20 Email Template Examples for Accountants [2024]

Updated: November 1st, 2022

Running a local accounting firm can be challenging. You know you do a good job, but there are so many accountants in your area that you struggle to stand out from the crowd – it’s an accountant marketing nightmare! We know how important it is for accounting firms to attract more clients and growth.

Email campaigns are one of the most cost-effective channels when talking about marketing. The ability to reach your potential customers directly and maintain communication with your present clients has endless possibilities for boosting lead generation and sales.

Here are 20 free Accountant templates to use in 2022 that will save you time and help you with your email marketing efforts.

Reaching Out To Referral Clients

title=Met you at the accounting conference Dear [[Contact Name]]

We met last week at the accounting conference at [[Location]]. This is a follow-up email about the same.

As per our conversation the other day, I thought you might be interested in trying out our accounting services.

Our company, [[Company Name]], is based in [[Location]]. We are a group of professional accountants known for providing top-notch accounting services all across the globe. We currently have a 500+ client base from various industries enjoying our services.

For our new customers, we are offering 5 free accounting consultation sessions before signing up for our services.

If you would like to use our accounting sessions, do call us on [[Contact Number]], or write us an email on [[Email ID]].

PFA a brief about our company and our services.

We look forward to having you as our esteemed client.

Thanks and Regards




[[Contact Information]]


Onboarding Email Template

title=Welcome to [[Company Name]]! Here’s what’s going to happen next… Hi [[Contact Name]],

Welcome to [[Company Name]]. It’s great to have you with us and we can’t wait to start helping you to take control of your finances and achieve your business goals.

Before we get started, there are a few things that we need from you in order to get everything set up properly. The sooner we get this, the sooner we’ll be able to kickstart your chosen services.

If you could please upload everything below using this secure link before Friday 27th that would be really helpful. It shouldn’t take more than 8-10 minutes to complete.

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Once we’ve received all of the above, your new client manager [[Name]] will give you a quick call to organize your kick-off meeting.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Speak soon,



Learn more about starting a crypto accountant:

Where to start?

-> How much does it cost to start a crypto accountant?
-> Pros and cons of a crypto accountant

Need inspiration?

-> Marketing ideas for a crypto accountant

Other resources

New Service Introduction Email Template

title=New [[Name of service]] Dear [[Contact Name]]

As a user of our services, you will be happy to know that we have launched a new service, [[Name of service]]. Under this service, you will enjoy the following features –

[[Mention all feature/benefits]]

As an introductory offer for our existing clients, we are offering a free trial for 15 days. Do revert to this email if you wish to use our new service.

Check out this link to know more about this – [[Insert Link]]

Hope you enjoy our new service/product.

Thanks and Regards




[[Contact Information]]


Thank You for Choosing Us Email Template

title=Thank you for choosing [[company name]] Hi [[Contact Name]],

We just want to take the opportunity to thank you for choosing [[company name]] as your provider of [[service(s) you provide]]. We are proud of our satisfied clientele and look forward to many years of working together.

You’ll be getting an email soon from our account representative, but if you have any questions in the meantime, you can respond to this email or call us at [[phone number]].

Thank you for your business and [[well wishes relevant to your offering]]!

The [[company name]] Team


Referral Email Template

title=Can you help us to help others? Hi [[Contact Name]],

Thank you very much for leaving that 5* review on Google recently, your support and feedback mean a lot to us.

As you know, we’re passionate about helping business owners like you to take control of their finances and achieve their business goals.

With that in mind, can you think of 3 other business owners in your network that...

Have at least 5 team members Are in the Manufacturing, Retail, or Construction sectors Want to grow their business ...and that you think would benefit from having a chat with us?

We’d really appreciate any introductions and I’m sure that if they’re anything like you, our values and beliefs will align perfectly.

Thanks for your help.



Company Introduction Email Template

title=Looking for accounting services? Dear [[Contact Name]]

I am reaching out to businesses like yours to offer professional accounting services.

As you know, accounting plays a major role in every business like yours; availing expert accounting advice can be very beneficial.

Our company, [[Name of Company]], is based in [[Location]]. We are a group of professional accountants known for providing top-notch accounting services all across the globe. We currently have a 500+ client base from various industries enjoying our services.

We are offering 5 free accounting consultation sessions before signing up for our services for our new customers. If you would like to use our accounting sessions, do call us on [[Contact Number]], or write us an email on [[Email ID]].

PFA a brief about our company and our services.

We look forward to having you as our esteemed client.

Thanks and Regards [[Name]]



[[Contact Information]]


Follow Up on a Proposal You Sent In.

title=Did you receive my proposal? Hi [[Contact Name]],

I submitted a proposal for [[PROJECT]] two weeks ago but never received a response.

Could you:

Confirm that it was received. Update me on the status.

Also, if I can add any supplementary resources, please let me know.




Feedback Survey Email Template

title=Your feedback means a lot! Dear [[Contact Name]],

Thank you for choosing [[business name]] to [[what your business offers]]. How did everything go? Your honest feedback helps me to continually improve [[your core offering]] for my clients. Would you mind taking a minute to fill out this simple, [[#]]-question survey?

[[Take the one-minute feedback survey (hyperlinked to survey)]]

Thank you in advance for helping me help you!

Best Regards,



[[contact info]]


Follow Up Email Template After Consulting Session

title=Great session today! Hey [[Contact Name]],

It was nice meeting with you yesterday! Hope what we discusses was helpful as you move forward.

[[Linked here-put the feedback form link]] is a 1-question feedback form. Any feedback you’d like to share is much appreciated, even if negative!

If you want to book additional sessions, there’s a discount code waiting for you after you complete the form.




Introducing Changed Policies (or to notify about any new) Email Template

title=Change in tax policies Dear [[Contact Name]]

The US government has recently changed the tax policies for the upcoming financial year, [[Year]]. Being our esteemed client, it is our responsibility to inform you about the same.

The attached document explains everything in detail. If you have any questions, you can call us at [[Number]], or send an email at [[Email ID]]. Don’t worry, we are here to help you with everything.

Thanks and Regards [[Name]]



[[Contact Information]]


Contract Review Email Template

title=Review meeting Hi [[Contact Name]],

It’s been great working with you over the last 12 months and watching your business go from strength to strength.

To ensure that we can continue providing the level of service you need to reach your goals, I’d like to invite you to book a time here for a fee review meeting.

During this 60-minute meeting, we’ll spend some time discussing your long-term goals, taking a look at your current financials, and making sure that we have everything in place to help you achieve your targets.

Please can you book a time here?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Speak soon,



Following Up on Prospective Client After Ghosting

title=Are we still on? Hey [[Ghoster Name]],

Last week we chatted about how I could help you [[Main Goal They Wanted To Accomplish]] so that you could [[Main Benefit They Were Looking To Achieve]].

I haven’t heard back from you, and my schedule is filling up for [[Month]].

Is this still something you’d like done?



The “In the Area” Email Template

title=A quick visit Hey [[Contact Name]],

I know you are busy, so I’ll be quick. I have several clients in your local area and will be stopping by to visit some of them next week.

If you have a few moments, I would love to stop by and drop off some information regarding our services. My schedule is flexible, so whatever works for you will most likely work for me.

You're be assured that I will be “in and out.” I only want to stop by for a few minutes, introduce myself and leave some resources behind.

Do you have any time next week? Maybe Wednesday or Thursday between 1 and 2 pm?

Let me know your thoughts!


[[Your Name]]

[[Company Name]]


First Time Client Introduction Email Template

title=Welcome to [[Name of Company]] Dear [[Contact Name]]

Thank you for signing up for our accounting services. We are happy to have you as a part of our journey.

Following are your sign up details – [[If any]]

We assure you to offer our best services.

If you face any difficulties, do contact us at [[Contact Number]], or write us an email at [[Email ID]].

We look forward to working with you.

Thanks and Regards



The “Name Drop” Email Template

title=Business acquaintances Hey [[Contact Name]],

I am writing you this note, as I recently learned that you are business acquaintances with a close friend of mine, [[Name of your friend]].

In a recent conversation with [[Name of your friend]], he mentioned that you might be interested in a new service we are rolling out.

Do you happen to have a few minutes next week to jump on a phone call or meet for lunch? I would appreciate the opportunity to share more about the service, while also getting to know each other a bit more.

I hope you are okay with me reaching out. Once [[Name of your friend]] explained your background in greater detail, I immediately realized you would be the perfect person to speak with.

Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.



[[Company Name]]


Following Up After an Inbound Phone Conversation

title=Great Speaking with You Today! Hi [[Contact name]],

Thank you for reaching out and speaking with me today.

Per our conversation, I think we can definitely help [[your business/you]] with your [[function of a business/problem that you solve]] needs. Please let me know when you’re ready to receive price estimates or if you’d like to schedule a full [[presentation]].

In the meantime, I’ve attached our brochures for you to check out to learn more about our offerings.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,



Tax Service Offering Email Template

title=Federal Research and Development Tax Credit Hi [[Contact Name]],

My name is [[Your Name]] and I’m with [[Company Name]]. We work with start-up companies to help them obtain the Federal Research & Development Tax Credit. There has been a major change in the law that now allows early-stage companies to take advantage of this significant incentive that historically has only gone to the big guys. Below is a link to a short video that provides an overview.


[[Company Name]] offers a technology-enabled tax service that provides a seamless and efficient way for companies to claim this tax credit. Do you have availability for a short call to discuss the details?




Information Request Email Template

title=Information needed by [[Date]] Hi [[name]],

We’re currently working on your monthly bookkeeping and aiming to have it finished for you by next [[Day]].

There are a couple of items that we need from you in order to finalize your bookkeeping records. Please can you upload them using this secure upload link no later than this [[Date]]? That will give us plenty of time to get everything completed for you.

Here’s what we need please:

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 If you have any questions or don’t think you’ll be able to get these to us on time, please get in touch.




Partnership Outreach Email Template

title=Partnership Outreach Dear [[Contact Name]]

I am writing this email to extend a partnership opportunity with your esteemed company, [[Name of their company]].

Our company, [[Name of Company]], is based in [[Location]]. We are a group of professional accountants known for providing top-notch accounting services all across the globe. We currently have a 500+ client base from various industries enjoying our services.

As your company also deals in the accounting industry and is renowned across the globe, I feel a partnership would be beneficial for both of us and would help us grow.

PFA a brief about our company and our services.

If you are interested in this partnership, please contact us on [[Contact Number]], or write us at [[Email ID]]. We can discuss other things in person.

We look forward to working with you as partners.

Thanks and Regards [[Name]]


Automatic Payment Reminder Email Template

title=Your automatic payment is approaching Hi [[Contact Name]],

Just a friendly reminder that the next payment for your [[policy/account/subscription]] [[ending in XXXX (if applicable)]] is scheduled for automatic withdrawal from your bank account on [[date x days from billing date]].

Amount to be withdrawn: X

No action is needed on your part, we are just keeping you in the loop! Thanks for choosing [[your business name]].



[[Company Name]]

[[Business Number]]

[[Business Email]]

[[Business Website]]


25 Accounting Email Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your Accounting

  • Tired of budgeting and accounting spreadsheets?
  • You'll probably find this useful
  • Paycheck is on its way, don't delay
  • Unleash your cash flow!
  • Feel like you're drowning in piles of paperwork?
  • We stared at your books until we saw the patterns. Now we're teaching
  • Welcome to the most powerful accounting platform, now made even more powerful.
  • How do you keep up with your business?
  • Stop wasting time and money doing your taxes manually.
  • Uh oh. Did you get some tax questions?
  • Expenses are the #1 pain point at most startups
  • This should be your New Year's Resolution
  • Late Paying Clients? Make Sure You Cover Your Bases
  • Just Got a Big Tax Refund?
  • Nothing is worse than getting an audit notice in the mail.
  • Tax season is here... don't stress out
  • How can a tax pro help you?
  • When do you plan on revising your books?
  • Did you oversleep your 1040 tax filing deadline?
  • Managing your books sucks. I made a better way
  • Hate your monthly bills?
  • Need help with Accounts Payable?
  • Is tax time stressing you out?
  • We need to talk about your taxes
  • How to infuse your accounting workflow with awesomeness


Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to Accounting for email.

How to Advertise an Accounting Firm

  • Define your customer base.
  • Do excellent work for your existing clients.
  • Network with other organizations.

How to Market Your Accounting Services to Small Business Clients

  • Create a client avatar
  • Solidify an online presence
  • Establish a robust referral program

How to Develop a Marketing Strategy to Draw New Clients to Your Accounting Firm

  • Make Accounting Firm Marketing a Priority
  • Find Your Marketplace Edge
  • Market Creatively


Free marketing emails are a great way to introduce yourself or your new business to new clients. They show that you’re serious about the recipient and can help you make a lasting impact on their minds.

We hope that you’ll find these free accounting marketing email templates helpful and that they will serve you well in your efforts to grow your business as well as win back your old clients.  

meet the author
Ankita Ghosh

I'm Ankita Ghosh and I am working with Starter Story as a content creator for more than a year. I write content around various business-related topics with the goal of helping small businesses launch and grow.