$9000 a Month Selling Graphic Designer Stickers on Etsy

Updated: November 19th, 2023

At Starter Story, we find and catalogue business case studies from all over the internet, for you! This case study was not conducted by Starter Story, but it has been verified by our team. You can check out the full story here.

  • Tim Koa started selling stickers on Etsy as part of a side hustle in mid-pandemic in August 2020.
  • He managed to sell stickers worth around $31,682 in just one year of selling.
  • Tim talks about how he started printing stickers with a cheap printer from Amazon. It cost him so much on the ink cartridges that he decided to switch to a better quality printer.
  • His Etsy store has about 3000 visits per month on average, with a conversion rate of around 8%.


Watch the full video on youtube.com