How Much Cash Can a Laundromat Business Really Make?

Updated: November 19th, 2023

At Starter Story, we find and catalogue business case studies from all over the internet, for you! This case study was not conducted by Starter Story, but it has been verified by our team. You can check out the full story here.

Jeff and Sarah Orgill started their Los Angeles-based laundry service company, Rosie Wash Express Laundry, in 2017.

Rosie Wash was already a fully operational business when Jeff bought it and made some changes & improvements to how the business would be operated.

Since then, he has expanded the company beyond the standard self-service coin laundry business by introducing a wash-and-fold facility with pickup and delivery choices.

In Q4 of 2020, Rosie Wash's income has more than doubled from what they were drawing, and the company’s client base has spread outside the nearby geographic region.

  • Rosie Wash generates $300K ARR.
  • Jeff uses Google My Business to attract more customers and often runs promo codes
  • He runs a loyalty card program and a raffle program to ensure customer loyalty.


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