How he bootstrapped to $45k MRR in under 6 months for Employee Engagement SaaS

Updated: November 19th, 2023

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Mahir Iskender is the founder of Digno - a cutting-edge platform designed to fully replace the exhausted, ineffective employee assessment procedures.

Digno was founded in 2020 to relieve post-pandemic gaps in HR, communication, and team engagement.

  • Mahir bootstrapped the company from scratch and launched it in January 2022.
  • The company made around $45K in monthly recurring revenue in the first six months of launching and is expected to reach $82K MRR by the end of this year.
  • Their targeted customers are mid to large-level companies having a team of three to five hundred employees.
  • Mahir and his wife started a retail business in 2012. A few years later, in 2018, as their team expanded, the founder faced great difficulty managing their 30-people team, and that is when the idea for Digno first surfaced.
  • Digno’s advanced AI-powered platform provides agile management of tasks, goals, and rewards within an organization - a one-stop solution for employee performance evaluations.
