Handyman Business

Business Idea: Start A Handyman Business in 2024

Updated: July 7th, 2024

Avg Startup Costs
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
120 days

A handyman business covers a wide range of home repair and maintenance services, making it an easy entry into the industry.

You can start with minimal resources, and by providing valuable assistance to customers, you'll quickly establish yourself as a trusted professional in the field.

To start a handyman business on a budget, identify your skills and the services you can offer confidently.

Then, create a basic business plan outlining your services, target market, and pricing.

Next, obtain any necessary licenses or permits, and invest in basic tools and equipment.

Finally, promote your services through word of mouth, local advertising, and online platforms to attract customers and gradually grow your handyman business.

Examples Of Successful Handyman Businesses

Successful handyman business businesses and case studies

Aiming to be environmentally responsible and customer-focused, Nicholas Ciano's exterior home cleaning company averaged around $20,000/month after incorporating all the aspects he liked with a previous employer, so he set out to do it better with a small advertising budget and a truck, offeringspecials and discounts for first-time customers as well as offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee with all services.

$30K Monthly Revenue
$50K Startup Costs
Read by 8,630 founders

Patriot Chimney, a Virginia-based chimney repair company founded by three friends, generated over $212,000 in its first year of operation, using a mix of digital and in-person marketing and customer retention strategies, and plans to expand its business and customer base with new initiatives including an online store and non-profit organization.

$21K Monthly Revenue
Read by 15,216 founders

See full list of successful handyman businesses.