If You Don't Rank In Google, You Don't Exist. Here's Why.

Updated: July 1st, 2022

You are working hard to build your business. You've put in countless hours and built something that's worth sharing with the world.

But here's the thing. If you don't rank in Google, you don't actually exist.

I know it sounds harsh—but it's also a reality that many businesses face every day. They build their business on solid foundations and then find themselves unable to reach their audience because they're not ranking in search results.

With or without SEO experience - tools like Semrush help you rank higher in Google and grow organic traffic faster than ever.

Let's break it down:

First Things First: What Is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving the performance and experience of your website so it can gain better visibility in search engines.

This form of organic marketing allows you to put your business in front of more people who might be looking for what you have to offer.

The more people who see your website on page one of a search engine results page, the more visitors you’ll get from those searches.

If you're starting a new business or launching a new website, SEO is an essential part of your marketing strategy. By optimizing your content for search engines, you can increase traffic and conversions.

Why Is Ranking High In Google Important?

Nowadays, it's extremely rare that people to search for information in a traditional way. Search engines have become the most powerful and common method to find answers on virtually any topic.

That's why SEO is so important. It allows you to get your business in front of an entirely new audience. It's also a great way to bring more traffic, leads, customers, and revenue to your business.

To be clear: building an SEO strategy takes work. But once you rank for a set of keywords and optimize your site properly, your rankings should remain stable over time.

What the statistics say:

  • Google currently has 86.86% of the search engine market
  • Over 7 billion people search for answers on Google every day (that's 81,000 searches per second).
  • The #1 result in Google gets approximately 32% of all clicks


How Do I Rank In Google?

There are several strategies you can implement to increase your likelihood of ranking.

However, the best way to rank higher in search results is actually quite simple: create great content.

What does this mean exactly?

It means writing with purpose. It means being aware of your audience and writing with them in mind. And it means generating content ideas regularly to stay relevant with your audience and ahead of your competition.

Semrush makes it easier than ever to create content that ranks (no expert knowledge required).

With Semrush, you can:

  • Find topics that resonate best with your audience
  • Uncover billions of keywords to help you find new content ideas
  • Spy on competitors' content strategy and what is performing best for them
  • Track your ranking positions daily

Building & Maintaining Your SEO Strategy

SEO success does not happen overnight. It's an ever-changing field that requires constant attention and monitoring.

Ranking in Google takes time, patience, and most importantly, consistency. And this is only the beginning of your journey toward perfecting your SEO strategy.

And that's okay. Just remember - you don't have to be an expert in SEO - just someone who is willing to learn, experiment, find what works, and take action.

Tools like Semrush can provide you with all the insights and data you need to build a winning SEO strategy.

Grow organic traffic faster than ever with Semrush.

For a limited-time, Semrush is offering a free 14-day trial. No strings attached.

Try Semrush for free today

Grow organic traffic faster than ever with Semrush.

For a limited-time, Semrush is offering a free 14-day trial. No strings attached.

Try Semrush for free today

meet the author
Samantha Walls

I'm Sam Walls, COO of Starter Story - a platform and community for entrepreneurs and future founders to learn what it takes to build a great business. I joined the Starter Story team approximately 3 years ago, with the goal of providing our readers with the best, most valuable, and inspirational content on the internet.