Plant Stands Business

Business Idea: Start A Plant Stands Business in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Monthly Revenue
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The ornamental indoor houseplant trends enhance aesthetics, complementing the interior design and bringing the room together. The hanging plants are among the favorite indoor plants you will find today. To create a strong aesthetic with climbing plants, décor experts use plant stands.

A plant stand is a wooden, metallic, or plastic material that holds potted houseplants. Plant stands are available in different shapes and sizes, and maybe a simple pillar to hold one pot or multiple levels to hold many plants.

Given the increased adoption of climbing plants in indoor space décor, introducing the plant stands can be a lucrative business opportunity. If you are starting a plant stand business, your customers or target market can include home décor experts, offices, and homeowners.

Examples Of Successful Plant Stands Businesses

Successful plant stands business businesses and case studies

Founder Monika Kalinowska turned her passion for plants into a sustainability and animal welfare-focused business, quadrupling revenue each year to reach +/-100k a month in 2021, by focusing on Instagram marketing, good SEO, a strong email list, and running workshops to attract and retain customers.

$100K Monthly Revenue
$5K Startup Costs
Read by 5,126 founders

See full list of successful plant stands businesses.