Deep30 Syllabus

Published: April 5th, 2024

Deep30 Overview

  • Deep30 Start Date: Thursday, May 2nd
  • Deep30 End Date: Thursday, May 30th

Overview of Deep30 May

Deep30 is a 1-month sprint where you will take action every day and make real progress towards your goals.

The best way to do this is by setting a goal, getting focused, and making consistent progress every day.

The challenge consists of three main elements:

  1. Setting a big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG).
  2. Committing to 2 hours of deep work every day.
  3. Sharing your progress alongside a team of others for one month

Submitting Your BHAG

BHAG stands for Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal.

This is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of the month - and it must be launch or revenue-focused in order to participate in Deep30.

1. Launch / User BHAG:

If you have not launched a business, or you have a partly-launched business with 0 users, you will set a BHAG to actually launch it into the real world, along with a user number goal that you want to achieve.

The word user is interchangeable with subscribers, visitors to a website, or paying customers. You define the term based on what type of business you are launching.

You must have an actual business with a domain name that you will start.

2. Growth / Revenue BHAG:

If you have already launched your business, you will set a BHAG for how much revenue you will generate for the month.

Our goal with Deep30 is that you build a business that makes money, and we believe that revenue is a function of all other success.

If you are not interested in creating a launch or revenue goal:

You may have had other goals in mind, e.g to learn a new skill, research, or find a potential business to start.

You can still use the deep work app to track deep work on your own, but we won't be able to track your progress and you will be excluded from deep30 features (accountability, teams, etc).

If you believe your case is special, please reach out to Sam Walls via Slack.

To confirm your enrollment, please submit your BHAG HERE by Wednesday May 1st at 6pm EST.

Once you submit, you will be added to the main private #deep30 channel in Slack where we will share more details about the challenge in the coming days.

Requirements + Expectations

Deep30 is designed to be a sprint - which is why the challenge is one month long.

By participating, you are committing to two hours of deep work every day and will log your session in our app.

You may choose to miss 6 days of deep work updates throughout the month of your choice (weekdays or weekends).

If you miss more than 6 days, you will be removed from the group. And you are welcome to apply for future challenges we do.

How To Log Your Deep Work Session

In order for your deep work session to be counted, you must log your deep work session in the app and follow these steps:

Step 1: Start Your Session


  • Go to
  • Update your actual progress as of today (this must be a number)
  • Click "start session"
  • Create the tasks you plan to get done in the session (this should be 1-3 things that will move the needle for your BHAG).
  • Get into "deep work mode" - remove all distractions (turn off your phone, turn on siteblocker, set a timer, and go!)

A reminder that deep work is a time to do hard things that require a lot of focus.

Writing. Coding. Launching. Marketing. Doing that ONE thing that's really going to move the needle.

It is NOT a time to do menial tasks such as data entry, checking email, or stuff you find easy and doesn't require a ton of mental bandwidth.

Your deep work hours are SACRED (which is why we suggest 2-3 hour long sessions), so don't waste them on stuff like that!

Step 2: End Your Session


  • Click "I'm finished with my deep work"
  • Take a selfie
  • Required: Leave an update in your team channel with what you got done + share the selfie if you took one. If you do not leave an update, the system will not count the session as done - and this will not be counted as a session!
  • Go back to the deep work session, refresh the page, click done, and this will be counted as your deep work session for the day!

You can see all of your sessions logged here - if something doesn't look right, it's likely because you need to update your time zone or you didn't end the session in full. You can message Stanley Starter in Slack and we will help troubleshoot this for you!


Once you submit your BHAG, you will get added to the main #deep30 channel and assigned a team channel as well.