Bombas: David Heath and Randy Goldberg

Updated: November 19th, 2023

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Co-founders Randy Goldberg and David Heath launched Bombas in 2013 after learning that socks are the most requested clothing item in homeless shelters.

They established the brand’s mission to donate one pair of socks for every pair purchased.

Bombas co-founder and Chief Brand Officer Randy Goldberg is in charge of bringing Bombas’ stories and ideas to reality. Goldberg also looks after product design as well as community & giving. He was named the 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year by Georgetown University.

David Heath is a marketing expert and entrepreneur obsessed with discovering new company prospects. His main priority is brand marketing and targeted client acquisition through online and email offerings. He has previously worked on multi-tiered strategic collaborations and marketing strategies.

The co-founders spent 2-years of product development before launching and focused on producing the best quality.

In 2018, the company exceeded $100 million in revenue. By April 2020, Bombas had donated 35 million pairs of socks. In June 2020, the company released a collection of socks for which the company would donate an apparel item to a charity supporting LGBT youth for each item purchased.

They launched the company on Indiegogo, a crowdfunding funding website, and attained $142,000 in sales in the first 30 days.

Soon after the successful sale, Shark Tank filmed an episode that helped the company take off.

The company also raised $1 million in seed funding from friends and family a year later.
