Balancing the Grind With Arvid Kahl

Updated: November 19th, 2023

At Starter Story, we find and catalogue business case studies from all over the internet, for you! This case study was not conducted by Starter Story, but it has been verified by our team. You can check out the full story here.

  • Arvid Kahl launched The Bootstrapped Founder in 2019 - a blogging platform about bootstrapping.
  • In his blog, he discusses his experiences building and selling FeedbackPanda, a SaaS provider for online teacher productivity, in just two years.
  • Arvid makes $500/mo from The Bootstrapped Founder.
  • His newsletter on The Bootstrapped Founder has more than 2500 subscribers.
  • He uses Twitter to promote his blogging website to his 79.7K followers.


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