How to Go from 0 to $5,000/Month with Online Training

Updated: November 19th, 2023

At Starter Story, we find and catalogue business case studies from all over the internet, for you! This case study was not conducted by Starter Story, but it has been verified by our team. You can check out the full story here.

  • The company Fierce & Fit is owned and run by Michelle Riley-Snyder, a Latina business owner who is a certified trainer & nutrition coach. Through this online platform, Michelle assists Modern professional women in achieving the physical and mental health they truly deserve.
  • Fierce and Fit is ideal for women who need assistance juggling their personal and professional lives while also wanting to maintain their best physical and mental health.
  • Michelle offers personalized workout routines, customized meal plans, and motivation to help her clients reach their objectives.
  • She is also co-founder and co-owner of the Health and Wealth Sisters, as well as the author of the book "The Health and Wealth Sisters' 360 Action Plan".

Michelle took the business from $0 to $5K/month, mainly through social media and leveraging client relationships.


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