90 Inspirational Chase Jarvis Quotes [2024] Founder Of CreativeLive

Updated: January 20th, 2022

Chase Jarvis is an American photographer, artist, director and entrepreneur.

He is the Founder and CEO of CreativeLive, An online education platform that provide classes for photography, art, design, craft & DIY, marketing, business, and entrepreneurship.

Chase Jarvis is the youngest person to be awarded as Hasselblad Master, Nikon Master, and ASMP Master.

We've put together an incredible collection of Chase Jarvis quotes to read.

Here they are:

90 Inspirational Chase Jarvis Quotes [2024] Founder Of CreativeLive

List of Inspiring Chase Jarvis Quotes

“Put bluntly, too many of us spend years, even decades, in pursuit of someone else’s plan for our one precious life.”

“This is one of the biggest secrets of the most creative, happy, successful people: Just start.”

“It’s never very clear what you’re supposed to do instead—only that pursuing creativity is lofty, selfish, or even naive.”

“We’ve been trained to avoid creative obstacles rather than risk trying to surmount them.”

“You’ve heard poets talk about, poems flowing out of their bodies; painters, they get on a roll. You all have seen the musician, when they are in that state, the guitar, the piano, whatever instrument just becomes part of their body, their ego is completely gone and it is just their connection to the art, their connection to the emotions they are trying to share with the audience- that is pure flow.”

“working on what you love is like salt, it makes everything taste a little better.”

“The problem is that the human brain evolved to keep us safe, not happy—it will resist your efforts to walk your own path because creativity challenges certainty.”

“When we are operating in shame, we too easily believe the awful thoughts about ourselves that we hear in our head. But that is not who we are. Meditation has taught me that I am not my thoughts. Practicing meditation over the years has made it much easier for me to observe and identify the voice of shame and call it out for the fraud it is.”

“In creative expression, unlike any other arena of human behavior, there is no objective measure of success, no One Right Way to do something. This means we’re always vulnerable to the lure of the easier, safer road. It’s counterintuitive, but if you value money, comfort, or convenience over your own creativity, you jeopardize all four.”

“You’re never going to get everyone you know (let alone every random person on social media) on board with your decision to pursue creativity. You’re certainly never going to have unanimous positive feedback for everything you make. In fact, if the work you put out is only celebrated, beware.”

“Two things happen when you stop holding back and start pursuing goals you actually want to achieve: PEOPLE WANT TO HELP YOU. When other people start to see how much you care, they want to join in.”

“THE PATH WILL PULL YOU. When you’re on your chosen path, you’ll find that you rarely need to push yourself to work. Instead, you begin to experience the joy and excitement of being pulled toward your objectives.”

“Every aspect of you is fuel for your creative fire.”

“Have some empathy. Acknowledge that it’s scary to watch someone you care about change in significant ways. It’s even worse to watch the person you love go where you’ve always been afraid to go yourself. It’s understandable that other people want you to be safe, but that doesn’t mean you should let them deter you from pursuing your dream.”

“The new obstacle is figuring out which dream to pursue and then cultivating and applying the necessary energy to engage in that pursuit. The internet provides access to all the world’s libraries, but it also provides access to World of Warcraft—limitless knowledge but also limitless distraction.”

“You can love your family. You can trust your friends. You can listen to their encouragement. You can hear their concerns. But in the end, you must decide what works for you. Your life is not a democracy.”

“For Starters, the excitement about the next idea masks the reality: they are abandoning their current idea.”

“That’s why we call it work,” he said. “We’re not here to make sure things already rolling downhill keep rolling.”

“Your goal should always be to become the best you, not a pretty good—or even damn good—version of somebody else.”

“In the words of the choreographer Twyla Tharp, “Skill gets imprinted through action.” Assign yourself daily drills to practice the mechanical basics of the skill, whether reviewing flash cards or working with a kitchen knife. Learning all the recipes in the world won’t make you a great chef if you can’t chop, dice, and julienne those veggies.”

“As Richard Branson once told me, “Opportunities are like buses. There’s always another one coming.”

“As you look to your own inspirations, try this: Deconstruct other people’s methods. Emulate the different elements. Analyze those parts to see which ones work for you. Then put the winners together and Repeat with the new formula.”

“This is the danger of any collaboration. Sometimes the collaborators don’t share the same incentives or the same vision. Their vision was based on their experience.”

“I’m also a collaborative learner. Once I’ve absorbed new concepts in quiet reading, I need someone to bounce ideas off to help them sink in. I absorb much better that way than by simply engaging in quiet reflection.”

“Mastery is never an end in itself; it is always a by-product.”

“No one is coming to save you. Experts are valuable when you’re learning new skills, but neither experts nor institutions are going to nurture you, guide you, or make your creative dream a reality. You’re on your own path. It’s all up to you. This isn’t a bad thing, either. Your creativity gives you the capacity to design the life you want.”

“Though it was nonlinear and nonsensical, my path made perfect sense once I truly started walking it. I’d finally discovered an outlet for everything that had been trapped inside me.”

“you can learn how to focus on and fully execute your vision through any resistance, how to capture new ideas and act on them in a manageable way. That way, you can tackle them methodically, one at a time. The scale of the output that follows will be breathtaking.”

“The only way to “fail” at creativity is to stop walking the path altogether.”

“there is always a point at which more fiddling begins to eat away at the vitality of the work. Learning when to accept that you’ve done all you can is a key creative capacity.”

“Imagine what you want to create—without limitation. Design a strategy to make your dream a new reality. Execute your strategy and smash through obstacles. Amplify your vision to create the impact you seek.”

“My answer to her was simple: Begin. Rekindle your creative craft for a few moments every day. Don’t worry about the rest right now; simply sit down and make something.”

“There used to be a prescribed path for entering any particular career. This is no longer the case. Beyond a handful of professions, many of the most rewarding jobs today are intrinsically creative. They involve doing things that didn’t even exist when the people doing them were still in school. The prescribed paths are crumbling away.”

“Listening for the call is easy, but only if you know what you’re trying to hear. Is it the murmur of the crowd—your parents, your peers, the tired cultural narrative as a whole? No. It’s that quiet voice inside. Your intuition, your heart. You know the difference.”

“The “soft” intuition we’ve been taught to ignore is actually the most vital gift we are given, not only as creators but as human beings. After a lifetime of being conditioned to ignore your gut, however, it may be difficult to tap into and trust your intuition.”

“Creators create. Action is identity. You become what you do. You don’t need permission from anybody to call yourself a writer, entrepreneur, or musician. You just need to write, build a business, or make music. You’ve got to do the verb to be the noun.”

“Pros go to work whether they’re inspired or not. They allow for imperfection in their work. They finish what they start. They share their work when it’s finished. The exceptions only prove the rule.”

“Life is messy, and without creativity, it’s incomplete. Creativity is not a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. Think of it as putting your own oxygen mask on before helping others in your row. If creativity keeps getting bumped, it’s flawed prioritization.”

“You don’t have to be good at anything yet. You can learn. In fact, you’ll begin to see the process of learning as a joy, not an obstacle. The only question that matters here is, what would you be excited to try?”

“The frustration, boredom, or resentment you might feel now is just your intuition’s way of telling you that there’s a turn up ahead.”

“The author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely.”

“To become a creator, you have to be willing to forge healthy, supportive relationships with amazing new people and reexamine any toxic relationships you’re already in. The author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely.”

“When you bring your genuine self to bear on what you do and how you do it, you can’t help but stand apart from everyone else. There is only one you—you are the highest value you can contribute.”

“Rebellion is always a reaction. That means it’s just another form of control—you are controlled by the thing you are rebelling against. It’s not a choice; it’s a trap.”

“it all starts with the volume of your work. Repetition is the mother of skill.”

“So at the beginning, go gently. If you’re just getting started with your creative practice, start small.”

“Except on a rare day with extenuating circumstances, I’ll follow my meditation with a three-minute gratitude and visualization practice. I begin with my eyes closed and make a short list of three genuine and heartfelt moments I’m grateful to have had in my life—and I relive them as if watching the experience through my own eyes and feeling those moments as fully as possible.”

“No, a calling is an intuitive hint, a tug we experience when we’re doing something that feels right: This is awesome! I’m going to keep doing this and see where it takes me.”

“All schools are prep schools in a way. They prepare you for Industrial Age careers. Your teachers and parents meant well, but our educational system was designed using a twentieth-century factory as a model, with efficiency in mind, not creativity or diversity of thought.”

“Another critical element is to keep your plan 100 percent creative. Stay out of the back office. Creative work always requires noncreative work to support it: setting up software, testing tools, learning new skills, and so on. Don’t get sucked in. Never let the admin get ahead of the real work, the making and the doing.”

“The more you narrow your creative focus, the faster you will learn and the more effective your work will become.”

“Turning an idea in your head into a tangible reality is one of life’s great satisfactions, whether the end result is a story, a photograph, a meal, or a business.”

“When we create, we give of ourselves freely, adding value and expecting nothing in return.”

“If we keep using our creative energy by making new things day after day, month after month, something incredible happens. We feel better: awake, fulfilled, whole. By creating regularly, we access a new source of vitality.”

“It’s in the lulls between flow states when we start noticing all the shiny distractions. If we don’t develop the discipline of writing those unrelated ideas down and then ignoring them as we continue our work, we will never find our way back into the flow state. We won’t finish anything, either.”

“Ultimately I realized that there was nothing noble or romantic about being busy all the time. It just meant I didn’t have my shit together.”

“People respect a wrong move made with confidence far more than a correct one made without conviction.”

“Batching similar tasks makes everything more manageable and less daunting. You might set aside a specific time each day for processing emails and one for making phone calls rather than allow these activities to proliferate throughout your day, stealing precious time from work that requires sustained concentration.”

“It requires discipline to maintain boundaries and not let other kinds of work spill in, but batching is a masterful way to protect creative work from the day-to-day interruptions that feel urgent but actually aren’t and can easily wait until you’re ready to deal with them.”

“Time is precious. Never risk it blindly. Do a risk assessment there as well.”

“Little did I know at the time that I was developing a rare but powerful tool: quitting stuff I wasn’t meant to do. This is a tool you must wield to create the life you want.”

“identifying the psychological clutter that has you weighed down—and clearing it out—can free you to be more productive than ever.”

“Do you have a spot in your home that can be dedicated to your craft? If possible,”

“Hedging your bets frees you up to play.”

“Always aim to reduce the friction involved in starting.”

“ambient sounds, or even white noise while you’re working. I wrote 90 percent of this book listening to the Productive Morning playlist on Spotify.”

“with no lyrics. Don’t neglect your other senses, either. Visual clutter in your space can be creatively fertile or a huge distraction”

“Your point of view is the highest value you can bring. Once you can create work with a distinctive and recognizable personal style over and over again, the world will unlock itself for you. Even if your work is not recognized, you will have unlocked something precious in yourself.”

“let’s face it, the quality of your life is determined by what you think and feel.”

“Making space for your work is important, but it isn’t the same as doing the work. Get yourself set up, give yourself the time, tools, and whatever space you can, and then, for the love of everything holy, start. Just start.”

“It was a blunt analysis, but creative blocks don’t respond well to finesse. You’ve got to knock them out of the way. Ryan Holiday laughs this off: “Can you imagine having runner’s block?” he said. “Go for a run.”

“Creativity itself is a habit. It’s a behavior like any other, and it can be strengthened, even made automatic. If your creative work were an effortless, joyful experience of perfect flow every day, I don’t think you’d be reading this book right now.”

“The times we are most stressed are exactly when we need to keep our creative practice on point. Microsessions of creative activity can be incredibly powerful if you’re willing to reset your expectations. Again, make the most of what you can with the time you’ve got.”

“In a misguided attempt to protect us, our brains tell us to fit in, make friends, get “likes.”

“If you never fail to do what you set out to do, you’re not learning and you’re not growing. Mistakes are a sign that you’re pushing yourself to your limits by tackling meaningful challenges.”

“We find the path forward by tracing it back to its beginning.”

“Eventually I came to realize that a calling is just that: a whisper in the distance.”

“Without a resilient creative practice, supportive creative peers, a thriving community, and a powerful mindset, life just does not have the same vibrancy.”

“Conversations with family and loved ones will be easier when they see the passion and love you bring to your craft.”

“On your path, nothing you do is perfect, but all of it is right. You’re doing the best you can with everything you have, in tune with your authentic self.”

“Think about the kindest person you’ve ever met. Positive or negative disposition? Think about the most successful person you’ve ever met. Positive or negative disposition? Think about the happiest person you’ve ever met. Positive or negative disposition?”

“What matters is that you start. All you’re deciding to do is to try. Do whatever you can with what you have. It will never feel like the right time. You will never be “ready.” Avoid preparing too much. Start before you are ready. Start with fear. Start with uncertainty. This is one of the biggest secrets of the most creative, happy, successful people: Just start.”

“When we create, we tap into something powerful inside us. We don’t control this energy as much as we channel it.”

“Creativity is the practice of combining or rearranging two or more unlikely things in new and useful ways. That’s it, though this simple definition has hidden depth.”

“Be soft and vulnerable in creating; ferocious and bold in sharing.”

“Your intuition provides directions, not destinations. Listening to the call will point you toward your path. It’s your job to walk it.”

“It was in not feeling proud enough to share my work that I realized that I was working on the wrong stuff altogether and that I’d need to leave grad school behind for good.”

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”

“When you love your work, there’s a feeling that it needs to be in the world. It doesn’t feel like “selling” if you believe your stuff will make people happier, make them think, drive social change, help people feel more fulfilled, entertained, whatever.”

“When you resist sharing proudly, you’re listening to shame. Shame is the insidious voice telling you that you’re not good enough. That if you make a mistake, it means that you’re a mistake. That if people don’t like your work, they don’t like you. Shame can be crippling for any creator. Some of us grapple with deeper feelings of shame than others, but none of us is completely immune”

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.