31 Inspirational Garrett Camp Quotes [2024] Co-Founder Of Uber

Updated: January 20th, 2022

Garrett Camp is a Canadian billionaire entrepreneur.

Garrett Camp is the chairman of Mix, the successor to StumbleUpon, and is on the board of directors of Uber.

Camp co-founded StumbleUpon, a social-networking and advertising website in 2002. It was the first web discovery and personalised recommendation engine.

We've put together an incredible collection of Garrett Camp quotes to read.

Here they are:

31 Inspirational Garrett Camp Quotes [2024] Co-Founder Of Uber

List of Inspiring Garrett Camp Quotes

“You have to be ready for hard work and frugal spending to get the idea off the ground.”

“It all starts with a great idea and teamwork.”

“A lot of times naysayers are just people that have not taken the time yet.”

“All companies have growing pains.”

“Launching a company isn’t always glamorous. But tough times do not mean it’s the end of the road. Keep your head down and pushing toward what you believe in.”

“A lot of productivity is capturing ideas. I use a wiki – it’s more valuable than e-mail for running a company – and I have a page for every person with whom I interact frequently.”

“I’m interested in sites that help people find information and filter what’s available. The internet is so big that no one can stay on top of everything.”

“If you know what you want, you use Google. But if you don’t know what you want, and you want to be surprised and find something you didn’t expect, we want you to come to StumbleUpon [which is now Mix]. Really, that idea of being a discovery engine versus a search engine.”

“I definitely see a correlation between how many things a company gets right and how fast a company grows.”

“The bigger a company gets, the more people are involved in decisions, the slower decisions get made. Look, the whole theory of startups is that three motivated people can go and do something that every company can’t.”

“Stay self-funded as long as possible.”

“If the founders of a startup are considering selling it, I’d advise them to consider the synergies. Could the buyer give you access to something you don’t have now, like a certain technology? Would it make your life easier? Are you looking for a change? Things will change, so you have to be ready for that.”

“If you’re already experienced and you’ve got a track record, you can sell a vision. But if you’re a 23 year-old kid, you don’t really have the salesmanship and you haven’t built anything yet… then it’s easier to show them something that you’ve done to impress them.”

“You never know how big a platform will be, so if it’s taking off and you were one of the first big players, then you can get a lot of traffic. If it doesn’t take off, then you just don’t continue to work on it.”

“Every time I make a mistake with a company, I write it out and try to figure out why it happened.”

“I inherited my parents’ entrepreneurial spirit. My mother was an artist and my father an economist. They had ditched their careers and set up together, designing and building houses. I grew up in a little bit more of a self- driven environment. It was part of the reason I became an entrepreneur.”

“My ambition was to learn everything I could about computers and the burgeoning internet.”

“My parents had a three-story home that included a comfortable office and a computer room in the basement. There wasn’t much reason to leave. I enrolled at the nearby University of Calgary, saved money by living at home and spent the next few years there. I got my undergraduate degree in 2001 and stayed at the university to pursue a master of science, finally leaving my comfortable nest after I turned 22.”

“If I had it to do over, I might have finished school first, then devoted all my time to StumbleUpon [now Mix] instead of dividing my time between the two. In the end, however, it was probably good to take the time I did.”

“How much is a great idea worth? In the case of Uber, the answer is $3.7 billion. It’s an unfathomable sum, even for me. I was already an internet millionaire.”

“I don’t care if I’m one of the people ringing the bell. I never even asked to. The early team and drivers deserve the recognition here. They made Uber what it is today.”

“I will spend a chunk of the money on the thing I love the most: creating startups. How can I help other people? How can I invest in the companies of people that I think are interesting, and in products I’d like to see in the world?”

“I’m a product guy. I love hammering away at a problem until I find just the right fix. I’m hailed by colleagues and investors as a visionary. But I emphasize that any so-called revolutionary product goes through dozens of iterations first. It seems visionary.”

“My goal is to create something that can live beyond me. Any one person is going to hold a company back if it depends on them.”

“It’s way more than I deserved. It’s more than any human deserves. UberCab was officially in development. I wanted it to be one word and a description of excellence. What an ‘uber’ coffee that was… it means great things! It means greatness!”

“We don’t own cars and we don’t hire drivers. We work with companies and individuals who do that. It’s very straightforward. I want to push a button and get a ride. That’s what it’s about.”

“In general, people sort of remember me as a good system designer who worked on interesting products that ended up getting good traction. I think that’s how people will remember me.”

“There is no finish line. So love the journey.”

"Money may not buy happiness, but it's better to cry in a Lamborghini."

"I meant to behave but there were too many other options."

"I encouraged Uber to invest in Didi because China's not an easy market to crack, but it was too early for Uber."

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.