What Is Content Farm? [All You Need to Know in 2024]

Updated: February 22nd, 2024

If you have ever researched things to avoid when building a website and making content, you may have encountered the term content farm. But what is content farm exactly, and is it good or bad?

A content farm refers to a particular website or company that makes tons of content to rank and gain traffic. However, the mass creation of content is usually done fast, resulting in short and low-quality content that sometimes needs to be duplicated or rewritten.

Let's have a better look at the content farm!

What Is Content Farm?

A content farm is a website or business that produces copious volumes of replicated, low-quality material to satisfy algorithms and rank highly in SERPs.

Most content is considered low quality and is merely produced to get a lot of visitors. A content farm's primary objective is increasing reader page views to generate income for online advertising.

Typical formats for content farms include FAQs, manuals, tutorials, etc. Currently, search engines have a terrible opinion of content farms.

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Example of a Content Farm

One example of a content farm is eHow, and it's evident because this website has tons of articles, and most of the published ones are made poorly. Another indication is that the website contains many ads that could improve user experience. Finally, it's also noted that the site writers are poorly paid.

How Do You Identify a Content Farm?

A content farm is easy to identify because it has various characteristics that tell about it. Some of these characteristics are:

  • Short content - usually around 300 to 500 words only
  • Tons of ads - both display and pop-up ads that make it challenging to navigate around the website
  • Links to other sites - it will show too many links to click that will lead to other sites
  • Copied content - you'll find most contents came from another big site
  • Keyword stuffing - you'll see repetitive words used unnecessarily

Why Are Content Farms Bad?

Content farms are bad due to many reasons. Some of the reasons are as follows:

Poor content leading to Poor User Experience

Poor user experiences are typical among the material that content farms produce. This effect is due to the black hat approach of keyword stuffing, resulting in awkward and difficult-to-read text.

Websites containing low-quality content will suffer from a high bounce rate and a short dwell time since end users are less inclined to remain around when they have a terrible user experience.

Therefore, there are better long-term plans than employing a content farm to produce your material.

Copied content

In addition to producing identical content from other websites, content farms also engage in article rewriting, which results in articles with minimal informational value or depth into a subject.

Such copied content will not rank and may even cause some penalties if deemed plagiarized without any proper credit or link to sources.

While backlinks help rank a website and give it higher authority, content farms receive bad backlinks.

Such backlinks come from bad sites filled with ads and have a bad user experience. As a result, it will lead to search engines lowering the website's rank.

How to Avoid Being a Content Farm?

Instead of using content farms, focus on using white hat techniques to optimize your website's content.

Take time to make high-quality and unique content

This tip is more challenging than employing automatic, pre-written material, but it will prevent you from hearing panda footprints approaching.

Make material that is entertaining for the user. Make sure it is readable, accessible, and free of errors. Use concise, direct statements that contain as many calls to action as possible.

Additionally, choose lengthier form material. As a result, you can go deeper into a particular subject, which Google appreciates and rewards with higher ranks. To prevent it from becoming stale, remember to refresh your material often.

Promote user engagement

Make engaging content that people will interact with. This way, you can reduce bounce rates while giving your viewers and readers more exciting stuff from your site.

Post links to the articles on your social media channels, and engage with your audience by asking and responding to questions.

Use hashtags, add images and videos, and liven things up. When doing so, continuously optimize these pictures and movies, and add image alt text.

Work on a particular niche

When you work on a particular niche, you can cater your expertise to topics related to your offer.

Determine your audience and brand, then appeal to them appropriately. Here, research is crucial. You must provide information that distinguishes you from your rivals and benefits your market.

Efficient keyword research is crucial since it might point up long-tail keywords that will help you focus on a particular target.


A content farm is a bad practice that you should avoid. While it makes tons of content pieces, these are all low-quality, and their ranking will only last for a while. In most cases, most of this content doesn't even rank at all.

As always, it's best to work slowly and take your time creating engaging content and optimizing your site for a better user experience. By doing so, you'll have better chances of ranking and avoiding problems caused by content farm practices.

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.