voiceover library, and project tracking system, and made UI optimizations on our specific landing pages, all of which have been well-received by our clients.



After (Click here to see the full version)

Finally, we've been excited to expand our reach into new markets. Our new business direction in Uzbekistan has allowed us to reach new clients and deepen our expertise in different industries.

All of these efforts have resulted in significant growth for ProDigi. We now offer six main service directions, and our client base continues to expand. We're excited to continue growing and evolving as a company in the future.

To optimize our SEO and improve our search engine rankings, we've implemented a range of technical strategies. We've optimized our website structure and content. We've also focused on building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, which can improve our domain authority and overall search engine rankings.

In addition to these technical strategies, we also regularly monitor and analyze our website analytics to identify areas for improvement and refine our strategies over time. This includes tracking key performance indicators such as bounce rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate, and making data-driven optimizations to improve our website's overall user experience and search engine visibility.

Overall, our approach to SEO and SEM is focused on delivering high-quality content and user experiences, while also leveraging the latest technical tools and strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

As our company has grown, we've developed a strategic approach to hiring that has helped us attract and retain top talent. To support our hiring efforts, we've brought on a dedicated recruiter who works to source, screen, and interview candidates.

Take the time to develop your skills, stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and seek out opportunities for growth and development.

We also utilize LinkedIn as our primary hiring platform, as it allows us to reach a large pool of qualified candidates and easily connect with potential hires. In addition, we've created a detailed interview process that includes multiple rounds of interviews and assessments to ensure that we're selecting candidates who are a good fit for our company culture and have the skills and experience we're looking for.

For entrepreneurs struggling to hire great talent, my advice would be to focus on building a strong employer brand and company culture, utilizing the right hiring platforms to reach the right audience, and creating a detailed and thorough interview process that allows you to identify top candidates who align with your company's values and goals.

What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

One of our biggest challenges in the last year has been developing a winning sales team at ProDigi. As a B2B digital marketing and production agency, we understand the importance of having a strong sales team that can effectively communicate our value proposition and services to potential clients.


We've invested a lot of time and resources into this challenge, including providing extensive training and coaching for our sales team members. We've also worked on improving our lead generation and qualification processes, to ensure that our sales team is targeting the right clients and opportunities.

We believe that a strong sales team is crucial to the success of any B2B organization, as they serve as the primary connection between the company and its clients.

While this challenge has been significant, we're happy to say that we've made significant progress in developing our sales team, and we're confident that we have the right people and processes in place to continue driving growth and success for ProDigi.

What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?

At ProDigi, we've learned that a clear company vision is essential for engaging and aligning all stakeholders, including team members, clients, and partners. We learned this lesson after facing challenges with staff management and motivation, which we realized were partly due to a lack of clarity around our company's long-term goals and values.


Our vision is to become the global agency that can remove all boundaries, break the stereotype of choosing a non-local digital services provider and create results for its people by valuing their time.

To achieve this vision, we've refined and communicated it through regular meetings with our team members, as well as through our marketing materials and website. By sharing our vision with our clients and partners, we've been able to strengthen our relationships and work together more effectively to achieve our shared goals.

We believe that a shared vision is critical for driving growth and success in any organization. By ensuring that everyone who is connected to our organization understands our vision and values, we can align our stakeholders toward achieving our long-term goals. We're committed to continuing to refine and communicate our vision to all stakeholders, and to work together to create results that value their time.

What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?

At ProDigi, our plan for the upcoming year and the next five years is to create a global digital experience that stands out from the crowd and delivers tangible results for our clients. We're committed to achieving this goal through a relentless focus on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

Over the next year, we plan to expand our operations globally, by establishing new offices and partnerships in key regions around the world. We'll also invest in our team members by providing them with additional training and resources to stay at the forefront of digital marketing and production.

What’s the best thing you read in the last year?

One article from the Harvard Business Review that I found particularly interesting was 'The Future of Work: The Knowledge Workers' Manifesto' by Jon Husband. This article explored the changing nature of work in the knowledge economy, and how organizations can adapt to create a more engaging and productive work environment for knowledge workers.

As CEO of ProDigi, this article aligned with my vision for creating a positive and empowering work environment for our team members. It provided valuable insights into the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose in driving engagement and productivity among knowledge workers.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their businesses?

Growing a business can be a challenging and demanding process, but my advice to other entrepreneurs who may be struggling is to keep pushing forward and never give up. It's important to stay focused on your goals and to be persistent in your efforts to achieve them.

In addition to perseverance, I also recommend investing in yourself as a leader in your industry. This means taking the time to develop your skills, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and seeking out opportunities for growth and development. By investing in yourself, you can build the knowledge and expertise needed to overcome challenges and take your business to the next level.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

Yes, you can get acquainted with our open vacancies here.

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